The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Brig: Wesker, Doom, Cortex, Deadshot, Elise, Nadalia

There was a array of mixed reactions from the prisoners in the brig when Elise brought in a entire party's worth of food and drink:

Doom stared at it longingly, Teri and Elise had been kind to him and ensured he was treated somewhat like a human being while he was locked up, but he had been under the thumb of the Las Venturas Bookies for months.
All that time being fed scraps and cigarette butts took it toll on him as he licked his lips nervously and tried to downplay the fact that he would eat though the bars to have a bite, all while a tummy grumble hung in the air.

Cortex was a little less fazed by it and was more focusing on Nadalia, recalling the trouble she had caused for him during his capture and the fact that she seemed to refer to Kazuya as a "Sovereign" of all things.
The Spider looking one was kind enough, but anyone who viewed someone with Kazuya's reputation as some kind of royalty was not the kind of person he'd want to be anywhere near if he could help it.

Wesker was a..."strange" case as he seemed to have his eyes glued to one part of the tray any nothing else: The drinks, namely the ones involving liquor.
As he stared at them, reached into his pocket before seeming to fiddle with something inside it.
Gritting his teeth a little, he finally spoke: "...Well, if you are in the business of serving refreshments, I would rather enjoy a large black Americano with triple sugar. In all of the "Excitement" of this morning, I had to forgo my lunchtime coffee and I find it somewhat effects my productivity otherwise..."
With that kind of "Blessing", Doom quickly dug in, wolfing down whatever he could get his hands on while Cortex helped himself to some fruit in a much more restrained matter.

Deadshot meanwhile just hung back, not really engaging the others too much but rather peering down slightly at times to text something on his phone.
After getting a reply back from-...someone, he then loosened up before keenly taking the strongest booze he could find and being sure to drink it with as much emotion as possible.
It would almost be comdical, like someone trying out for a model in a TV advert, if it wasn't for the fact it seemed to put one of the other prisoners on edge.
"...Make that two Americanos..."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
000Ronald said:
The Following was Collab'd with this guy right here!
Rising Dawn: Medical Bay: Insaneo

Insano rested his head on the cot, trying to sleep. At first, he thought he could listen in on what was being said, but his hearing really had been damaged in that explosion;


Insano was taken aback. [color=00ad83]Is the hipster referring himself as 'President now?[/color] he thought.


[color=00ad83]Oh yeah. He's still around[/color] Insano sat up in his cot. "[color=00ad83]Hey, I need to make a call. Don't...don't panic.[/color]"

[color=00ad83]Patch it through, but via text.[/color] Insano thought.



[color=00ad83]"...again?"[/color] Insano replied.
[color=00ad83]Why is his text purple?[/color] He then thought, [color=00ad83]Surely my systems aren't damaged that badly...[/color]


Insano chuckled to himself. "[color=00ad83]You don't mean that dam where Black Mesa was operating, do you?[/color]"


"[color=00ad83]I would hope so, Mr. President. I did just help shut it down.[/color]"



"[color=00ad83]No shit.[/color]"


Insano looked at his stump of an arm, and mulled over how long replacing it could wait. "[color=00ad83]I suppose I can spare 15 minutes to help the leader of the free world.[/color]" Insano said. "[color=00ad83]Count me in.[/color]"

The O'Reilly Factor Studio:
Dr. Insaneo, Fox Mulder, Sentator Armstrong, Congressman Vega, Bill O'Reilly
"-And welcome back to the No-Spin Zone. New news out of New Mexico; a private institute in the New Mexico desert was besieged by what some people claim was The Rising Dawn. What's more, an anonymous source has leaked video of what appears to be members of The Rising Dawn crew hijacking a nuclear weapon. We have here with us in the news room Chairman of the Senate Defense Committee, Senator Stephen Armstrong..."

"Thanks, Bill." Armstrong said before talking another long puff of his cigar, as was his custom. While his operations behind the scenes had hit several set backs thanks to Johnny Gat, he was looking forward to this interview ever since the news broke of the attack. The Rising Dawn was making this too easy for him. "Big fan of your work, Loved 'Killing Reagan'; should be taught in schools I think. Better then that social justice crap they are preaching."

"-and former FBI profiler and well-regarded crackpot, Fox Mulder."

"Just...just Mulder." Mulder said, smiling. "And people still like me more than you."

"I'm sure you think that. Also joining us via Skype are Santa Monica Congressman and leader of the election polls Vincent Vega..."

Thanks to the "Smear Job" the President did (Which was still pretty accurate funnily enough), Vega was unable to really show his face lest he give away his location. As a result, his image during the interview was of one of the first search results on Google Images for: Most American Picture Ever []

"[color=6c1504]Thank you so very much.[/color]" Vega said. "[color=6c1504]It's wonderful to know that, even in these oppressive times, there are those who value free speech more then the rambles of the Liberal Agenda."[/color]

"-and Professor of Mad Science at UCLA, Doctor Insano. Good evening, gentlemen."

"[color=00ad83]I thought you got canceled.[/color]" Insano said. "[color=00ad83]Had a party and everything. Keith Olberman came, it was great.[/color]"

O'Riley huffed, then turned to Senator Armstrong. "So there's no question now; The Rising Dawn are enemies of The United States. Senator Armstrong, what are we doing to prevent another attack by these terrorists?"

"As of now, nothing." Senator Armstrong said. "The democrats in Congress, as per usual, are stonewalling our efforts to keep the nation safe. Too busy "Blazin' it" with Chinese Weed and engaging homosexual acts thanks to the resent rulings in the Supreme Court to bother doing what their, The American People desire of them."

"Which is basically treason." O'Riley said.

"As far as I'm concerned, it is treason. I'm wondering if any of the current members of the Democratic Congress even were born here. Then again, looking at the current President and his "London Boy" Accent..." Senator Armstrong said.

"Pretty sure that's not how the constitution works." Mulder said.

"[color=00ad83]And furthermore, having been on the ground at the time, I can tell you that The Rising Dawn was responding to a threat not just to The United States, but to the entire world.[/color]" Insano held up his stump of an arm, wrapped in gauze. "[color=00ad83]One of 'em got my arm, and I'm having to read your speech via text because an explosion knocked out my hearing.[/color]"

"I'll believe it when we have details disproving it," Armstrong said. "Rather then the ramblings of a man who literially calls himself "Insane"..."

"[color=00ad83]Oh can it, steroid junkie.[/color]" Insano said. "[color=00ad83]I was brought in due to my expertise in...[/color]" Insano stopped himself. "[color=00ad83]...ah, but that's classified. Let's just say that I was brought in due to certain skills I-and no one else-posses.[/color]"

"OK...OK. So you were on the ground. Allegedly." O'Riley said. "What happened?"

[color=6c1504]"Oh this should be good..."[/color] Vega chimed in, right as a noise that sounded a lot like a can of beer being opened went off as well as some casual sipping.

