The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen: Rugal, Kalastryn, Boss, Edge, Selena, Blade, Faith, Katya

"Yeah, I remember the first time I had one of those..." Blade fondly reminisced as Katya enjoyed the healing goodness of that horrible cocktail.
Once Katya began to talk, the verbal nonsense was quickly lost on his primitive mind as he merely tilted his head as if to say "You wot, m8?"
" to meet you..."Katty Ya"...Wait-...Seriously?...J-jenny didn't tell you about me?..." He mumbled as the insecurity kicked in.
"Oh don't be so melodramatic, she only came on board about 2 days ago." Rugal pointed out, lest Blade start harassing people with questions about if they even knew who he was or not.
"...Right! Of course! Hahahah..hah..." The Strider said before "Sipping" his coffee once more as he lead Katya back to the table, just in case her body decided against digesting that Prairie Oyster.
When the topic turned back to him being a Ninja, He was more then keen to stroke his ego a little.
"Oh it's great! I get to travel, see interesting people, kick some serious but-...."
He paused when he went to go on about the values of a Strider when he looked down at his chest, namely the long ass scar that went from his face all the way down to his mid-section, the one Hiryu gave him.
"...You know...It's a living..." He then finished in a deflated manner, even going so far as to actually move his face bandanna and drink his coffee "Normally".
StormShaun said:
Alright, it was more of a Force of Habit thing anyway ^^;
The President, Wanderer, and Merlin.
Location: Dr. Birkin's Office | USA: Black Mesa Research Facility
After being lead hastily though several labs, namely the Demonology and Xenobiology labs were they could only get slight glances at what laid within (It wasn't pretty), they were soon lead to the Administrators office.
Before they went in, there was a full body scanner with another "Tyrant" of a man slowly snapping a pair of latex gloves.
"Alright, before anyone can be brought into the Administrator's office, I am going to have to ask that you hand over all weapons. The Administrator is a careful man so don't try anything, President or not, we can't allow you to just wave a gun around, not after how the last Administrator died. This goes for your friends as well." Kane Explained before walking though the scanner, pulling out a handgun, a strange pen and a baton of sorts, the latter two of which seemed to gently set off the Geiger Counter on Wanderer's Pip Boy.
Either way, the Tyrant manning the scanner was quick to ensure that all visible weapons[footnote]Stuff in the Pip Boy don't count.[/footnote] were taken off the President and his men before they were allowed inside.

After that, they were finally allowed to meet Dr. Birkin in person.
His office was unlike the sterile halls they had passed to get there, A Dark room full of computer screens ['s_Hideout.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091022230234] with the man himself at the helm.
Even just stepping inside, an "Off" vibe filled the air, especially for Merlin as he noticed a array of small devices on the wall, he had seen them before at the White Crib, Small Power Suppression units designed to shut down Metahuman powers, Magic and other un-human powers, This must be where they were made.
Once they were all inside, the computer screens shut down before the lights in the office turned on and the chair slowly spun around to reveal Dr. Birkin in a white leather trench-coat with the Black Mesa Logo on it.
"Mr. President. How may I help you?..." He asked, a undertone of annoyance running though his voice.


Johnny Gat and Krizalid. Comms: Tactician Shorn, Matt Miller.
Location: Old Saints Hideout: Old Stilwater | USA: Stilwater City
"Hhmhmhm...Yes, The President doesn't seem exactly popular at the moment, does he?..." Monsoon said as he walked over to the display and began to input the request.
"Well, Mr. Akuji, while we do pride ourselves on delivering a professional service, I must remind you that killing the "Leader of the Free World" is a fair deal more challenging. Fortunately, with the way the Election seems to be going, that won't be an issue for much longer." He explained to Gat as he watched him put in the Boss's details.
"The good news is that this lines up rather well with a on-going contract we have on the same target so we will be able to provide a slight discount. However, it will still be rather costly, as most political assassinations go...About...750 Million. Don't worry too much, we have a wide array of payment options for someone in your position."
While Monsoon was going on about the number of ways he could pay the figure, Krizalid remained in hiding, yawning slightly from boredom.
But there was one line that stood out from the rest of the boring payment plans.

"-We also provide a discount of up to 50% for those who offer live humans to our organisation. Cybernetics have come a long way, but we still need the "Spare parts", if you pardon the expression..."
And these were the people who had Shaundi...


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Hangar Array | Rising Dawn
The Devil is not so black as she is painted.

The soldier shot himself to prove a point. I gave a groan. "I have to ask you," I said to Violet, "to stop trying to convince me otherwise." I broke free from Molli's grip, a little too abruptly. The look of shock on her face made me feel a little guilty.

"I have to ask you to understand this," I pointed to the grunts, "none of the other heroes wear this special armor of yours, so why should I?" I crossed my arms and shook my head, "And you Ares said it herself. I have to be dealing with structural collapses and high-powered rifles and supernatural abilities. Wearing this stuff for protection is honestly pointless with the magnitude of disaster that being on this vessel entitles me to."

And I wouldn't be caught dead wearing something so military and bland.

"I won't be able to prove anything to you now, but on the battlefield I assure you that I am more than enough by myself." After all I can see almost anything with these accursed eyes, shouldn't be too hard to dodge a few supersonic shards of metal.

He Who Would be God
Chapter: 6 - A Betrayal, the Pain I Feel from Your Treacherous Smile
Location: The Bleak Heavens | The World of Darkness
Kindle not a fire that you can not extinguish.
The Storyteller

"Lambda snatched Ruby from the ground and took off, her petals closing behind her to fend off tendrils that came at the two girls. Nu appeared beside Lambda, drifting backwards to keep her eyes on Bewp. Mu was still stuck to the mass swarmed beneath them. The mad world began to break apart.

The very nature of the paradise, a construct of Bewp's subconscious, began to shatter. The earth tore and drifted into empty space and the sky blazed with ravenous blue flame. A tendril launched itself at the fleeing Murakumo units but the two sisters dodged the lance easily by shifting their flight pattern to the sides.

"No. 13, what do you believe we should do." Lambda said coldly. Nu gave a few moments of tense silence before she spoke.

"No. 12 is defective. We cannot destroy her in this state. If she is absorbed she might pervert the Dark One. Terminate both units." Nu let her petals splay out and summoned a Dimensional Distortion circle in front of her. An infinite flurry of blades fell upon Bewp's cancerous body. Huge exotic-matter blades tore apart his body, but his fluid form reconstituted itself soon after. What they were fighting had quickly become a behemoth. "Legacy Edge: Form 1, Dia Forma."

Lambda was silent. She held onto Ruby tightly, clearly uncomfortable. "Distortion Drive: Calamity Blade." With Ruby dangling from her in one hand she used the other to summon three swords as large as skyscrapers and brought them down on Bewp's mass, tearing apart the swarming nanites into three partitions.

There was a change in the atmosphere as they activated these devastating abilities. The black nothingness that gaped at them from the lapses in the world turned blue and the air shimmered with a power not dissimilar to phenomena intervention.

Meanwhile Mu was doing her best to dodge the blades as they came tearing through Bewp's half-solid body. While the exotic matter blades would not cut her body like conventional sword-petals, they still packed enough kinetic energy to do some heavy damage. The nanites tunneled deeper into her body, boring into her flesh. She gave a sharp groan. "I can't do anything while those two idiots have their Distortion Drives activated," Mu growled.

