Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Jake stirred and rolled over at Jenny poking him. He hacked and coughed as he tried to get up, resting on all fours. Batting away any offered help he pointed at Cz who was still waking. Finally struggling to his feet he growled, "Status? Anyone missing? Pick her up, we're moving on."
He checked his compact PC, shaking his head as he failed to find out their location. It was a basic map without landmarks from the last area. Useless. He placed it back into it's pouch and pulled out a compass. It span wildly. Useless. Then he looked around and took stock of the situation, seeing Annie straddling the Wanderer prick who was stupid enough to try help him hold off Death with his flashy Persona, Jenny standing and looking into the distance and Melethia standing close to him with a warhammer.
And they all looked annoyed or distressed in some shape or form.
"Well. Shit."
Iwadatoi Station - Sweet Shop: Akane, Deadshot
Akane grinned at Deadshot's remark. Hunting was far too easy when the prey allowed themselves to be cornered. She simply took a step to her left and blocked the door, her hands flying to her sword and the takoyaki all but forgotten. "STOP!" she shouted.
The target now had two choices, run into Akane or be caught.
((OOC~Short and sweet but that is what happens when you plan ahead!))
After a single mental sigh, the Wanderer was about to lower the gun, even his Shadow wanted him to stop. Then the unexpected happened, Annie had tackled him to the floor and kept both his gun and body still. The Wanderer offered no resistance in getting up or raising his gun arm.
Annie began to try and calm him down, little did they know that the Wanderer was already mentally calm. " ... fine." The Wanderer said as he lifted his arms up in non-resistance. Soon enough the Wanderer got Annie off of him and got onto the ground and sighed. Then he noticed the tearful Jenny and the lecturing of Melethia. "The asshole isn't hurt ... but I'm going to punch him at one point ... and if he does one more bad thing, I will place a bullet in his skill." The Wanderer said with a hidden insane like smile.
Even with him wearing a helmet, they could all see his intense glowing blue eyes. He just stayed silent as he began to lead the group forward, he ignored all chatter. ("You should be thankful that you didn't kill him.") The Shadow lectured him as well, and the Wanderer said the next thing out loud.
"Something like that would usually you killed ... in our world, I have killed people for putting others in danger ..."
Looking ahead, the Wanderer pulled out his two guns once more. The aura of anger surrounded him and the next time he would look at Jake, he would look at him as if he was a target, prey for the taking. Someone who he would kill for the better of the world, for better or worse.
Yu Narukami and group 2.
Location: Shadow Realm | ???
Yu Narukami still held out his Arcana card to light up the small area around him, looking towards David and then Slindis in the conversation, Yu was just nodding along, he wasn't much for words in times like this. "David-san ... " Yu was about to say but his head moved to the side, he did not know what to say to someone like this, with someone with confidence issues like this.
"Anyhow ... moving on would be the best option." Yu said as he went to the front of the group and readied his Arcana and katana just in-case.
Paulownia Mall - Club Escapade: Rugal, Mr. Skin
Mood Music []
Mr. Skin flexed his fingers lightly on his cane and sighed, "Alright, I'll tell you this much... For a price. I know bout who Tanaka ratted you out on, seeing as you came knocking on my door. With my various 'contacts', I know more than a few things around town; including who would be purchasing those sorts of items. What I do with em, is for simple.... Buying and selling. What happens when folk use my stock is their own business. However, that Walter guy... He's the one you'd need to look after. I never seen a ************ so obsessed with smells; seeing as he should have rotten his nose out a long time ago.
Point being, you got the wrong guy. I'm just a business man who deals in the trade of delighting the flesh and the senses. What you're looking for is elsewhere. I got no business with killing anyone."
Paulownia Mall - At the Fountain: Som, Garm, Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []
Cadolbolg gave a cheerful wag of his tail and added with a slightly bashful tone, "I didn't think my choices were THAT great..."
Teri laughed, and gave the turtle dragon baby a pet on the head, [color=0E59E4]"Nonsense, Cadolbolg. Some of your ideas looked halfway wearable. Not that I'd wear skirts though. Not my style. By the way, Ella, that jacket you got was very nice. I'm sure you'll look fetching in it." "Damn shame too. Why didn't we get it again?" "Don't need it. It was a simple thing I only wanted at the time." "God, you're so irritatingly boring and responsible and money conscious."
"We may need it for food too, you know." "Sadei, help! She's being more boring than YOU! Not to mention, you still haven't told your friends about all those nasty homesick feelings you're hiding away... Like how that coffee shop reminded you of the one at school, or the clothes store being close to home..."
"It's not important. What is important is looking after Devon and Dad."[/color]
Garm gave a happy rub of the head against Ella's side again, answering, [color=356D60]"This is joyous news! I am very happy to hear of your success! It makes all my waiting for you all the more worth it! I wish I could come with you to your beef bowls, but I am afraid my duty calls me elsewhere... However, Tear-ri has promised me plenty of delicious food after all is said and done."[/color]
After hearing Garm's mild complaint, Teri gave the wolf a good hard scratch behind the ears, [color=0E59E4]"You've been doing a very good job, my friend. I'll make sure to cook up something with the imps for you, I promise."
"As for the beef bowls, will you be joining us, Mr. Waterford, or do you intend to take your investigation elsewhere?"[/color]
Garm (unaware of his Pup's mental struggles) walked back to the Fountain, giving a hearty chuckle in Som's mind when he gave one final note to the Hunter, [color=356D60]"I hold no objections to you following my Pup and her friends, Hunter. I can tell that you greatly wish to.... Perhaps for not the reasons you might not disclose.
Simply know this, Hunter. I have raised many pups. I am no fool as to your possible intentions. I will abide so long as you keep proving yourself worth our time.
As for your question, another time when I am more free... Go on."[/color]
((Insert Som's responses here))
Iwatdatoi Station - Stip Mall - Beef Bowl Store: Som(?), Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []
No pictures of the interior, I'm afraid, but here's a decent video on how to make some. Made me hungry to watch.
Ever the nonchalant, the people of the restaurant didn't seem to mind when the eclectic group of Hunter, Ladies and Turtle Dragon baby took their seat in the establishment... heck, the usually busy eatery seemed to be... Lacking? According to the people they asked for directions from along the way said this place was always prolific in customers.
A man with ginger hair and eyes the color of honey, who was sitting in a booth across the group's, gave a heavy sigh and looked over to the group, "Oh what do you know? Some new blood in this venue. You're the newest faces I've seen in here all week. Damn shame, this place.... It's always sad to see such good places like this start to go under..."
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Akane, Deadshot
Mood Music []
Even with Akane on the block, the man didn't seem discouraged. Giving a guttural cry, the infected man dropped his shoulder into a charge, appearing hell bent to knock himself and Akane out of the door....Even if there was a drop over the railing outside the store.
((I wasn't able to properly convey this with screenshots, but the strip mall has three levels, with two up a set of stairs. The Sweet shop is on the 2nd or 3rd.
"What- Grrr. No! Get off! CAI-...."
Caim blinked for a moment, somewhat oblivious to what was going on around him and motioned to Ton Ton, who had finally arrived on the scene,
"Hey, try to reach Angelus."
[color=15650D]"What, you can't hear her?"[/color]
"Just... try."
Ton Ton paused for a moment, and then Evoked Galahad into existence, the Knight [] with the Chalice appearing for a moment before Ton Ton shook his head, [color=15650D]"Sorry, Caim. I got nothing. Why? Is something wrong?"[/color]
Caim's face blanched further, the panic readily apparant on his face as he forced himself ahead, picking up his son and placing Ton Ton on his shoulders,
"Angelus told me that Jake is with her group, wherever they were. However, when she spoke with me, she sounded far away. I think it's either something to do with this realm that affects our ability to communicate with each other, or the same sort of thing that's affecting the rings."
