The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
I think I'll quote songs from the 80s....
Doctor S, Deadshot and Annie.
Location: Med bay | Rising Dawn | Personaverse.
As Deadshot was going to leave, Annie confronted him on his hypocrisy, much to his annoyance.
"1. That's a natural Male reaction, find some straight guy who wouldn't want to look at a mostly naked attractive woman. Trick Question: Doesn't exist.
2. If you really feel that strongly about it, I'll let the next Hellspawn that manages to beat you whisk you away to Castle Clucksterfuck to have his-slash-her way with you for all eternity, Okay Sweetheart? Sheesh..."
He shot back before resuming his beeline for the ship's bar, unaware of the fact he basically confessed to admitting that Annie was hot.

"Smooooooooooooooooth D.S., Smooooooooooooth...."
Oh just piss off for half an hour...
"And go where?"
Not my problem to solve.
"...I see, hey, look to your right for a second would ya?..."

Mostly just to shut his Shadow up, he did, staring at the window of the ship's hallway as he did.
What he saw gave him some real pause: It wasn't him staring back at him, It was a young man, one that had made the foolish mistake of trying to save the world by joining the military.
"....What......the fuck?...."
"...What?...Don't remember me?...Maybe you will better if I look like this."

On that cue, the reflection acted like a internet screamer as it instantly changed to that young man's dead body, it's head riddled with bullets and visible chucks of flesh having been bit off his rotting body.
Needless to say, like in the bathroom, Deadshot freaked out before shooting at the window and breaking it.
"...Frankie?...I could really go for your constant barrage of Burning Puns right about now..." He said after his episode, starting to miss that wonderful anthropomorphic Uzi...


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Teri

"David?...oh Please, He grabs his tail and runs at the first sign of trouble...Then gets drunk and bitches about how he's too "Weak" afterwards..."
"Remind you of anyone?..."

Well...that was out of character for her, then again, Ella did notice the bottle was already starting to run dry.
"All I was saying was...Even us girls dread having to go do make up, nails, hair, dresses, jewels, I just can't image that he would see the appeal...You know?..." she said before downing her next shot in a manner more akin to David then herself.
"...Uhhhh....starting to kick in...woooo..." Her Shadow then said, the filtering liquor starting to affect her somewhat.

Ella grabbed another bottle of sake (making sure this bottle was less strong) and tossed a look over to Teri and Devon finishing up the food before pouring another glass for herself and Jenny. I understand that, but he really could have left at any time. Heck, he could have done that after what happened in Los Santos. He still stayed, though, and I'll give him credit for that. Sure, he could stand to find a way to fix his problem instead of moping about it, but who's perfect?

Still, I have to go hard on Devon. If I can make her go outside the comfort zone on this, she might be willing to do the same when she's in a fight. Something to help her get past the frustration of seeing her songs not help that much, even if that isn't really too true. Sure, it's not as flashy as most stuff, but it's those small nudges that everyone seems to forget. Hell, the only reason she's still living is because her songs gave that small edge."

Shadow Ops Building: Canteen: Akane, Angelus, Annie, Caim Deadshot, Melethia, Ryan, Ton Ton,

"I'll be there in a bit, Miss Akane." Melethia was certainly patient when it came to handing Akane Jake's body; after all, the Bag of Holding was rather good for keeping things from rotting with the low amount of air in it. So, after getting a small sandwich to eat, she made her way to Akane's room.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Teri

"...So to stop him from getting kil-*Hic*...You put him in high heels?..." Jenny questioned Ella's logic as she finished the first bottle, already up to a state of inebriation she was in back in Las Venturas.
"...David....I bet He's only here because he gets a check from...Richie...Fenny Richie (Phoenix Richardson) or some stupid codename like that...Not like Blade and H*Hic*-Hiryu...they do it for others...and all I sit in a chair...and listen to people go on about how horrible their lives are....That's what I do for a LIVING..."
Even if Ella zoned out and ignored everything that Jenny just said, her body language and the fact she spoke like she just had a stroke was sign enough that she had once again gone too far with the bottle.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

Alone again.
Doctor S.
Location: Med bay | Rising Dawn | Personaverse.
Seeing how Annie walked out annoyed at the gunman assassin, and Deadshot running to the bar in either embarrassment or how the Doctor's author would say 'Tsundere-ness', the good Doctor was just left there all by his lonesome once more. Sighing to himself, he placed the anti-radiation pack back in the closet and opened the rather large window in the medbay. The ship had a wondrous view of the area.

"Never have been to Japan before ... maybe I should look around." He said to himself, having his urge to wander bubble up to the mental surface. ("Hey ... am I allowed out now!?") The Shadow yelled out and ruined the nice, calm and windy moment as the Wanderer took a couple more seconds to look at the city from above. "FUCK NO!" He yelled out of the window before turning back inside and closed the window.

"You are fuckin' grounded!" He threw his arms in the air as he walked out of the medbay and probably out of the airship.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Naganaki Shrine: Rugal, Garm

Garm hung back as Rugal descended the staircase, and released a held breath, [color=356D60]"Phew... Didn't even question why I was there at all... That is good.

Tear-ri, I think he's returning to base. I'm going to be doing the same, but still tailing the fellow. I'll see you in a little while and give a full report."