"Sister, while Barrier-Burst capabilities are offline at this moment, we do have access to Overdrive functionalities. At your body's current state we would be able to make one full draw of the Boundary's power."

"You're a crazy Observer big sis. I never thought giving you his eyes would have been the right idea. When this trash heap counterattacks those two dolls we'll pop Stein Geyser and make quick work of all of them." She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes as she felt Bewp move deeper into her body, pushing into her viscera. She felt hot and she itched beneath her skin. But this was nothing. To stop that madman Mu would take this and more."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Newly Re-furbished Hanger: Entire Crew

[HEADING=3]After the crew had finished their morning rituals, they began to pile into the Hanger to be briefed on the next mission[/HEADING]

Looking over the crew as they made their way into the hanger, Kazuya figured now was a good time to start the briefing.
[color=9f2b68]"Good morning. I hope you are all well rested because you will need to have all your wits about you in this mission. Today, the target is this man: Dr. Albert Wesker [], currently operating under the alias of Willaim Birkin, Administrator of the Black Mesa Research Facility."[/color] He said as an image of one of the Mesa's [] appeared on the projector.
[color=9f2b68]"Thanks to Data that Icarus was able to secure back at MIT, we now know that Cortex was using the college as a finishing ground for the Lab's black market dealings, a means to get weapons out of the base without having to report them to their military masters, as well as outsourcing some projects the lab couldn't get funding for. What you saw at MIT was the scraps on the cutting room floor, which naturally means we can expect far more from Black Mesa itself..."[/color] He warned, no doubt they remembered just how many weapons Cortex had back in the college so this would be "Welcome" news.

[color=9f2b68]"On top of that, we don't know anything about the base itself. The only information we can gather is that it was a former US nuclear waste storage site, but under Wesker, they have dramatically grown into a research and manufacturing hub, producing upwards of 30% of all military technology in the entire country, most of it government contracts. Now, while I personally would go for a much more "Quiet" approach, the attention we gathered from the MIT mission will have no doubt reached his ears so our window is closing before he most likely leaves the country entirely, cutting off our one lead to Bison. As such, I have called a battalion of G-Corp's army for one goal: Attack the base."[/color]
Letting his words hang in the air, he motioned for the next slide, outlining the plan of attack.

[color=9f2b68]"Under the cover of our air units, we will land On the Dam [] to the west of the base. Air support will take care of the enemy's defenses in the area, allowing you to land safely. Once we hit the ground, you will blast though the steel doors leading into the base. What lies on the other side, I do not know. All our Intel was able to get was the outside of the base. Once you are in, you'll need to find where Wesker is hiding on your own. Assume any and all Black Mesa personnel are enemy combatants, even the researchers. If you have some ethical concerns with killing unarmed men, then feel free to use other means to subdue them, but whatever you do: Do not let your let your guard down. Just because they have a lab-coat doesn't mean they won't try to kill you."[/color]

[color=9f2b68]"As for the base's security system's, we expect heavy resistance. Camera's, gun turrets, mechanical guards, anything and everything to ensure the safety of the base. So once our team is inside, we are going to blow up the dam. The Hydro-electric power generated feeds every computer system inside the Mesa. We take that out, we cut the power to the entire base. They will most likely have a back-up generator, but hopefully the reduced energy production will erode their defensive capabilities. However, to do that, we will need to control the air space so our aircraft can bomb it. To that end, I call upon Angelus. While the strike team takes the lab, you will remain outside with our forces. While G-Corp's aircraft are the best money can buy, What Black Mesa might have produced to engage them might be too much for them to handle. So once the team is inside, I want you to use your Dragon-form to shoot down anything in the sky. Be it man, machine or beast, if it's not one of ours, I want it burned to ashes before it even hits the ground...
...There is one exception however and I want all of you to pay attention to this..."[/color]

This time, the projector brought up a feed of a massive purple airship over the desert.
[color=9f2b68]"This is the Daedalus. It's a Flagship-class air combat platform created as a countermeasure to a ground invasion of the US. This project was headed up by the President and he has direct control over it. And because it's here, it means only one thing: The President of the United States is in the area. Due to the nature of our mission I.E. "Invading a US Military Hub", we cannot rely on them being on our side once the operation begins. On top of that, even if his forces prove to be an ally, I am under the believe that Wesker might have contacted him to use as a "shield" against us, a hostage even. If he is inside the base, I want you to make it a priority that he makes he out safely, even if you have to drag him out kicking and screaming. Outside of that, if they get involved in the battle, your express order is to not, I repeat, do *NOT* engage them. If so much as one of them get a bruise, it'll make future operations that much harder. You are free to assist and be assisted by them, but otherwise, forget they are even there."[/color]

His presentation over, he turned to face the crew once more.
[color=9f2b68]"Time is a resource we can't afford to waste. Once we get in, Wesker will most likely try to make a run for it. We go in and we go in hard, take only one prisoner: The man himself. Don't let anything get in your and at the same time, ensure the president makes it out alive. All going well, we'll be back here before lunch. Any questions?..."[/color] Kazuya finished before leaving the floor open to questions and suggestions.

[color=9f2b68]"Here's your objective.
1. Blah, blah, blah, blah, Secret base.
2. Blah, blah, blah, Blow up the Door and the Dam but not in that order.
3. Blah, blah, blah, Kill/Maim everything not Wesker/The President.
3. Blah, blah, blah, counting on you, utmost importance, Win, Lunch. Any questions?"[/color]
Any Questions, In character or out of it, feel free to ask :D


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Semi-intact Hanger: Entire Crew

Teri listened over to the whole battle plan with rapt interest, considering that she was going to be one of the medical supports in line for the mission, when a detail caught her eye... water. There was a whole dam, and they were going to blow it up? What if... As she began to think it over, she got a nudge from Garm, who moved his head towards Kazuya and whispered, [color=356D60]"You got a look on your face like you wanna say something. Say it!"[/color]

With a smile the Cleric raised a hand and asked, [color=0E59e4]"Um... Question. You said we need to blow up the dam, right. I.. I have boots that allow me to breathe underwater, and can call up water elementals. Couldn't we send one of them into the dam's processing plant and have them wreck havoc on their systems? They can control water after all, and if we kept the dam intact, it'd act as a means of entry and exit for our group."[/color]

Caim was next to raise a lazy hand, asking through the PDA,
"You mean..myself and Angleus, right?"
The Red Dragon herself, on the other hand, seemed to be glowing with the praise Kazuya had lauded her with, "Oh, you want me to be my full self? With pleasure..."

"O-o-oh! Queesstiiooonn!" Cadolbolg was next to speak after his father, the little turtle dragon fluttering in the air with Ton Ton in tow, "Can I go fight with Mother?"
[color=15650D]"Cadolbolg wait your turn, it's rude to interrupt people..."[/color]


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Rising Dawn: Hangar: Entire Crew

ARES was on her knees to the left of the main proceedings, though still listening to every word said and observing the visual feed, they were currently undergoing the process of adjusting into their new form. The chamber on their back fully open and metallic appendages stretching forth to pick apart their armored plating and replace it with their Assault frame... which would do nicely for what Kazuya specified... quite nicely indeed...