Ton Ton turned to the darkness behind and held up his little lantern, [color=15650D]"Think this means I got the rear."[/color]
After Ton said this, the party heard one moment of grace descend upon them, as Fuuka's voice began to speak,[color=5F8B7F][small]"Hello? Hello?! It's me[/small] Fuuka! Ah, there we are... It appears what the Reaper's done has forced your group to hit two separate sectors of the same floor. I sense that you're not too terribly harmed, but... I'll keep this channel open, but I don't know if I can help you communicate with one another, as you did with your Rings. There seems to be a timer on how long that effect will last. I'm clocking it for a couple more minutes... Also, There is a strong Shadow in your area, as well as...Something else. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly. Be careful; and I'll check on the other group."[/color]
After that, as the group began to wander in the darkness, something moved in the corner of David and Slindis' vision. With the mild illumination granted by both Constance's shots and Ton Ton's lantern, they were almost certain that they saw something moving from their sides... But what?
None the less, the further the party proceeded, the more that an electrical hum began to ring in the air... Which brought the party to- A generator?! [] What the hell was this thing?
"Looks like something the Empire would make... Doesn't give me any familiarity with it though. Anyone a tech expert here?"
[color=5F8B7F]"Hhmn... Don't touch it. I'm going to analyze it further before anything else is done...."[/color]
As Fuuka went silent again, the party was left to their own devices... What could the machine be? And where could that supposedly great Shadow be off to?
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Mood Music []
With tensions mounting between the group members, Jenny, Melethia and Jake (seeing that Annie and Wanderer were currently trying to talk things out) heard the slight whirring of machinery in the air, coming from somewhere in the darkness around them- Right before Fuuka cut in,
[color=5F8B7F]"Hello? Can anyone on this side hear me? It's Fuuka. I just got in contact with your other party members, and they seem to be alright, as well as close to something that might be important... Could I get a sound off from all of you? Your other group seems to be worried. What's more, I see that there is a great wall separating the two groups. You're going to have to go up before you'll be united again, unfortunately..."[/color]
After that, more whirring filled the air, and lo, a scarlet Javelin shot out of the darkness; unprecedented, and straight towards Annie....
((Alright guys, before ANYONE reacts to this section, I have express asking from Jakeman to take first dibs.))
Shadow Zone: ???: Angelus
Mood Music []
"My, My, My...What a fine little mess you got yourself in..."
Angelus groaned as she looked around the place, and took a grip on her dagger, and muttered quietly, "Having a Persona means I can fight Shadows. It'll just be a little harder than usual..."
A hefty chuckle reverberated in the walls of the catacombs, and the Shadow spoke back, "Oh? I wouldn't count upon that, Me. You see, I've noticed quite a few things about us..."
Angelus groaned again, and continued walking, "I've no time for this. CAIM! TON TON! ANYONE? Can anyone hear me?!" "Ah, calling your knight and your false son to your aide then? No wonder you've fallen so low..."
"Silence, you. "I shall not! You have gotten lazy, living off the fat of human convenience! Have you forgotten what it means to be a dragon?""
Angelus scoffed, "This would not be the first time I've been forced into this form, and it will probably not be the last. I know what being a dragon means, 'myself'. I do not need anything to validate that."
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Akane, Deadshot
Mood Music []
Even with Akane on the block, the man didn't seem discouraged. Giving a guttural cry, the infected man dropped his shoulder into a charge, appearing hell bent to knock himself and Akane out of the door....Even if there was a drop over the railing outside the store.
Akane was surprised at this move. "Deadshot!" she shouted before stepping to the right and drawing her sword in one clean motion into an uppercut from her low stance. A flash of white and the sword swung full and true, landing a clean blow into the belly of the charging monster.
Akane grimaced as she did so, feeling resistance. She had meant to draw her katana, blade only, not with the sheath still on it!
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Scene music (Highly recommended to listen to whilst reading!) []
More whirring filled the air, and lo, a scarlet Javelin shot out of the darkness; unprecedented, and straight towards Annie....
A cry from Jennie and the flash of Melethia moving to intercept the scarlet javelin both happened at the same time Jake saw it. From the corner of his vision he could tell Annie would not be able to move out of the way in time nor would Melethia be able to intercept it. On pure instinct he moved at full speed towards the path of the javelin.
One step, two steps, three steps, leap and twist sideways-
Time slowed for Jake as he felt the impact. Sound died out and nothing remained but the searing pain and falling sensation. Then reality set in and everything went numb. His body fell to the floor with a dull thunk as his rifle clattered to the ground near him. Blood began to pool around him from the hole the javelin had made punching through his guts. Pain seared through his body. Jake tried to roll onto his back but couldn't because of the javelin still embedded in him. He tried to cry out in pain but no sound could he make, only gasp breathlessly. Not even the voices in his head were there, only excruciating pain. He distantly heard a scream.
Paulownia Mall - At the Fountain: Som, Garm, Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []
Devon smiled at Cadol's statement. [color=00c863]"I'll try them on more when we get back, Cadol. You really were sweet in helping... Certainly made it a lot easier to go through."[/color] Cadol still couldn't quite tell where this change had happened, but darn if it wasn't a really nice change from how Devon had been acting over the last week.
Meanwhile, Sadei decided to back up Tama to get Teri out of that funk. [color=b05fe9]"Teri, you need to take care of yourself too! Geez, just look at this like a day off for yourself also. Who knows? Maybe she got the jacket for you."[/color] Sadei's interjection was rather blunt, and something more akin to Tama.
After that, Ella responded back to Garm. "Yeah, we'll have a better night tonight. You might be invited, too, although I ask that you don't lick Devon's toes or fingers for that night. I know it sounds weird, but you'll know when the time comes."
Ella's focus then shifted outwards to the Hunter as she extended a hand out to him. "Now, would you like to join us? It may sound odd, but we can't find things out on an empty stomach." The succubus' companion also nodded, seeming willing to have Som alongside them for the day.
Iwatdatoi Station - Stip Mall - Beef Bowl Store: Som(?), Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []
Devon greeted the man with a smile (Although the eyes were rather reminiscent of something she'd remembered seeing in a game a long time ago) and looked around in the shop. For the time of day, the shop only had four tables filled - this wasn't very packed at all. [color=00c863]"Excuse me, but what's happened to the normal customers? Were they scared off by someone, or did another shop open up down the road?"[/color] Her statement was accompanied with a gentle patting of Cadol's head, clearly a nervous habit even if it did look a bit motherly.
Ella was more concerned about the lack of people, but she realized she'd forgotten to hand the jacket over to Teri. "Here, I knew it would look great on you. It's just your size, and I already got rid of the receipt after seeing a small scratch in the leather." Was Ella insisting on Teri having the jacket?
As the others tried to get a better idea of what was happening with the machine or with Angelus, Slindis was more focused on those glimpses she saw. It was hard to tell what they were, but she already had a strong feeling that it wasn't anything good.
[color=c200]"There's some movement out there! Everyone, stay on guard: I doubt it's one of ours."[/color] With that, she dropped into that defensive stance in case they were attacked by whatever was in there while checking on Yu and Constance. After all, she had the feeling that neither of them could see quite as well in this light as they'd like to.
