The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn - Med Bay
Dolores, Faust, John, Teri

Teri grimaced uncomfortably at Dolores' exhortation of her abilities, not necessarily that she didn't appreciate a thank you for her work, rather it was the implications that lurked under the surface of such things like "a disposable person like me" or Teri being referred to as a "fabled hero". For that matter, why was everyone calling her a "Master Cleric"? However, before she could continue that line of thought, speaking to her patient would probably prove the best route at the moment, [color=0E59E4]"You don't need to talk like that, Ms. Dolores. All life is precious to me, even the lives of my enemies, or people I don't know. If you happened to be in my area of work, I'll do what I can to make sure your health is up to code. So please, don't call yourself anything like 'disposable' or 'worthless'."[/color]

She gave a small smile before finishing with, [color=0E59E4]"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to attend to the other wounded and-"[/color]
She paused, overhearing the other soldiers making a collection of "Dawwwwwwws" and looked into a specific room, seeing Furiae and David's little moment. Not being able to hold back, Teri found herself joining the reverie with the soliders, before something began to scratch at the back of her mind.
[color=0E59E4]"We're forgetting something... Something we usually take care of after arriving on ship... Something involving an asshole and the letter 'K'?"
".....FUCK! Kazuya! I need to get the hell over to the Brig, stat!"[/color]

How could she have forgotten?! She needed to make sure he wasn't doing god knows what to Albert Wesker for information, but the truth remained that the soldiers needed attention from her. Pausing for another moment, the Cleric's mind raced before she looked at her Tablet and an idea hatched. Pulling up the writing functionality on her Tablet, Teri moved towards the blood bag repository and reached for one of the rarer samples - an O- bag. Following this, she typed,
In a fit of brilliance, Cleric Gravel reached for the blood bag, and incanted the spell 'Panacea', with a prayer to her Lord that the spell would circumvent it's usual boundaries of the flesh. In this one moment, her prayer was heard, and the blood bag was blessed with the spell's effects - but it needed to be transferred quickly..
True to her writing, the Cleric pointing at the blood bag and cast the aforementioned spell, bending the rules of her magic's laws and infusing the blood with it's spell effects. After doing so, Teri felt the effects of her Authoring take hold, her energy declining in one fell swoop.

Handing the bag over to one of the other medics, the Cleric very firmly informed the medic to give EACH soldier a few drops of the blood, a pointed glare serving to push her point, and finally decided to leave, climbing onto Garm before her push towards the Brig.

David West, Furiae

In spite of several members of Kazuya's forces chiming in and giving a rather loud "DAWWWWWWW" in the Med Bay, in spite of the terrible events she just experienced - Furiae could honestly say she was happy. For ONCE, for freaking ONCE, something that was purely her own had finally happened; and it wasn't going horribly wrong. Hell, David even told her that he thought the little incident that happened between them was "NORMAL". What sort of life did her brother lead on this airship if comrades trying to kill one another was normal? Whatever, David, happiness, good things. Her brain shifted towards the rush of endorphins in her system, and for the briefest moment, she thought she felt something rustling under her dress again. Jerking away from her companion, Furiae could hear an increased beeping as her heart-rate rose to higher levels. No, this could happen again here!

Furiae paused and took a deep breath, attempting to recall the words of her master,
"We must be tempered, even in our joy. Unchecked desires can easily be as harmful as unchecked anger. However, do not make the mistake that some make that your life must be devoid of such emotions, simply remember the harms of excess."

As the former Goddess began to calm herself down, she heard David begin to stammer again, "Whoa-hey-sorry. Come on too hard or.."
Oh, he didn't notice? Furiae shook her head, and patted her side, a sheepish smile sneaking it's way to her face, "It is not any fault of your's... Well, perhaps in a small manner, but, that's not what I mean. *Ahem*. The 'other' aspect of myself tends to trigger with...more than one means of excitement."

Rising Dawn: Canteen Bar
Luke, Boss, Icarus, Cadolbolg, Caim

Now, while the big fight between Ryan, several of his creations, and Kalastryn was... Well, it was SOMETHING alright. However, Caim's attention was drawn towards Cadolbolg suddenly growing to the size of a large dog. With a quick scarf of his sandwich, Caim ambled his way over towards the members of the bar and loomed over Icarus and Cadolbolg, his PDA giving a very pointed question:

"Can either of you two explain to me WHAT exactly is happening here?"
Cadolbolg turned back towards Caim, his decidedly much larger tail slapping against the bar with excitement, "Father, this guy here did a thing with his arm thingy, and now I'm all big! What do you think?"
The creature's wings beat with excitement, an empty glass threatened to teeter over, before the bartender caught it and gave a dirty look. Of course, this only helped to incense Caim, who looked over at the young half angel, and his PDA demanded again,
"I'm going to say this again. What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Son?"


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Center Soul
Location: Training Room 3| Rising Dawn
Thine self is thine greatest foe.
Dolores Selmy

I watched the Master Cleric leave. My shoulders slumped. Her words tickled my heart - it was not a kind feeling - for it felt that she had merely spoken to ease my own suffering. To believe that all life was precious, and to uphold that ancient covenant confused me. In the middle of this enterprise, a terrible military force, should a Hero be so good-natured was something ought to be reserved to fables and novels. I do not believe in such things, though I yearned so strongly to.

Molli and John bid their farewells and left for the Canteen. They had not eaten in half-a-day and were half starved by both worry and deprivation.

I pulled the EKG stickers off of my skin. The markers left cool pockets of jelly on my skin. I flexed my arms and legs. With the restraints removed, it felt much easier to move. I smiled. To be able to move at all was a good feeling. I felt as if I had spent an eternity in a prison, locked and buried beneath stones immemorial.