Still being passively re-outfitted, the plating replacing their old engineering armor seems to have become much more bulky, in quite a few areas. However, their assault frame seems to ignore armoring certain areas of the body altogether? Their thighs, the joints of their shoulders, and from their hips to their chest were left uncovered. Probably to allow those parts of the body to move unhindered under the weight of the rest of their armor... which does look heavy, even as it's still being formed. The massive plating on their back, which lightens only slightly as it wraps around to their chest in a harness shape looks as though she's carrying a turbine on her back. Two pistons of some sort also attach themselves to the rear of her shoulders, presumably to help with flight control with her jets, still located in her feet. Speaking of which, the gear attached to their feet? They may as well be wearing jet turbines compared to their boots from before!

As the process finishes, she does have questions for Kazuya. Getting up from her transformation process and engaging the safety on her Fusion Cannon... for now, she addresses their current commander with. "If it is imperative to leave the President's forces entirely unharmed, is there any way to provide insight into distinguishing them from the forces of our target? It stands to reason they wouldn't be wearing lab coats, as they are not researchers... however given the indiscriminate nature of our assault otherwise, it would help greatly to know beforehand the appearance of who it is we are most certainly not supposed to shoot. she says with an affirming nod.

"I am also not one to disagree with the chain of command, and time does run very thin I assume... destroying the dam outright would cripple an evac-... extraction point for us as well, so if what they say about being able to provide an alternative method to cripple the power is true, might I suggest to attempt that plan first? At very least so that once we are through the doors, the ground outside of them will still be there as a tactical advantage."

Kalastryn was watching the process of ARES' transmogrification with interest until they had spoken up, voicing their own question as well. "This President seems to be quite an important person, and that airship seems to be very, very well armed. I myself do not appear too threatening, should I try not to be. If we are sending Angelus out to limit air resistance against us, I have a pair of wings myself. Should things become heated with this "Daedalus" I would recommend sending me over diplomatically and explaining the situation. For that reason alone, I request to be withheld from proceedings inside the base until further notice. Mind you I'm certainly not disregarding that it is in our best interest not to engage them in any manner... but after how MIT went, I'd think it a good idea to have some form of backup plan in case our original plan... simple and effective as it is... does not go as it should. It's unfortunate for me to inform you but... around here? It rarely does." she suggests. Holding and shaking her head with a sigh.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Brig: Elise, Cortex, Doom, Deadshot

"Not at all, ma'm .. .. he just, passed out is all. Did that to himself. Right guys? RIGHT?"

"Yea, he's a psychotic mad man."
"Hmm h'mm ... ... troubled midget with no sanity left."

Doom was the first to protest the guard's explanation of why Cortex had the mother of all wedgies, going up the bars and saying [color=004d]"That's a lie! I'm telling you, the ghost did it!"[/color].
"Pffff, please, there are no ghosts here. We would have know about them!"
"I didn't see any ghost."
"Sorry Doom'N'Gloom, I've been here for months but I didn't see no ghost." Deadshot suddenly added in with curious timing, silencing the rookie Villain as Elise began to undo the rather painful looking arrangement Cortex was in.
When Cortex finally woke up, he did so while massaging a large lump on his head, another "War Wound" he had gathered during his stay on the Dawn.
[color=b4b4]"ohhh, My aching head[sup]TM[/sup]..."[/color] Cortex groaned as his vision began to focus on Elise and the fancy silk set up she had made as she poured him some green tea.
[color=b4b4]"...I'll pass."[/color] He said before sliding the cup back to her, not trusting her to not have drugged it or something.
[color=b4b4]"look, I got nothing to say to you or anyone else, I told you what I know and I won't say anything else."[/color] He said before crossing his arms and looking away in defiance, not wanting to be a dirty snitch like Doom was.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Brig: Elise, Cortex, Doom, Deadshot

"You have no need to worry~ I am here on my own will and not assigned by the Rising Dawn to gather more information. Rather, I wanted to make your lives easier in the Brig ... because I can relate."

[color=b4b4]"Tch, please, you don't know the first thing about me..."[/color] Cortex scoffed as she took a sip of his tea, trying to convince him that everything was above board, but he had been stung too many times by false kindness to fall for this.
"You may be prisoners of the Rising Dawn, but you're still human beings. No such ill treatment will be executed without my awareness on the matter. Furthermore, Doom mentioned a 'ghost' ... and I for one, feel this could be a threat to our organization and your safety. If you're willing, do tell me about what came of it's demands, or why it decided to pull your underwear over your scalp. But if you dare not say, I won't hold it against you. I'm simply trying to make the best for both worlds, Rising Dawn & your lives here manage is all."

[color=b4b4]"...Well-...he did say something about a man named-"[/color]
"[sub]Now[/sub]." One of the guards said before they all swarmed the cell, stating "Ms. Elise, I'm going to have to ask you to leave now.", their sentence capitalized by the unclicking of the safety's on their weapons.
"The Briefing for the next mission is about to begin anyway. You might as well not be late..." one of them "Suggested" in a manner that seemed like a threat.
Cortex didn't say anything, somewhat glad to see Elise get forced out of the room, he had already realized that whatever happened was Kazuya's doing and he wasn't doing to pry to save his own skin.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
Sorry for the long wait.

The President, Wanderer, and Merlin.
Location: Dr. Birkin's Office | USA: Black Mesa Research Facility
Before stepping into Birkin's office, a large pile of shining swords was laid next to the scanner, and right next to it was an even larger pile of guns and other dangerous weaponry. The ninja squad waited on the other side, and some were checking their watches. The President still threw weapons onto his pile, some ranging from a simple pistol to large, extreme sex toys. Most people in the room were surprised, minus Wanderer. Coming to his final weapon, The President pulled out his infamous, glowing, blue dildo bat. Strangely enough, he laid it on top of the weapons in a way that someone would bury their pet hamster.

Passing through the scanner, The President waited for the last member, Wanderer. "Still not bigger than mine." Wanderer said with a chuckle. With a swift pull, the disguised Doctor laid one, single scalpel on the table and simply walked through. "I lied." He smirked. Yet, they did not know, but he lied about the lie.

Minutes later within the office, The President gave a scowl. "We found Angel tech leading here, and I believe we deserve a explanation." The President said, his voice growing ever more angry and cockney by the second. "A thorough explanation ... If his mind can create and comprehend one that is." Wanderer said calmly, his words sharper than any of the weapons in his arsenal.

At the back of the group, Merlin examined the room even more detail, hoping to stop something that would be important.


Johnny Gat and Krizalid. Comms: Tactician Shorn, Matt Miller.
Location: Old Saints Hideout: Old Stilwater | USA: Stilwater City
Holding back any hint of anger after the news, Gat gave another bow. Rising, he gave a business-like smile. "I believe we can come to an agreement, but I also have another request." He said, leaving a few seconds of silence. "There is this member the President has ... I want him kidnapped for it is related to former complications for my business. His name is Pierce believe." Gat said, feeling almost guilty for trying to throw Pierce to the dogs, yet he remembered the objective.

"So I don't know if you do combos or what ... " Gat said, while trying to signal the bored but hidden Krizalid.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Rising Dawn: Newly Re-furbished Hanger: Entire Crew

"I'm gonna blow up a da~am! I'm gonna blow up a-"

"You're not blowing up any dams, Boss." Edge said. "You're going to stay here with Faith."