[color=0E59E4]"Alright then. I'm with Ella and Devon, as before. Ella seems pretty hell bent on me chilling out, so i might be stuck here. Even got Mom to tell me to stay here.... I'll await your return."[/color]

And with that the wolf waited quietly before continuing his quiet tailing of the King of Fighters...

Shadow Ops Building: David West, Fuuka, Yu

"...So I take it the Kirijo Group has a good youth outreach program? Just you seem kinda young for this line of work..." He asked, fulling knowing that she was hired for her powers.

Fuuka gave a small chuckle and shook her head, [color=5F8B7F]"Not exactly. I've been in this sort of buisness since I was in high school. It was a little simpler then too. Around two years ago, when I was 17, my powers, along with many of our group awakened and we fought off the Shadows, as well a force named Nyx, and another named Erebus. Back then, we were able to access the Shadow Verse via a time called the Dark Hour, which used to cover EVERYTHING, and wasn't nearly as localized as the Shadow Zones are now. In fact, they're a little easier to manage than the Dark Hour was. Sometimes other people would slip through the Dark Hour, instead of being able to avoid Shadow Zones as we do now. I was one of those people, actually, before my Persona awoke in me. I had slipped into the Shadow realm and had to be rescued! After that though, we were attacked and I put the Evoker to my head. Before I knew it, I was summoning my Persona and able to help with the effort. I've been with them since."[/color]

Her eyes relaxed as a hint of melancholy entered her tone, [color=5F8B7F]"I was very shy then, but I made several friends with those who had their powers awakened in a similar manner. In fact, it's funny you should mention age, seeing that our youngest user at the time was 11 years old... I'm seen some of them die in that conflict, one of which a young man named Minato Arisato.[footnote]The Male Protag in P3, at least, his name in the manga incarnation. It sounds better than Makoto Yuuki! (anime movie name) :p
He died to save the world, essentially.[/footnote] He had a power similar to your's Mr. Narukami. But- .... It's complicated to explain, but because of a sacrifice he made, the world as we know it is safe from both Nyx and Erebus."[/color]

A pause filled the air before Fuuka looked back to the two, determination shining in her eyes, [color=5F8B7F]"And because of that, those of us who were involved in that incident resolved to what we can in fighting Shadows. It's why my friends are missing now. They're taking care of assignments similar to this one in different places all over Japan. It's also why Mitsuru is pooling Kirijo Group resources into the Shadow Operatives. We won't let Minato's, and everyone else's sacrifices be in vain. Now, shall we proceed to the lab?"[/color]

As Fuuka walked ahead, David could see that the young woman was very serious about what she had said. Not to mention this sort of threat attacked her and her friends when they were so young.... Seems that Shadows and world saving don't discriminate, regardless of how old you are.

Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri

After cooking up a meal for everyone in the room, as well as downing a cake shot or two in the process, Teri sat herself down and began nursing a glass of red wine while chowing down on the beans 'n' rice mixture she made (how much alcohol was in that bag anyways?). Not long afterwards, a familiar black wolf wandered in and placed a fuzzy head on the couch she was sharing with Devon and Cadolbolg, [color=356D60]"Hello. I have returned now, and managed to stay hidden, for the most part. How have you three fared?"[/color]

Teri spared a hand to pat the wolf on the head before returning to her meal, [color=0E59E4]"Hi there, Garm. I've done well enough, I guess. Mum and Ells wants us to chill out, so I brought in some implements."[/color] She swirled her glass for emphasis, and finished it off, pouring another one not soon afterwards. The stuff tasted good after all, and with the effects intended behind it, the Cleric could already feel that warm glow go to her cheeks...
[color=0E59E4]"Ah, that's the stuff.... Man, Munchkin, do you get affected when we drink stuff too? Or you just sit there in sobriety? Shit's feeling kinda good in my stomach... Yo, don't forget about the water, Kiddo. Hangover prevention right there!"[/color]

Cadolbolg, who had been keeping a heavy eye on Devon, took a bite of the meal, "We've just been chilling after giving Fuuka the evidence stuffs. Now, Devon, you never told me why I wasn't allowed the cake drinks...."
The tiny turtle dragon baby tried to give Devon a puppy dog (dragon eye?) look to convince the bard to let him try some of the drinks, seeing that cake sounded pretty delicious. Not to mention they made the Cleric loosen up a little bit, so they couldn't be all bad, right?

Shadow Ops Building: Canteen: Akane, Angelus, Annie, Caim Deadshot, Melethia, Ryan, Ton Ton, Wanderer

(before everyone split off do to their thing)

Angelus gave Akane another sympathetic pat on the back after being tackle-hugged, and let the Kitsune go to be consoled by the others, adding on, "But of course, Akane. Do let us know when the ceremony begins."

Caim gave a similar nod to the Kitsune, the look on his face being enough to know he meant the same as Angelus did.

