The O'Reilly Factor Studio:
Dr. Insaneo, Fox Mulder, Sentator Armstrong, Congressman Vega, Bill O'Reilly
"-And welcome back to the No-Spin Zone. New news out of New Mexico; a private institute in the New Mexico desert was besieged by what some people claim was The Rising Dawn. What's more, an anonymous source has leaked video of what appears to be members of The Rising Dawn crew hijacking a nuclear weapon. We have here with us in the news room Chairman of the Senate Defense Committee, Senator Stephen Armstrong..."
"Thanks, Bill." Armstrong said before talking another long puff of his cigar, as was his custom. While his operations behind the scenes had hit several set backs thanks to Johnny Gat, he was looking forward to this interview ever since the news broke of the attack. The Rising Dawn was making this too easy for him. "Big fan of your work, Loved 'Killing Reagan'; should be taught in schools I think. Better then that social justice crap they are preaching."
"-and former FBI profiler and well-regarded crackpot, Fox Mulder."
"Just...just Mulder." Mulder said, smiling. "And people still like me more than you."
"I'm sure you think that. Also joining us via Skype are Santa Monica Congressman and leader of the election polls Vincent Vega..."
Thanks to the "Smear Job" the President did (Which was still pretty accurate funnily enough), Vega was unable to really show his face lest he give away his location. As a result, his image during the interview was of one of the first search results on Google Images for: Most American Picture Ever []
"[color=6c1504]Thank you so very much.[/color]" Vega said. "[color=6c1504]It's wonderful to know that, even in these oppressive times, there are those who value free speech more then the rambles of the Liberal Agenda."[/color]
"-and Professor of Mad Science at UCLA, Doctor Insano. Good evening, gentlemen."
"[color=00ad83]I thought you got canceled.[/color]" Insano said. "[color=00ad83]Had a party and everything. Keith Olberman came, it was great.[/color]"
O'Riley huffed, then turned to Senator Armstrong. "So there's no question now; The Rising Dawn are enemies of The United States. Senator Armstrong, what are we doing to prevent another attack by these terrorists?"
"As of now, nothing." Senator Armstrong said. "The democrats in Congress, as per usual, are stonewalling our efforts to keep the nation safe. Too busy "Blazin' it" with Chinese Weed and engaging homosexual acts thanks to the resent rulings in the Supreme Court to bother doing what their, The American People desire of them."
"Which is basically treason." O'Riley said.
"As far as I'm concerned, it
is treason. I'm wondering if any of the current members of the Democratic Congress even were born here. Then again, looking at the current President and his "London Boy" Accent..." Senator Armstrong said.
"Pretty sure that's not how the constitution works." Mulder said.
"[color=00ad83]And furthermore, having been on the ground at the time, I can tell you that The Rising Dawn was responding to a threat not just to The United States, but to the entire world.[/color]" Insano held up his stump of an arm, wrapped in gauze. "[color=00ad83]One of 'em got my arm, and I'm having to read your speech via text because an explosion knocked out my hearing.[/color]"
"I'll believe it when we have details disproving it," Armstrong said. "Rather then the ramblings of a man who literially calls himself "Insane"..."
"[color=00ad83]Oh can it, steroid junkie.[/color]" Insano said. "[color=00ad83]I was brought in due to my expertise in...[/color]" Insano stopped himself. "[color=00ad83]...ah, but that's classified. Let's just say that I was brought in due to certain skills I-and no one else-posses.[/color]"
"OK...OK. So you were on the ground. Allegedly." O'Riley said. "What happened?"
[color=6c1504]"Oh this should be good..."[/color] Vega chimed in, right as a noise that sounded a lot like a can of beer being opened went off as well as some casual sipping.
"[color=00ad83]Oh, you know I can't tell you that, Bill O'.[/color]" Insano said. "[color=00ad83]Classified.[/color]"
"Something I'd like to point out-" Mulder said, pulling a small notepad out of his coat. "The facility that was attacked? Was run by Black Mesa. Now, Black Mesa used to be a government outfit that dealt with inter-dimensional travel, but back in 2004 they basically bought themselves and became a private military contractor. Not unlike Desparado, the PMC that our good senator here owns? Maybe that's why he's so quick to go to war-"
"I would like to remind former Agent Mulder that I was elected on an "Anti-War" platform, one I am proud to describe in great detail is you need convincing. And I have said time and time again, these claims that I am somehow connected to a rough band of mercenaries are little more then a Liberal Smear Job because they can't actually dig up any dirt on me. Now, if we could get back on topic about the American Nuclear Weapon the Rising Dawn stol-"
"Yeah, about that-" Mulder flipped to another page in his notebook. "I got in touch with a contact of mine in the U.N, and
she says that those tags correspond to a Russian nuclear weapon that was 'lost' back in the 90's during the collapse of the USSR, and that-get this, they'd
found that particular weapon, in the hands of a private military contractor called Black Mesa."