"Surely you must be-"

[color=0E59e4]"Um... Question. You said we need to blow up the dam, right. I.. I have boots that allow me to breathe underwater, and can call up water elementals. Couldn't we send one of them into the dam's processing plant and have them wreck havoc on their systems? They can control water after all, and if we kept the dam intact, it'd act as a means of entry and exit for our group."[/color]

Edge pointed to Teri. "See? That's a much better idea."

"...yeah, it is..." Boss said, slinking down in his chair.

"[color=00ad83]If I might add...[/color]" Insano said, leaning forward. He had been sitting behind the two, and judging by the clipboard he had in one had, he had apparently taking notes on the briefing. "[color=00ad83]While you may be one of the most powerful beings here, Boss, you would be much more of a liability than an asset. You're not very good at playing on a team, your rough skill and power fluctuates wildly depending on the circumstances, and I'm to understand you have a hard time killing people. If the president's ship attacks The Rising Dawn though, that could be an asset.[/color]" Insano leaned back again, and looked over his notes. "[color=00ad83]Furthermore, I've no doubt that Wesker has some experience with psychics, even if we aren't talking about psychics as powerful as you. And I can tell you from experience that psychics are...simple enough to deal with once you know what their weaknesses are.[/color]"

"And a sword in the face isn't?" Boss asked.

"[color=00ad83]In my experience a sword to the face-or a bullet, or a grenade, or one of those fancy throwing stars Edge has, or even just a massive, blonde knuckled fist-is one of the most effective ways to bring down just about anything. Magic, ki, energy, psionics, even super-high tech can all be completely nullified under the right circumstances. But! Even if you're functionally invulnerable, enough kinetic force will bring you down. That's why brute force has always been a mainstay in tactical maneuvers; not only is pound-for-pound the most effective form of hurting something, but it's undeniably the most reliable.[/color]"

Boss tried to sputter out a response several times before turning to Edge. " you-"

"Only that my throwing knives aren't fancy." Edge said, examining one of his throwing knives closely. "And that there's a fourth advantage to brute force; anyone can use it. I've seen people about as powerful as Rugal get lynched by mobs with nothing but hammers and baseball bats. Which is kind of what I was getting at before Faith came around. There are...what, six, maybe seven billion people in the world? What do you think happens when you piss off literally every one of them?"

Boss sighed. "Fine. I'll stay on the ship and...I don't know, meditate? Faith was asking me about that..."

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Avatar Adventure | The Rising Dawn | The Hanger | Post Pre Op Briefing
@StripKitty: I told you lil sis. Can't get rid of me...

So the nitty gritty bits of the plan, if they could call it a plan, was to infiltrate a base that they had no current data or layout on, fight an unknown number of hostiles that were defending this unknown base with an unknown layout and bypass any unknown number of traps and other defenses that could kill them, all to extract one man. Katya supposed that the crew had seen action on operations that had less information but it seemed that there couldn't have been any less information shared in regards to this base.

Walking over to the edge of the hanger, she looked over the side, a saw the damned damn in the distance, looking like a large stone tombstone, a tombstone that kept the damned valley from being flooded by the reservoir. Despite the fact that everyone was ready to hit the dam without giving a damn about their welfare, the Hacker Heroine was much more pragmatic in regards to her life and, more importantly, staying alive.

Dropping off the Infested Terrans near one of the gates and having them attack would be a good distraction, especially since they looked like Cortex's own men. That could stir up a little bit of chaos among the Wesker's ranks. The team would strike through one of the access tunnels but they would still face an unknown number of traps and automated defenses.

"GOD FUCKING SON OF A FUCKING *****!!" Katya screamed loudly in frustration as she tried to see an approach that would minimize the danger to herself and the team. Looking around her, she noticed that she'd drawn the attention of many crew members. Waving to them with a smile, she apologized, "Sorry! Nothing to see here. Hehe."

Looking back down at the damn, she tried to think more on how she'd handle this if it was a newly released map on an FPS.

"Recon. I need recon." Katya muttered. Even if she managed to patch into a security terminal, she'd still only get a limited amount of information from the security camera feeds. She needed the informational equivalent of a Hoover vacuum cleaner, which was impossible until Katya got closer. Unless...

Email to Willaim Birkin said:
Yo Wesky!

Check this shit out! I totally got the Infestation Program off the ground!!

Neo Cortex
Still nervous, Katya sat at the edge of the hanger, her legs dangling over the edge.


Paradigm Story | The Black Heavens | The World of Darkness

This wasn't right. This wasn't right at all. Nothing was right. Everything was going wrong. Ruby, being shielded by Lambda, could feel each and every one of the strikes that the Murakumo units landed upon the berserk behemoth. Despite all the hits that landed, BEWP kept coming for them, forcing Lambda to retreat further away from the pool. It was in the middle of such a retreat that Ruby lost consciousness, the pain that traveled along whatever mental link that remained established between her and the rampaging humanoid that sought to consume the girl that Lambda protected, ignoring everything else.

It was curious that Ruby should be the target of this one's appetite. She was a mere morsel compared to even Mu, who continued to be penetrated by the tendrils that sought to rip her asunder.

"Warning: Kill Switch Detonation in T-Minus 4:00.  Target distance: 100 meters.  Warning:  Mass is 500% above maximum threshold, unable to sustain higher reasoning processing routines."
Ruby muttered with whispered tongue,
"Event Log: Reinitializing Primary Partition routines.  Event Log:  Observation Routines started.  BEWP primary partition started"
Ruby's eyes opened. Ready to consume the multiple thousands of souls, though microscopic in energetic levels, that approached her and Lambda.

"Use me." Ruby whispered as she turned herself over to Lambda.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Location: Hangar Array | Rising Dawn
Liberty is a thing beyond all price.

Azan had his own misgivings about the operation. Alas, in the end it was the world of these youngsters that he had somehow stumbled into. It was not his place to intrude since he knew little and less of the customs of this place. For example he still had no idea what a'president' was. From what he gathered it was like a temporary king.

He closed his eyes and lay back in a chair he had brought with him from the Canteen.

"Should we split up into two groups? I think a few of us should go in with the express purpose of securing the President."

Ah yes, the demon girl. Come to think of it, Azan had not seen the black demonspawn for a while.

"And should anything go wrong with the President extraction I can shut off communications between the facility and the outside world for about 20 minutes."

He Who Would be God
Chapter: 6 - A Betrayal, the Pain I Feel from Your Treacherous Smile
Location: The Bleak Heavens | The World of Darkness
Kindle not a fire that you can not extinguish.
The Storyteller

"A thousand stars made themselves known in the space around the Behemoth and the other two Murakumo units. The Behemoth lunged at the three girls again, tendrils snaking around the Calamity Swords that pinned the main body to the ground. The abyss around them, that void that shone bright blue now expressed itself with a violent burning red.

"STEIN GEYSER!" Her voice cut through the still air like a sword, "WISDOM OF THE DIVINES!"

The stars, which in true form were strange-matter stein gunner units, started to unload rivers of energy. The air filled with these shooting stars as they tore into the Behemoth's body and forced the two Murakumo units into a defensive stance. Lambda-11 threw up her barrier to absorb the full brunt of the barrage while Nu simply countered it by diverting her Legacy-Edge summoning circle to strike down the attack.