As for Ton Ton, who was still hanging by Melethia, looked to the little elf and asked, [color=15650D]"Well, this is certainly new to me. I've seen people die, but I've never been to a funeral before..."[/color]

Airship Rising Dawn: Slindis' Room: Slindis, Dimitri

As Slindis unwinded in her usual manner (reading and writing at her leisure), a small cough overrode the overcom and Dimitri's voice entered the air, and the Butler's visage appeared on the built in TV (seeing that all the rooms came with one) [color=3879E0]"User: Slindis. As we have previously arranged, it has been my duty to inform you should the situation involving our captain's 'changes.' Well... If you would listen to this recording I've gained from a local radio station, I think you will find it to be far more informative than what any explanation I give for it..."[/color]

Following this, the TV changed from Dimitri's face to a news report about the recent activities Rugal had been engaging in, from running the car into the club to... a report about a blown up section of a Shrine? Oh dear.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Naganaki Shrine: Rugal, Garm

Not long after he left the broken remains of Mr. Skin and his gang in the ruins after his wake, Rugal began making his way back to the Rising Dawn.
To this end, he was about to do the same trick he did twice that day already, already sizing up his options as he paced along side the road.
A minute later he committed to a cheap looking 4 door Sedan with elderly couple, it wasn't pretty but it'd do.
The second that they stopped at a red light, he pounced, sprinting over before hoping the drivers door and throwing a 70-Something old man to the road.
"Oh my, it appears your other half has fallen and he can't get up. Why don't you get out of the car and-...." He paused halfway though his threat as he caught a glance at something while the old lady went to help her partner.
"...Get back in the car." He then ordered.
"...ww-what d-"
"DO IT!" He then roared as he went after his new target...

Rising Dawn: Hanger: Rugal

"~We ain't gonna linger and lie low
When there's Hard Cash comin' back
No way I'll just sit here when i know
That there's Hard Cash comin' back
Hard Hard Cash...Don't want no easy money....oh no..."
The King of Fighters sang with the Radio as he racing back towards the Rising Dawn, pulling out his PDA to trigger the Hanger Doors of the Airship to open as he cruised in with his Brand New Car.
Parking it up, he then exited his new prize, Running his hand along the bonnet of it, admiring the curves as if they were of a womans.
"Say what you will about Mid-Life Crisis's, but...Utterly Worth It. God I feel 30 again..." He chuckled with Glee as he drank in the moment, sure, he had sport cars in his life, but there was something special about "Earning" it instead of buying it.

Shadow Ops Building: David West, Fuuka, Yu

As David herd Fuuka's story, he couldn't help but shake his head.
"Christ...Over half the wealth in the world is spent on Military and they can't seem to do jack all with it aside from blow each other up..." He sighed, hating the idea of another group of young kids being forced into this life instead of people who actively trained to protect the world.
"I'm sorry about your friend. This life...It's hard..." He finished as he and Yu entered the lab.
"So what was the Intel? It was from the Android, right?"

Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri

As Garm returned, Jenny was quickly starting to enter the "Black Out" phase of her drinking, enjoying just how powerful the Devil Drink was against the taunts of her Shadow.
After all, a lot of the people he treated back in her clinic did suffer from Alcohol abuse so she understood why people did it.
Although in David's case, it was more like he was raised on the stuff instead of water...

Either way, She sat here, head resting on the table with a glass in hand, so long as no one asked her to do anything that involved thinking or moving, she'd be good.

Shadow Ops Building: Canteen: Deadshot, Anyone else there

After his episode, Deadshot went to the canteen, instantly telling the imps there "Something good for someone who saw a ghost.", letting the waiter figure out what the hell he meant by that as he sat down and held his head.
Whatever was going on with his head wasn't medical so there wasn't any way to really stop it aside from-
"...The Shadow Zone...Should I?..." He pondered as he sat there, wondering how he'd do it.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri

"Jenny, I'm going to have to cut you off before you're in there with David for a hangover. Are we going to have a problem?" It seemed that Ella was going to be the one that tried keeping Jenny away from Alcohol when drunk; a feat many people and pokemon had failed miserably at. Still, it was the thought that counted, right?

In a rather uncharacteristic tone for the staff, Sadei seemed somewhat sullen in her hesitant response. [color=b05fe9]"I don't really feel it... I think it's because you and her share the same body, while I don't. It's not too fun, as you'd expect - I don't really taste food, smell aromas, or feel things like you do in here... At most, I only experience them through Teri, and even then it's fuzzy."[/color]

Devon then finished up the rice (After promising to say something to Ella in case the meal had any odd connection attached to it) and shook her head as she refused Cadolbolg's request. [color=00c863]"Well, if I handed them to you, then Caim and Angie would get really mad at the both of us. She might even ground us! I wouldn't want you to get in trouble, and it kinda makes smaller people clumsy when it's drunk.."[/color]
Unfortunately, this was something that Devon was going to be firm on. From the looks of things, though, it was really starting to calm down in there.

Shadow Ops Building: Canteen: Melethia, Ton Ton

(before everyone split off do to their thing)

Melethia's response to Ton-Ton was rather sedate, which didn't help the message. "Same here, Ton-Ton. Although, it was more me fighting that caused a lot of the dying. That is, a lot of the old clan kept the more skilled members going after dying, so burials weren't really a thing."

Wasn't raising people back from the dead usually a really bad thing? The way Melethia talked about it made it clear that she'd seen it a lot, which didn't say anything good about the people Melethia had been raised around.