Armstrong froze for a moment. While he wasn't really involved in the foundation of Black Mesa, getting disproved on national TV was something most politicians weren't keen on.
Mulder leaned back in his chair. "So they bombed themselves, is what I'm saying. Which...y'know, isn't something you do lightly. I mean, you were doing your whole bluster thing, but the deployment of a nuclear weapon isn't just a war crime, it's a crime against the peace. Which is...literally the worst kind of crime imaginable. The UN? If they can find the person responsible for this, they're gonna skin them alive. If they were willing to go to those lengths, they must've been covering something...truly heinous."
Insano chuckled. "[color=00ad83]I can't give any specifics, made the Khmere Rouge look like Woodstock. But that's what happens when you let a non-government power have the same power as a government. They get to do whatever they want, with no checks or balances.[/color]"
"Well, I mean it's not a crime against humanity if it's in the name of world peace, right?" Mulder said. "Of course, I'm against any kind of PMC having nuclear weapons, be it Black Mesa, Desparado, S&C Plastics, The North-American Offensive Department-who are calling themselves NOD nowadays, Belltower, Merryweather...hell, the only PMC I would trust NOT to use a nuke is Maveric. And I'm curious myself what the senator-"
Vega's composure was starting to crack a little; the more the went on about Wesker's dirty laundry and the corners he cut, the more people would look into how Black Mesa was restructured under "William Birkin".
And if they followed up that lead to "Vincent Vega"...
[color=6c1504]"Well, in either case, I believe that it's only fair to blame the President for allowing such a glaring breach of security and oversight. As such, we must hold him to account, then and only then can we truly
start to return to the days where America was Great again!"[/color]
As be began to speak, Mulder could notice the people in the room starting to groan slightly as their eyes began to glow a faint purple. All the while, Armstrong seemed unaffected, but he was sweating slightly as he adjusted his tie a little...And Mulder couldn't get that last line, 'WHERE AMERICA WAS GREAT AGAIN' out of his-"
Without even thinking about it, Mulder took a needle out of his coat and jammed it into the palm of his hand, as discreetly as he could. The pain was overwhelming, but blocked out whatever it was that was influencing him over Vegas' Skype line.
"Uhh...pardon me." Mulder said, getting up. "Have to use the little boy's room."
"Fine, whatever." Bill said, waving Mulder away. "Now, Congressman Vega, I agree with you; The President needs to be held accountable, regardless of whoever is actually responsible. But how would you go about doing that?"
"[color=6c1504]That is an excellent question![/color]" Vega replied. "[color=6c1504]And it just so happens I have a response handy! My people, today, we will
strike into the very heart of our dear leader's evil empir-[/color]"
The mind-numbing patriotism of Vega was drowned out by the thudding of fists in the control room, and Vega's feed went silent. "Congressman Vega? Congressman Vega? Are you-"
"Oh no, I think I broke something." Mulder said, walking back in. "Oh well. What were we talking about?"
"[color=00ad83]Holding the president responsible for a PMC nuking itself.[/color]" Insano said. "[color=00ad83]...Somehow.[/color]"
"Yeah, can we...can we see this footage that shows them hijacking the weapon?"
Right after Mulder requested the President's tape to be played, they were greeted with a quickly edited video of the events at Black Mesa, namely the missile approaching the site before showing Katya, ARES 35 and Wanderer all working on disarming it, from the POV of a shaky mobile user on the President's airship.
The last shot then showed the nuke barely missing the site before going up towards orbit, the President giving a firm statue as Wanderer seemed to give his life to save the base.
A tense silence filled the room as it was revealed that this wasn't an attempt to steal a nuclear weapon, making all the Fox Staff in the room, Bill included, instantly regretting not looking at the tape before actually going to air
".....I'm sorry, Bill, I have another meeting to get to. We will have to finish this later." Armstrong said before seeming unable to get rid of his mic and leave the room quick enough to avoid the embarrassment this interview had caused him.
[sub]"Damn that Cockney Bastard and those fucking Heroes..."[/sub] He grumbled as he covered his face on the way out, trying to distance himself from what just happened.