"[color=00ad83]Oh, you know I can't tell you that, Bill O'.[/color]" Insano said. "[color=00ad83]Classified.[/color]"

"Something I'd like to point out-" Mulder said, pulling a small notepad out of his coat. "The facility that was attacked? Was run by Black Mesa. Now, Black Mesa used to be a government outfit that dealt with inter-dimensional travel, but back in 2004 they basically bought themselves and became a private military contractor. Not unlike Desparado, the PMC that our good senator here owns? Maybe that's why he's so quick to go to war-"

"I would like to remind former Agent Mulder that I was elected on an "Anti-War" platform, one I am proud to describe in great detail is you need convincing. And I have said time and time again, these claims that I am somehow connected to a rough band of mercenaries are little more then a Liberal Smear Job because they can't actually dig up any dirt on me. Now, if we could get back on topic about the American Nuclear Weapon the Rising Dawn stol-"

"Yeah, about that-" Mulder flipped to another page in his notebook. "I got in touch with a contact of mine in the U.N, and she says that those tags correspond to a Russian nuclear weapon that was 'lost' back in the 90's during the collapse of the USSR, and that-get this, they'd found that particular weapon, in the hands of a private military contractor called Black Mesa."

Armstrong froze for a moment. While he wasn't really involved in the foundation of Black Mesa, getting disproved on national TV was something most politicians weren't keen on.

Mulder leaned back in his chair. "So they bombed themselves, is what I'm saying. Which...y'know, isn't something you do lightly. I mean, you were doing your whole bluster thing, but the deployment of a nuclear weapon isn't just a war crime, it's a crime against the peace. Which is...literally the worst kind of crime imaginable. The UN? If they can find the person responsible for this, they're gonna skin them alive. If they were willing to go to those lengths, they must've been covering something...truly heinous."

Insano chuckled. "[color=00ad83]I can't give any specifics, made the Khmere Rouge look like Woodstock. But that's what happens when you let a non-government power have the same power as a government. They get to do whatever they want, with no checks or balances.[/color]"

"Well, I mean it's not a crime against humanity if it's in the name of world peace, right?" Mulder said. "Of course, I'm against any kind of PMC having nuclear weapons, be it Black Mesa, Desparado, S&C Plastics, The North-American Offensive Department-who are calling themselves NOD nowadays, Belltower, Merryweather...hell, the only PMC I would trust NOT to use a nuke is Maveric. And I'm curious myself what the senator-"

Vega's composure was starting to crack a little; the more the went on about Wesker's dirty laundry and the corners he cut, the more people would look into how Black Mesa was restructured under "William Birkin".

And if they followed up that lead to "Vincent Vega"...

[color=6c1504]"Well, in either case, I believe that it's only fair to blame the President for allowing such a glaring breach of security and oversight. As such, we must hold him to account, then and only then can we truly start to return to the days where America was Great again!"[/color]

As be began to speak, Mulder could notice the people in the room starting to groan slightly as their eyes began to glow a faint purple. All the while, Armstrong seemed unaffected, but he was sweating slightly as he adjusted his tie a little...And Mulder couldn't get that last line, 'WHERE AMERICA WAS GREAT AGAIN' out of his-"

Without even thinking about it, Mulder took a needle out of his coat and jammed it into the palm of his hand, as discreetly as he could. The pain was overwhelming, but blocked out whatever it was that was influencing him over Vegas' Skype line.

"Uhh...pardon me." Mulder said, getting up. "Have to use the little boy's room."

"Fine, whatever." Bill said, waving Mulder away. "Now, Congressman Vega, I agree with you; The President needs to be held accountable, regardless of whoever is actually responsible. But how would you go about doing that?"

"[color=6c1504]That is an excellent question![/color]" Vega replied. "[color=6c1504]And it just so happens I have a response handy! My people, today, we will strike into the very heart of our dear leader's evil empir-[/color]"

The mind-numbing patriotism of Vega was drowned out by the thudding of fists in the control room, and Vega's feed went silent. "Congressman Vega? Congressman Vega? Are you-"

"Oh no, I think I broke something." Mulder said, walking back in. "Oh well. What were we talking about?"

"[color=00ad83]Holding the president responsible for a PMC nuking itself.[/color]" Insano said. "[color=00ad83]...Somehow.[/color]"

"Yeah, can we...can we see this footage that shows them hijacking the weapon?"

Right after Mulder requested the President's tape to be played, they were greeted with a quickly edited video of the events at Black Mesa, namely the missile approaching the site before showing Katya, ARES 35 and Wanderer all working on disarming it, from the POV of a shaky mobile user on the President's airship.
The last shot then showed the nuke barely missing the site before going up towards orbit, the President giving a firm statue as Wanderer seemed to give his life to save the base.
A tense silence filled the room as it was revealed that this wasn't an attempt to steal a nuclear weapon, making all the Fox Staff in the room, Bill included, instantly regretting not looking at the tape before actually going to air
".....I'm sorry, Bill, I have another meeting to get to. We will have to finish this later." Armstrong said before seeming unable to get rid of his mic and leave the room quick enough to avoid the embarrassment this interview had caused him.

[sub]"Damn that Cockney Bastard and those fucking Heroes..."[/sub] He grumbled as he covered his face on the way out, trying to distance himself from what just happened.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Johnny Gat, Pierce Washington, Krizalid, and Saint Troops.
Location: Denver Waste Treatment Plant | USA: Denver, Colorado | Time: Night
As they went deeper into the complex, the lack of security was starting to get pretty un-nerving, there wasn't even a doctor pulling a late shift or nothing!
The next section of the lab they went into featured dozens of rooms, each one the same as the last: A single window looking into some containment unit with a Portal Device or something [] inside.
Attached the top of each portal was some kind of glowing crystal of seemingly unknown orgin-
"...Heeeeeeeeeeey, wait a minute, I know what those are! I remember me and my squad picked up one of those during the Angel War in the Battle of Washington. They were used by high ranking angels to teleport from battlefield to battlefield...So...what are they doing with them here?..." one of the soldiers said, right as a bright light appeared in one of the rooms, the portal opening up before something came charging out.
"GRRRRRRRRRRRAHHHHHHHHHHAGHR-....Wah?..." Some kinda alien [] said as he looked around to find that he certainly wasn't about to charge head long into battle right as the portal closed behind him.
Frantically looking around, he then spots Gat's team before charging at them, attempting to break though the glass, right as a pair of stun turrets appeared in the wall behind him and nailed him in the back several times, shocking him until he was knocked out.
The intercom said as the sound of footsteps could be heard making their way towards their position...


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Brig Wesker, Doom, Cortex, Deadshot, Elise

Until Elise got back with the coffee, the former Black Mesa admin stared on at Deadshot, while he was aware of the trick he was most likely trying to pull, Wesker knew it was working as he clung to whatever was in his pocket.
However, once she returned, he quickly managed to regain his composure once he managed to get a taste of the nectar of the gods, smacking his lips slightly after his sip.
"Ahhhh...You know, a lot of people dislike the Americano...Most believe it to be "Mud and Water" as one of my employees put it...Still, there is something about it's rather..."Harsh" taste that I find most stimulating. Had you attacked a few hours later, I feel the result of our battle would have been much different..." He calmly explained as he took another sip, popping the plastic top off the cup to put in some more sugar.
"Seriously, new guy? You think Coffee would have saved your ass from the Rising Dawn?" Deadshot snarked, seeming to ease his drinking pace a little after noticing Wesker stopped paying attention.
"You would be amazed what the right type of Focus can do for any man in the right setting..."