I slid off the bed and looked around. I found my clothes folded on a table next to the auto-doc terminal. My shirt and waistcoat was torn down the middle. My pants and boots were in more fortunate form. There was little way that I could salvage the dress shirt. The most I could do was take the gold pin that was presented to me on enlistment. I took the small pin into my hand and let the silk shirt crumple to the floor. The pin was small and thin, it looked frail but was deceptively sturdy. A thin crimson fabric was stretched between the metal frames. I flipped the pinning needle around and clipped it to the side of my hair. I closed the door and changed into my pants and boots. For the top I took the medical gown and tucked it into my belt. It held well enough. At the very least it was no longer flapping in the wind.

I slipped out of the quarantine room. The autodoc called out after me,
"Cadaver has been removed, cleaning room for next patient."
Cadaver? I pouted. That is rude.

The air was chilly in the airship. I crept through the halls, making sure to avoid any of my colleagues. It took about ten minutes, I took the stairs down to the lower levels to avoid any of the main crew, but I reached the training rooms without much fanfare. I could hear some of the heroes brawling in a training room adjacent to mine. I opened the console and opened the simulation - activated the explosion dampening and kinetic mitigation.

I closed the door behind me. I closed my eyes and focused. That power, the one I used at the dam. Come back to me. I breathed out, I could feel my body relaxing. "MANIFEST! ARC DIABOLUS BOLVERK!" I swung my arms out, fully expecting the White Guns to appear again. Yet my hands only grasped empty air. The faint chill of the air bit at my skin.

I swung again, "Bolverk!" I screamed. Again, nothing. I stepped forward and repeated the motion, "Bolverk!" And again, nothing. I tried again and again until my voice was hoarse, but the White Guns proved to be elusive. "Bolverk?" I could taste blood from my throat. I felt my cheeks wet. I was breathing fast. There was no reason that it should have worked but still I felt as if something invaluable was missing from me.

[hr /]

Misunderstood Intentions
Location: Primary Cabin | Rising Dawn
To seek truth is to invite deception.
Fateless Child

How irritating.
Niflheim stopped walking and turned around to face Rory and Fatima.
"The Heroes right in an attempt to save innocents, this much is true. Yet they are executioners without a judge nor a jury. They are nothing more than wanton agents of chaos distributing an absurd collection of their own sensibilities into the world."
Niflheim raised his head and let the fireflies father around him like a living halo.

"Their own sense of justice enough is." Fatima replied from her perch on Rory's shoulder. She had started to emit light herself. "They do right by their selfsame selves."

[b]"Absolute folly, action without consensus is nothing more than marauding."[/b]
"You are too harsh in that respect Niflheim." Fatima chirped. She was teasing him.

[b]"You are too lenient in that respect Fatima,"[/b]
Niflheim parroted.

There was a tense silence.

Niflheim then continued,
[b]"This plane intersects many others. When a plane gets too close, sometimes a hero may fall through the cracks and appear here. Most ride here by choice, but whether or not they have any choice in the matter is up to debate."[/b]
Niflheim looked into the Canteen and frowned.
[b]"Most are picked up by other Heroes, but to be honest, should they want to leave they would have nowhere to go. The world outside is harsh upon them. Without solidarity, they would quick fall prey to the machination of the many."[/b]
"An unfortunate truth," Fatima said. "Though things not as bad as thou sayeth are. They hath a culture made, such that unto their freedom twas given. A right that must not be revoked."

Niflheim growled, no longer having the energy to deal with Fatima. He addressed Rory again,
[b]"Is there anything else you wish to know, Mistress Mercury. I will comply to the best of my ability."[/b]
"Mayhaps you wish about yourself to tell?" Fatima chirped, "Would Miss Mercury that action enjoy?"


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America

Rising Dawn: Training Room 2: Kalastryn, Miia, Ryan, Annie, Agent

"You know I think that's a wonderful idea at this point. It's been two hours since you left your meal early, and I didn't even order anything to begin with." She says, her stomach grumbling as if on cue.

She also did begin to chuckle as Miia and Ryan seemed to have made up at the same time.

Well I guess we're pretty damn smooth huh? Not only talking our way out of fighting him but making the two of them patch things up at the same time.
Yeah... real "smooth." Didn't have to get this bad in the first place if you didn't agitate them again to begin with? You call that smooth?
...I already apologized for that...
and I'm just pulling your metaphorical leg, let's go catch up and make sure the next time Miia gives Ryan a hug, she doesn't end up crushing him. That looks like it hurt. Kala thought as she started whistling nonchalantly on their way out of their training room. It sure wasn't much of a fight, but hey, it didn't need to be.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
[HEADING=2]The Rising Dawn Adventures[/HEADING]
Rising Dawn: Canteen Kalastryn, Ryan, Annie, Miia, Anyone else

(Note: I'm only quoting everyone to let them know the four are back at the Canteen. If anyone wants to engage in conversation or talk to Miia, now they can like Rory for example. Otherwise i'll stop quoting everyone after except for the people involved lol. And I completely didn't copy this notice while quoting.)​

"Uh, anyhow... *cough* Kalastryn. What do you feel like eating?
I might just order another plate myself, but i'm seeing what you had in mind."

Kala had been a little silent. She had just gotten into a fight (if it could be called such) with Ryan in an attempt to help him calm down, and had done a lot more listening than talking until she was asked about what she wanted... at the same time, she didn't stop listening nor thinking. Especially about Miia's circumstances.

I've said it before and I'll say it again,how delightfully racist.
Well... the Coin Lords used to run Stormreach in a sense, and they were just about as bigoted in just as many ways I'm sure... it doesn't mean the public opinion is shared by everyone where she's from. This "Darling" and her seem to get along well enough.
True, but you have to admit laws like that are unnecessarily crass. She can't get a home of her own, and she can't even leave the one she has to share by herself either? I mean, sure our old world was rife with people who would want to turn us into an untrained sword swallower, but we could leave our house without being arm in arm with one of the common races eh?

The grimace on Kala's face was a little hard to hide at the notion. The autonomy Miia used to have must have been pretty low, and that's for a person who seems to prefer her own death to hurting someone else!

"Hm, some green tea doesn't sound like a bad idea. As for a meal, one of the omelettes they seem to enjoy putting hot peppers into would be fine." she decides, before looking between Miia and Ryan for a minute...