The Behemoth cried out, caught between the barrage of attacks.

Lambda held tightly onto Ruby, feeling the energy radiating from her small body.

"Elysium." Lambda borrowed some of Ruby's power and transferred it to her swords, making them glow a brilliant green. Nu took the hint from Lambda and activated her own Overdrive.

"Unit activated: Power Limiter Removed."

With three Murakumo units all drawing power from the Azure at the same time, time effectively stopped for non-Observers. The maddened world halted and even the Behemoth's movements slowed.

"You have a minute before our Overdrive's burnout. Go." Lambda took Ruby and threw her toward the Behemoth. Despite being the most human of the Murakumo units, perhaps Lambda hadn't actually a complete understanding of how non-superhuman little girls worked?

Whatever was the case, something interesting was bound to happen. They were free from phenomena intervention after all. The illogical could occur."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Newly Re-furbished Hanger: Entire Crew

Kazuya was hearing the first round of questions and going though them one by one as their air units got set up an in position.

RE: Disabling the dam instead of blowing it up

[color=9f2b68]"....Hm....Well Teri, if your elemental can the disable the base's power supply, I won't call for the dam's destruction. Our original Evac plan involved using the base's hanger bay for our escape route after the base was secured, but if you can shut them down, then we can hold our position over the dam and use it as a staging area and forward base for reinforcements. Just if you wish to go that route, then the burden is on you to shut off the power. All we have going for us is the element of surprise so we need every advantage we can get. If I don't get confirmation of your objective being completed, then I will have to proceed with the dams destruction."[/color]

RE: Angelus entourage.

[color=9f2b68]"Mr. Caerleon, you will help with the strike team. Unless you happen to process a weapon that will be able to take down an aircraft without leaving your mount, then I fail to see what else you can offer our efforts in that role. on the other hand, you'll be engaging against several hostiles in a close quarters environment, which does without saying is a much more suitable position for you on this mission. As for the..."Children", so long as they don't get in the way of our efforts, I don't care where they are deployed."[/color]

RE: Engaging the President, his forces and identifying both.

[color=9f2b68]"I cannot say with any certain knowledge that I know how the president's personal force will be identified, best I could think of is look out for men dressed in purple. The President is rather fond of that color for some reason. If they are dressed in purple, ask them to identify themselves. If they are the president's unit, do not engage and wait for further instructions before proceeding. As for talking to the man himself, we are dealing with a man who once beat a reporter to death in the white house during a press meeting with a 5 foot dildo bat...The further I can keep him away from this operation the better. Should that situation occur however, I will permit the opening of communication channels, but know that I won't unless their involvement grows too great to ignore. If the President himself is in danger, you are clear to assist in his safe return, but our efforts have to be on Wesker. The man is far too intelligent to be allowed to slip back into the underground, this is basically our last chance to get him before he'll disappear off the face of the earth forever."[/color]


Much like some of the others, he wasn't exactly trilled with this plan, but he knew Wesker as well as Kazuya did and he was right: They only had one shot at this before he would slip into the shadows once more, taking their hopes of finding Bison with him.
"Well, I might as well lead the charge then, I can deal with just about anything they would be able to dish out. Wouldn't be the first time I stormed a hidden complex with without knowing much about it's layout either..." He said, recalling when he "Brought out" AIM from Viscus, using nothing more then his charisma, his intense fury and a metal staff.
He knew that most of this was coming from Kazuya's desire to prove himself after Wanderer badly shook the man's ego, but he knew that pointing that out would only serve to make things even worse.


David meanwhile was bit more disappointed as his career plan of "Save the President -> Get Rewarded -> Profit" seemed to be shut down by Kazuya's extreme policy of not interacting with the man at all.
Though even while he was doing on about how Wesker was more important, The sniper did conclude that perhaps if he got close to the president, he might be able to assas-
"Nggghhh!...Goddammit..." He groaned as he got another one of his recurring migraines, something that Blade noticed.
"Hey, you sure you are alright man? I mean, if you want to sit this one out-"
"Tch! You kidding? And miss out on all the fun? I once fought alongside Jack the Grim fucking Reaper-
"-And Satan in his Hell Condo in Hell. We know, we know..." Rugal finished for him, looking slightly annoyed at hearing that damn story for the upteenth time.

The President, Wanderer, and Merlin Feat. Dr. William Birkin
Location: Dr. Birkin's Office | USA: Black Mesa Research Facility

Brikin just started blankly at the group in front of him as he was asked about the Angel Tech.
"...You traveled all this way to ask about that?...Yes...We have Angel Technology, used in the development of more advanced technology and weapons to be used for both the country's safety as well as a counter measure against another Angel War. It was a hot button issue around here during our formation and thought decoding it's secrets, we've made massive strides in this nation's technological standing. Now, to be more precise, Dr. Zero [] was the man enlisted to head that research department, your queries will be better answered by him. Commander Kane, provide these men with ID badges, give them as much clearance as you see fit. That is all, good day..."
And without so much as another word, Birkin turned his chair back around and looked back at the monitors while Kane went about printing out a series of temporary passes for the base.
"Right gentlemen, these are your passes. They will grant you access to the following labs: Angel Genetics, Demonology, Xenobiology, Bio-weapon research, Robotics and Unstable Matter research, a personal favorite of mine. I'll ask you to stay out of the other labs aside from that. Now, if you just leave the room, you will have your weapons returned to you and you will be free to walk around without an escort." Kane happily said in a manner that had faint undertones of "Piss off."

As he was explaining that, Wesker got a 90s style pop-up happily stating "You got mail!"
Instantly, he knew that something was up when he got an email from "Neo Cortex" doing on about what appeared to be bio weapon research.
"...Kids and their computers these days..."
Rather then blatantly falling for one of the oldest and dumbest tricks in the book, he didn't even open the attachments and quickly purged the entire message and ran every anti-virus program the had before he sent back a reply:
Email to Neo Cortex said:
Email to Willaim Birkin said:
Yo Wesky!

Check this shit out! I totally got the Infestation Program off the ground!!

Neo Cortex
OMG, such gawdlike genetics Bro-Tex!
Them cell membranes didn't know what hit them yo!
I also 1-v-1'd some srs Tib research, check it out!

Albert Wesker
Adjusting his glasses, he then brought up one of the base's most advanced cyber-weapons: The Nemesis.exe.
Setting the weapon to follow the email, like a laser pathfinder on a guided missile, he then sent it off, the slow moving program following the trail of the message, it's ETA was about 15 minutes after the email was received.
And until those 15 minutes were up, most hackers had no idea they were targeted until it as too late.
The latest annoyance dealt with, he brought up his phone before quickly dialing in a number.
"...Inuart? It's me. Come to the office after the president leaves. We have a problem..."


Johnny Gat and Krizalid Vs. Monsoon.
Location: Old Saints Hideout: Old Stilwater | USA: Stilwater City
"Ahhh, Pierce Washington. A understandable choice. We'll do him for free, considering the nature of the contract." Monsoon said while Krizalid got the hint from Gat to make his move.
"Now, have you made up you mind on the method of payment?"
"How about a kick upside the head you LANGER?!"

