(The Ballad Of Stoneridge) Gilead, overlooking Stoneridge: Teri, Reginald, Caim
Teri didn't even have a chance to move by the time the Howitzer shell hit, the impact knocking the Cleric off her feet and landed on the ground with a pained cry of [color=0E59E4]"FUCK!"[/color] (as landing on a quiver of arrows was never great for chiropractic purposes), and slowly rolled on her side to try and right herself up. Shrapnel stuck out her robe, but Teri didn't feel any pain from it, no doubt on account of the enchantments on her equipment. Thinking on how she owed Devon for the robe, Teri began to focus on her Healing Aura again, the warmth of the positive energy beginning to pulse through her being, aiding in taking away some of the pain. No doubt, the others would need it in a pinch. The Cleric scanned the battle field for her comrades, and spotted the mages further ahead of the group hit by lightning, the mages getting ready for some spell or another. [color=0E59E4]"T-that can't be good. Sadei, get into your bow form, if you'd be so kind?"[/color]
As liquid silver began to dribble down her arm and form into a bow, Teri grabbed a water bottle from her satchel and uncapped it with her teeth, waiting for the bow to be completely formed. After Sadei finished, she splashed the bow with some of the water and spoke in Celestial incantations; covering the bow with a pale sheen. Teri stood up with a start following the casting, took a defensive, if shaky, stance with her bow, and nocked an arrow before letting it fly at one of the mages's limbs; and began to try a shaking walk to her allies. Healing spells needed to be cast, and a touch spell only reached so far.
Caim let back a gasp, mentally crying out in pain as the electricity traveled through his body and discharged. This wouldn't be the first time that the warrior had felt such an attack on his person before, but it certainly wasn't any better than the other time. Even so, the warrior persisted, and glared at the mages who brought the onslaught to them. Shaking off the initial jitters, Caim did as he usually did, lowered his head before readying a charge, an angry, wordless growl coming from his PDA, as he forced himself ahead and thrust his blade forwards, hoping the sonic energy generated would do something to his opponents.
As for our wayward Archon? When he was last seen, Icarus had pretended he was a baseball and lobbed him down to his enemies below. After clobbering into some poor soul's head, the Archon activated his Aura of Menace (DC 12) and shouted boldly to his opponents, [color=C0C000]"GREETINGS MORTALS! I AM REGINALD, ARCHON OF THE LORD GOD! IF YOU LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS, YOU WILL NOT BE KILLED [SUB]AT LEAST, I THINK THAT'S WHAT MY SUMMONER IMPLIED[/SUB]. OTHERWISE, DO NOT SAY I DID NOT WARN YOU!"[/color]
After boldly announcing his intentions, Reginald floated higher into the air and fired off two rays of extraordinary light, one for two different attackers.
(The Long Game) Blackwater City: Business District : (David) West, Jenny, David A, Maka Albarn, Melethia, Angelus, Shinia Hatashi
Angelus feigned an unknowing shrug as Shinia asked about the Snake Princess. It would be better (for the moment) if she pretended to know nothing; the others had nothing to do with that battle from so long ago.
"No doubt, this will come to a head later. I will have to mention it to Caim and Rugal after their- Ack!"
Angelus froze in her place as she felt the pain of Caim's brush with electricity course through her mortal form; clutching to her sides in an attempt to stay in place. No doubt, however, the outburst was bound to be noticed, and Angelus gave a few heavy gasps before trying to continue the conversation, "I *gasp* Am not certain *huff* if speaking to every person about this *pant* is the best of ideas. It might alarm our quarry. If he is a leader of a company, he would stick to higher class establishments. No doubt there is a hierarchy in place here; and services for each member of the social ladder. In my experience, bars or other such places would be the place to look. That's where I intend to look. Anyone want to come with me?"
"Your Ladyship, look out!"
Teri didn't even have a chance to move by the time the Howitzer shell hit, the impact knocking the Cleric off her feet and landed on the ground with a pained cry of [color=0E59E4]"FUCK!"[/color] (as landing on a quiver of arrows was never great for chiropractic purposes), and slowly rolled on her side to try and right herself up. Shrapnel stuck out her robe, but Teri didn't feel any pain from it, no doubt on account of the enchantments on her equipment. Thinking on how she owed Devon for the robe, Teri began to focus on her Healing Aura again, the warmth of the positive energy beginning to pulse through her being, aiding in taking away some of the pain. No doubt, the others would need it in a pinch. The Cleric scanned the battle field for her comrades, and spotted the mages further ahead of the group hit by lightning, the mages getting ready for some spell or another. [color=0E59E4]"T-that can't be good. Sadei, get into your bow form, if you'd be so kind?"[/color]
As liquid silver began to dribble down her arm and form into a bow, Teri grabbed a water bottle from her satchel and uncapped it with her teeth, waiting for the bow to be completely formed. After Sadei finished, she splashed the bow with some of the water and spoke in Celestial incantations; covering the bow with a pale sheen. Teri stood up with a start following the casting, took a defensive, if shaky, stance with her bow, and nocked an arrow before letting it fly at one of the mages's limbs; and began to try a shaking walk to her allies. Healing spells needed to be cast, and a touch spell only reached so far.
Teri has cast Frost Weapon [http://dndtools.eu/spells/frostburn--68/frost-weapon--1312/], imbuming Sadei with a (nonlethal) Frost enchantment, doing an extra 1d6 of for each successful strike.
[b]30 seconds till next 2nd level spell
6 seconds till next 4th level spell[/b]
Teri has shifted into Ocean Stance. This gives a +3 bonus to Wisdom (making it a 25 with equipment), a bonus to dodging blows, and +3 to all of her saving throws. This allows Teri to keep a cooler head, and maintain accuracy through thought and analysis. However, her Strength is reduced (-2, making it an 11 with equipment).
As for our wayward Archon? When he was last seen, Icarus had pretended he was a baseball and lobbed him down to his enemies below. After clobbering into some poor soul's head, the Archon activated his Aura of Menace (DC 12) and shouted boldly to his opponents, [color=C0C000]"GREETINGS MORTALS! I AM REGINALD, ARCHON OF THE LORD GOD! IF YOU LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS, YOU WILL NOT BE KILLED [SUB]AT LEAST, I THINK THAT'S WHAT MY SUMMONER IMPLIED[/SUB]. OTHERWISE, DO NOT SAY I DID NOT WARN YOU!"[/color]
After boldly announcing his intentions, Reginald floated higher into the air and fired off two rays of extraordinary light, one for two different attackers.
Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds archons that fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an archon must succeed on a Will save to resist its effects. Those who fail take a -2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same archon?s aura for 24 hours.
(The Long Game) Blackwater City: Business District : (David) West, Jenny, David A, Maka Albarn, Melethia, Angelus, Shinia Hatashi
Angelus feigned an unknowing shrug as Shinia asked about the Snake Princess. It would be better (for the moment) if she pretended to know nothing; the others had nothing to do with that battle from so long ago.
"No doubt, this will come to a head later. I will have to mention it to Caim and Rugal after their- Ack!"
Angelus froze in her place as she felt the pain of Caim's brush with electricity course through her mortal form; clutching to her sides in an attempt to stay in place. No doubt, however, the outburst was bound to be noticed, and Angelus gave a few heavy gasps before trying to continue the conversation, "I *gasp* Am not certain *huff* if speaking to every person about this *pant* is the best of ideas. It might alarm our quarry. If he is a leader of a company, he would stick to higher class establishments. No doubt there is a hierarchy in place here; and services for each member of the social ladder. In my experience, bars or other such places would be the place to look. That's where I intend to look. Anyone want to come with me?"