Hey... wait a minute, if HE recalls the law in her world? How would he know that anyway?
My guess, he authored her and didn't tell us. Somehow using that green lightning BS to cover it up... but really, there isn't any point in accusing him.
True... whether or not we'd be right on that theory, accusing him would more than likely put us back where we were before having this nice little sit down. Now, just asking might not be a bad thing... later.

"I... suppose that must have been rough. Miia already told me she was required to stay with her Darling, and though I suppose if that endearment speaks for the state of affairs at all it wasn't all bad... but not even being able to go out in public without line of sight to him at all times? Whoever conceptualized that law must have been pretty damn paranoid. Even keeping in mind what Miia's told me about Lamia where she comes from, I could probably think of a solution in their case at least that doesn't... how do I put this?" she asks herself, tapping her chin before sighing and asking Miia directly.

"Well that doesn't seem like a two-faced attempt to boost the ego of human diplomats while shaming other races out of the deal on their own accord. I'm sorry if that's an assumption, doubly so if it's a bad one. I've never seen what it was like to live like you have but... well other than your Darling, how was everyone else to you? My experiences can't be applied to yours, so I just figured I'd ask... at any other time than when he was around, were you happy living where you were? Because it sounds, at least in part like the point of that law might have been to ensure you weren't. Inviting other species to live with them with open arms diplomatically, but making it rather wholly discouraged to take up such invitations because of the quality of life for everyone who isn't human by the same law." She says with a shrug.

"If that happened to be the case... then I'd say while I can be a little devious from time to time, and that would be a genius political move... well it's a shining example of why I stayed out of politics. Genius... but for all the wrong reasons. Sewing that kind of misery isn't what I like to do with my life."

As her tea arrived, Kala heated it with an open flame at the end of her fingertips and took a sip of it. "I hope you don't think anything I've said to be too crass... I'm just curious is all."


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Amarillo, Texas | The Big Texan

Needless to say, even if her warning fell on deaf ears, ARES was more than pleased that she had apparently happened to say exactly the right things to get some form of recognition... maybe. I'm unsure, is it really just blatant sexism, or are they just so dense that they don't think the two of us are competent enough to have done what the three of us did. I do suppose that Wanderer DID ride off into at least the upper atmosphere at least, so he probably died in order to stop it... might as well not gripe over not getting my own dues... I'm used to that anyway. ARES said with a huff as the conversation advanced to drinks, and ARES being the "Designated Pilot"

Well that's a good idea actually. Way to sidestep explaining me not having a digestive sys-

"DP eh? I didn't know that you and them Rising Dawn folk had those sorta parties!"

Now ARES didn't quite understand why it was a programmed response to blush at such a phrase, but nonetheless it was apparently something that needed a lot of clarifying.

"M-moving to other topics... just uh, make sure not to buy her too many. She's a total lightweight. Drinking and driving is a bad idea, which is why I tag along I guess. Oh, also... how exactly did you all hear about that? I mean, given that it was only a short flight over here, I suppose news would travel fast, but what else have you heard about us?" she asked, trying to get a little more information about what the local opinions were. She might as well while she's here... at least that was her line of thinking until she saw Ruby start tearing up while trying to clean herself off. "um..., that's a conversation topic for while your sharing drinks I guess. I'll be back in a minute." She told Kayua and the rather muscular man she had tried to intimidate a minute ago, before sauntering over and taking a seat next to Ruby. Keeping her voice low as she tried to make conversation.

"So... what brings you here? With that kind of reaction I can't imagine you come here often. [sub]then again I can't see any reason they'd react that way either.[/sub] It, uh... really ticked me off that they wanted to wail on you without any real reason to. I mean, how old are you? By appearance it's not like you'd have much to defend yourself with, and that... well it kinda gets under my skin." she says as she takes a napkin from a nearby table and reaches out to dab away the grease and tears from under Ruby's eye sockets.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn - Med Bay: David West, Furiae, Blade

David did look a little uncomfortable at first, but quickly mellowed out afterwards.
"Hey, that's fine. I, uh, guess you didn't want an audience anyway..." He quipped as he turned back to the supportive onlookers as they give a slight round of applause before the sniper motioned for them to shoo off like he was talking to a bunch of kids. (G-Corps Finest, Ladies and Gentlemen)
"Well, alright, I better report in. Second we get some new intel, we'll be moving out once more. Take it easy, Darlin'. Second this is over, We'll make this official."
The former princess perked up after hearing that, asking ""Making this official"? Do Tell."
"I'm thinking something along the lines of a date that doesn't involve Ghost Pepper Coffee in the Canteen. Sound good?"
" I'd like that."
"Great, I'll see you at the after party once we nail Bison's ass to the wall!"
And with that quid, David made his exit while Furiae waved him goodbye...
...Once he was out of vision, her expression soured quite a lot before she groaned as she suddenly Detected something, or rather, Someone.
"Blade, Did you really have to watch the whole thing? I don't recall me spying on your love life!"
Right on cue, the Wall flickered slightly before it revealed Blade standing behind a Holographic Projector he had set up on the ceiling, still slightly burned looking after his little run in with Nadalia.
"Hey, half the people here saw it and your mad at me?" The pokemon said before briefly leaping up to snatch the projector before putting it back into his belt.
"Well, you're here for a reason, or you wouldn't have been spying on me. Go on, what's up?"
"Well, after what Sensai said back at MIT, I made a few calls with a few of my mates back on the Blue Dragon. Remember Ryu in Sanitation?"
Realizing what this was about, Furiae quickly got serious before replying "Yes, I do. Do we have some help on our hands, or not?"
"Sadly, No. But he was able to tell me that Master Hien is going to be in the city of Denver meeting with a client. I'm planning on "paying him a visit". You in?"
"As if you needed to ask."
"I thought you'd say that. Break of Dawn tomorrow, I'll take care of transport."