Pouncing down from his perch on top of Monsoon's men, he quickly engaged the cyborg entourage while Monsoon glanced back in slight surprise, but-...he barely reacted, even as Krizalid punched clean though the head of one of his guards.
"...Hm...I was told the DC outpost was raided...Oh well...It's not like it matters, does it?" he said as he gently took off his hat, revealing a round dome-shaped visor over the top half of his face.
"Don't think you are so clever Mr. Akuji, if that is your real name, I've been double crossed at a meeting before, even have the scars to prove it..." he said before casually pulling out both of his Sai's.
"Usually what I do such a situation is this-"

Before Gat could react, both of his arms flew cleanly off his body before charging right at him, both Sai's aiming for his throat.

-Into a peaceful life... []

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Avatar Adventure | The Rising Dawn | The Hanger | Post Pre Op Briefing
@KatyR: #SomethingWrong

Katya looked down at her VNC client and sighed as she noted the response from Wesker. Clearly he wasn't the sort of person to be randomly looking at PDF files which meant he was at least smarter than a retiree logging onto AOL for the first time. She'd established a secure VPN tunnel to the MIT network using Cortex's credentials where she established an anonymizing virtual machine running SuSE Linux. From there she routed her email from that temporary VM through an Exchange server that happened to be connected through the NSA before it went out to Wesker. Clearing the email from the Linux Exchange client, she started a low level format of the VM, ensuring that it would write 0s across the entire HDD not less than 5 times before shutting down before she closed her VPN connection to MIT. She wasn't stupid enough to think that Wesker wouldn't have also analyzed the header data to find out where the email originated from but if he happened to attempt to trace it, he'd have found himself attempting to infiltrate the NSA networks, something that they frowned upon government or not.

"Well that didn't work." The Haxxxor thought to herself as she looked through her bag of tricks. Looking around her, she noted that everyone else was gearing up and getting ready to roll out. Some of the normal crew members would probably die while trying to establish air superiority over the dam. Sucked to be them.

"Alright B3WP. Get the grunts in a VTOL." Katya said. A door at the back of the hanger opened, revealing the Mercs dressed up as Terran Space Marines that were under Katya's control. Lining up, they boarded one of the VTOLs and waited for deployment, not a work muttered between them, not that they needed to say anything since they were networked to each other an knew what any of the others were thinking at any given moment.

Walking over to where Teri stood, Katya appeared slightly unhinged, worried and anxious.


Paradigm Story | The Black Heavens | The World of Darkness

Ruby blinked, or rather attempted to blink as she was flung at BEWP by Lambda. This wasn't what she'd meant by using her but she concluded that given how little information that Lambda had in regards to her, it was the most logical thing to do, maybe, perhaps? Still, what was done was done and there wasn't much that the young girl could do about it.

"Alert: Secondary Partition still active.  Alert: Kill Switch Detonation 1:00."
Ruby muttered to herself as she read through the logs BEWP's systems were generating. Closing in on the swirling mass of nano-agents, Ruby felt her skin growing warmer and warmer still until it began to radiate a light all its own. Her form began to change as well, her limbs melding with her torso, her torso elongating until she was no longer a child flying through the air but a spear, aimed for the heart of the beast.


Lambda's aim had been true and Ruby felt herself piece through the shell of the beast, causing BEWP to roar loudly as it sought to extract the weapon from its chest, its hands unable to grip Ruby as she drove herself deeper and deeper into the shadow cast beast. Just as matter annihilates anti-matter, so to did Ruby's own body annihilate BEWP's.

:10 :09 :08 :07 :06

BEWP's body began to pulse, just as it had when it had first arrived, just as it had when it had created the all consuming singularity and in an instant, both it and Ruby were gone, leaving the world of darkness to its own devices, leaving nothing in their wake.

At least it appeared that way. As the Murakumo units approached the crater they saw ... her. Curled up into a ball, her pale body being surrounded by the World's flora, hiding her nakedness from the world.

"M...mommy?" Ruby called out for Titania.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
She Who Would be God
Chapter: 7 - Fate Reforged
Location: The Boundary - Heart of the Azure
Kindle not a fire that you can not extinguish.

"That's not how it happened at all!" Bill was looking at me as if I was some sort of ghost. The sun peaked its head out across the water and its rays danced in the room. It was a bouquet of purples, oranges, and pinks. It was lovely. But still. "And who is this person!?"

It's not that I felt betrayed or jealous, but rather because I was always a deeply logical person, and you know what? I don't understand this! I didn't know this little girl sitting at the end table with my husband. How did she get on board? I knew every one of granddad's servants by heart and I knew most if not all of the guests to! And someone who looked like this I would have definitely remembered.

Ahhhhh! I don't know what gets to me more, that they are telling granddad's story wrong or that there's a stranger aboard the ship!

Bill looked at me calmly. He had bags underneath his eyes. "Did you stay up all night talking to her?" I asked. Stupid question really, of course he did. He loved his closure. He knew me well enough to know it was rhetorical. Bill was a distant man, but he was a people-person by nature.

"This is Ruby," Bill said. His lips were peeling again. He really needs to drink more water, honestly. He'd die without intervention if you just handed him a long enough book. Reads at 120 words a minute but forgets to eat, drink, and sleep. Easiest assassination ever.

I wrapped the sheets around myself and scooted over to the edge of the bed. "No, no, no. Let me tell it. The story is completely different than how gii-san even started it." I don't care who this Ruby girl is, she has no right to tell a story that granddad told to me while I was growing up. I might not be very smart, but I at least managed to piece together what happened from all the times granddad told it to me!

"It goes like this..."


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Rising Dawn: Newly Re-furbished Hanger: Entire Crew

ARES was the first to interject again after Kazuya's round of answers were dolled out. "So avoid immediate confrontation with any personnel wearing purple? I can't say I understand his fondness for the color either, but duly noted." She ponders, but then nods in understanding as the reasoning sinks in. She continues with another question however. "As you had suggested prior to this briefing sir, this frame should have ample firepower to blast through just about any physical barrier they stall us with. This being the case, whatever your plans originally were to breach the blast doors, I would not necessarily shelf them just yet in case their fortifications happen to be more formidable than I now suspect. What would that entail, should I not be capable of getting through them?"

"Keep in mind this is a very unlikely scenario however... having seen the technology possessed of this realm aside from technology acquired or inspired from others, as I assume the Rising Dawn may be... correct me if I err in that assumption, I do estimate roughly a 40% likelihood that the door should blast apart in one blow... the other 60% still should not last long. Even so, you seem very prepared for this, so I would assume you have a backup plan. What I mean to ask is, in the near impossible event that we appear incapable of entrance... what exactly is plan B?"

Kala had followed suit with pressing questions afterwards, as her own request hadn't quite gotten a direct answer... she did however keep in mind one thing that Rugal said before.

("He always does this when his ego is bruised...")

(Bruised ego hmn? Well I'm not going to be a kiss ass, but I might as well try my hand at the metaphorical cure spell in this case.)

"Mr. Mishima, if I may say so you do seem to have a bit of a talent for this sort of thing. The way you plan things ahead actually puts Droaam's military tactician's at my old home realm to absolute shame... namely because they were able to be defeated even with this caliber of planning. Still... I would suggest covering just one more base here. Should all go according to plan Angelus will of course be limiting enemy air units no? As resilient as dragon scales are, and I should know as I had met many of them before calling Angelus an ally, the Daedalus does seem to be rather impressively armed. I fully understand that avoiding any contact with this "president" is a priority, and I fully understand why... it seems insane that he would hold such a position with the way you describe him.