"Tch, keep telling yourself that, 4-eyes. Least I'm not the one that Kazuya is going to pay a visit to..." The assassin then said with a massive childish shit eating grin on his face
Pausing for a moment, Wesker slowly turned his gaze towards Deadshot before saying "...Well...Perhaps I should meet him instead?"
Elise was about to take another bite of her lemon cake when her hand was suddenly dripped, her head turning to see Wesker holding it as he then threw the contents of his cuppa in her face.
In barely the blink of an eye, Elise was blinded as her eyes were burned by roasting hot roasted coffee beans.
The Guards went in to control the situation, only for Cortex to latch onto one of them and stab him in the throat with a fork while the other prisoners took down the remaining one in a combined effort.

Though horrible facial burns and pain, Elise stumbled around in pain before getting grabbed by the collar for a moment.
In the dark-brown haze that was her vision, there was a black blur for a fraction of a second before the entire left side of her skull was caved in by a viscous spinning roundhouse kick from the newest inmate, almost taking her head clean off.
Falling to the ground near the cell door, she could barely make out the figure of Wesker standing over her, adjusting his glasses for a moment before staring down at her, A sly smirk on his face [] as he did.
Gripping one of the bars of the cell door, he then slammed it right into the Spider Queen's head, crushing it and leaving her a twitching bloody mess before slamming it again and again an-

....Hmm...While I could handle Kazuya's exterior guard...There is just something about wasting perfectly good Coffee...


"Tch, keep telling yourself that, 4-eyes. Least I'm not the one that Kazuya is going to pay a visit to..." The assassin then said with a massive childish shit eating grin on his face
Currently glancing at Elise before slowly turning to Deadshot, he merely answered "Yes...I believe I will...Hm, That is actually pretty good coffee. Elise, What brand did you use to make this? I believe that the machines in my lab's canteen served the Kahlua range..."


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
The Rising Dawn - Canteen: ARES, Katya

ARES winced- if only for but a moment, as yet again Katya displayed a lack of respect of personal boundaries. Then again, the "life" ARES lived made them determine this was something they'd never get used to... but that they didn't really mind.

Backing out of Katya's hug as she brought up food, she replied "Well now that I can hopefully put my former programming as servant and decoy behind me I don't exactly want to take any more orders." she said as she folded her arms with a grin.

"A favor is different though. Anything in particular you'd like? I could go and get it for you... honestly seeing how much of a scene you made, I don't blame you for not wanting to go back in there."

The Rising Dawn - Arriving: Miia, Kalastryn

Damn... we appear to be in the wrong profession. With a speech like that we should have been a cleric, sermons would be a breeze.

Well... you know just as well as me why that wouldn't have worked. It would have been great... but what faith could I actually assign myself to without suspicion? The silver flame, even though I empathize... most ironically, with their message of purging evil? I'm not blind to the irony, but aside from Slindis, they would quite likely have been blind to my honesty in ascribing to their faith. The Sovereign Host would likely have been equally adamant in turning me away, and in likened faith to them the only thing that remains off the top of my head would be the Dark Six from their own faith... not to be involved with.

I get it, I get it... your preaching to the choir here. We'd either probably have been laughed off, killed, or ended up in some dark cult... but hey, we're as much a saint as any of them in their shiny armor and holy symbols right? Kala thought, her face easily showing that perhaps that wasn't the case. After all her spells and other assorted abilities of late... she told Miia she tries to take alternative routes to killing people, but this came from a necromancer who's gone so far into the practice of black magic as to assume the form of a vampire and return at will...

...Half true. I would try not to hurt anyone, but honestly with how things were at home I became so used to defending myself, and then making it a living to go to dangerous places where killing was often just a part of the job, I started neglecting to ask whether or not I'd even have to fight those battles at all. She realizes as her and Miia arrive.

Chuckling at what Miia said as they stepped in, she replies,"Nonsense. Far be it for me to escort you away from a war zone and at least not do what I can to assist in helping you get acquainted with your surroundings. Honestly, you really shouldn't change your mind about such ideals, if any man or beast can forsake something so humbling from their way of thinking and believe that it is never unjustified... well I'd perish the thought of meeting such a person." She says, scratching her chin, as if thinking on what to say next. Actually... so many, many things she has been saying.

"You know Miia I'm going to level with you here... meeting you has been rather... enlightening. I rarely carry many weapons of my own, but that's because in my own way I can be lethal with or without one. However I should confess that you've had an effect of causing me to reflect on this... my home world caused many people strife parallel to my own, and so it was a necessity to survive. The term "Cutthroat" comes to mind for the environment. But... your own home... tell me- if you'd care to, what is it like there?" she asks, rather timidly compared to her usual demeanor. She can speak quite freely of a great many things. She had no fear of angering the leader of an entire country in order to spur him to action. She could discuss at length the horrors that plagued her old home, and how it ceases to be. This however, is different. It is not her life nor her actions she would discuss, and she wanted to handle the question carefully.

After all she would hate to make Miia fear the improbability of returning...


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Coming of Age
Location: Medical Bay | Rising Dawn
Kindle thy flame.

"Not who, but what, Mistress Mercury," BlackHarte nodded his head by bobbing the appendage that he called a head up and down. He was quite pleased with himself as far as anyone could see. Dolores seemed to be calming down now. The rampant, wild magic began to fade slowly and the throbbing of her heart began suddenly at a tremendous pace. 300 beats a minute, then down to 240, then stabilizing at 120. Her breaths began hard and fast, aggravated by the breathing tubes, she began to thrash. The metal that held her in place bent. Molli rushed to her side and pressed down as hard as she could. John joined her. The two were barely able to hold down the hysterical girl.

"Well that is a development for the better I'd say," BlackHarte wobbled back and forth like a wind chime and made a little "ting!" noise every time he changed directions. "It looks like whoever was causing the instability has left observational range. Good for him." BlackHarte bounced up and down playfully now, "She'll be a little worse for wear but I'm confident that she'll make a full recovery given time. Now for the other observational anomaly..." BlackHarte bounced up and down until he built up enough momentum to launch himself back into the ceiling. He hit the bare metal with a splat and started to reintegrate into the superstructure.

"Dolly! Dolly! It's me Molli! Please come to your sense!" Faust was screaming. Her red hair had become undone, it was messy, but nice. It was a good look on 334-Faust. The self-repair module had done well for herself. BlackHarte was quite happy with how easily she integrated into the crew.

Postmodern Mysticism
Location: Redwood City | California
Close friends make the most dangerous enemies.