Airship Rising Dawn: Slindis' Room: Slindis, Dimitri

The last report was the call to action for Slindis, and she placed her book down while preparing for a rather difficult fight. [color=c200]"That was rather enlightening, Dimitri. I can't let this go on any further; it won't be safe, but should you feel the need to inform someone else that knows, go ahead and do so."[/color]

After all, she knew that Rugal wouldn't be holding back. If she could get him to a Shadow Zone, it may throw a wrench into Rugal's plans and give the needed edge.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Hanger: Rugal, Slindis

Not long after Dimitri made the call, the AI blanched as he watched Rugal begin cleaning his "New car" with a hose, noting that there was a red fluid seeping into the drain that didn't look like paint...
Either way, When Slindis walked in, she saw the man himself fretting over a small dent in the front bumper.
"[sub]Gah, fucking cyclists, thought they could cut me off...[/sub]" he grumbled until he glanced over his shoulder and noticed the Drow enter.
"Ah, there you are. Now I know you have a few questions so I'll give you the sort version:
One of the leads I tracked down turned into some class of a Shadow Monster. So after I cleaned up, I found he had a set of keys on him and...You don't just don't turn down a free 2013 Pegassi Infernus sports car!"
He lied, as he resumed his buffing out the dents it had collected on the way over here.
"Once I done here, I'll pass on what I learned to Misturu and her Shadow Ops. From there, as long as something asinine doesn't occur, I'm thinking perhaps we could go to that Kabuki Theater, get a bit of culture as well as an excuse to show this bad boy off." He kept rambling wiped a hint of blood off the bonnet.
"...Or if you want, we could just stay in..."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri
Dimitri did indeed blanch at the thought of Slindis and Rugal having at it (especially when he calculated what this would do to his Creator's emotional levels), and sent a message to his mobile unit right away, in hopes that His Ladyship would know what to do. However, when he ported himself to the screen, the visage on the camera was... Less than what he was expecting.

Laughing at some sort of unheard joke, the Cleric looked down at the screen, and gave a little wave, [color=0E59E4]"'Sup, Dimitri? I'm just chilling here with my buddies!"[/color]
The Blue Butler paused for a moment, questioning the morality of his actions for a moment, and then continued, [color=3897E0]
"Uh... Well, your mother said that you were free to leave. That and she needs you in the hangar. It regards your 'mission'. Sadei being in a lengthier form might be pertinent as well. I'd get that done quickly."
[color=0E59E4]"Ah shit, for reals? Alright, me and Garmy here will be on our way. You heard em, Sadei, we need to bust a move. It's been fun, Ells, Devon, Cadolbolg, and Jenny, but we need to bounce! Talk to you guys later."[/color]
[color=356D60]"Garmy? Also, you're talking kinda funny."[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"Sorry, Garm. Stuff must have hit my stomach harder than I thought. Anyways, off to the Rising Dawn hangar. Shouldn't be tooooo far from here."[/color]

Mounting up on the wolf, the duo made their way out towards the Rising Dawn, Teri giggling at random thoughts as they went along. In the meantime, Toyotama answered back to Sadei, giggling a little bit herself before hugging what mental form Sadei held in the realm of Teri's mind, [color=0E59E4]"Shiiiiit, Munchkin. Sorry we made you feel bad. Like, for serious. I may be a *****, which I will totally admit to being, but you matter to me... Sorta. It's just kinda nice to not be bombarded by worries for once. This stuff kinda numbs things a bit, y'know? Well, there's one creeping in with what Dimitri said, but I feel a lot less fussy than usual..."[/color]

As for Cadolbolg, he could only give a little "Aw...." when Devon denied him the drinks, followed by, "Well, maybe the impies would make a real cake? :3"

Shadow Ops Building: Canteen: Melethia, Ton Ton

Ton Ton paused for a moment and added in as best as he could manage, [color=15650D]"Uh... people usually stay dead when they die, last I checked. That must have been some powerful magic users if they could bring them back like that..."[/color]

This certainly was disconcerting, but the Tonberry knew already that Melethia wasn't very normal to start with. Now, how to get that across nicely?

Shadow Ops Building: David West, Fuuka, Yu

Fuuka gave a small sigh and walked in with the two, [color=5F8B7F]"What's happened has happened, Mr. West. There's not much else we can do. If we didn't stop Nyx and Erebus, there would be no place here right now. As for Minato... He did this so we could live. And, while I am doing work at the moment, I do take time out to relax at the end of the day. Us moping about the means will sully his sacrifice for us."[/color]

As they were lead into the labs, Fuuka brought them to a vial full of black goo and a... Burger? There was a burger in a container. When Fuuka swept the two around, she pointed to the tube and said, [color=5F8B7]"This, is what was in Akontia's body. It is what we've determined to be the Shadow Virus, in it's purest form. At least, it's viral in nature. The virus, as we've gathered with this, and from a patient brought in, attacks the cells and rapidly causes a necrosis in the areas producing melanin and keratin. This is why the hair and nails fall out. Following that, based on what data we gathered, after the pigmentation is taken care of, the virus goes full tilt and then completely destroys the host, inflaming parts of the brain associated with aggression, and causing a full shut down of the body. With no melanin, there is no protection from the sun, which is why they're bundling themselves up so much;they burn easy, and it makes their eyes sensitive to light. However, the strangest part of the virus, the eyes, is still not solved..."[/color]

[color=95555]"My assumption is that those eyes sclera, even with the lacking melanin, is rather a reengineering of the spots on the scelera to produce that effect. A calling card as it were. Nyarlatothep hasn't been said to be modest in his work."[/color]