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Mood Music []
Melethia quickly responded to Fuuka's call out before the javelin went through Jake. When that moment happened, there was a sudden if subtle change in Melethia. "Any of you that can heal, Get 'em up an' goin! Ain't no way I want any of my men dyin' in this pit, an' I'll get that thing off us." Following that statement, she pulled out her Evoker blade and slashed at her throat to summon Andras.
"Seek my foe out and eviscerate them. Leave nothing standing to oppose us." Her owl-like persona gave a cry to battle, then used its good eyesight to track down its prey alongside Gaea.
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Mood Music []
Annie knelt over Jake and he somehow found his voice again. She called forth her Persona, the rage more than evident on her face. "Betcha wanna know why... You're part of the Crew. You're a mate." he said softly.
"Any of you that can heal, Get 'em up an' goin! Ain't no way I want any of my men dyin' in this pit, an' I'll get that thing off us." Following that statement, she pulled out her Evoker blade and slashed at her throat to summon Andras.
"Seek my foe out and eviscerate them. Leave nothing standing to oppose us." Her owl-like persona gave a cry to battle, then used its good eyesight to track down its prey alongside Gaea.
Jake shook his head at Melethia's order. They didn't have anyone with the power to help him now. He mustered up a reserve of something and spoke again. "Don't worry bout me. I'm too far gone. In one of me pouches is a flask... I would like one last drink..."
It was clear Jake was beyond saving. His fragile body had been skewered with something it could never withstand. The Author's time was up.
'At least I'm not a liar... I welcome death with open arms...' he thought as he lay bleeding out.
Just as the steps of the Wanderer began to hum down the hallway, a more sudden sound stole the moment. A large spear or javelin flew past besides the Wanderer. The sound he heard afterwards was a loud "*THUNK*", screaming and then the sounds of falling and yelling. Looking backward the Wanderer could see Jake standing with the projectile inside of him, with the pale face of a almost dead man. Yet within the helmet of the Wanderer he smiled and yet he did not know why.
The body of Jake fell to the floor and soon blood began to flow. The Wanderer began to walk back to the scene instead of summoning his Persona and defending the group, indeed he did hear the words of both Annie and Melethia about trying to save the Author, but the Doctor knew well, Death was upon the group, the feeling that the Wanderer knew well. Stomping in the blood of Jake, the Doctor/Wanderer stopped suddenly.
Kneeling down slowly, he pulled out a phial out of nowhere and filled it with the blood. ("So ... I'm guessing we're picking this up so we will find out a way to stop these 'Authors' in the future?") The Shadow whispered to the Doctor, knowing well that there is a dead man in front of them. Nodding to himself, the Wanderer placed the full phial away quickly and took a single glance at the dying man, getting up he stepped out of the pool whilst leaving blood footprints behind.
Walking to the direction of the danger, the Wanderer turned him head, his eyes had a burning feeling to them. "I would say your goodbyes ... there is nothing I can do, his veins, arteries and vital organs have all be destroyed. He is meant to die ..." He bluntly put before started to just walk to where the danger came from.
Yu Narukami and group 2.
Location: Shadow Realm | ???
The darkness that surrounded the group made Yu worried, the Persona master knew that those shots from Constance would have definitely attracted enemies. Lifting up his hand, the blue light surrounding him expanded a little more due to the teenager wanting more comfort in this terrible situation.
Becoming more and more paranoid, Slindis finally gave out a order to the silent group. Nodding towards her, Yu called his Persona quietly, as if he was not trying awake the shadows surrounding the group. "Izanagi, protect us." Yu called, then his Persona faded to the side of Yu, it's faint stomps was aware of the situation and tried to stay silent.
"Walter, Eh?...That helps narrow it down. Your suggestion is noted." Rugal said as he finished his beer, leaving the empty bottle down on the counter before pulling out his wallet. "Say 500 American will cover the door? Though personally, I think you should get some of those Indian Beads might make for a more appealing entrance, Let the kiddies see what they are missing out on before they pay to get in." He said before handing Mr. Skin some cash from his own wallet, knowing it was faster then beating up everyone. "Now then...I better give this Walter a visit. I thank you for your time and sorry again for the Door." Rugal then said before he walked out, picking up his jacket on the way out. 1 down, 4 to go... He thought before making his way over to the Flower Shop at the Port Island Station to find this "Walter".
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Deadshot, Akane
"Shit!" Deadshot cursed as he watched Akane seemingly slashed the Infected with her sword. "Oh well...Guess we'll doing this the american way..." He sighed as he caught up and said "Tazer!" before firing a wire onto the infected.
Once it hit, he turned up the juice and began shocking the infected into submission. "I KNOW IT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE IT, BUT WERE TRYING TO HELP YOU!" He shouted as he watched the infected trash from the high voltage flowing though his body.
Shadow Zone: Strike Team #1: Jenny, Annie, Cz, Wanderer, Melethia
Jenny was on the verge of breaking down as Jake took the blow for Annie and Angelus seemed to disappear.
When Wanderer gave the group their diagnosi- "YOU'RE A USELESS DOCTOR!" She shouted as she did everything she could to keep Jake alive, applying pressure to the wound as well as doing CPR. "N-No, Jake, Please...Come back...I'm sorry..." She begged in vain as the Author passed from this world and into the next. ".....*Sniff*...Jake..." She sobbed before breaking down into tears as she hugged the lifeless body, blaming herself for this happening.
Shadow Zone: Strike Team #2: David West, Caim, Constance, David, Slindis, Ton Ton, Yu
"Ahhhh...The Universe was being a dick to us so it spawned the Generator nearby. About time our luck improved...." David theorized as he examined the machine.
"Yo, Fook-ca (Fuuka), This is the Objective right? Shadow Zone generator? So...What, cut the red wire?..." He asked as he began looking for something that looked like a power source.
Shadow Zone: ???: Angelus
"Hhmhmhmhmhm...ahhhh, you can stop lying to yourself. Face it, no True Dragon would have fallen at Venturas..." The Shadow taunted, reminding Angelus of her close call at the hands of Annie's Titan Form. "...And let me guess, you would have fared better?..." "Almost certainly. The years have dulled you, Angelus. I'm merely trying to remind you of what you used to be...
"Tch! What nonsense...I haven't changed at al-" "Then let me allow you to prove it then."
Before the two sides could bicker anymore, the sound of armored footsteps running towards the Mortal Dragoness began to echo loudly though the hallway.
"Halt! You don't belong here you lowly harlot!" a guardsman shouted as Angelus found herself in-between 4 pairs of Armoured Knights, blocking her way forwards and back. "Now then...These Knights wouldn't be a problem to a real dragon. So they shouldn't be an issue to you, Hm?...Don't worry, I'll be here to call your Nobel Knight for aid when you fall..." The Shadow taunted as the knights pulled out their longswords.
Needless to say, the fact that Angelus had nothing but a dagger was a fact that the Shadow either oversaw or didn't care for...
Location - Shadow Realm: Jake, Annie, Jenny, Wanderer, Angelus, Melethia, Cz
I Still Call Australia Home [] "... Jake ..." Annie said sadly as she helped him have one last drink of scotch. The burn down his throat was a welcoming feeling, but it could not stave off the cold he felt.
"I would say your goodbyes ... there is nothing I can do, his veins, arteries and vital organs have all be destroyed. He is meant to die ..." The Wanderer bluntly put before started to just walk to where the danger came from. "YOU'RE A USELESS DOCTOR!" Jenny cried out, the pain echoing in her voice.
Jenny felt a hand take one of hers. It was cold and clammy yet warm with blood. "Jenny..." Jake whispered. The tiniest of tugs from the dying Author urged her to lean in closer. "Me PC has me will. Stay strong Jenny, tha crew need ya more than me. Tell Akane... I'm sorry." he whispered into Jenny's ear.
