Rising Dawn - Med Bay
Dolores, Faust, John, Teri
Teri grimaced uncomfortably at Dolores' exhortation of her abilities, not necessarily that she didn't appreciate a thank you for her work, rather it was the implications that lurked under the surface of such things like "a disposable person like me" or Teri being referred to as a "fabled hero". For that matter, why was everyone calling her a "Master Cleric"? However, before she could continue that line of thought, speaking to her patient would probably prove the best route at the moment, [color=0E59E4]"You don't need to talk like that, Ms. Dolores. All life is precious to me, even the lives of my enemies, or people I don't know. If you happened to be in my area of work, I'll do what I can to make sure your health is up to code. So please, don't call yourself anything like 'disposable' or 'worthless'."[/color]
She gave a small smile before finishing with, [color=0E59E4]"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to attend to the other wounded and-"[/color]
She paused, overhearing the other soldiers making a collection of "Dawwwwwwws" and looked into a specific room, seeing Furiae and David's little moment. Not being able to hold back, Teri found herself joining the reverie with the soliders, before something began to scratch at the back of her mind.
[color=0E59E4]"We're forgetting something... Something we usually take care of after arriving on ship... Something involving an asshole and the letter 'K'?"
".....FUCK! Kazuya! I need to get the hell over to the Brig, stat!"[/color]
How could she have forgotten?! She needed to make sure he wasn't doing god knows what to Albert Wesker for information, but the truth remained that the soldiers needed attention from her. Pausing for another moment, the Cleric's mind raced before she looked at her Tablet and an idea hatched. Pulling up the writing functionality on her Tablet, Teri moved towards the blood bag repository and reached for one of the rarer samples - an O- bag. Following this, she typed,
Handing the bag over to one of the other medics, the Cleric very firmly informed the medic to give EACH soldier a few drops of the blood, a pointed glare serving to push her point, and finally decided to leave, climbing onto Garm before her push towards the Brig.
David West, Furiae
In spite of several members of Kazuya's forces chiming in and giving a rather loud "DAWWWWWWW" in the Med Bay, in spite of the terrible events she just experienced - Furiae could honestly say she was happy. For ONCE, for freaking ONCE, something that was purely her own had finally happened; and it wasn't going horribly wrong. Hell, David even told her that he thought the little incident that happened between them was "NORMAL". What sort of life did her brother lead on this airship if comrades trying to kill one another was normal? Whatever, David, happiness, good things. Her brain shifted towards the rush of endorphins in her system, and for the briefest moment, she thought she felt something rustling under her dress again. Jerking away from her companion, Furiae could hear an increased beeping as her heart-rate rose to higher levels. No, this could happen again here!
Furiae paused and took a deep breath, attempting to recall the words of her master,
"We must be tempered, even in our joy. Unchecked desires can easily be as harmful as unchecked anger. However, do not make the mistake that some make that your life must be devoid of such emotions, simply remember the harms of excess."
As the former Goddess began to calm herself down, she heard David begin to stammer again, "Whoa-hey-sorry. Come on too hard or.."
Oh, he didn't notice? Furiae shook her head, and patted her side, a sheepish smile sneaking it's way to her face, "It is not any fault of your's... Well, perhaps in a small manner, but, that's not what I mean. *Ahem*. The 'other' aspect of myself tends to trigger with...more than one means of excitement."
Rising Dawn: Canteen Bar
Luke, Boss, Icarus, Cadolbolg, Caim
Now, while the big fight between Ryan, several of his creations, and Kalastryn was... Well, it was SOMETHING alright. However, Caim's attention was drawn towards Cadolbolg suddenly growing to the size of a large dog. With a quick scarf of his sandwich, Caim ambled his way over towards the members of the bar and loomed over Icarus and Cadolbolg, his PDA giving a very pointed question:
Cadolbolg turned back towards Caim, his decidedly much larger tail slapping against the bar with excitement, "Father, this guy here did a thing with his arm thingy, and now I'm all big! What do you think?"