"This being said, should it come about that an encounter with him be an inevitability I still stand by my request to do exactly such and... stand by. After all, with such a psychopathic, yet powerful man being down inside of that base, and said base being so secured, I don't think there is any guarantee that in the event that, A) an encounter proves to have been inevitable and B) the encounter ends with a somehow reasonable conclusion, that we would be able to open communications with the Daedalus. With their leader on the ground, and it standing to reason that radio communications could potentially be jammed on premises, they may not take it from us, nor able to take it from him that neither Angelus nor the Rising Dawn are truly a threat. Hells, by your descriptors he seems so unstable that he may very well have forgone any way of contacting the Daedalus from the ground at all... a folly I'm sure none here would make, yourself included."

"It is for this purpose that I do so humbly request to remain aboard. I possess the ability to fly as well, and may be able to act as a much more physical communicator in such an event. Surely with your quite clearly displayed gift for tactics you could understand that covering one more base, at the expense of withholding only one of the Rising Dawn's usual crew, is a small sacrifice for a large cover, no?" she explains, with the utmost sincerity, even taking the time to formally bow afterwards.

"Of course, I shall concede that you are the man in charge here, so if you believe me more useful on the ground, I shall cease my insistence to the contrary."


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
The President, Wanderer, and Merlin Feat. Dr. William Birkin
Location: Dr. Birkin's Office | USA: Black Mesa Research Facility
"Well that answers my question ... Some researcher he is." Wanderer said while muttering the last part under his breath. While adjusting his Doctor coat, The President blew out a heavy sigh as he looked to Wanderer. "Fine ... We'll get out of your hair." The President said, his tone seeming as if he toyed with a child, yet it was not only that, he remembered what Wanderer told him about the Rising Dawn.

As each person got ready to leave, Merlin clicked his tongue, which attracted only Wanderer, who followed his gaze to the anti-power device. Giving a sigh of his own, Wanderer took his temporary card from Kane. "Don't worry, it's not like we want to visit the Urology department or anything." Wanderer said, a fake smile across his face, but his tone heavily spoke "D.U.M.B.A.S.S" to the man.

Yet his eyes [] spoke another thing.

Quickly, the three plus guards got out of Birkin's office, and began to walk the facility to their desired department.

Johnny Gat and Krizalid Vs. Monsoon.
Location: Old Saints Hideout: Old Stilwater | USA: Stilwater City
With two sai coming for his throat, Gat smiled, naturally his opponent underestimated him. "Hah, that is what they all say." With one step to the right, Gat pulled out a katana, the same katana he used before, and the same one that was stabbed through him earlier in his life. Using it with skill, he deflected one arm off the blade, and struck the other with a hit. Not a professional at the weapon, a trickle of blood flowed down his hands.

Yet the man did not flinch at all. "No, that isn't my name ... I buried that whiny ***** alive." Johnny said, revealing his anger for his former enemy. "I'm sure you know me, Johhny Gat, that is my name ... And if you have scars, that must mean you're not very good." Johnny said giving a sly smile, after all, when you meet the local psychopathic killer, usually people would be scared.

Johnny started to charge, but within another instant, he held another weapon, a AK47. Beginning to fire, he wondered how he developed the same "pullitoutofyourass" ability same as the Boss.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Newly Re-furbished Hanger: Entire Crew


[color=9f2b68]"Well enough then, Kalastryn. While I will still be monitoring the situation from up here, You may make your way over to the Daedalus once I deem that the situation requires their assistance. And not a second before."[/color] Kazuya answered Kalastryn, He wasn't exactly on speaking terms with the president so a fresh face might be an asset in this situation. (That and she would be a better pick then Violet).
[color=9f2b68]"Now, unless there is any other pressing issues, Your deployment begins now. Keep in contact over your comms and with all going well, we'll be in and out before they'll be able to put up any meaningful resistance. Good luck."[/color] He said tot he group before they were each escorted to their transports.

[HEADING=1]Deployment Start Now![/HEADING]​

Black Mesa: Hydro-Electric Power Facility []: Strike Team
^ Visual aid is kinda important to understand character positions

The flight over was tense for all involved, while they didn't seem to have any major air defenses, the pilots were still on edge as they nervously landed on the roadside nearby the Dam.
Hovering over the ground, the grunts, backed up by Katya's marines, secured the LZ, worryingly realizing that there was no guards to be seen, even if it was nearly morning, the lack of even a napping watchman was kinda un-nerving.
David was amoung one of those securing the landing zone, looking around before stating "LZ is clear. Bring up the rear. Lets get moving people. We don't want to get parking tickets." as he motioned for the rest of the crew to get out.
Rugal was one of the first to get out, opting to merely wear his tank top vest in the desert heat instead of his full suit, as he quickly took over near one of the concrete barriers over-looking the river valley below.

"Alright...The intake tunnels come out on the front here. Teri, you are either going to have to go in though the outflow river here or the reservoir in the back. It's a bit of a climb to get down there from the front, but it might be safer then whatever measures they might have on the dam itself. Once you are in, you need to block off the tunnel or damage the rotors inside it to cut the power. Make sure to do a good job or else they'll bring it back online." He explained to the cleric as he looked around, much like the others, the fact they weren't being shot at yet was starting to make him uneasy.
Blade meanwhile hopped off the VTOL before spilling an entire water bottle on the dirt and sand below, rubbing it in to make it nice and muddy before smearing it all over his green lizard-like body.
"Green isn't the most useful camo in the desert..." He casually said as he was now covered from head to toe in
a thick layer of brown dirt, wiping aside only a small amount under his eyes as "War Stripes".
"Tch, get a load of "Arnald" here!" David lightly jabbed as he laid down near the fencing by the edge of the cliff, pulling out his rifle to do some recon.
"...Dam seems clear...No activity...Weird...Wait-...Got something..." The Sniper said as he zoomed on what appeared to be-...A coffee cup floating in midair?
"...What the crap-"

Right as he said that, a massive bang filled the air as a tank shell impacted against one of the landing VTOLs, followed by a deafening series of cannon fire into the skies above, all coming from seemingly nowhere.
"CONTACT! CONTACT! BASTARDS JUMPED US! TAKE COVER!" David shouted as he tried to figure out where exactly the fire was coming from, it seemed to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
The rest of the teams air support kept doing flybys of the area but they were unable to get a read on the enemy either, preventing them from doing much else aside from give the enemy something else to shoot at.
Rugal quickly pulled Teri behind cover when the shots began to ring out, forcing her to get down until there was a lapse in the cannon fire.
"Dammit! Think it might be a hidden gun emplacement or something. Stay down and keep out of their line of sight, They'll blast us into next week if they get the chance." He warned as he slowly edged along the side of the valley as the cannon fire raced by over head.
Blade meanwhile was far more proactive in his approach, sprinting into battle onside the rock face, his dirt cameo doing much to spare him from the onslaught.
...Well, this operation seemed to start as it meant to go on...