Mitsuru walked in, bearing that same coat as before. Wasn't that woman hot? As she did, she pointed at the cheeseburger, [color=955555]"One of your groups actually found something interesting with this burger. With the sample your group brought in, we analysed this with the virus and found that it contains traces of the virus in all parts of the food item. The meat, the vegetables, even the bread. The virus is heat and moisture resistant, and one of the infection methods is ingestion, which means that it can resist stomach acids. So, in your two trips in this day, we've learned far more about this virus than we ever hoped in a period of weeks. As you can also imagine, we're sending operatives to Wild Duck Burger as we speak. Any questions?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Shadow Ops Building: David West, Fuuka, Yu, Mitsuru

The second they made the connection between "Duck Burgers" and the Shadow Virus, the only thing David could say was "...Well, when you go to a place called "Wild Duck Burger", you should see something like this coming."
Still, the threat of having a fast food chain be a center for infection was not lost on him.
"If they've been doing this since the first victim, then this is going to quickly blow up into a massive health scare so lets spin it to give us the advantage. Look up all possible Duck-Related diseases, pick one and say there is an outbreak of it due to bad Duck Meat. Then we tell everyone who has consumed one of those burgers to report to a center, run by us, to be treated. Even if we haven't gotten a cure yet, we'll still be able to quarantine any more Infected. If Persona users ARE Immune, then we'll be fine. But keep an eye on the Investigation team. Just in case" He quickly suggested as eyed up the sample burger.

"Got a name for the owner? Think I might pay him a visit and explain to him the merits of good food safety..."


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri

Ella shook her head at Teri's leaving and gave a disappointed farewell. "Teri, you're making up for the shortened night when we get out of here." To be fair, Ella knew from the start that Teri's rest couldn't last for too long.

Tama could still notice how hard it was for Sadei to cheer up, although she certainly tried. [color=b05fe9]"It's no problem... It did keep me away from all of that nasty stuff earlier. But enough about my sentient weapon problems [small]if that's even a thing, it's hard to say with only one being around[/small], we have stuff to do. Let's go, Tama."[/color]

It was a quick wave to see Teri off, then the focus from Devon shifted back to Cadolbolg. [color=00c863]"They could... any flavor you might want? Somehow, I don't think Ella wants me to leave at all."[/color]
Devon then called to the imps to begin making a cake while Ella quickly took Jenny to her room, but the night was winding down for them.

Shadow Ops Building: Canteen: Melethia, Ton Ton

Once again, Melethia was almost unnervingly relaxed as she recounted a bit more on what had happened. "Well, when there's fighting like there was, you had to use everything available. And with them, just because the life had expired didn't necessarily mean the bodies had no use. Heck, it's how I trained. Nothing that bad, and it ensured that some of the dead weight in our number had use. It also kept us trainees motivated."
(See that? That is one of us that was Dead Weight. You'll train against her until you're not Dead Weight, unless you want to be Dead Weight.)
Melethia had been trained by fighting against the undead corpses of her extended family members that had been 'dead weight'? It certainly explained a lot more than Ton-Ton had ever wished to know, and yet it left a lot more to be asked.

Airship Rising Dawn: Slindis' Room: Slindis, Dimitri

SLindis knew it would take some nerve to keep her focus up, but she tried to appeal to Rugal's pride to get him to move along (Ignoring the vehicle which she would try getting rid of when she had the chance) and head closer to the training rooms. [color=c200]"Certainly, Rugal, if you would follow me first? I need to work out some stress myself, and you're the only hand to hand fighter here worth their weight in salt. That is, if you're man enough to do it."[/color]

She definitely knew she was playing with fire here, and she was hoping to not get too burned. Worst came to worst, she could still throw down rather well in a fight, and unlike Rugal, she didn't use Ki much in her strikes.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Hanger: Rugal, Slindis

Slindis's bluff managed to pry Rugal away from the New love of his life.
"...Ohhhhh, Those are fighting words...A challenge has been issued, it's not like I can say no, especially not to you, my lady..." He added as he finished buffing out the dents and put away the hose.
Relieving Stress? Man enough?...I think she finally might actually be onto me...But does she know I know she's onto me?... He thought as he noticed how uncharacteristically Slindis seemed to be gloating into a fight, marking the start of the mental mind games.
"So tell me: Any particular rule set in mind or just last man standing?" He asked as he began following the Drow, being extremely mindful of what path she would be taking.
Oh Old man, You are in for a show today...

Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri

As the party seemed to start winding down, Jenny finally made a late response to Ella's remark.
"alright, alrihgt, i'lwl edgt going then iuf it means so much to yj.a.." She slurred as she began to stand up, thought it was clear that alone was far beyond her capabilities right now.
Still, no more Shadow to harass her any longer so that was a minor win as she began trying to make her way out the room, though at the rate she was doing, she'd be ages before she did that, let alone get out of the building.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Rising Dawn: Hanger: Rugal, Slindis

