Iwatdatoi Station - Strip Mall - Beef Bowl Store: Som(?), Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg, Ryan, Kalastryn
Mood Music [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYXupyFb3A8]
"Okay, that's very good and all, but we really have to get going now. We've got things to see, people to do- gah, it's supposed to be the other way around!" Ella was hoping to break the talk that seemed to have ruined the moods of Teri, but hopefully that humorous slip would help things. In any case, she stared Ryan down since she knew that Teri probably wasn't comfortable with such a forward approach.
It certainly seemed to help Devon a bit, because she stood up with the half-full bowl of noodles and spoke up as well. [color=00c863]"Yeah, Teri... maybe we could head to that other place we heard about? I'm sure Cadol'd love it. Wouldn't you, little bro?[/color]
She also responded to Cadolbolg's question mentally as she placed the tip on the table. [color=00c863]Okay, Cadol... I don't really know what that 'being myself' means any more, but I can answer the second question. Basically, the broken connection gives Brother and Angie the freedom to be who they will no matter what Teri says. And yes, Som, I think it was something in our coffee. Don't know what, but it sure did taste good~"[/color]
The odd thing was that Devon hadn't quite known who she was talking about when she'd said Brother to Cadolbolg... had it been Ton-Ton or Caim?
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Akontia - The Anti-Shadow Weapon, Annie, Cz,
Mood Music [http://tindeck.com/listen/blsl]
Melethia nodded to Fuuka's response, really beginning to feel the injuries now that the temporary burst of vitality was fading off. "It's a machine, so it won't have any issues in the bag. I can promise you that it won't be moving with those shattered joints." However, she knew that she'd just have to tough the injuries for now; the bullets certainly hurt, but she'd come closer to death more than a few times prior.
With that in mind, she dryly spoke after Jenny inquired to Jake's body. "We're getting him out of here. Wanderer, if you aren't getting him, I'll toss him in with the robot. At least in death, he'll be on top of that thing." It was clear that her main focus was on getting out of there quickly instead of taking care of her own condition..
Shadow Zone(Group 2):
Mood Music [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY8JNUwSYqs]
After the fight finished, Slindis moved to Narukami while slashing her sleeve with her Evoker. [color=c200]"Joanne, this man needs aid."[/color] her Persona responded in kind, placing warm hands on the gray-haired Persona user to rapidly heal him with a Lay on Hands.
The summons was rather brief, though, and Yu was reassured by Slindis as her healing finished its work.[color=c200]"Let me know if you need more aid, but it should be more than fine to walk on for now."[/color] The Drow's statements were true, as Narukami wasn't fully healed but yet more than well enough to not use his blade for a crutch. The completion of that treatment meant that Slindis could now focus more on the panicking Ton-Ton and the fatigued David.
[color=c200]"Ton-Ton, it's just as David said. Unlike your... [sub]Brother? no, sister's the correct pronoun now...[/sub] sister, Caim can take a good deal more than that. He'll make it out. Maybe not without some injuries, but nothing near life-threatening. It's alright for you to be concerned, but keep reason in mind here. If you're truly so shaken, though, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any places he might be."[/color] After her best attempt at reassuring the stricken Tonberry, Slindis helped David get on his feet.
[color=c200]"That was some fine work, David. I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say what you did sealed the battle."[/color]