The President, Wanderer, and Merlin Feat. Dr. Zero and Kommander Kane
Location: Angel Research Sector | USA: Black Mesa Research Facility
OST: .Hack/Infection: Castle Dungeon extended []
Back inside the base, Kane lead the group towards the fabled "Angel Research Lab", but even just entering it gave them the chills: This wasn't no lab they've been in... []
Just stepping into the room instantly rubbed Merlin the wrong way, there was a overwhelming dark aura around the entire area as they were led past either foreboding statues or large glass containers with Angel Wreckage, weapons and...well, Outright Angel POWs being stored within them in a sickly green fluid.
The Base's commander led them towards the back of the lab were a man in a dark cloak [] was examining a damaged blade with holy runes on it, looking over it with a viewing glass attached to his desk.
"...Feast your eyes on the Lord's own craftsmanship...Tch! Even Jesus seems to hire out to the lowest bidder!" He said as he casually broke off a piece with his bare hands before putting the shard and the sword back into a protective case.
"Gentlemen. This is our resident Angel Researcher and Dark Arts master, Dr. Zero. The President and his men here wanted to see our head of research." Kane explained as Zero stood up, his mere presence sending out a Dark Aura of sorts that made their skin crawl slightly, but Merlin's especially, it was like that of a Warlock more then anything human.
"Is that so? Thank you Kommander Kane. I take care of them, wouldn't want take up any more of your time."
Exchanging a quick bow and salute among co-workers, he then turned to the President before asking "So...Mr. President...What brings you to my lab this day?..."


Johnny Gat and Krizalid Vs. Monsoon.
Location: Old Saints Hideout: Old Stilwater | USA: Stilwater City
Mosoon merely stood there with a amused expression as Gat fired at him, but soon found that the bullets were going though his body and, despite shredding his nice suit to bits, he didn't even flinch as his arms soon returned back to him..
Letting the tatters of his suit fall to the ground, revealing strange cyborg body [], to the point where his head seemed to be the only "Human" part left.
"Ahhhhh, The Imfamous Johnny Gat. Well, looks like I have a legend to kill this day. Welcome, Mr Gat, TO MY UTOPIA OF DEATH!" He said as his visor seemed to activate, creating a strong magnetic field around his body which scooped up all the lead Gat had just pumped into his body before spitting it back in shotgun like bursts from his fists

There should be more here, but there isn't, sorry ^^;


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Rising Dawn: Newly Re-furbished Hanger: Kalastryn, Kazuya "Oh, you mustn't worry about that. I understand full well how to follow direction. I would not be suggesting to withhold myself if I wasn't willing to follow orders up here." She says with an affirming nod.

[HEADING=1]Deployment Start Now![/HEADING]​

Black Mesa: Hydro-Electric Power Facility []: Strike Team
^ Visual aid is kinda important to understand character positions

As their deployment vehicle exploded and there seemed to be some rather heavy artillery fire racing overhead, ARES analyzed the area with lightning fast speed. Not unusual, considering that their "brain" is a computer. The enemy was no doubt aware of their approach now, but though time was of the essence, so was protecting the rest of their squad. After all, unlike herself, they were simply not expendable. Taking note of a sturdy looking building on THEIR side of the damn. Getting behind the same cover as Rugal and Teri as she pointed out her intentions. "I may be able to get the door on the building on this side of the dam open. I'm not sure what's inside, but though time is of the essence we can hopefully file in while we try to find what's shooting at us. If anything it's a small advance in our favor, right?" She said before inching away from them, and just a bit closer to the building in question, so that any retaliation wouldn't be in their direction. fully charging her plasma cannon and unleashing it at the door ahead! Not waiting to see the result of the impact, she activated her jets afterburner's for a boost of speed in it's direction, dropping to the ground on their back and- somehow, proceeding to slide over the ground unimpeded by friction. Getting their feet under them as they reached the door, kicking off what of it remained and darting inside.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009

The President, Wanderer, and Merlin Feat. Dr. Zero and Kommander Kane
Location: Angel Research Sector | USA: Black Mesa Research Facility
OST: .Hack/Infection: Castle Dungeon extended []
Upon entering the dark research sector, each of the trio had their own feelings swell up inside of them. The President was surprised. From the information his team gathered before his Presidency term, it seemed to be that the Angel tech was entirely destroyed or removed, but, that was only the majority, not completion. "How the Hell did they ... " He muttered under his breath, only to stop once he witnessed the captive Celestial Beings. Jesus, was all he thought.

Merlin on the other hand felt overwhelming power. The technology, the magic, the prisoners, those objects contained holy power that could level towns in mere moments. Yet, this room was not all it seemed, it was dark magic, the complete opposite to holy, and it suppressed the objects the lingered here.

Internally, Merlin could feel the wrongness that this was. Seeing Doctor Zero break off the Angelic Sword made him show a little emotion. Only your evil could make such things brittle and fragile, dark one, Merlin rebuked in his head. "Hmm, interesting." Merlin said, his face showing his usual non-emotion, but it did not contain a smirk. After all, Merlin did certainly dabble in all magic, but for one who was close to Excalibur, dark magics did not affect him much.

Wanderer was the most expressive out of the three. Once entering the room his eyes opened wide, and sweat began to show. The crimson gems that glowed within the sight of Wanderer seemed to growl in caution. "The Hell is this?" He said quietly at first. Before another could peep, he found himself biting down on his lip, enough where a small leak of blood came from the corner of his lip.
This ... This is true evil.
Yes this is. But this is the very thing we stop.
Y-yeah. The two personalities said mentally, the more darker one feeling less confident.

With the ninja elite guard, they hesitated to walk into the room, and the President ordered them to stay at the entrance with a single hand gesture. Gladly obeying, the squad awaited at the door, worried not just for themselves, but for their leader that walked into the center. With Doctor Zero asking for their intentions, The President cleared his throat. "I doubt you can tell us everything, but I have three questions. How the hell did you get this? What are you doing with this? And why the fuck does Desperado Enforcement have some? !" The Leader said using a bold tone and emotional gestures.

By this point, The President held a little sweat on his head, Wanderer looked a little crazed, and Merlin's eyes were the sharpest.


Johnny Gat and Krizalid Vs. Monsoon.
Location: Old Saints Hideout: Old Stilwater | USA: Stilwater City
"How lame." Gat said, simply smirking at the fact his bullets were being sent back. "You're not the only one whose different." Gat said calmly, raising his middle finger in defiance and taunt. Lifting his leg, Gat slammed it into the ground. Surprisingly the area around him seemed to shake, and suddenly the bullets flew in all directions, all missing Gat. It was a stomp that had enough force to send most things flying, including mailboxes and hobos.

In fact, it seemed that the 'local population' had come to witness this fight. Even with Krizalid destroying everything in the background, it made everything seem much more alive for the ones that live in the dirt. Yet they looked more healthier than in the days when the Saints were around. Who knew that things would get better when the guy who sprayed shit on everything became President?

"A killer with no body. You're worse than I thought." Johnny said, spitting on the ground to apply salt to the verbal wound. With a sudden twist of his arm, a red ball was sent to Monsoon. "Catch", the only thing Johnny said. Yet it was a fireball

[sub](Indeed there could be more, the hell can we do though? The main attraction is above and in the other areas you apply focus to. So I don't blame you. :p)[/sub]