With his message delivered, Blade quickly made his way out of the room, crawling into one of the vents-
"Melethia has the vents trapped. Just use the door."
"...I knew that..." He said before casually strolling out, "Expertly" playing that off while Furiae rolled her eyes slightly.

Rising Dawn: Brig: Teri, Garm, Doom, Cortex, Wesker, Deadshot Vs(?) Kazuya

With all kinds of terrible mental images racing though her head of what Kazuya could be doing to Wesker, The cleric raced down the halls onto of Garm towards her destination, expecting the worst from her own error of leaving Kazuya alone with them.
And as she reached the entrance to the Brig, quickly pushing her way past the guards as they checked her in, she discovered to her dismay tha-

[color=9f2b68]"-And then he said "Sorry, I only date Blonde Terrorists!" PAHAHAHAAHHAHAH!"[/color] Kazuya laughed out loud as he slapped his own knee whist he sat on a folding chair in front of Wesker, the laughter echoing in a slightly forced fashion along his men and even Deadshot while he enjoyed a nice glass of what appeared to be one of her Father's favorite Wines.
As she stood there, she didn't see any notion of discomfort, pain or ANYTHING along the other prisoners outside of the slight embarrassment of being with someone who appeared to be drunk.
This was-..."Different"...

...What...The...Fuck? Teri has to roll 30 DC on her Will Save in order to process what the shit she was seeing right now or else be...slightly confused
[color=9f2b68]"Ah, Ms. Gravel! Come in, come in! Quite a few of my men owe their life to the young Cleric here. Come on, give her a round of applause. Go on, Go on!"[/color] He then said as she was brought in with a slightly confused round of applause as they looked at each other, his men didn't seem to know what was going on either.
[color=004d]"...Wesker, I'm scared."[/color]
"...So...When are you going to start asking me some questions?..."
[color=9f2b68]"In due time, The Cleric here has quite a way with words, as your friends have discovered. Still, that's a bit of a ways off. Now, you sure you aren't going to have a drink?..."[/color] He then said before pouring out 2 fresh glasses and presenting one of them to Wesker.
The Doctor seemed to sweat visibly when it was handed to him, his eyes nervously glancing around the room (Namely the armed guards) while he gripped onto some kind of blue poker chip with his other hand before forcing a smile on his face, trying to not appear as out of his depth as he really was.


New member
Jan 24, 2010

Rising Dawn: Canteen Bar
Luke, Boss, Icarus, Cadolbolg, Caim

After Rugal told the bartender to give him an ice water Icarus accepted it, He started to feel like he should maybe get back to training, it had been a while since he had used a sword properly. That's when a man in armor came up and looked at Cadolbolg
"Can either of you two explain to me WHAT exactly is happening here?"
Icarus Groaned, he recognized Caim, they briefly met when Icarus had been fighting Rugal in a training room. and from the look on his Face he clearly wasn't impressed Cadolbolg on the other hand was more excited than ever, wagging his tail like a puppy. He gleefully tried to explain, unfortunately that caused Caim to turn his full attention to the Half Angel.
"I'm going to say this again. What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Son?"
Icarus took a deep breath and tried his best to stand up and face the man, look him in the eye.
"While I was gone I obtained a partner, his spirit is more or less connected to my arm. SO for a brief moments I can possess the strength of a dragon. It was a gift from my father along with a sword." He felt himself becoming unfocused but he shook his head trying to force his mind to balance out
"Your son came to me wondering why I smell like a dragon then my partner gave me a bit of advise saying I could transfer this strength to others, he did warn me the affects could be more dramatic on someone that's already a dragon, in this case he got bigger. Its not permanent, he'll be back to his original size before long," he held up the black plated gauntlet so Caim could see the red stone, "My Dragon only grants a brief boost in power, as for why I did it, he told me he wished he could strong like you and his mother, I wanted to help him so I thought I may as well give him a taste of his potential. So to answer your question I showed him what he could be." Icarus then sat back down more due to a lack of balance, he wasn't sure if it was from Shadowfest talking to him or that drink he had, it was probably both either way he felt off balance.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Escapist Avatar Adventures | Amarillo, Texas | The Big Texan
Big Oklahoman Idiot
Katya Rostikova | Ruby Babbage-Lovelace​

Staring at the small bubbles that fizzled up from the bottom of the urine colored liquid in the pint glass, Katya Rostikova felt her stomach bubble and churn in response to thoughts of drinking once again. As if sensing her mounting nausea, Katya's hair color slowly shifted into a rather repulsive shade of olive. Sitting in front of her was everything that was wrong with the world. It wasn't that it was Beer nor was it the fact that it was American beer, it was the fact that her Texan host had ordered the ever so repugnant Pabst Blue Ribbon, a notoriously cheap and horrid brew. Slowly, the Rising Dawn's hacker heroine pushed the mug away from her with a pale hand.

"You're not gonna drick with me, little lady?" The Texan Host who hailed from Oklahoma asked with a bit of a growl in his voice. Despite being known as the Lone Star State, it appeared that the people of Texas did share a common view with a variety of other cultures: It was impolite to reject an offered drink by your host, "I jus' wanna have a friendly drink with a woman that knows a bonefide hero."

"[color=CC8899]...[/color]" Was the only response that the suddenly irritated green haired heroine could muster at that point in time. It was already bad enough that she'd made a total and complete idiot of herself in the Rising Dawn's Canteen, so much so that she had to fly off of the Air Ship to grab food at a steak restaurant. It more than slightly annoyed the young woman that all of the credit for stopping the missile was being dumped on that wandering, blathering, glory grabbing idiot who managed to shoot himself into space to never return. Despite her feeling toward the manner in which Wanderer had departed this plane of existence, it would have been rather callous of the internet troll to speak ill of the dead... not that Katya had a particularly quiet tongue when it came to speaking her mind, "[color=CC8899]You know what I think...[/color]"


It was a kind gesture that spoke immensely of the strange woman's character. The act of helping the young girl clean the gravy from her face, clothing and, most importantly, the book that she carried was well received as the young Ruby took in ARES' attention like a wilting plant took in water. Ruby's water logged eyes started clearing up and ARES was able to see a pair of luminous golden irises staring at her curiously. Despite how convincingly human ARES' design was, it seemed as if the young girl could sense that was off about her comforter.