His hand went slack and the life began to flow out of his ice blue eyes behind his glasses. He let his head rest against the cold pavement, a sad smile forming on his face as he closed his eyes one last time.
"An' someday we'll all be togetha once more,
when all of tha ships come back to tha shore,
I'll realize something tha I've always known,
I still... [small]call Australia... Home...."[/small]
"N-No, Jake, Please...Come back...I'm sorry..."
Annie's hair covered most of her eyes, and if anyone paid attention... she had a tear stroll down her cheek.
".....*Sniff*...Jake..." She sobbed before breaking down into tears as she hugged the lifeless body, blaming herself for this happening.
Seeing this boiled Annie's blood. She rose up slowly, and had a look of a hieratic. Annie surged her emotions through Gaea, in which the Persona was free to act on it's own accord. Instead of standing there on the defense, she took off in a heartbeat with crystal plating on the arms.
She passed up the Wanderer, and left Melethia's Persona behind only to spot the android girl. With that in mind, Gaea brought up her fist and shot it down with the force that would break apart a building.
[color=c200]"David, we can focus on that after we find out what's in those shadows. As it stands, I'm only getting glimpses of them."[/color] She took clear note of Narukami and Constance getting ready for whatever was coming while trying to get a good idea of what they would be fighting.
(Shakes magic 8 ball)
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Mood Music []
THe young girl's change was going even further as she coldly responded back to Jenny. "I didn't know him, Jenny, but he won't be buried alone. Andras, continue as planned. No quarter, razed earth, all of that. Before that dies, it will know fear." Another slash with her Evoker blade summoned Andras again, and the owl-headed Persona tried to jab at Akontia.
As the group began to face the Author's killer, the Wanderer heard the insult from Jenny. Turning around quickly, his eyes locked onto her, burning still. Inside the helmet he still smiled, these people, did they know that Authors did not truly die, but not even the Wanderer was certain about this fact. Focusing on Jenny though, the Doctor spoke with annoyance and anger.
"If I am useless, what would that make you!?"
This was not a insult nor something to get back at her, it was a fact. If a miracle Doctor could not help the Author, no one could. If a person is suppose to die, they die. Turning away quickly once more except with the aura of anger around him, the Wanderer summoned his Arcana card, "PERSONA!" He yelled loudly through the hallway. "Kannon, tear it apart!" He blatantly yelled as his Gundam persona was summoned.
The two charged forward.
Guns drawn.
Tired of all.
Shadow Zone: Strike Team #1: Jenny, Annie, Cz, Wanderer, Melethia
While She was busy grieving, Wanderer's remark stuck a cord with Jenny as she sobbed bitterly into Jake's chest. "Precisely, what ARE you good for?..." A voice in her head replied, causing her to freeze. "...No....Not me too..." "Sorry Sweetie, this is only going to get worse from here..." Her shadow taunted, causing the distressed Pokemon even more grief,
As the others set about giving chase to Jake's attacker, she found herself unable to move, knowing full well what her Shadow had planned. "...It's all my fault..."
Shadow Zone: Strike Team #2: David West, Caim, Constance, David, Slindis, Ton Ton, Yu
As Slindis watched the perimeter, David was focusing more on the machine.
"If the Intel was right, this should be linked to the Shadow Zone pockets in the city. The less people who wander into this place the better..." He said, more focused on getting this contraption shut down then the supposed Shadows in the area.
"Hell, if we are lucky, taking this thing out might even get rid of some of the creatures too." He said before he finally pryed his eyes away, seeing nothing but darkness. List of things I need: Night Vision... He thought as he kept his M500 ready to fire.
Port Island Station - Rafflesia: Garm, Rugal, Walter o'Dim
Mood Music []
When Garm tailed after Rugal, he saw that he had made his way to a completely different part of town, and to... A flower shop? Either way, Garm kept his way along, doing his best to act like an oversized, but friendly, stray (even if the collar was something of a giveaway).
As for Rugal, who did not seem to notice (or care) the fuzzy follower, when he came upon the flower shop previously mentioned by Mr. Skin. And, true to Tanaka's description, there was a man wearing a hoodie, hood up, and a pair of sunglasses on, glancing at some of the wares offered. Upon further inspection, Rugal could see that the guy was rather keen on getting the scent of each flower he passed by...
Paulownia Mall - At the Fountain: Som, Garm, Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg
Mood Music []
Cadolbolg wagged his tail again, a pleased smile on his face as he said, "Glad to be of assistance! Er, whatever it was I did? I just picked stuff I thought looked pretty."
Teri paused in thought, and addressed the staff (who was currently in the form of an arm braclet)[color=0E59E4]"...Well, I was thinking this day was more for Devon, Ella and Dad's sakes. I wasn't really thinking I'd get a rest while we were here. Besides, Ella needs me for the Operation, not for me to laze on the job. As for the jacket, I think she just got it for herself. It doesn't surprise me she has good taste."[/color]
As for Garm, he gave a slightly perplexed nod, and (after the party left), ghosted himself in Rugal's footsteps, doing what he could to remain undetected.
Iwatdatoi Station - Strip Mall - Beef Bowl Store: Som(?), Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg, Ryan
Mood Music []
The ginger haired man shook his head, "Nah, it's nothing so serious as someone shaking off customers. Rather, the honey in this store just isn't as attractive here as some other places, if you know how the old saying bout flies goes..."
He took a hearty bite of his beef bowl and swallowed, continuing, "You see, that Wild Duck Burger place has some new item on the menu, and it's been drawing in customers like crazy. Dunno what they're putting in their meat, but I'm more than happy to get my beef bowl on. Mhmm mhmn...."
Cadolbolg gave a happy bite of his meat (while enjoying all the pettings he was getting) to punctuate this, and added, "Well, burgers can be pretty nummy too. Maybe people just want more burgers in the summer? Burgers make me think of summer... Then again, I like all kinds of food, so maybe I'm not the best to ask..."
As for Teri, she was a bit more absorbed in the sudden gift. After blinking with surprise when she saw the very nice leather jacket being handed off to her, Toyotama crying out in joy, [color=0E59E4]"Score! Got ourselves a jacket! Dude, told you it was a sweet find."
"Wow.. Chalk one up to you, Sadei. Looks like you were right about the Jacket. But this is awfully nice of her. Wonder why?"
"Oh my, thank you very much Ella! But really, you didn't have to do this..."[/color]
As she ran her fingers over the material, the succubus could see that the Cleric certainly looked a bit confused about WHY she was getting the item at at all.... Which also carried over when a dragon shaped person addressed her by name.
Without a second thought, Teri stood up in alarm and took a stance that Devon recognized as Slindis' Ocean Stance. In a cautious tone, Teri asked, [color=0E59E4]"Who are you, and how do you know my name? You're not any dragon I'm familiar with." "Devon, Ella, you don't happen to know if anyone's told the outside world about Authors, do you..?"[/color]
In the meantime, the ginger man looked over the dragon guy, Teri's alarmed reaction, and then asked, "So I take it none of you know this cosplayer?"
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Akane, Deadshot
Mood Music []
At the sight of both Akane cutting down the runner, and Deadshot tazing the daylights out of him, the most reasonable reaction overtook the current occupants of the store:
Panic, and yell stuff at the assailants who were currently blocking the door.
"Holy shit!"
"Someone call the police!"
"Please, if you want some candy, just take it and go! Just don't hurt the kids!"