The creature's wings beat with excitement, an empty glass threatened to teeter over, before the bartender caught it and gave a dirty look. Of course, this only helped to incense Caim, who looked over at the young half angel, and his PDA demanded again,
Dolores, Faust, John, Teri
Teri grimaced uncomfortably at Dolores' exhortation of her abilities, not necessarily that she didn't appreciate a thank you for her work, rather it was the implications that lurked under the surface of such things like "a disposable person like me" or Teri being referred to as a "fabled hero". For that matter, why was everyone calling her a "Master Cleric"? However, before she could continue that line of thought, speaking to her patient would probably prove the best route at the moment, [color=0E59E4]"You don't need to talk like that, Ms. Dolores. All life is precious to me, even the lives of my enemies, or people I don't know. If you happened to be in my area of work, I'll do what I can to make sure your health is up to code. So please, don't call yourself anything like 'disposable' or 'worthless'."[/color]
She gave a small smile before finishing with, [color=0E59E4]"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to attend to the other wounded and-"[/color]
She paused, overhearing the other soldiers making a collection of "Dawwwwwwws" and looked into a specific room, seeing Furiae and David's little moment. Not being able to hold back, Teri found herself joining the reverie with the soliders, before something began to scratch at the back of her mind.
[color=0E59E4]"We're forgetting something... Something we usually take care of after arriving on ship... Something involving an asshole and the letter 'K'?"
".....FUCK! Kazuya! I need to get the hell over to the Brig, stat!"[/color]
How could she have forgotten?! She needed to make sure he wasn't doing god knows what to Albert Wesker for information, but the truth remained that the soldiers needed attention from her. Pausing for another moment, the Cleric's mind raced before she looked at her Tablet and an idea hatched. Pulling up the writing functionality on her Tablet, Teri moved towards the blood bag repository and reached for one of the rarer samples - an O- bag. Following this, she typed,
True to her writing, the Cleric pointing at the blood bag and cast the aforementioned spell, bending the rules of her magic's laws and infusing the blood with it's spell effects. After doing so, Teri felt the effects of her Authoring take hold, her energy declining in one fell swoop.[color=0E59E4][/color]Code:In a fit of brilliance, Cleric Gravel reached for the blood bag, and incanted the spell 'Panacea', with a prayer to her Lord that the spell would circumvent it's usual boundaries of the flesh. In this one moment, her prayer was heard, and the blood bag was blessed with the spell's effects - but it needed to be transferred quickly..
Handing the bag over to one of the other medics, the Cleric very firmly informed the medic to give EACH soldier a few drops of the blood, a pointed glare serving to push her point, and finally decided to leave, climbing onto Garm before her push towards the Brig.
David West, Furiae
In spite of several members of Kazuya's forces chiming in and giving a rather loud "DAWWWWWWW" in the Med Bay, in spite of the terrible events she just experienced - Furiae could honestly say she was happy. For ONCE, for freaking ONCE, something that was purely her own had finally happened; and it wasn't going horribly wrong. Hell, David even told her that he thought the little incident that happened between them was "NORMAL". What sort of life did her brother lead on this airship if comrades trying to kill one another was normal? Whatever, David, happiness, good things. Her brain shifted towards the rush of endorphins in her system, and for the briefest moment, she thought she felt something rustling under her dress again. Jerking away from her companion, Furiae could hear an increased beeping as her heart-rate rose to higher levels. No, this could happen again here!
Furiae paused and took a deep breath, attempting to recall the words of her master,
"We must be tempered, even in our joy. Unchecked desires can easily be as harmful as unchecked anger. However, do not make the mistake that some make that your life must be devoid of such emotions, simply remember the harms of excess."
As the former Goddess began to calm herself down, she heard David begin to stammer again, "Whoa-hey-sorry. Come on too hard or.."
Oh, he didn't notice? Furiae shook her head, and patted her side, a sheepish smile sneaking it's way to her face, "It is not any fault of your's... Well, perhaps in a small manner, but, that's not what I mean. *Ahem*. The 'other' aspect of myself tends to trigger with...more than one means of excitement."
Rising Dawn: Canteen Bar
Luke, Boss, Icarus, Cadolbolg, Caim
Now, while the big fight between Ryan, several of his creations, and Kalastryn was... Well, it was SOMETHING alright. However, Caim's attention was drawn towards Cadolbolg suddenly growing to the size of a large dog. With a quick scarf of his sandwich, Caim ambled his way over towards the members of the bar and loomed over Icarus and Cadolbolg, his PDA giving a very pointed question:
"Can either of you two explain to me WHAT exactly is happening here?"
The creature's wings beat with excitement, an empty glass threatened to teeter over, before the bartender caught it and gave a dirty look. Of course, this only helped to incense Caim, who looked over at the young half angel, and his PDA demanded again,
"I'm going to say this again. What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Son?"