"So... what brings you here? With that kind of reaction I can't imagine you come here often. [small]Then again I can't see any reason they'd react that way either[/small]. It, uh... really ticked me off that they wanted to wail on you without any real reason to. I mean, how old are you? By appearance it's not like you'd have much to defend yourself with, and that... well it kinda gets under my skin." ARES said as she completed the task of cleaning up the young girl's face.

The young girl's eyes almost started welling up with tears once again in response to the question as to her reasons for being there. As complex an answer the truth would inevitably turn out to be, there was a childishly simple answer to the question that ARES had asked. It was a simple...

"I'm looking for my mommies." The child with the white streaked hair said miserably, "I need to if go to Mister Oberon and ask if he has seen them."

As to the remaining question as to whether or not Ruby had the ability to fend for herself, the question would be resolved soon enough. The first hint that something was going to go wrong was when ARES left Katya Rostikova alone with the Big Oklahoman Idiot. The second hint that something was going go wrong wasn't so much of a hint as much as it was something going wrong... that something took the form of a cold glass of Pabst Blue Ribbon. The going wrong part was the contents of the cold glass going all over the floor... after the Big Texan Idiot slammed the glass against the side of Katya's head, sending her to the floor.

"You leave my mother out of this, *****." The man exclaimed as started kicking the stunned young woman in the chest, "You goddamn socialist liberals telling us folk what to do!"

In a room as liquored up as the Big Texan restaurant was, the explosion that was the Big Oklahoman Idiot was just the right catalyst to touch off other conflagrations as other fights started erupting.

Before ARES had a chance to react to the outbreak of fighting, she noticed the Ruby was already standing up, though the height different between her sitting and standing was negligible. The young girl was whispering silently, far too quietly have been picked up in the roar of the bar brawl and with a gesture, she pointed at the Big Oklahoman Idiot.

"WHAT?!" The Big Oklahoman Idiot exclaimed loudly as he found his wrists and ankles bound by a set of red ribbons. Tugging on them, he found that they only got tighter. Hesitating for a moment he eyed the ribbon that bound his right wrist.

"Don't." Ruby said in an almost pleading tone.

Ignoring the warning, the man pulled on the lace looking shackle that bound his right wrist and started cursing loudly as it cut into his skin and drew blood.


The Escapist Avatar Adventures | The Rising Dawn | Medical Bay
Lost in History...
Rory Mercury​

The Fallen Goddess had not been expecting the answer that she received from the combination of BlackHarte or Naamah. It seemed like a straight forward question that should have at least attracted a straight forward answer. If the character of the Rising Dawn in question, would it not have behooved those who did not did not agree with the group's actions to institute measures that would have changed the group? Would it not have been of further benefit to leave the group if one did not agree with their methods were change impossible? The answer that Rory Mercury received from her two companions was troubling. While it was true that Emloy demanded War, he also demanded that Justice be served. If she were to work with this group as she had the JDSF, would she be meeting both of Emloy's demands?

Standing in the corridors outside of the Canteen, the young looking demigoddess's thoughts were interrupted by the shifting of BlackHarte's form. Despite being artificial in nature, it appeared that he still had a very real sense of irritation at having to wait for an answer from Mistress Rory.

Mayhaps you wish about yourself to tell
?" Fatima chirped, "
Would Miss Mercury that action enjoy?

"Perhaps." The Darkly Dressed Loligoth said thoughtfully with a smile. Turning to BlackHarte she addressed him first, "Thank you for the tour, BlackHarte. If you have other duties to tend to, I can stay here and talk to your Record Keeper."

As for Naamah, Rory allowed the little black mass to remain clining to her. While it was not an altogether pleasant sensation, it was not overtly bothersome either. It was like the simultaneous sensation of being touched by someone who loves you and being touched by the slimy underbelly of a slug at the same time. Naamah's movements and the vibration that she imparted when she spoke brought forth a blossoming of goose bumps on Rory's pale skin.

Bowing politely to the techno organic mass known as BlackHarte, the Crimson and Black clad Oracle passed through the door of the canteen and took a seat at the Canteen's periphery, taking in the sights and sounds of the crew members. It was obvious who the normal humans were as they wore uniforms. Sitting there, she placed Naamah on the surface of the table where she was seated and looked at the smaller techno-organic mass.

"Where would you like me to start, Naamah?" Rory asked as she looked at Naamah, "Being over a thousand years old now, there are quite a number of stories that could be told."

There were indeed quite a number of stories that could have been told. From how it was that Rory came into the service of Emloy after her family had been killed to her ascension to God hood after one thousand years of service. From how she worked with the JSDF to overthrow the Empire's hold on the Special Region to fighting with the Empire to push back an assault from the Japan side of the Gate, an assault that was mounted by the other countries of this world who were only interested in the resources the Special Region could provide.

In the end she could only sit in silent thoughtfulness. Despite a number of decades having passed, her thoughts still inevitably landed on him.... Itami Youji. Sitting there silently, she tried to remember the last time she saw him. She tried to recall the last seconds, the last words, the last touch. It was moments like this where she started to doubt the very God that she served. Would it not have been better if all those she loved once upon a time had been allowed to live? Was this too much to ask from the God who held domain over death?

"Have you ever heard of the Japanese Diet? The young looking Demigoddess said as she recalled the events that lead her to calling the members of the Japanese Diet a bunch of children.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
The Escapist Avatar Adventures | Amarillo, Texas | The Big Texan

"Oberon huh? I'm sorry to say I haven't heard of anyone by that name." ARES replied, a slightly pained expression coming over her face at the thought of Ruby being lost. She didn't have much time to think on it however, before the entire restaurant flew into chaos. The first thing to catch her attention was the overly muscled gentleman breaking his drink over Katya's face. God, do these people pay no heed to any warning signs? Her query as to Ruby's self defense capabilities answered at nearly the same time as he was wrapped up in ribbons he couldn't seem to break. Wait, ribbons?