She knew that it was still dangerous, so she had to appeal to his pride more along with a bit of that greed. Sure, it wasn't too tasteful, but she knew how far she could take her body even in a straight-up knockdown fight.
[color=c200]"Last person standing, Rugal. Move it to an area where things like that hard-earned car of yours won't be damaged, obviously. That is, unless you like having to pay for all of the repairs of your ship from that conglomerate that you still have to build. Think of it: using the Rising Dawn to let the world know you're not a man to be trifled with."[/color] If anything, it seemed like SLindis was warming up to working with Rugal, and that was the exact effect she wanted to go for.
[color=c200]I've seen plenty on tempting others in my line... with his type, I'll have to go for something along the lines of being drawn to his dominating personality to make this have a chance of working.[/color] Her path was rather circuitous as she knew that Rugal knew she didn't explore the ship much that he could see. However, she'd spent more than a few nights learning the ship's hallways in and out and where her daughter had set up traps.
[color=c200]"What happened to some decent non-training rooms to fight in? The canteen carries far too many good drinks to risk it there, after all. Some of those are supposed to be hard to find, after all."[/color] Even as she led him through the halls in a well-faked confusion, she kept a focus on any sudden reactions from him as she let her years in combat training aid her reflexes.
[color=c200]We should be getting close...[/color]

Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella

Ella could see pretty clearly that Jenny was in no state to move around, so she placed a hand on Jenny's shoulder to stop her from leaving. "You know, Jenny, you should sleep here tonight. I don't want you getting hurt on the way to the ship, and there's already some comfy beds for us here." It wasn't too much of an issue for the demi-succubus to lift the Gardevoir and place her on the rather large bedded area that the group was going to be sleeping for the night, and the cushioning was extremely comfortable. The Kirijo Group must have their workers sleep in the building overnight all of the time for these cushions.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Hanger: Rugal, Slindis

[color=c200]"Last person standing, Rugal. Move it to an area where things like that hard-earned car of yours won't be damaged, obviously. That is, unless you like having to pay for all of the repairs of your ship from that conglomerate that you still have to build. Think of it: using the Rising Dawn to let the world know you're not a man to be trifled with."[/color]

.....PPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-AHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, she so fucked it's not even funny...Okay, maybe a little funny... Rugal thought, taking every fiber of his being to avoid bursting into laughter at her attempts to sway him.
"Why Slindis...That sounds like a lovely idea..." He cooed, clearly playing around with her attempt at a ruse, I mean, Since when did Slindis care about the wine cabinet in the Canteen?
AHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAHAHA-OHooohhh...I think she is literally trying to kill me with laughter now...
"So true, so very very true...Storage Bay could be good. Private, Out of the way, Plenty of room can be made, Nice thick metal walls, I think that'd work." He responded, the smirk on his face starting to grow slightly.
Ohhhhh...Okay, put her out of her mis-....OH JUST ONE MORE! He thought as he then said one of the worst things he could imagine for both Slindis and his "Weaker" half.

"...Slindis, I attempted to sleep with Akane...You're cool with that, right?...I mean, we have an open relationship right?" He said, no bluffs, no lying just the awful awful truth.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Cadolbolg, Devon,

After Teri winked out and went off with her wolf, the tiny turtle dragon baby paused, never having really been asked about what flavor of cake he really liked, "Hmn... I think I just like yellow cake. It's pretty versatile, and tastes nummy with chocolate!"

Shadow Ops Building: Canteen: Melethia, Ton Ton

Ton Ton only stared at the young girl, his mind quickly processing what he was just told, and tried to think of a way to go about this. He finally settled for, [color=15650D]"So... The-these people, who raised you... They made EVERYONE who died an undead monster? And they used this to motivate people your age? That's monstrous! That's awful... And I've seen you fight those zombies, that means... oh my goodness. Oh my..."[/color]

The Tonberry backed away from Melethia a step, his little hands covering where his mouth should have been; his voice doing just as much as any expression to express the distinct horror he was feeling. After all, as a Guardian of Dreams, and a Hunter of those who plagued young children's dreams (and Melethia being right around the Mistress's age), the fact that a child had been raised to do what Melethia was able to was horrendous in his eyes.

Airship Rising Dawn: -In search of Rugal and Slindis-: Dimitri, Garm, Teri

After making her way to the Rising Dawn, Teri asked aloud, [color=0E59E4]"Soooo, Dimitri; what's the sitch?"
"Duuude, we didn't ever watch Kim Possible."
"Shut it and let the AI talk?"
"Whatevs. But, Sadei, cutie patoot, the moment we bust shit up, you keep talking to us bout your staff problems. You're our buddy and we looooove you and shit. Well, other me does anyways. You pretty cool in my book, I guess."

After a moment, Dimitri answered back over the Tablet, [color=3897E0]
"Well, after some news of what your father has wrought, which I'm sure User: Garm has already delivered to you, your mother decided to confront User: Rugal directly. Naturally, I assumed you'd want to aid. They're currently making way to a supply room. Now, I'm setting up a training room close to their location to push him into a Shadow Zone and hopefully help exorcise this mess. It will be up to you, your mother and faithful canine to pull him in. Do feel free to call myself or Ms. Vermilion to begin sealing off areas to bottle neck him in. It worked with User: Constance, it might work here..."

With the sobering news, Teri could immediately feel a small amount of her buzz already die off, and Toyotama lamented the event's affect on their body, especially since the Cleric had been so relaxed a moment ago. However, her speech still remained a bit more brutish than usual, a sign that the drinks were still processing in her system, [color=0E59E4]"Point me to em. Now."[/color]

"Head to the Storage area as marked on the map. Use the rings to keep in contact with your mother, go to the training room first and make User: Sadei a staff. You know User: Rugal's specialties lie with fists. You won't stand a chance off Garm and without distance."