Titania blew a lock of hair out of her eyes. The floated back down gently like white smoke. The night was cold - a strange chill had settled down around the valley. Deborah was laying on the floor with the Grimoire in her hands. She absentmindedly thumbed through the pages. A calm breeze bled through the window and fluttered the sheer curtain inlays. Titania shivered. She hadn't felt right since the fiasco with B3WP. To think that a member of that world had broken into this one - and then staged an assassination attempt by merging two divergent timelines chilled her more than the night air.

They had since moved away from the old base. They moved far away - yet even here she could still see the faint reverberations of the phenomena intervention. It was too large to be done by anyone person.

"You have to stop being so on-edge Tania," Deborah said, "you haven't been yourself since that incident."

Titania popped another chocolate into her mouth and chewed slowly. "Yeah," she answered.

"That's what I mean," Deborah twisted so that she was laying on her chest, "you've done nothing but pout and eat, and none of those pounds are going anywhere other than your hips and thighs."

Titania gave another half-hearted, "Yeah."

Deborah looked annoyed. She put down the Grimoire and stood up, dusting off her light-blue dress as she did. Titania actually responded to the motion. Her green eyes followed Deborah.

"You didn't have to get up," Titania said. Her voice was soft and uncertain - definitely lacking the usual impish bravado.

"Going back to full sentences now are we?" Deborah sat down on the bed next to Titania. Although they were some distance apart, Titania could feel Deborah's warmth. It was stifling, but not entirely unpleasant. It felt familiar at the very least.

"I've had no small deal to ponder these last few days," Titania put another chocolate into her mouth. This one was caramel and wine. She crinkled her nose at the sudden sharp alcoholic odor. "Bleh."

"Never one for alcohol were you?" Deborah took a piece of the caramel-wine and popped it in her mouth.

"No, not particularly. Oberon drank a lot. I didn't like the stuff personally. The flavor's too heavy. It drowns out everything else."

Deborah kicked her feet out and lay down on the bed. Her legs dangled off the side. "To a lot of people that's the attraction of the stuff."

"I'm not most people." Her answer was brusque.

Deborah frowned at first, and the laughed kindly. "No, no you aren't." There was a slight lull in conversation as the chirp of crickets trickled into the room. "Have you kept observing Azan this entire time?"

"Yeah." Titania put her head down on the bed and curled up. The chocolates she had fell to the ground in front of her. "Deborah, I'm so tired."

"I bet. How long has it been since you've slept?"

"I don't know. I've lost count." Titania yawned and closed her eyes. The darkness felt good.

"But it's been at least a year, yeah?"


"What will happen to Azan when you fall asleep?" Debora sat up an picked Titania up before tucking her into the bed. The little girl was still struggling to stay awake.

"He'll vanish from that world," Titania murmured, "He'll die. Be forgotten. Maybe somethings will remain, but he'll be gone."

"Such is the terrible burden on a lone-observer."

"Do you think they've finished gathering enough souls to summon Amaterasu?"

"Not yet, but maybe soon. Lucieon's been dropping by now and again you know. He still wants you to come back, though he'll never let it slip in public."

Titania smiled, "I won't."

"I know," Deborah bent down to collect some of the fallen chocolates. The a cloud covered the moon outside and plunged the room into a inky darkness. Deborah let a light form at her fingertips to help her see.

"Tell Azan I'm sorry," Titania said.

"Don't worry about it. Just get some rest. You deserve it."


May the Flames fade...
Mar 19, 2012
Black Mesa: Executive Helipad
The Batter

His work was done here. The area had been purified. Now what was his mission? He hadn't given it too much thought though it had crossed his mind on several occasions. In the end The Batter supposed he was still a Purifier and his mission really stayed the same. No matter if he was in his home world or this strange new one. He would purify this world of all it's evils and impure if he could. If it seemed has task was impossible enough, he'd simply purify the entire world and move on to the next one. It's better that way after all. So with these thoughts in mind he left the area. He began his mission to being purity to this world. He'd purify any who stood in his way. The mission came above all else.

The Rising Dawn: Canteen

"I hunt, I kill, I consume."

His current disguise was working well. He was able to easily infiltrate it due to Shadow's memories of the place. The only true hard part was actually getting up to the Rising Dawn in the first place. He was currently "wearing" a familiar infiltration uniform. He sighed to himself as he realized that he had almost forgotten the mask. Slowly a fitting mask forms across his face along with what appears to be a single eye goggle.

Now that he was fully in disguise the first thing he needed to do was show that he was indeed the Shadow they knew. Though he supposed he might run into new crew members who might not recognize this form. He was sure his acting was very capable to fool anyone. Behind him trotted a teenage girl. Though she was anything but he surmised. Her ability to transform into weapons had been most useful during his travels. With the idea of blending in, the disguised Agent moved towards the Canteen.

He entered quietly and without much noise. The girl followed him and asked. [color=9966CC]"So what are we doing now master?"[/color] "Shadow" sighed before replying in a thick Russian accent. "I thought I told you to stop calling me master. You're no one's property girl." She chuckled a bit before saying. [color=9966CC]"I know. I just like annoying you."[/color] He sighed again before going to the front of the bar and attempting to get the barkeeper's attention by saying. "Oi! I need a drink down here!" He shifted the rather massive sniper rifle on his back so it didn't hit anything in his general vicinity.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Bar Katya, Boss, Luke, Rugal, Boss, Icarus, Agent, Anyone else

While the Captain in Name Only finished his Ice Water, he did ponder the advice the other members of the crew were giving name, namely Boss's little speech and Icarus words of wisdom.
"...I'm thankful for the kind words. Really, I am...Just-....*Sigh*...Feels like everyone has an ax to grind at times, you know what I mean?..." He said before considering getting another shot of David's-...whatever that was supposed to be.
" know what, Luke, I believe I will take up that offer for a vintage. While David is a fine solider and one of the best men I've had the pleasure of fighting alongside with...I believe his brewing skills might need some work for the time being..." He then said before sliding the shot glass aside while the bartender began to pour a rather nice European brand.
It was then that Agent began to make his way into the room before casually asking for a drink.
Rugal picked up on this namely because, while he did look like one of Kazuya's men, he didn't seem to bare any of his company's markings.
"Hm...I don't recall seeing you before. You one of Mr. Mishima's men? Or a stragger we picked up back at Black Mesa?..." He asked before taking a sample of the nose of the glass Luke had just poured, looking instantly in a better mood after.


May the Flames fade...
Mar 19, 2012
Rising Dawn: Canteen/bar
Katya, Boss, Luke, Rugal, Boss, Icarus, Agent, Anyone else

He hadn't been there five minutes before someone had walked up to him. Really it hadn't even been a minute but details weren't important. Agent immediately began searching through Shadow's memories of the man in front of him. The memories were faint but he did know the name as Rugal. He couldn't retrieve anything else before his drink was given to him and Rugal began talking. Shadow soon replied. "I've been here before... I just haven't been here in a while. I saw the uh... What's the word the Americans use? "Conundrum" and decided to show up and see if you wanted help."