"I take it you rather like Mythology. Basically turning the Hercules wannabe at the bar counter into Fenrir[footnote]Norse mythology, Fenrir was a wolf that was apparently prophesied to kill Odin. The gods of Norse mythology had actually been raising it, so they actually decided that instead of killing Fenrir, they would trap him. They faked him out by sort of playing a game out of two attempts to tie him with ropes, saying that it would make him legendary that nothing could ensnare him. On the third attempt, they brought forth a silk ribbon which- he couldn't get out of. More than meets the eye, where he tore through rope and chains like nothing, magic ribbons were too tough.[/footnote] instead. All the while looking for a man named Oberon. Well, stick close because I'm about to teach him a lesson." She says as she starts to wade through a bunch of people all too eager to rip each other's faces off.

Seeing the "gentleman" at the bar reeking of beer and tied up like a Christmas present, she looked him straight in the eye and gave him a piece of her mind.

"You know Jackass, we weren't just there with Wanderer. I can pay the man his due respects, but at the same time I had spent the whole night prior without sleep repairing our hangar because he has always been a bit... mentally unstable, and he blew up part of our own ship on a whim before WE were up there saving your asses! Speaking of which-" She says as she gets behind him and with one hand hoists him up by his underwear. "you disgust me. You assign an... albeit dearly missed- idiotic madman all the credit for disarming a nuclear bomb and have the sheer audacity to assume we were just along for the ride? Oh please, while I'm used to not getting my dues, learn to assign a lady a little credit. That thing was on a remote trigger. Wanderer changed the destination, but it still could have been set off at any time if it wasn't for the lady you just smashed over the head with a glass of shitty beer disabling the triggering mechanism, while I neutralized the actual biohazards inside. If that's too much for your brain, "It still woulda gone boom if we wasn't there." She says, mocking him.

"That all said, it'd be best if you learned to listen and just stood still. You aren't tearing your way out of those anytime soon, and I've got a present for ya!" She says, as she takes her other hand on his shirt collar and throws him across the room and onto a nearby table, his face and clothes getting mucked up with everything it had been set with, and cracking under the force of the throw, slight lacerations all over him from the dishware that broke as he collided with them. "We'll be leaving now, thank you. I warned you about that hospital stay."


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen Hallway Rugal, Elise

"Hello there love. I wasn't expecting to bump into you, but am pleased to of done so! Tell me Rugal, how might you be on this fine evening?"

Rugal was much more focused on getting someplace away from all the mistakes of his past then where he was actually going as he wandered from the Canteen to-...whatever part of the ship this hallway led.
He did however pause in his journey to greet his fellow crew member, answering "Perhaps not the worst I've ever been, but around here, that's not a high standard. Between our newcomers, my former employees and Kazuya, it's getting harder and harder to find a place around here that doesn't have at least one person would might wish I was dead."
He rubbed his face slightly as he stared out the window for a moment at the ruins they had left behind.
"Admittedly, I shouldn't be running from them, but like most people on this earth, I'm not one to willingly seek out an encounter about how much of a terrible person I am." He sighed, the regrets about not getting some dramatic cosmetic surgery to change his appearance starting to turn up again.
"...Ah, but enough of my self pity. Had enough of that at the bar. Yourself? Starting to fit in with our little family of misfits? or our "Corporate Sponsors" at least?"


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
[HEADING=2]The Rising Dawn Adventures[/HEADING]
Rising Dawn: Canteen Kalastryn, Ryan, Annie, Miia, Anyone else

"Soooooooooooooo Kalastryn. You look nice today." the author stated with his smile being forced and a single sweat drop forming on the side of his head.

At this, Kala barely even had time to formulate a response. However, it was a just ever so slightly sarcastic with what Miia just explained.

"Well, I don't know what changed from yesterday honestly. Vanity isn't my style... if you noticed anything different then while I don't wear makeup, I'm pretty sure that what Miia just explained would make a damn sailor blush too." She said attempting to laugh it off, even as her cheeks were as red as cherries. Gathering herself for a moment, she didn't quite change the topic however, as she did have something to say on the matter.

"You know though, that seems fairly... odd. Slimes where you come from have both sentience and genders? Back on Eberron, they were mindless oozing death blobs that consumed everything in their way. There were even some cases of these gargantuan gelatinous cubes that would slide in virtually any direction, and they were also able to paralyze anything unlucky enough to be caught within. After that, it would proceed to dissolve all the organic matter it had just encompassed, blood, sweat, tears bone the like. Honestly Miia, I find it infinitely difficult to even imagine how this friend of yours could even appear." She rambled on as she took the first bites of her omelette, only then recoiling not at the spicy taste... but at just how morbid that sounded in vague relation to one of Miia's friends.

"... I... think an apology is in order, I didn't realize how morbid and... potentially berating that sounded until I had already finished speaking. A habit as of late, and a bad one." She said before turning her attention back to Ryan.

"Well Ryan there is another thing I think fit to mention... when we were in the training room "fighting," although it was really more along the lines of a tense chat, you mentioned never allowing your shadow to hurt anyone right?" She says, as that dull chill returns to her voice with a shrug.

"Well, I'm not sure how far you got towards this, but you can actually reach an understanding with them. When my shadow first started talking to me, I thought it was just some mental parasite or illusion but it turns out there really isn't much of a damn difference. I'm not sure if you reached this point, but me and mine... well we get along now. Reason being is that we're practically the same person, and it's hard to stay pissed at yourself forever." She says with a shrug, even having allowed her shadow to speak, this was oddly... gentle for their usual mannerisms.