Of course, this wasn't going to do the duo any favors with Mitsuru... And it wasn't going to be long before the police pulled in.
((Remember what Mitsuru told you!))
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Mood Music []
There was a gasp in each of the group's mind from their current mission control, no doubt as pained as the rest that one of their number had been struck down so easily, [color=5F8B7F]"No.... I'm so sorry.... And I'm afraid it's about to get worse. Akontia's closing in. I'm going to preform a scan of her once she comes into view."[/color]
At that, it was then that the glow of the appearing Personas and the light of gunfire revealed something about the javelin currently impaled in Jake's chest. There was a wire attached.
With a heavy sounding *SHNK*, the wire and the Javelin dislodged themselves from Jake's abdomen and zoomed quickly into the darkness, and from more to the east, rather than straight ahead like Annie and the Wanderer were going...
Silence overtook the room for a moment, before the cry of "Bellona, destroy the Shadows. MARAGI!" filled the air, and a racing column of fire [] was beginning to speed toward each of the group members.
In the light of the fires, however, the group could see the perpetrator [] in question, wielding the now bloody Javelin as the fires sped ahead. No expression lay on her face, no remorse, no anger, only determination to eliminate those before her. In fact, it almost reminded Melethia of herself...
When Fuuka's voice came on again, the group noticed that she sounded distinctly shaken, but she answered none the less, [color=5F8B7F]"I-i wouldn't do anything to the machine quite yet. It's what is, keeping the world here up and running, and you're friends are beginning to engage the Anti-Shadow Weapon - Akontia. I'm worried what might happen if we don't extract you properly before shutting it down with the equipment we used last time... Wait. I'm sensing something else here. It feels really strong. Be careful..."[/color]
No sooner had Fuuka made mention of the Shadow, a blast of light energy hit Ton Ton, (who had dismounted from his father's shoulder to investigate further with his little lantern). With a small grunt and a readying of the knife, the Tonberry called out, [color=15650D]"I think I found it!"[/color]
Well, if he wasn't so small (or the distance that he was from the party), perhaps the lantern could have provided a better view for the others. Because, unbeknowst to those lacking proper vision gear (or didn't have darkvision like Slindis), some bloated thing [] was beginning to creep it's way towards the group; trying to get a hit in before it was properly noticed. Covered in strange tubes, the conjoined beast gave a bellow before spinning in the air, and pointing at David; and shoot a bolt of darkness at the Irish Soldier.
Shadow Zone: ???: Angelus
Mood Music []
Angelus gulped when the group of knights closed in, and did what she could to fend off the first set of attacks, but alas, as good a dagger as Kingsblood was, it was not meant for use against this many targets.... Well, in the hands of anyone not named Caim. Seeing her pact partner with the weapon had granted her an overconfidence in it's capabilities, and her not having been able to understand Slindis' teachings had made things that much worse. The swords cut into her flesh, inciting repeated hisses of pain from the dragoness. And that was when the Shadow's mocking tone came in again, the entity clad in her form [] as it descended the staircase to the floor where Angelus was currently being wailed upon;
"A moment, good knights."
The knights abated from their beating for a moment, and the Shadow spoke again,
"Oh dear, already you're relying on human means to an end... Why can't you be the dragon you 'truly' are? Where is your fire? Certainly, you could keep them away with that? Now, don't kill her yet, my knights. I need her to be able to speak..."
With a wave of her hand, the knights began again, doing their worst to rough up the dragoness, the yellow eyes glinting in the darkness as Angelus attempted a retort to the Shadow, "*cough* Don't you know? You're my Persona, aren't you? You have it!"
The Shadow gave a titter, and shook her head, "'Persona?' No, I am far more visceral and real than that... I am you, Angelus. Or rather, what you could be, if you stopped holding yourself back. Even if you have grown in strength from the pact, enough to defeat the Wyrm; it is not enough. Why, in Los Venturas, you were bested not by an army- no- a single human with some toys. How embarrassing is that? The great Angelus, destroyed because she couldn't control herself.
Why, isn't that something Caim was bad about? Weren't you better than humans? I thought that's where a good portion of your pride came from? In that you couldn't be just as weak, stupid, or shortsighted as any other human? And yet, here you are; without your fires, in love with a mortal (and your pact partner no less), and bested by these mortals around you. I dare say, you're just as much a mortal as the rest of your crew members are."
Angelus gave a cry of anger, and shoved the dagger into one knight's gut, but it didn't seem to have that great of an effect; seeing as Kingsblood wasn't in it's master's hands, and called back, "THAT'S A LIE!"
"Is it? Then why are you so angry?"
"Because - AH - I've got - to listen - to you whilst - I'm dealing with these - men!" "Ah yes, Men. Another source of your troubles. Why haven't you busted out of that pact yet? Because you love Caim? Because you feel loyal to the Rising Dawn? Cadolbolg? Devon? All of those are related to men, last I checked... [small]Well, Devon was originally a man, so she still counts.[/small] Either way, Angelus, I think that part of the reason you diminished, is because you've gotten used to letting men do all the hard work! Not that it doesn't have it's perks... why, before that incident with Philemon, you and Caim seemed to be getting awfully friendly with one another. A nice little break from dealing with the kids, wasn't it? A shame that realizing your Prince had allowed someone to be tortured. Really ruined the mood."
Another angry cry was let out, followed by one of pain as Angelus had tried to shove the blade into a knight's neck, and was sliced down the back for her efforts, to which she desperately called out, "SHUT UP! I am not diminished! I am still myself! I am still a dragon! Being in this disguise doesn't change any of that!"
The Shadow stopped for a moment, as if she had misheard the dragon for a moment; and then opened her mouth to laugh, and laugh, and laugh, "Oh, that is... Oh, it's too much! How blind are you? Do you not realize it? You're more human than you've ever been. I dare say, you may have forgotten how to be a dragon. So much so, I think that I, your potential, have become less for it. A damn shame, really. Flying used to be so sweet a taste... Even with a mortal mounted on my back."
Angelus had enough of this, even with one more slice going to her side, she bellowed out, "You, a simpering twat, MY potential?! HA! There is no possible way, you could be any sort of piece of me!"
The Shadow paused again, and looked down to her hands, her eyes wild and bright as she spoke, "Really? Oh....OH....Ha. Ha ha! HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA~!"
Oh dear. Looks like things were going to get MUCH worse...
Port Island Station - Rafflesia: Garm, Rugal, Walter o'Dim
Alright, here's hoping this man is relatively normal... Rugal thought as he walked towards the Flower shop, watching as his mark as he creepy admired each and every flower. "If I owned a Flower shop, I'd charge for what you were doing." He remarked as he broke the ice and got Walter's attention. "Rugal Bernstein, I'm an Friend of Tanaka's. He needed to get some details on those..."Goods" he sold to you. Just we've been getting some irregularities in our books so we need to do a follow up. The Terms of the Deal are still the same, only checking to see if we missed something..." He lied rather well, If Tanaka sold this man any drug making chemicals, he would get it faster this way then beating him to a pulp in a public place.
Speaking of Public Acts of Violence...
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Akane, Deadshot
Mood Music []
"Holy shit!"
"Someone call the police!"
"Please, if you want some candy, just take it and go! Just don't hurt the kids!"
"....gah, jeez...umm...IT'S OKAY! WE..."ARE"...THE POLICE!...YEAH, ALL CIVILIANS STAND BACK! THIS MAN IS DANGEROUS!" Deadshot lied as he tazed the infected into submission before he rolled him on his stomach before putting zip cuffs on his wrists to give the impression that he was legit. " Investigator Akane...Umm...Let's Charge him and Take him back to the station!" He then slowly and loudly explained as he picked the Infected Man up, not for Akane's benefit, but for the crowd around them. [sub]"If we get stopped, you do the talking-slash-flirting. I don't have the looks for it..."[/sub] he then whispered to the Kitsune as he began taking the man to the nearest exit, hoping to get out of here before the police showed up.