He takes his drink and begins sipping. Agent had to admit that strait vodka did seem to taste better ever since he consumed Shadow. "It appears that you all have the situation well under control. So I came and got a drink. Oh, how is the American dog David doing? I haven't spoken to him in awhile."


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Medical Wing
Teri, Rory, Faust, John, Blackharte

Teri's eyes widened in alarm initially at the sudden change in locomotion of her patient, as well as the black blob's diagnosis of the bedridden woman's condition. Even if Dolores had passed from the storm of her ailment, this thrashing would do nothing but create extra wounds, and based upon the bending of her restraints - this could quickly end in further harm. Quickly thinking over her options, Teri did the first thing that came to mind - attempt to calm the patient down. Seeing as she didn't know if heroin or a similar relaxing agent would have an equally adverse effect (or if there was any immediately in the room), she would turn to an improvisation she used before.

Rolling up her right sleeve the Cleric gave a careful chant before her hand began to glow a blue-ish color. Walking slowly over to the Lieutenant, the Cleric placed her hand on the thrashing young woman's arm. As she felt the spell begin to work it's (normally offensive) magics, Teri continued her prayers, begging her divine patron that her spell would hit it's mark just right, and end the thrashing of the poor young woman.

Teri casts Shivering Touch! Using this spell, Teri deals 3d6 temporary Dexterity damage. She rolls an [b]11[/b].

David West, Furiae

"Yeah, I'll admit, it was kinda unexpected but I'm not going to hold something outside of your control against ya. Besides, trying to kill or nearly getting killed by a crew member is kinda a rite of passage around here. So I'm sorry to break it to ya, Darlin'...You are going to have to do a lot better then that to get rid of me..."

Now this was a pleasant surprise. Furiae could only blink in confusion as David West had essentially told her "You are fairly low on the list of things that have tried to kill me in recent memory". Even so, he was still there, holding her hand, and looking at her like she was the most beautiful thing on the airship. To be frank, with all that had happened, Furiae could feel a mixture of confusion and... something fluttering in her chest. She smiled, the first in what felt like forever, and then began to laugh herself, tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

Between laughing and wiping away the tears, the former princess managed to choke out, "You know, it's funny. I'm still worried sick about what's going to happen to me after this mission; yet I was more worried about talking to you. Talk about some really skewed priorities, right?"

Rising Dawn: Canteen - Dining Area
Caim, Cadolbolg

After Katya's "interesting" attempts to woo the Prince of Caerleon, Caim only found himself blinking in confusion over the whole affair. What exactly had happened that prompted the young girl to come over, drunk as a fish in water, blabber on about birds, and then bolt off? Whatever it was, the Prince was terribly confused. However, he saw that Cadolbolg looked alert, his little tail wagging with interest, "Father, I smell something funny! It sorta smells like Mother, but different. I can't figure it out.... Is it okay if I go over to the beer place to go check it out?"

Caim simply gave the little turtle-dragon baby a scratch behind the ears, his PDA crackling to life again,
"I don't see why not, little one - so long as you don't attempt to sample the brews. And remember the standard rule -"
"I know, I know. No sitting on anyone's head without asking. And I can't eat on heads, even if they say it's okay."

"Good child. I'll be here if you need me."
With the permission granted, the little turtle-dragon took wing and fluttered over to the bar, leaving his Father alone to his thoughts - and to attend to the meal arriving on a tray....

Rising Dawn: Canteen Bar
Luke, Boss, Katya, Rugal, Icarus, Agent, Taytum, Cadolbolg

Luke, inwardly breathed a sigh of relief at the news that he would NOT be poisoning the current captain any further, and was happy to pour a glass of Blauer Portugieser. A sweeter red wine, made from a cultivar that originated from Austria, was also well known to be brewed on the west of the Rhine. However, Luke had another plan in mind - it was good for pairing with meals. While he did get a great deal of amusement from making mortals drunk, he didn't want to kill them. After pouring the vintage he spoke in his usual cordial tone, [color=eca222]"This particular vintage pairs well with most entrees, Mr. Bernstein - might I put in an order? Drinking on an empty stomach never bodes well..."[/color]

As for the Russian he called down, [color=eca222]"Shall I leave the bottle out, or do you want anything else instead?"[/color]

Finally, his attention turned to Icarus, and gave a quickly gave the young lad a look up and down. Clearly, he was younger than Katya, who was already pushing his standards at 18; but when he mentioned his age, Luke felt a minor twinge of conflict within himself. He typically didn't stand for allowing kids to indulge in alcoholic vice, but perhaps a lesson could be learned here. White Russians were typically made with 5 parts Vodka, 2 parts Coffee Liqueur, and 3 parts fresh cream. However, some patrons preferred the drink mixed with an Irish cream, such as Bailey's, to improve the taste; and naturally, to increase the alcoholic content. It was in this, Luke hatched his plan. As the half-angel child continued to drink, Luke kept his small smile while continuing to mix another White Russian, but opted to grab the Bailey's instead of the normal fresh cream. Pushing the drink towards Icarus, the bartender kept on his mysterious smile all the while...

Of course, that wasn't all Icarus had to be distracted by. A flutter of shimmering, feathery wings brought over a cat-sized turtle-dragon looking creature, who landed on the bar-front and gave a sniff, before speaking in a cheerful, yet childlike voice: "You smell funny! Kinda like my mother, but more like you hadn't taken a bath in a while."
Tilting his head in curiosity, the little creature wagged his bladed tail, "Do you need to take a bath? Do you even have a room? The rooms all have nice bathtubs with showerheads. They're big enough to be my swimming pool~!"


Oct 28, 2013
Character: Barbas
Location: ????
Time: ????hrs


The bleary-eyed wolfhound peered ahead in bewilderment as a crab-like silhouette stomped toward it down the cramped steel corridor. There were no alcoves in the bare walls to duck into, so it stood and stared mutely at the approaching mystery. A hazy pool of light revealed the body of a hulking brown insect-like creature with stalactite limbs and a mouthful of slavering tentacles. It paused ponderously at the sight of the dog, its scythed arms lazily tracing little circles in the air. Squid-like eyes on its flanks oscillated wildly in confusion before it decided the quadruped was a threat and expelled a guttural roar of rage. Its arms whipped out and pitched a tangled mass of indigo lightning at the dog, who disappeared with a crack.

Slowly struggling to his feet, Barbas opened his eyes and squinted in annoyance at the gloom that surrounded him. All right. Where am I, he ventured, this time?


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Diablo1099 said:
Brought to you by the captcha: Bottled water.
Johnny Gat, Pierce Washington, Krizalid, and Saint Troops.
Location: Denver Waste Treatment Plant | USA: Denver, Colorado | Time: Night
Examining the portal with curiosity, Johnny's eyes darted around, studying it. When one of the men compared it to an Angel portal, Gat looked at him confused. "Angels? It is possible, but I thought it was the squads of lower tiers that took them. The higher ranks can teleport anywhere..." Gat continued, looking at the alien-like runes. Ending up shaking his head, he raised his gun. "...Those weren't Angels. I thought we got a tip that they were dark Angels, whatever though."