"I'd even say they are beneficial most times. I mean Ryan, you already know that I'm so powerfully predisposed to the moral high ground that I used to let the stigma on my heritage get into my own line of thinking about myself. When we were at Black Mesa I had just been speaking with the President, as apparently we weren't the only aircraft in the area and attempting to get him to make a move. Evidently as intimidating as he was it helps to have a second voice in your mind to counter argue what you say... that is admittedly much less civilized than myself. I went off on a rant on what equates to Air Force One, in order to get him to move more quickly." She says, scratching her chin before mentioning as well that-

"Going beyond that once I made my exit if it weren't for that less... pleasant side of myself, I wouldn't have been there with Miia either. I knew everyone else would surely have had the missile well under control, but at the same time the only thing that allowed me to rationalize that I wasn't needed there, was my shadow reminding me who I work with, and that I really wanted to lay Wesker out cold for having the audacity to try that. I'm, uhm... glad I met Miia instead though." She concludes, continuing her meal


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen Hallway Rugal, Elise

"Believe it or not, I take great pride fitting in with the Rising Dawn. Every person I have spoken to feels a rather, strong attachment for others, risking their lives for our organization. I've seen how you dealt with Wesker at the end, feeling riled up for what he sought out to pull off. Would a terrible human being risk his safety for others, when such destruction was knocking at our door? You never abandoned your people, and that is what makes a rather good leader in my eyes."

While it wasn't the first time that day he had heard the whole "Rise above your faults" speech today, it wasn't too unwelcome for Rugal to hear it once more.
The Classic Japanese music also helped, whatever it was about it did seem to calm him a lot faster then mere intoxication could.
"...I see why Kazuya tolerates your presence..." He said once the melody was over, referring to her puedo-employment under the Demonic CEO.
"He's not an easy man to work with. Even back when I was his employer, he would always be distant or impersonal in everything he did. Now that he is his own boss, it's seem to have grown much more prominent. Doesn't help that he was raised with a mindset of purging weakness from ones self. I wouldn't be surprised that he might view you as being "Too Weak" for his organisation. Can't imagine how Dr. Violet manages to keep his job. In either case, be careful. I know you have good intentions and I believe G-Corp could gain a lot from that, but if Kazuya sees you as a threat or a weak link, he will try to "Remove" you..."

After his slightly morbid warning, the King of Fighters turned back out to the window.
"...I know that I have a lot to atone for and I am doing my best. At times I feel Kazuya does as well...Only he believes that the same methods he used to commit his sins can be used to redeem himself for them. So if the path to hell is paved with good intentions, then has Kazuya left his sins behind at all?"


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
[HEADING=2]The Rising Dawn Adventures[/HEADING]
Rising Dawn: Canteen Kalastryn, Ryan, Annie, Miia, Anyone else

"Ryan... I'll say it flat out. I thought about objecting to that, but firstly I didn't think it would work. Second, thank whatever god you believe in that Annie woke you up. I was able to accept my shadow and move on, not keep myself in ignorance of them until they simply couldn't be bothered. I hope you don't take too much offence, but really, you're a dumbass for attempting that. You continue to repress your shadow, and then you give it total agency... do you think it would have given it back?"

(that said Ryan has the hots for you huh? Well, should have seen that one coming! I think His shadow and I would get along juuust fine.)
(...Demi you know I don't do this often, but please discontinue that line of thinking.)

*ahem* "Getting that out of the way, your shadow asked a rather... intimate question or two directed mostly at me and revealed that you feel rather attracted to myself, told Annie to shut up and drop the tough act... though really she's tough enough to scare a mental force back into the depths of your mind with physical force, so I don't know what they were thinking... and outright dismissed discussing Miia." She says with a bit of a grunt, as she then bites her lower lip as if thinking on how to answer at least one of his questions.

"Also, one of the questions they asked was not the first time I've been queried on the matter. Since some part of you seems to want to know, yes... they are red, that way I don't bleed out when I step into the shower." She says, why do so many people seem to ask that question?

She did then turn to Miia, who had been clinging on her shoulders as this little event unfolded. "Well, not everyone is a prim proper sophisticate all the time. Personally, I blame societal pressures for that outburst. If I were to explain it, one's shadow isn't simply some evil "Dark Side." It's essentially a big ball of neglect in the back of their psyche. Some part of themselves that they don't want to admit to. We traveled to a world once where our "Shadows" were able to attack us physically if provoked by continued neglect. Hmm... perhaps the reason I have such a natural synergy with mine could be because I was able to prevent it from rising to violent action? When I encountered mine, I simply looked... well myself straight in the eye and admitted to my faults. Their whole point is to be everything negative about yourself that you don't want other people to see, and perhaps dislike even about yourself. I will admit, my own kept our encounter isolated to my mind but... there are some things I'm thankful they weren't able to say at the time." She says as she finishes her meal.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Rising Dawn: Canteen Kalastryn, Ryan, Annie, Miia, Anyone else

Kala had actually leaned back in her chair, crossed her legs under the table, put her hands behind her head, and could also hardly suppress chuckling at Ryan squirming under his own embarrassment.

I don't get it, it's a somewhat amusing conversation, but at the same time why is he so bothered by something so simple? I mean really, is there a person in existence who doesn't have a sex drive?
... You realize the irony in that right? Your asking that, while your hardly eager to ensure you aren't the last Tiefling to ever exist. -Before you even start, don't take that as further incentive it's actually damn depressing right?
... You know, I never actually considered that. Now that Eberron is gone, I haven't the foggiest idea what's become of the planes surrounding it. Shavarath may very well have been destroyed as well by some cosmic miracle... but that would also mean the only members of my race that remain are the, well... dead ones in Baator. Still, I'm immortal and I can't guarantee that's hereditary when a one trip ticket to Baator is, so maybe it's for the better.
But is it really? You couldn't guarantee they'd be extended the same get out of hell free card you have, but at the same time you can't guarantee they wouldn't. All this discussion over a person who at this rate isn't ever going to exist, so well I'm glad this conversation got us to ask those questions but feel free to not die a virgin as you almost always planned.

How quickly synapses resonate, as it was nearly only 15 seconds after Miia concluded embarrassing Ryan with a smile, that she sighed and decided to speak up.