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Jenny recoiled in horror as the Javelin that took Jake's life was viciously yanked from his lifeless body.
Despite everything she had gone thought with the Rising Dawn, Jenny was still woefully unprepared for something like this.
Unable to really think, she just attempted to run from the fire, Still fighting off sobs as she did.
However, with how much the crying took out of her, combined with the fact that she wasn't really all that fast to begin with, She was ultimately stuck by the fire, shouting in pain as she was knocked forward onto the ground before groaning as she was knocked out. Jenny has Fainted!
"CONTACT!" David shouted redundantly after Ton Ton was stuck by the lighting, pumping lead into..whatever the hell that thing was supposed to be.
"FOR ONCE CAN I GET THE NON-BULLET RESISTANT MONSTER?!" He cried before the Creature fired a bolt of dark energy at him.
"...shi-" The Irishman said as he instinctively brought his arms up, as if that would stop him from dying a painful death at the hands of this creature.
As he did this, he failed to notice that his hand was glowing as a Card seemed to form from it.
Then, before the projectile could hit him, it was shot out of the air by a red beam right in front of David.
"...The crap?" The sniper mused confused as several more dark bolts were sniped out of the air before they could hit their marks.
"...Fuuka, Did you send back up? We have an unknown party assisting." He then asked Mission control as he returned fire, such was his ignorance of Personas.
All the while, the only noticeable trace of Apollo was a scope glint in the upper corners of the Shadow Realm as he protected his master from afar.
Shadow Zone: ???: Angelus
As her Shadow began to laugh, the knights shrugged off their minor injuries from Kingsblood and advanced on the wounded Dragoness.
However, one by one, they slowly turned their attention to the Shadow's every increasing laugh, going from mere gloating to downright super-villainous. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA! BEHOLD! THE POWER OF A REAL DRAGON!" The Shadow kept laughing before firing off a large fireball that instantly vaporized one of her own Knights, reducing the armoured foe into a puddle of molten metal, not even the bones remaining.
Such a unexpected move caused great distress for the other knights, some of which even put up a fight instead of just willingly letting the Mad Shadow kill them all.
In the end though, it made little difference as Dragon Fire proved to be the victor as the Shadow let loose a blazing hot beam of death, quickly leaving only her and Angelus remaining. "HAHA-Ohohohohoho...ahhhh...Looks like your weakness hasn't rubbed off on me too much...Hmhmhmhmhmmm..." She said once done with her laughing fit, striding with confidence to the wounded Angelus, competely sure in her power and ability.
Poor Angelus on the other hand couldn't say the same, her dress now all slashed up, revealing more then a few dozen sword wounds all over her body as well as a few bruises from where the Knights used their fists and feet to avoid killing her.
Spitting blood, She defiantly stated "...And my strength...hasn't passed to YOU!" before lunging forward to bury Kingsblood in her impostor's chest.
However, The shadow effortlessly grabbed her wrist before she could, smirking before channeling her fire to her own hands, burning the Dragoness's hand and forcing her to drop the dagger.
Reeling from the pain and holding her injured limb, this left her wide open to a flaming openhanded ***** Slap[sup]TM[/sup] across her face that knocked her to the ground, Her Shadow just toying with her now.
Attempting to reach for the dagger with her good arm while she was down, she cried as a Stiletto Heel crunched down on it. "Don't grieve, the legacy of Dragon Kind is safe with me. Good Night Sweet Princess..." were the last words Angelus heard before she was knocked out by the other heel coming down on her head...
An unknown amount of time later Shadow Zone: Dragon's Hoard: Angelus, Shadow!Angelus
When Angelus finally woke up, she first noticed the lack of pain she was in, along with the rather soft cushion-like surface she was sprawled out on.
The rest of her senses returned as she opened her eyes, quickly getting blinded by a huge bloom of golden light.
Once her vision focused, she looked around and found herself in some sort of Gilded cell with both a silky blue soft lining and several throw pillows that wouldn't be amiss in a Harlem.
Her eyes then wandered to herself, having been both healed of all her wounds and now wearing a more RegalAttire in place of her tattered grimy dress, notably also lacking Kingsblood.
Finally, she looked out of her prison and saw Gold as far as she could see.
As well as her Impostor's's and now Captor's New Form grinning at her. "~Alas, Sleeping Beauty awakens..." The Shadow gloated, waiting to drink in her inferior side's reaction.
Iwatdatoi Station - Strip Mall - Beef Bowl Store: Som(?), Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg, Ryan
Mood Music []
Ella's eating was followed up with some casual communications with Cadolbolg and Teri (while watching Som get started on a bowl of the beef and rice mixture, of course.) "Oh, they were really nice. I mean, you really are doing the most out of all of us here, so would you like to keep helping? We just need to ease Devon into this, and we both know she listens to you and Ton more than anyone else.
It wasn't too much, Teri. Think of it as a thank you, would you? I swear, it's like you took a Vow of Poverty." She finished up with a joking laugh while Devon talked with the man.
[color=00c863]"Who knows? They could be slipping something addictive in the food, after all. Coca-Cola had cocaine in it for a good amount of time, after all. You just don't hear about it a lot nowadays."[/color] It was meant as an offhanded statement, but then again it was hard to tell if it was true with the fast food chains nowadays. [color=00c863]Man, I'd love some Smashburger... too bad this is kind of filling me up already.[/color]
It was right around then when the dragon popped up - that was way bizarre for any part of Japan, much less anywhere! "Who's asking? Those toys of yours don't seem like they're for underwater basket weaving, or anything peaceful." The Dragon could feel the wavy-haired blond eyeing him up with some matter of suspicion, although it wasn't outright hostility. Teri's inquiry was also met with both Ella and Devon comfirming that they'd kept the situation silent.
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Mood Music []
After the dodging of the Maragi through her beaten-inwell-honed reflexes, Melethia barked out orders to the other two there after recognizing the look in Akontia's eyes. (Never mind that a child was a one barking out the orders and thus might not be listened to at all.) "It knows no mercy. It knows no fear. Get that unconscious doctor out of here and show that filth what happens to someone that targets our clan." With that, she rolled and darted to the side while closing the distance. At this point, there was one thought in her mind: kill that machine. And by God, she was going to succeed or die trying.
With the remaining time available to it, Andras let loose another toxic blast at Bellona to hinder its attacks and then vanished. It wasn't too hard for Annie to see that any kindness in Mel, any sympathy that Mel had wasn't there. From how extreme the shift was, though, it was far more than mourning for Jake. Something else was kicking in here, and it was hard to see if Akontia or Melethia showed more emotion.
[color=c200]"David, see if you can keep that aid going or if you can contact it somehow. I'll work with Ton-Ton and Narukami to keep that thing off you for now, although I'm not looking forward to seeing those blasts...[/color] Slindis barely dodged a Dark blast, and the little she felt from the graze made it abundantly clear that she didn't want to be hit by another.
After that, she slashed at her sleeve with the Evoker again to summon Joanne while rushing in. [color=c200]"Joanne, give us insight!"[/color] The solemn robed Persona examined the Shadow and gave a reading that the Boss was indeed Evil aligned. The flash of light when Joanne was summoned also granted a good bit of light for the area, helping the others get a view of the Shadow.