Gat made that final comment, and suddenly raising his arm, listening to the footsteps approaching. "Quick, hide, and activate recon cloaks." Gat whispered, then the squad quickly started placing their backs against the walls, and activated a weird cloak []. The breathing become inaudible as the footsteps came incredibly close.

Note: There should be more, but I can't think up of anything. ^^;


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Training Room Nadalia, Ryan, Annie, Blade

After the dust settled and the battle was over, there was still one soul stirring in the Training Room, namely Blade, the Grovyle Strider who peered out from his hiding spot holding a phone, a blank shocked look on his face.
"...Wow......Uhhhh....Look, keep me posted on what Hein is going. I'll call you back." He stammered before handing up and placing his phone back in his belt and making his way towards the exhausted fighters.
While Nadalia's Warmth spell did linger in the air, he figured it might be best to see if they could still use their legs and prove they didn't have brain damage or something after all that.
Quickly moving to one of the side compartments of the training room, Blade cracked out the first aid kit, namely focusing on getting his hands on the smelling salts to try and revive each of them, as well as a few home brewed stimpaks, complements of Wanderer's attempts to create a version that was less likely to give people tentanus from 200 year old irradiated metal.

Moving over to Ryan first, he attempted to shove the salts into his "Eye Hole" at first before noting the airholes around his nose and began to hold it right next to them, a powerful ammonia scent forcing it's way into his lungs.

Rising Dawn: Hanger: Violet, Barbas, Guard NPCs

For some time, Violet stared at the loading screen while his decryption program slowly went though the contents of the flash drive Ghost "Borrowed" off the US, it was bad enough he was breaking the law and trust of an entire country, but it was so damn boring...
After lining up his mouse cursor with the loading bar, he then noticed a few armed guards staring at a random dog with a deal of confusion.
"Huh...Didn't know pets were allowed on this ship."
"Awwwww, I wanna pet him!-"
"Hey, be careful. We don't know what it is yet."
"'Don't know'? Dude, it's a dog. what's there to know? Come here, boy. Come here. come on!" One of the guards said as he attempted to pet the stray dog.
"What's going on here?...How'd this Dog get here?..." Violet asked as the guard pushed his luck to try and pet Barbas.


Oct 28, 2013
Character: Barbas
Location: ????
Time: ????hrs


"Ah, remarkable", exclaimed a nasal voice. "That dog I ordered is here. I didn't even recall teleportation being an option on the delivery page; my word, FedEx are getting fast these days. Wait a minute, you're the wrong colour. I'm going to have someone's metaphorical ass for brunch. Who the hell are you???" The words shot out in a torrent, like bodies being pushed through a tight doorway by the angry press behind them.

Barbas stood and stared at the lanky man in the white coat, the madness of his features made more ghoulish by the hundred little lights expelled from the glass instruments piled around him, and the comically large goggles covering his eyes. He calculated his options. The safest response currently available seemed to be, Hi.

"Dogs don't talk. DOGS DON'T TALK, alcoholism notwithstanding! Get out of my Insano-lab, vile rum-induced abomination!" The ranting man snatched up a jagged piece of metal from a nearby table and swished it through the air. A green spear of light disintegrated the dog with a whip-crack and a lingering smell of aniseed.

Dr Insano sniffed in annoyance. "Damn, I thought I'd fixed that problem."

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Escapist Avatar Adventures | The Rising Dawn | The Canteen
Eating the Embarrassment Away...
Katya Rostikova​

There was a sputtering sound, not the mechanical type that you might be thinking of but rather the sound that someone makes when they're more than a little perplexed at the response that they'd just been given. Katya Rostikova was slightly perplexed at the response that she'd just been given by Johnny 5 ARES-35 in regards to going somewhere else to get a bite to eat since she wasn't quite ready to go back to the Canteen where she'd just made a mockery of herself. The Caerleon Prince would have have to wait since there were far more pressing matters at stake than love.

"Well now that I can hopefully put my former programming as servant and decoy behind me I don't exactly want to take any more orders." The woman stated with a grin.

It wasn't an order though. It really wasn't. It was a polite query requesting information regarding the existence of additional dining facilities aboard the massive Airship. Katya hadn't even traveled from one end of the ship to the other yet, having spent a majority of her time in the Canteen.

"[color=CC8899]But it totez wasn't an order?[/color]" The Confused Computer Cracker muttered almost incoherently.

"A favor is different though. Anything in particular you'd like? I could go and get it for you... honestly seeing how much of a scene you made, I don't blame you for not wanting to go back in there."

Katya's cheeks flushed bright crimson once again at the mention the incident-that-shall-never-be-spoken-of-ever-again. Despite her embarrassment, she was able to see the logic in ARES' statement. Prior to her programming glitch, all requests made of the woman were in effect orders. In effect by asking ARES anything, it was effectively giving her an order. The young crimson haired hacker facepalmed herself.

"[color=CC8899]Ohhhhhh... I get it.[/color]" Katya said with a smile, "[color=CC8899]Whenever I ask you something, you can assume that it's either a request, which you can deny, or it's a favor, which you can also say no to. I don't like taking orders myself but I get where you're coming from.[/color]

The Hacker's stomach rumbled once again. This called for food... no... not food... this called for FOOD. Putting up her GPS location on her ocular HUD, the hungry hungry hacker saw that they were in just the right spot.

"[color=CC8899]I'm going to step out to get a bite to eat. How would you like to join me?[/color]" Katya asked with a nightmarishly large smile as she started heading towards the hanger.

--------------------------------------------------Amarillo, Texas--------------------------------------------------​

Amarillo, Texas was one of those places that existed almost solely because it was connected to Historic Route 66. Having once consisted solely of Ranches, the city was established as a new trading hub located in the Texas Pan Handle. Though the city had grown into the fifteenth most populous city in Texas and become more dependent on commercial endeavors for economic prosperity, there were some things that it could not simply leave in the past.

The Big Texan Restaurant was one of those modern establishments with an eye towards the past. Serving steaks of all sizes and cuts, the restaurant paid homage to the city's more agrarian past. The Big Texan was not without its modern twists as was demonstrated the moment Katya [footnote]and ARES should she have chosen to come[/footnote] stepped through the doors.

"We've got a 72 ounce steak challenge coming up! Anyone else want to join in on the fun?" A voice said over the loudspeaker.

"[color=CC8899]72 ounces of steak?[/color] The Hacker practically squee'd as she waved her hand at the greeter, "[color=CC8899]Me! Me! Me! I'll do it![/color]"

"Alright little lady, you sure you want to be doing this? You might get your fancy clothes all mussed up." The greeter said derisively.

Looking at herself, Katya understood what the man was saying. Once she'd gotten back to the ship, the woman had taken a shower and donned a new set of clothes, ones she'd purchased back on Rodeo Drive, just prior to meeting Ton Ton and Cadolbolg. Givenchy, Prada, Michael Kors. Designer names that didn't exactly fit in Amarillo.

