bluerocker said:
Some content was written by this chick!
Kalastryn said:
Black Mesa: Hydro-Electric Power Facility Exterior []: Strike Team Vs. NOD Stealth Tanks
OST: C&C: Red Alert 3 - Rock and Awe []
It went without saying that the driver NOD-4 REALLY wished that he had went into ANY of the other tanks when Delores suddenly ended up unleashing a massive combination of attacks, the only thing that really gave him comfort in death was how cool that most likely looked from the outside, something David was keen to point out.
THAT'S HOW YOU FIGHT!" He shouted over to Delores as he pushed up along with the rest of the G-Corp grunts, only to stop when Faith suddenly teleported right beside him.
"Alright, move up and take the-JESUS CHRIST?!....God! Faith, you trying to give me a heart attack?!" He whined as he brought his hand to this chest for a moment to calm himself down, right as both the Gardevoir and Selena began to cover the main forces advance from projectiles.
"Nice one, Keep it up girls! They'll be raining fire on us until we get inside and I forgot to pack my umbrella!" He urged the two spell casters[footnote]I think Faith is close enough to the term to be counted as such[/footnote] As Ryan came over, talking about bringing in some backup.
"Alright, come with me. BLONDI! (Rugal) Need to cover the kid for a moment while he phones a friend, Keep the push going!" He said before dragging Ryan by the arm towards one of the walls that had yet to be blown up, shoving him behind it as he peered out of it to land a few more shots.
"I hope for both our asses that you aren't just getting Sonia O'Sullivan or something...Then again, I heard she was in the Navy at one point..." The sniper casually quipped as the battle raged on around them.
Blade meanwhile was able to peak out of cover in time to see ARES suddenly zoom in before engaging the tank he had failed to disable, watching her slam clean though it before standing up from the impact.
"....Errrr...Thanks...I-...softened it up for ya..." He murmured, looking rather embarrassed about having to be bailed out like that, glancing over to a disapproving Caim as he seemed to grumble something to himself, whatever statement he made seemed to frighten Ton Ton a little.
"Hey, you guys alright?..."
[color=15650D]"...I heard him think "there had better be more inside."[/color] Ton answered, causing Caim to grin a little before adding
[color=darkblue]"No matter. I'll just get the next enemy Blade "Thanks" in combat..."
"Hey, normally that move works, alright?!" The Strider snapped as the Swordman threw him a cheeky grin, right before the ground started to shake beside them.
On both sides of the dam, a series of large imposing Obelisks [] began to raise out of hidden compartments, a total of 5.
Each one had a rather large laser emitter at the top of them, something they were doing to find out first had as the began to charge an-
Hydro-Electric Power Facility Interior - Teri vs. Turbines?
The Turbines of the Dam spun ominously before the Cleric, who was in turn trying to assess what would take down the sources of power. Squishy had already began blubbering in Aquatic that he would require more elementals than himself to even consider Vortexing the turbines to destruction; and a lack of any proper bombs on her person made attempting to destroy the turbines difficult, which only left one other option. Instructing her faithful elemental to keep her steady in the water, Teri began to focus upon charging the Kaiser Wave.
Moving her arms back, he built up a nice bundle of Ki energy before firing it off, shouting out [color=0E59E4]"Kaiser Wav-WHOA!"[/color] before the surge of energy knocked her back, nearly cracking her skull against the concrete if it wasn't for Squishy padding her recoil with his mass.
Either way, it worked like a treat as the underwater wave cut though the turbines one by one, the fact it was pushing aside water seemed to increase it's effectiveness.
And back topside
Almost as suddenly as they appeared, The Obelisks soon seemed to shut down as Teri finished taking out the Dam's turbines, robbing them of power they needed, making them an impressive, but useless, piece of decoration.
"...Alright, that happened...Think we better get moving. I don't want to be around when they plug those things back in..." Blade then said as they re-grouped with the main body of the strike force.
Rugal was able to keep the attackers moving forward, him and Azan making a big dent in their forces as Katya showed a few unlucky defenders what "A-Move" meant and Elise gave a tank crew a lifelong case of arachnephobia (provided they even survived this encounter).
Soon, the entire landing team was able to make their way to the base's blast doors, Rugal taking a moment to give it a quick "Test", namely punching it and not even leaving a dent in it.
"Hm...I see Wesker still uses the fancy stuff for his blast doors...Alright, Demo team, Get in position. We need this door down before they can get the power back up!" He quipped to himself as he rubbed his fist before bringing up his Communication Ring.
"Teri, It's me, you get out alright?"
[color=0E59E4]"Everything's fine. Still got the water breathing boots, Squishy's leading me out of it no-
...That too."[/color]
"That's my girl. We're blowing the doors now, I'll have a few of Kazuya's men pick you up, unless you feel like climbing."
[color=0E59E4]"In soaking wet robes and in the desert? Pass."[/color]
"Tch, Alright, keep in touch." He smirked as he watched ARES get into position.
*chk* ARES stifled back a slight chuckle at Rugal's test on the door.
"For all your strength I don't think an unarmed fist is the best way to open something meant to block explosives... let's see..." ARES trailed off jokingly as she raised her Fusion Cannon with a motion for everyone to stand back, barring anyone on the ground with any explosives handy.
"We'll probably be able to keep a lot of our ammo supply if we shoot all at once, and the rest of you aim for where the door meets the building." She said to what of the G-corp grunts managed to land with them.
"on three." She said as her fusion cannon was already charging.
"One... Two..." As the Fusion Cannon's bolt reached it's full charge, a huge concussive ball of plasma was visibly extending out of the barrel of their gun.
"THREE!" She barked, as the explosives were let fly. The result was a musty cloud of dust choked air, and as it cleared, the combined explosives were enough to weaken the building around the blast door, not the door itself... however, the door lay a good 15 feet away from it's initial position, a HUGE scorch mark from it's central impact with the Fusion Cannon's blast having rent it wholly from the building it once defended.
The second the doors were blown open, every single combatant waiting on the otherside (Least the ones that weren't crushed by the door being blown up) in the Building's Lobby [] opened fire, in some cases Literally [] from their cover, having moved in some of the more bulkier lab equipment in to re-enforce themselves.
There was also some laser gun turrets on the ceilings, but with the base's power cut, they wouldn't be shooting at anyone anytime soon, much to the concern of the base's security.
As the remaining G-Corp VTOLs began to try and set up a forward base by their landing zone, the sounds of missiles rang out as did the peppering of bullets all over the dam as a entire fleet of Attack Craft [] began to fly into the area, shooting at everything that moved, including the team.