[color=c200]Hmm, nice to know... I still have to see how easy it is to hit first before going in to Smite the creature.[/color] With that, she closed the distance to deliver a full flurry of blows on the Shadow to see how effective normal attacks would be.
The Wanderer was running in the direction of the attack, hearing another noise he stopped briefly before seeing the javelin being pulled out of the dead body and launch back into the darkness ahead, looking for a bit more the Wanderer also saw Jenny collapse, this made him wonder if he was a bit too harsh on the weird life-form. Giving a huff he turned back to see the Anti Shadow weapon finally reveal itself, looking like it just wants to kill the group with no emotion.
Another attack was launched but the Shadow Weapon used a Persona instead. "Jesus it has one as well!" The Wanderer yelled as the fire pillar came flying towards him, "Try and melt this! KANNON!" He yelled his Persona's name, the big hulking robot of metal moved fast in front of the attack and blocked it head on. This made the Wanderer grunt and smoke could be seen rising from his tattered cloak.
Inside of the helmet he still smiled, he finally began to question why he was doing this. ("Time to let me out partner~!") The inner Shadow said with a hum and tune. Nodding to himself he decided to pull the mental trigger.
Chaotic Battle music []
If anyone could see the Wanderer at this moment, his eyes inside the helmet would turn crimson as if they were filled with blood. "So that is the ***** who has to die ... consider their wish fulfilled!" The Wanderer called out with a darker tone then before. Even before this point he was ignoring Melethia's orders but this time he ordered back, "No offence shorty, but I don't take orders ..." The Wanderer gave a dark chuckle as he pointed his guns at their target.
With a combination of VATS mode and this darker personality he launched a barrage of twenty bullets towards the Shadow Weapon and all were straight on target.
Yu Narukami and Shadow Attack force 2
Location: Shadow Realm | ???
Yu readied his weapon and Izanagi did the same, then their enemy came forward. It was a bad one, about to cast Zio, the Irish soldier was attacked but as soon as Yu turned around he could see David holding his Arcana. Running quickly towards his side, Yu glanced at the arcana, it was the Hanged man. "David-san, that is a Arcana ... you summoned your Persona and that is the one protecting us but-" Yu was about to tell something to David but the two had to split for a second to dodge a attack.
"Zio!" Yu yelled with his might and Izanagi launched the electrical attack towards the Shadow.
Looking back at David with a stern look he gave him the advice he needed and was going to tell him before he went depressed a while back. "As I was saying, that was YOUR Persona. Look within yourself, you know their name ... call it out and he will obey your orders. Think about attacking, defending and such ... you will find out it's abilities in your heart!" Yu called out before charging in with his own sword.
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Akane, Deadshot "....gah, jeez...umm...IT'S OKAY! WE..."ARE"...THE POLICE!...YEAH, ALL CIVILIANS STAND BACK! THIS MAN IS DANGEROUS!" Deadshot lied as he tazed the infected into submission before he rolled him on his stomach before putting zip cuffs on his wrists to give the impression that he was legit. " Investigator Akane...Umm...Let's Charge him and Take him back to the station!" He then slowly and loudly explained as he picked the Infected Man up, not for Akane's benefit, but for the crowd around them. [sub]"If we get stopped, you do the talking-slash-flirting. I don't have the looks for it..."[/sub] he then whispered to the Kitsune as he began taking the man to the nearest exit, hoping to get out of here before the police showed up.
Quickly placing her sword back in it's place, Akane bowed to the patrons and owner of the store as Deadshot set about moving their captive. "Good work securing the suspect Special Detective! We are truly sorry for the disturbance caused everyone! We'll be out of the way now, if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at regional headquarters!" She said in an official and apologetic manner before getting the door for Deadshot. As they moved for the exit Akane nodded at his instruction to take the lead.
Any inquiring looks were met with a stern gaze and the words, "Official Police Business!"
It was in no small, though silent and almost unnoticeable miracle Kalastryn found herself exactly where she needed to be, after hours of flying in no specific direction, wings to tired, perhaps, to fly for many hours afterwards, she cast a seeming spell, (the last she'd probably be able to cast before persona logic kicks in, unbeknownst to her.) to maintain many of her facial features except, you know, the black feathery wings and horns, which would still be there, but completely invisible to even well trained eyes. and made a dive into a back alley where she would be under observation until she stepped out to the light, and even then, she'd blend like a green chameleon on a leaf.
How strange, the last spell she'd cast normally for some time, was one she used to use so often, she thought, back in her first home. To the city of Stormreach on Eberron, the mere mention of Tieflings could send some into a fit of bloodthirsty rage after... a certain invasion []... committed by those... monsters. She took a look at herself, and reflected for a moment. Thinking (I suppose, sometimes... out of darkness, comes light?) A second thought, a voice much like hers, but having a certain... twisted, feeling to it, quietly put in their two cents, [sub] You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? [/sub] she quickly ignored this. She "heard" exactly what it said, but after hearing it counter every positive thought she had on the way here, she saw it as an empty threat... an intruder in her subconscious that couldn't do anything to her anyway, lest they have already tried. It would prove later, that she was very wrong...
She began her search through this new town, with an appearance so her own, yet so strangely... human. A word she thought no one would ever associate with her name.
Port Island Station - Rafflesia: Garm, Rugal, Walter o'Dim
Mood Music []
The man stopped sniffing the flowers and turned to Rugal, the heavy sunglasses shining in the sunlight before the man proceeded to sniff the front of Rugal's suit. After turning away and giving a small snort not far off from a cow, he began with, "You smell like overpriced cologne and dog. But I also detect a hint of Tanaka on you too... Alright, this way."
Leading Rugal into an uninhabited cranny of the district, the man took off his sunglasses and lowered his hood, revealing papery, aged and wrinkled skin; a shock of salt and pepper hair, as well as a pair of honey colored eyes. Blinking a moment, the man asked, "So, what seems to be the problem with your books? Last I checked, Tanaka had excellent records."
In the meantime, Garm followed after Rugal slowly, reporting in, [color=356D60]"He's meeting some guy in a flower shop, talking bout merchandise and Tanaka. Must have gotten something out of that criminal in the police station. This guy could smell me on your father's coat... Talk about creepy!"[/color]
Iwatdatoi Station - Strip Mall - Beef Bowl Store: Som(?), Teri, Ella, Devon, Cadolbolg, Ryan
Mood Music []
After seeing the caramel frappe being pulled out of seemingly nowhere, Teri visibly relaxed, arms dropping to her sides before asking, [color=0E59E4]"Ryan? What are you doing here?! Last I saw you, I was just rescued from Bru-"[/color]
She paused, and her gaze dropped for a moment before sitting back down, [color=0E59E4]"I mean, it's been a while. So, what's with the Dragonborn look?"[/color]
As she waited for the proper answer, she gasped a little (in an attempt to play off the awkward moment), and acted upset at realizing she left the Demi-succubus hanging, [color=0E59E4]"Oh right, where are my manners, Ella? Thanks again, really. I guess I'm just not used to getting presents, is all." "Smooth as sandpaper. As usual. So, fuzzy wuzzy, you got Dad in position? And the guy he's talking to... Smelled you?"[/color]
[color=356D60]"He smelled me on Alpha Rugal's clothes. It must have been when I marked him with my scent. I find that very, very strange."[/color]
[color=0E59e4]"Alright. Careful, fuzzball. I actually like you, and I'd hate to see something bad go down with you. Don't want to have to bust any heads."[/color]
After the conversation with the dragon shaped man took a turn for the friendly, Cadolbolg turned his attention back to Ella, "What do you mean? I never noticed Devon listened to me. I thought she was just really nice, and did nice things cause she's our older sister. That's what Father said anyways..."