"[color=CC8899]I'll be just fine.[/color]" Katya said as she muscled her way into the dining area. Looking around, it seemed that a number of other people had decided to take a crack at the 72 Ounce Steak challenge, which did not consist solely of a 72 ounce steak. Included in the meal was Shrimp Cocktail, Baked Potato, Salad, with Roll and Butter, all of which needed to be finished under an hour.

Curiously there was a black sheep in the crowd of contenders, most of which were larger, white males. A young girl who looked no older than 10, her hair colored both black and white sat in the middle of it all, looking around with wide eyes. Katya could tell that she was nervous even from where she was standing, though it wasn't necessarily from the challenge at hand.

Sitting down a few tables away, Katya waited for the food to be served and the contest to start.


The Escapist Avatar Adventures | The Rising Dawn | Medical Bay

Rory Mercury​

"That was rather anticlimactic," Rory Mercury said as she stood in the Rising Dawn's medical bay. Despite her flippant comment regarding the sudden and miraculous recovery of First Lieutenant Selmy, the Demi-Goddess was relieved. The woman known as Delores would continue to live until she was ready to be embraced by Rory's patron God. There was still part of the young looking woman that was troubled. That there was a power that had the ability to wipe the existence of a singular person from existence, both in the present time and the past, was highly disturbing. For all of the troubles they'd had, Rory had a brief moment of wishing that Leilei was here.

"If you'll excuse me." The Returned Oracle muttered as she left the room, both satisfied by the outcome yet troubled by the event. Wandering out of the Medical Bay, her God telling her that none of the other patients were in any danger, Rory the Reaper continued her wandering around the ship, taking in the sights. Passing by what appeared to be a series of training room, Rory felt the vibration of battle traveling through the ship's hull. Whatever was going on beyond the doors was violent, the sort of thing that Rory would have normally been drawn to.

Poking her head through the door, she noted that the battle had ceased and that the majority of the combatants in the room were either unconscious or passed out from exhaustion. It was a pity, Rory could have used something like this to change her pensive mood.

Continuing on, the Crimson Clad Soul Catcher wandered aimlessly, peering into compartments, into empty rooms, out of view ports at the world beyond the confines of the ship. She wandered aimlessly until she was completely and hopelessly lost. Surrounded on all sides by metal corridors, the newly returned Demi-Goddess had to remind herself that she was not in Hardy's Realm. She was above the ground, floating in a huge fortress. This realization helped her... a little.

Picking a random corridor, Rory found herself near a series of windows that showed the setting sun and the ground below, dotted with individual homes and farms. From this distance, this world didn't look too much different from the Special Region. From this view she could almost see herself wandering from village to village, easing the minds of those who were about to pass on and consoling those they left behind. From this view, she could almost remember what it was like to touch Itami's skin before she ascended.

Blinking a number of times, she turned away from the windows, set on finding something to change her mood.

"Mister Blackharte? Can you hear me?" Rory called out loudly into the emptiness of the ship.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Rising Dawn: Hangar Miia, Kalastryn

Kala kept a calm smile on her face as Miia explained what it was like where she came from, can't ask a question if you don't want to receive the answer now can you?

[color=BA0025]"My home belonged to Darling. You see, I was, um ... required to stay with a host due to the Cultural Exchange Between Species Act... but miscommunication happened and I was accidentally dropped off at the wrong house. However, Darling was sweet enough to take me in anyways, and allowed me to stay at his house. Slowly overtime, my rivals- I mean, these girls moved in to be watched under Darling as well. Since the house was covered by Ms. Smith and taxes paid with no expense, it was designed to make Monster Girls like myself feel at home. .. I hope Darling's okay. He must be worried sick about me. Ahhhhhhh~"[/color]

A cultural exchange hmn? Doesn't sound so bad, but even with how she seems to think of her "Darling..." I take it the species her and the other "species" were being watched over by was of course human.

How delightfully racist!

[color=BA0025]"Right now, Cerea or Papi might be trying to get with Darling, or worst- molested by Rachnera. Mmhphh! Aahahggg Darling don't fall for them!!"[/color] This however, did make Kala wince a bit.

I guess whoever he is, he's quite the lady's man. No love potion I've ever heard of makes people think of you in such a high regard.

Well, you haven't heard of that many. Come on, your the poster child for chaste lifestyles.

...You say that as if something is inherently wrong about that.

and you say that as if something is inherently right about it. Not judging of course, just saying it might not be as terrible as you make it out to be. Not that you actually know that.

Okay can we not-

[color=BA0025]"Um, if you don't mind asking you something- what do you guys do around here? Seems like this cooperation is really serious, so ... I don't know what i'm supposed to do. After all, I don't ............................. kill .......... people."[/color] This made Kala tap her chin in thought.

We'll ponder that later.

Well when you put it that way your damn right we will.

"Well Miia I'm quite glad you asked. Quite honestly there are a quite a few amenities around here. We have the training rooms of course, and most everyone makes use of them. I've said it before and I'll say it again however, that I would hardly desire for you to change your mind on such gruesome matters. We have the canteen, where you can get food and drinks of any sort to strike your fancy should you wish... I take it that if your so... romantically involved that your of legal drinking age? Not that you can't simply get water of course. I also enjoy reading in my spare time... though that has been scarce as of late.

She actually sighs at that realization, "You know... we've never actually had to do anything this... gruesome up to now. As far as I can recall, this would be the first time we've been involved with military endeavors. You know, I could use a drink. Are you hungry at all, or did a nuclear missile rushing over your head make you lose your appetite? Honestly... I wouldn't blame you. she says, rubbing her temples.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Medical Wing: Furiae's room: David West, Furiae

"You know, it's funny. I'm still worried sick about what's going to happen to me after this mission; yet I was more worried about talking to you. Talk about some really skewed priorities, right?"
"I'd say. Personally, I think that time could have been better spent wondering if you brushed your teeth."
"...W-why would I worry about that?"
"Because this."

Before the former princess could say anything, David then leaned in before locking lips with her in an unexpected but not unwelcome kiss.
There was a lot of shock at first and a little panic, but she quickly melted into his embrace, finally able to accept passion in her life for the very first time.
While David did try to block off the room to the outside world, it seemed that he didn't do a good enough job as a gentle "D'awwwwww..." filled the entire medical wing as the Wounded Soldiers, missing limbs and all, drank in the moment.

Rising Dawn: Training Room: Blade, Ryan, Annie, Nadalia

" guys serious?..." Blade asked with an air of confusion when they began to talk about their sparring match as some great sin.
"Guys, what happened here was NOTHING compared to this one time that Jenny told me about where Rugal and Caim decided to have a fight. See what was the best, swords or fists, you know? They went at it for like a day straight. Nearly a full 24 hours. Blood and stab marks EVERYWHER! Only reason they stopped was because Slindis and Angelus thought they went missing! I mean, if you think there is bad blood between you guys, Fair enough. But I don't think they are going to hold a sparring match against you, even if it did get out of hand. Hell, At least here you got a nice controlled environment were if someone goes get seriously hurt, they can get medical attention."
And with that said, Blade then went over to the downed Queen before checking her vitals and what kinda shape she was in.
"Rule of Thumb: If it's a training room, it's fair game. So long as no one gets killed." He said before gently bringing the smelling salts to her nose to try and wake Nadalia up.