[color=0E59E4]"Gotcha. Thanks, Dimitri. You da man. Now, to get to Mum..."
"Yo, Mum. Dimitri got hold of me, and he's getting a room ready close to the storage area. Me and Garm are on our way..."[/color]
[color=356D60]"That we are. Alpha Slindis, is there anything we need to know about this plan?"[/color]

Now, that was two strange things, the first being hearing Garm's voice, and the second being Teri's manner of speech. She almost sounded like how Toyotama liked to talk... But she wasn't being malicious either. Was she possessed? No, that wasn't quite right. Possessed people acted differently...

Captcha bonus: Not yet

[color=0E59E4]"Dammit, we just got done drinking! We can't have this shit now!"[/color]


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Jenny, Cadolbolg, Devon, Ella, Garm, Teri

Once again, Ella guided Jenny to the resting area. "Come on, Jenny, stay in here for the night. I need you to chill out for just one single night."

The imps were about to start making the cake when Devon cut them off. [color=00c863]"Cadol, how about we try making it? It shouldn't be too bad, and it's better than just sitting around and waiting for it."[/color] After all, all it would take is for Devon to look up the recipe for the cake, and she was sure Ella would appreciate a slice as well. And so what if it didn't come out perfectly?

Shadow Ops Building: Canteen: Melethia, Ton Ton
She could see that Ton-Ton was alarmed for some reason, but she couldn't understand quite why he was so startled. "Ton-Ton, I didn't see you complaining when I cut a swathe through those undead in Los Santos. I mean, they weren't anywhere near as tough as some of the ones we trained with and against, and we needed every small bit we had when the other side had those kinslayers, deathless, and Dragons on a campaign of eradication. When you look at it , it wasn't that bad."
(See? Alia turned out to be Dead Weight. We can use her for some more training. Ensure you aren't Dead Weight like her.)
Her statements to defend how she'd lived were most likely doing more harm than good at this point, though.

Airship Rising Dawn: On the way to the Storage Area: Slindis, Dimitri, Rugal, Sadei, Teri, Garm, Sadei

Tama could feel that the staff did appreciate the attention, even if Sadei didn't really get too loud about it. [color=b05fe9]"Teri's already got plenty going on without me adding more to the mix, Tama."[/color]

[color=c200]Wait... Rugal shouldn't be going along this easily. There should have been some form of hesitation there.[/color] She'd unfortunately come on too strongly, but she had to keep Rugal not knowing exactly what it was that she had planned. [color=c200]"I'm more disappointed that you didn't think to include me in it or talk with me about it. Lord knows the woman needs some kind of comfort after having everything else around her abandon her."[/color]

She neared the room that Dimitri called out for her to head to and responded to the two. [color=c200]"Teri, I wanted you to relax... If you are going to do this, you will need to be extremely careful as you know. When we get to that Shadow Zone, Shivering Touch should help shut him down. Limit mobility, and above all keep some actual space. Garm might need to be wary as well, but I've got the feeling he can already hear us. I do recognize that manner of speaking from Lupito, after all."[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Airship Rising Dawn: On the way to the Storage Area: Slindis, Dimitri, Rugal, Teri, Garm, Sadei

[color=c200]"I'm more disappointed that you didn't think to include me in it or talk with me about it. Lord knows the woman needs some kind of comfort after having everything else around her abandon her."[/color]

That was the straw that broke the camels back as Rugal stopped dead in his tracks and was snorting from laughter.
"...Tsehehehe-you really expect-pfffff-Me to believe that you wanted a Threesom-PFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!....Ohhhh, ow, ow, Oh god, Death by laughter! What a way to go out." He soon cracked up afterwards, starting to wipe tears from his eyes.
"Ohhhh...That was fun. I have to admit, That was the worst bluff I had ever heard. You MASSIVELY overplayed your part. I mean, my act wasn't exactly going to win me any academy awards, but I'll admit, it was totally phoning that in. But seriously!?..." He practically taunted as he revealed his hand, figuring that there was little point in trying to hide it any longer.
"So...Who else knows?...How many crew members are you willing to send to die?..." He said as he readied himself, merely cracking his neck and getting into stance.
He'd been waiting for this chance and he was going to make the most of it...
With them out of the way, ain't nothing stopping me from just coming back...

Airship Rising Dawn: Hanger: Deadshot

Not long after Rugal and Slindis left the area, Deadshot had finally made up his mind about what he was going to do.
"-Okay, just go in, get some answers, leave. In, Answers, Leave. In, Answe-Hello?!" He was repeating to himself until he saw Rugal's new car.
"...We had an Infernus and no one told me!?" He shouted loudly as he began swooning over the sports car.
Glancing around the Hanger, he then shouted "Hey!? Who's car is this!?", hoping he could get his hands on it.
If he was going to be poor, he'd at least would like something to rub in people's faces.


No soffidx.
Sep 8, 2010
Airship Rising Dawn: On the way to the Storage Area: Slindis, Dimitri, Rugal, Teri, Garm, Sadei

[color=c200]"You know, I'd say more, but it won't matter here in a moment. No matter what happens here, you're going to end up stuck here just like you were in Equestria - and this time, there won't be any escape."[/color] With that, she went to her most Defensive stance as she noted the difficult terrain. It was certainly dark in here, but that was a big advantage for her - she could see in the darkness, where Rugal couldn't. It wasn't crucial, but it would be an edge.