As for the stranger with the ginger hair, he cracked a smile, and added, "Well, it's nice to know this all didn't have to turn ugly. Er, as for that comment with the food, I was simply joking! As if Wild Duck Burger puts anything in their food... It's probably like the little one said, it's a seasonal thing. Perhaps I'm just a bit of a downer, and I'm thinking for the worst..."
Funny that he went and backpedaled like that... Was the man hiding something?
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall - Sweet Shop: Akane, Deadshot
Mood Music []
With their decently made bluffs, Akane and Deadshot were able to drag the guy out of the store without much fuss. However that lead to the question of whether they'd be able to get the guy back to the Shadow Operatives building without much issue. After all, Mitsuru gave them a lift, and that took a bit of time before they had even reached the edge of the district; not to mention they'd need public transportation to get away quickly....
Unfortunately for the two, the police began to arrive, and one called out, "FREEZE! Put the man down, and put your hands in the air!"
Here's hoping what Mitsuru said about name dropping her would work....
Iwadatoi Station - Strip Mall Kalastryn
Mood Music []
Kalastryn eventually found herself in a very populated strip mall with a store front that had three levels, each containing their own respective establishments to choose from. It was almost like a market, but each store was on top of another. The smell of fried dough filled the air as Kalastryn drew close to the Takoyaki stand, (it was hard not to be close to the place, after all, it was right by the entrance of the strip mall area), and outside, a group of law enforcement officers seemed to be yelling at a man and a woman with fox tails; who were holding a comatose person bundled up in heavy clothes. What a strange little market...
((You're still welcome to auto yourself to the beef bowl place, but this felt like the most 'right' place to put Kal))
Shadow Zone (Group 1): Annie, Cz, Jake, Jenny, The Wanderer, Melethia
Mood Music []
Like the attacking Persona, Bellona [] was beginning to fade away by the time the poison hit, but when it landed on the warrior maiden, Akontia took a wary step back, and put her Javelin in a more defensive stance as Melethia began to close in. Seeing that she had confidence in close quarters combat, Akontia raised priorities to the small elf child.
Well, she would have, were it not for the giant kick to the face and the hail of bullets that came after it.
Now, the funny little thing about VATS is, even though it was highly accurate: The percentage of a hit cannot be any higher than 95%, so there is a small 5% chance that you could actually miss.[footnote]I fact checked that claim of 100% accuracy []. I'd have to say no on every shot hitting. I also learned a couple of other interesting things about VATS; which will be made note of in a moment...[/footnote] Not to mention, with your friend's Giant Titan Persona drops a kick into your target, your attacks tends to miss rather horrendously. Well, about half of them anyways. Also, with The Wanderer's allies still able to move while he recklessly shot into combat, Melethia and Gaea felt the sting of bullets in their skin when Akontia was knocked about halfway across the room by Gaea's kick.
Back in the shifting darkness, the Anti Shadow Weapon got up without any effort, her expression still remaining blank, even if her casing already looking somewhat beat up by the fifteen bullets lodged in it, and the small dent that was made in her front. It seemed that her current methods did not work here. Even with two of the group eliminated, it appeared that fire spells would not have the potency she desired. Time to bring out the Physical. Readying her boosters, Akontia charged back towards the group, and called out, "Bellona, Initiate: Arrow Rain!"
When the Persona appeared again, she brought her pole ax onto the ground, and a cloud of arrows appeared from above. They hung for a moment, and then began to rain down like hailstones; disappearing as soon as they landed a hit. Individually, each arrow didn't hurt much, but a group of them could easily prove to be troublesome.
At first, the Shadow screeched when the light drew too close to it, and try to skitter away again; but when confronted by the Zio and the pummeling, the beast gave heavy sounding groans of pain. However, with the fact that it was still standing, it was readily apparent that the beast's bulk was indicative of it's health. This was going to be a long fight. In retaliation to the assault, the Shadow began to spin like a top, trying to knock away those close to it. After ceasing the spinning, the beast turned it's attention on Slindis and Narukami, and began to try and shoot bolts of Light energy at them to shake them off it's case.
As for David, Fuuka rang in again, [color=5F8B7F]"David, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a sniper in the rafters... And it's as Narukami said. It is your Persona. Try attacking the Shadow now by calling on it, but make sure not to hit your comrades!"[/color]
In the meantime, Caim ran and grabbed Ton Ton before running back towards the group near the Shadow, placing the Tonberry on his shoulder before readying himself for a charging strike. As for Ton Ton, he concentrated and cried out, [color=15650D]"Galahad, help us!"[/color] to try and make up for the fumble with the Shadow earlier. When the Chalice-bearing Knight [] appeared, it held up the aforementioned cup, calling up a bolt of light energy before disappearing.
However... It didn't seem to have any effect? Strange, didn't the light Slindis create do anything earlier?
Shadow Zone: ???: Angelus
Mood Music []
Angelus first looked at all of the amenities, such as her new clothes and setting, and then to her Shadow form, her face the perfect picture of shock, "What on earth? What is this place? You- what ARE you?!"
The black toned dragon chuckled darkly, the red eyes peering straight into Angelus' and spoke, "As I said before, I am, or rather, was, you. I am the Shadow, the True Self. And I shall illustrate to you, weak little Princess, what it is to be a true dragon..."
"Shadow?! You mean, like what Devon told me about?"
The dragon gave a heavy "HMPH!" and snorted smoke from her nose in response to that, "Devon wishes her Shadow could have been like me. Then again, if Devon could conquer her's and you could not even quell me, what does that have to say about your strength, little Princess?"
Angelus' eyes widened at the realization, and she looked around desperately for Kingsblood, the Evoker, anything - only to come bottom up, when she asked shrilly to the Shadow, "Where is Kingsblood?! Or my Evoker?"
(Huh, much more extravagant than the market square back home, but I think it's the same idea) she thought to herself shortly while her attention was, however briefly, not pointed at the two strangers carrying an unconscious man. Now... while that hero's instinct of stepping into just about any situation where a person is unconscious might have seemed inviting, Kala knew better simply by looking at two points of the situation. One, the tails on the woman were certainly NOT a costume. Two, the uniforms and authoritative presence of the people stopping said woman and whoever the other was... well it was more than a large enough hint they were law enforcement. She'd seen enough of the inhuman to realize stepping into their business unarmed wasn't a good idea. She also knew enough about the law enforcement of most places to realize stepping into their business wasn't a good idea in ANY circumstance. So while curiosity might have gotten the better of her in another situation, she was wise enough to leave this one the hell alone.
She remembered the plentiful times she had evading the Stormreach guard... damn those True Seeing spells, letting just about anyone see through any magic disguise... now it would have been much more manageable a situation back then... if it wasn't the most common enchantment most people with a sword and shield in that city carried around at ALL times. This, however, is irrelevant at the moment. She quickly walked around the scene and into one of the nearby stores. It seemed to be a type of restaurant. Catching a quick glimpse of the Teri was more than enough to recognize them, much less Ella and Cadolbolg, but who the hell was the giant lizard thing?? Looked almost like a kobold from Stormreach's sewers, except, taller. The relaxed feeling Teri had towards them calmed her down for a moment.
To toy with them for a moment, and to gauge her disguise, she tested how Teri would recognize her without horns on her forehead. she simply approached the group, and sat down smiling at them. "So... who's your... friend?" she said in a rather badly faked tone of voice, but a very real look of confusion on her face.
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