Rising Dawn: Brig: Wesker, Doom, Cortex

After their meal was finished, the prisoners returned to their cells without too much fuss, Wesker bringing his second coffee and a napkin back to his cell while Cortex was a lot else modest and brought half the food table in with him.
Doom meanwhile have a shy smile and wave back to Elise as she left, something that didn't go un-noticed to the others.
"...She seems nice. I long since wondered if Kazuya only hired those as Psychopathic as him. Now I know." He said as he sipped his coffee.
[color=b4b4]"Yeah, I mean, she's kinda alright, I guess. Unlike the damn guards and that "Ghost" guy..."[/color]
"..."Ghost Guy"?"
[color=004d]"Oh yeah! He's a REAL asshole! He comes at night and pointed a gun at Doom's head and, like, asked questions and stuff. Watch out, he'll be coming for you next most likely!"[/color]
"I'd hope so...I can think of a few questions for him as well..." Wesker said while Deadshot watched on from his cell, texting away at these new developments.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
StormShaun said:
Ain't no sweat man :)
Johnny Gat, Pierce Washington, Krizalid, and Saint Troops.
Location: Denver Waste Treatment Plant | USA: Denver, Colorado | Time: Night
Gat and his men watched as a pair of Rather powerful looking Cyborgs [] made their way to the chamber, quickly unlocking it before examining the Alien inside.
"Huh, another one of those-...What'd they call them? Protoss?"
"Nice! They always have some neat shit on him. Wonder if that gold armor would fetch much?...Want to try and get a new GPU so I can play Video Games while I sleep."
Their casual chit-chat aside, another Much more advanced looking Cyborg[/url appeared on the scene, seeming to be in charge.
[Get back to work. The Election will be over soon and the CEO will not accept any delays in production. Take this subject to a containment unit until his value can be assessed]
He barked at the duo before the three of them walked off with the alien in tow towards a deeper section of the lab.
And if this was anything to do by, it wasn't going to be any better then what they saw so far...


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Coming of Age
Location: Med Bay | Rising Dawn
Kindle thy flame
Dolores Selmy

I remember faintly a story my mother used to tell me. Less of a story, more of a tall tale. Never wake a sleepwalker for you might frighten them to death. I mention this because I now fully understand why some people take that idiom to heart. At first I was drifting in infinite darkness, watching in the distance stars that gleamed. It was like being surrounded by fire, warm but hard to discern. It was peaceful in that state for there were gentle whispers that danced on my ears and within my mind. Friendly words of friends and family, of love and peace. It felt close, so close, to knowing what it meant to be whole.

Then I was falling.

The darkness tore itself apart in a gale of misery. Light thrust itself into me and forced my eyes shut. Yet through the dark of my inner mind I could still make out the piercing winds. The familiar dark had vanished and I was consumed by disparity. There was once again pain and pleasure, terror and peace. I tried to reach out into the void to grasp anything I could use to slow my descent. But there was nothing. The claws of the wind drew blood from my arms, cast crimson ribbons over once-alabaster flesh.

"Dolly!" was the first thing I heard. A hard head hit my own. There was a soft warmth against my cheeks. "Thank you doctor, thank you so much for bringing her back." She was speaking into my neck so her voice was quite muffled.

"M... Molli?" I said. I was still disoriented. The lights were hurting my eyes, and being smothered by the larger woman didn't help matters much. John pulled her back. Molli's hair had come undone in her distress. She looked better with her hair down, I never knew she had such natural curls. It's a shame she didn't wear her hair a little longer. "What's going on?"

As I sat up I noticed one of the Heroes standing beside the cot upon which I lay. I balked and almost slipped back down. I tried to salute, but my arm was caught by several IV's. The sudden sharp pain caused me to contort suddenly and in a moment's time I had come to a very awkward pose. "Master Cleric!" I said, raising my left hand to salute instead - I really hoped that it wasn't inappropriate to do so.

The room I was in was filled with gleaming crystals. The omnipresent hum of the airship was absent here. Where was this? I tensed my muscles. Everything seemed to be okay now. I felt much better than before.

"The Master Cleric came to heal you," Molli said. John was holding onto her shoulders and smiled to express his relief, "you came under some terrible affliction."

"Is that so?" I mumbled. I couldn't remember very well what led me to this point. I remember deploying, and then activating my powers... I have powers? Since when did I have powers? My brows furrowed in confusion. One word came to mind. Lieutenant. Then it started to slowly dawn on me. That other girl, the foreign one. I couldn't remember her name, but she spoke with my voice, she moved with my body. I stiffened up. "Master Cleric, thank you for taking your time to save a disposable person like me." I said. I felt my eyes getting wet. "I am undeserving of such attention from one of the fabled Heroes, ma'am!"

"Selmy, please just try to take it easy." It was John this time. "You just recovered. Please stop trying to hard. You'll just hurt yourself again."

That's right isn't it? I always try hard, but the only thing I manage to do is cause more trouble for other people. I bit my lip. I looked down to the side and then noticed something, there were broken cuffs on the bed. Not to mention I could not make use of my legs. Had I done that?

There was a chill that ran down my spine. An adamant cold. I fumbled with the IV's in my arm. "Try not to do that. We'd like to have you stay in observation for a few days." It was John again. I felt clumsier, to be honest, more so than usual.

Molli adjusted the cot so that I could rest my head against it while sitting up. I looked at the Master Cleric and tried to muster a smile of gratitude.

The autodoc whirred to life and announced,
"Patient has been terminated."
For a split second I was shocked. But then I noticed that in the struggle the heartbeat sensor had come unplugged from the monitoring equipment. The screen was showing a flatline.

[hr /]

Understood Intentions
Location: Outer Superstructure | Rising Dawn
Mavet ve'chaim be'yad lashon.
Carefree Daughter

"Thou hast far wandered," BlackHarte answered. A small orb of black-matter separated from the ceiling above Rory Mercury and dribbled down to the floor before her. It quivered, the black mass suddenly lit up with an array of green lines, and raised it's head. No larger than a volleyball, the dancing mass of black addressed Rory with a foreign familiarity. "What would thou of me asketh?"

This particular sub-unit was special. It was a different entity all together from the BlackHarte that many of the Rising Dawn's Heroes knew. In fact, this small sub unit was a she. In fact this sub unit was one of the select few granted individuality by the collective.

"Naamah mine name is, I would prefer that thou use it." This sub unit spoke with a bright feminine voice that was slightly lyrical, slightly regal, and slightly impish. Naamah was locked to this obscure part of the ship, sectioned of years and years before by the primary host. "The recordkeeper I am," she continued. She smiled, or at least what Rory assumed to be a close approximation to a smile and waited for Rory to respond.