[color=c200]Now to get him to that room...[/color]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Shadow Operatives Building: Party Room: Cadolbolg, Devon,

Cadolbolg gave a happy little loop de loop in the air, and offered a claw to Devon, "Then let's get going before they go to bed, Devon! Who knows what kind of sleep cycles Imps keep..."

Shadow Ops Building: Canteen: Melethia, Ton Ton

Ton Ton blinked (or would have, if Tonberries could) in astonishment on two counts. The first being in the realization that Melethia hadn't thought any of this stuff was off in any manner or sort, and the second was on account that Melethia completely missed the point of what he was trying to say. So, in a hope to gather himself, he asked again, [color=15650D]"... I meant the part that your dead were also used as resources in a war. That sounds like something out of a horror story! Not to mention you fought with and trained against those same dead... Didn't you think it was a little odd to fight against the reanimated remains of your brothers and sisters?! What family was this?! No, this wasn't a family at all, this was a brainwashing military unit! I've no idea how you can call vile people like that a family. They certainly didn't treat you like a family should. Families love and support each other, not callously reuse their dead children as soldiers![/color]

Airship Rising Dawn: On the way to the Storage Area: Slindis, Dimitri, Garm, Rugal, Sadei, Teri

Teri gave a small nod as she rode on with Garm, finally finding herself in the storage room in question, [color=0E59E4]
"I gotcha, Mum. Once we force him out of this hidey hole, slam in a training room and slap some Shivering Touch to cool him off... cool off... Hee hee. Anyways, me an' Garm are about there. We're gonna try to take topside on these crates. Garm, you're all sneaklike, right?"

The wolf answered back, [color=356D60]"That I can be. Alpha Slindis, Tear-ri has already told the Voice Dimitri to ready a room. We can lure Not-Alpha Rugal to there at your leave. I will be atop these crates and stalking as we speak... Tear-ri, keep that staff friend of your's ready."[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"You betcha![/color]

Ah, good. Slindis could gather from Garm's statement that Teri had converted Sadei into her staff form. At least while enebriated, the student knew a good tactical move. Following that, Garm stepped quietly onto some crates; very thankful that Teri and him took up some training for dealing with maneuvers like this during that week of training she spent with Rugal and Slinids...[footnote]In reference to Teri's ranks in ride.[/footnote]

While he did this, Teri herself gave one final piece to the sentient staff, her feelings sounding purely genuine when she addressed her friend, [color=0E59E4]And, Sadei, I heard you talkin' to Tama. I don't want you to think you gotta isolate yourself. You talk to me, you hear? You're my little sis, just like Mel. You talk to me, or I'mma gonna be pissed. I'm NOT forgetting about you again. Not like what I did back in that Western place. Not ever."
"Besides, who am I gonna tussle with if you're not around?"

Now was for the Winter Wolf to take up his side of the partnership. Maneuvering as lightly as he could, Garm made his way to flank the King of Fighters from atop the crates, and readied himself in case he needed to jump or fall; sending Slindis and Teri an alert over the rings signalling the same. While he couldn't see in perfect darkness, the tiniest hints of light were enough for the wolf to gather some information in the darkness that was the supply room, taking in the scene below him, [color=356D60]"I am prepared for the worst, Alpha Slindis. I am stronger than I used to be."[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"Time to give this bastard what's coming to him for taking over Dad."
"FUCK YEAH! Let's save Dad from himself! Now, if only we didn't have to be all sneaky and shiz, I'd blast some music..."[/color]

Blast Off To Titan

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Rising Dawn: Constance Sorrowfeld's Room : Dreamscape Constance Sorrowfeld, Jake

The Young Vampire "awoke" and find herself in the strange and unfamiliar place, though beautiful, the sudden transition from the steel and plastic room to the lush green foliage left her slightly distressed. As she looked around for a sign of something familiar, she spotted the Author that had just recently passed away.

"J-Jake? What - H-How? Where are we?" The Vampire asked as she looked at herself. Her clothing was clear of the grime and mud that had accumulated during her passage through the Shadow Realm and was free of the blood stains that could not be washed off, no matter how hard Constance tried. They were mended as if they had never been torn. Even the Vampire's hair with its shock of midnight blue was clear and lustrous in the sunshine.

As the Sorrowfeld Princess awaited an answer from the Writer, she looked about her at the scenery. A small brook chattered noisily near by, speaking of the snow caps from which it was been born while in its depths, small fish waited for the Spring thaw that would allow them to travel further down stream to the ocean where they would grow into adulthood. The Trees that surrounded the pair kept their distance but shielded them from the chill coming from the mountains.

"But - you died. Like everyone else does." Constance added as she sat up, unaware that this was but a dream.


Shadow Operations Building : Canteen Melethia, Som, Ton Ton

Lost. For a Hunter who was supposed to be an expert at navigating the wilds, it was quite an embarrassment to have become lost on the way to the Airship's Canteen, even more so when Som found himself in the Shadow Operations Building. Despite all this, he found a Canteen located within the Building.

Shrugging to himself, the Hunter seated himself at an empty table, trying not to listen to the conversation that took place between the young elf and the green lizard like - thing.