"You know Ryan, the difference between love and a crush aside, I thought it fitting to mention to the three of you that... nobody authored me at all. That might just be what's so special about me, come to think of it. You apparently never felt such a connection to your creations, despite you creating them of course out to your fancy yes? Well, I guess it's a combination of two things... I'm not authored by anyone, so I am and always have been just as real as yourself... and people tend to want what they can't have." She says, leaning over the table, cleaning under her fingernails with a bored expression on her face.

"Do you want my honest opinion though? If circumstances were different, you might not have had to force much at all really. As a matter of fact, ever since I was fully grown to tell you the truth I've sort of wanted a family of my own... but how would that work out, especially now? I only recently meet a man who finds me attractive, that being you, but my whole life seemed determined from my very first breath to make that impossible." She says, continuing on without wasting much of any time.

"I was an orphan to start with, adopted then orphaned again, and had to grow up alone. I'm a Tiefling, so even if I married a gentleman who didn't care about that little fact and had child, well I've already told you that much... but honestly that's not the worst of the things holding me back from it. That would be these." She says, gently brushing the feathers on her wing. "Immortality is a blessing that comes with a price... and the price goes by the same name, immortality. One day or another, I'm going to have to say goodbye to everyone I know and love. So honestly Ryan, your right... but also wrong. Just for the sake of clarity, the "twisted fate when death comes" is not the only reason... someday I know that however long they'd live before their number is up, I'd still have to attend the funeral... and I'd know where they'd be headed when they're in the earth." She concludes with a heavy sigh.

"Sorry for being so morose about this when we were having such a romantic conversation... but it's just my fucking luck that I drew the short straw in life and that's what romance actually means for me. Damn, I must be terrible conversation... is it too early for hard liquor?" She asks, slumping back in her chair with a rather dejected look


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Rising Dawn: Canteen Kalastryn, Ryan, Annie, Miia, Anyone else

"Well I appreciate the sentiment, really... but has it dawned on you that it's rather unnecessary? Yes I'd be going to hell the moment I died, but you know... immortality. I should explain about my particular case a bit, basically I already died after being giving these wings by some goddess from another dimension who apparently felt the same as you. They didn't really care about me personally, but after Eberron went under there were an... unusually high number of people headed to Baator- that's basically our special version of hell by the way. Basically when the finally realized that out of every member of my race that was on Eberron, at least Iwas still alive, they made a loophole... tragedy isn't to their liking I suppose." she says, rubbing her chin.

"Basically, my body doesn't age. I'm hardly invincible, but their clerics extend the same courtesy to me as they do everyone else with their brand of immortality. See I could die in eight different ways before next week, maybe knock on Baator's front gates if I feel like boasting, but that's only because I'm waiting for the ferry back to this side of death's door." She says, actually sighing at that for whatever reason.

"Not going to lie, it feels amazing being the first Tiefling with a get out of hell free card to show to the doorman every time, but the sad truth of it is in the end, Ryan is probably right. Eventually it's... probably going to drive me crazy. I can philosophically ponder moral dilemmas all day, and I can honestly say this new form of dread is a whole different kind of hell. I can say right now that I don't want to miss a single second with anyone I care about, because I'll have the rest of eternity once they don't have a second left to spend with me." She says, groaning in frustration.

"So, I got out of one hell by putting myself in a new one brought about later through living forever. Does anyone else want to discuss anything else? She asks, perfectly open to dropping the subject.


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
Rising Dawn: Canteen Hallway Rugal, Elise

"Besides, if he was that eager to remove anybody ... the Rising Dawn's staff would protest. Could you imagine, if he tried to remove anyone despite the friendships that have been made? The start of a riot would be the least of Kazuya's problems, for his enemies would also take advantage of the man letting one of us specialists go."

"...I wonder if you have been paying attention or not..." Rugal sighed, Elise did have some experience with checkered pasts, but there was something about her that seemed somewhat naive when it came to judging people and their character.
"While I'll admit, he has been slightly less aggressive then when I last worked with him, if he truly want someone "Removed", he's not going to let the objections of others get in his way. The only reason he's even working with us is because he can't find a way past the numerous barriers Bison and the other right wing lunatic-...Who's name escapes me...."
"Yes, thats him. Thanks to the laws they passed, it greatly limited Kazuya's ability to just waltz into US soil and wantonly kill whomever he deemed a threat. While I know they didn't do it to protect their country, it's literally the only reason he even came to the Rising Dawn. Legal loophole. He's not one to get support from others. It's his way or a shallow grave. I just hope we can finish this damn operation before he tries to take a swing at any of us. I know he'd love to take a crack at me..."

Once he had said his piece, he glanced down at this PDA for a moment before adding "Hmm...I appear to have some free time. Say, you don't require my assistance with anything, do you? I need something to take my mind off such matters."


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America

Rising Dawn: Canteen Kalastryn, Ryan, Annie, Miia, Anyone else

"Oh no..."

[color=BA0025]"Magic!"[/color] Miia expressed with glee, throwing her hands up with a wide grin.
Both Annie and Ryan facepalmed, knowing full well what she was about to say, and said it.

"Is there something here I'm not keen on?" Kala mumbled, raising an eyebrow.

"Kalastryn knows magic well, and even she has to bid by the laws applied to spellcraft. You can't cast a spell without channeling something from your body, or an alternative source to create the formality."

"Then again, each member of the Rising Dawn comes from a different world. No one goes by the same rules unless otherwise."

[color=BA0025]"Does that mean everyone here can use magic? .. Because .. I have no powers, and i'm not a fighter either. All I can do is weigh you all down ... so maybe I should stay out of trouble. Hehe. . . ."[/color] Miia stated, thinking back to her moments at the helipad. She still strongly believed in the pacifist route in sparing lives, but she also knew if the crew needed her, she would of been little to no help for them. Not that she'd want to get involved in hurting others, but at the same time she also didn't like Kalastryn, Ryan, Annie, and everyone else to end up hurt. "That's not true. You're capable of sneaking around rather than jumping in with guns blazing. We could use more people that think with their brain, rather than trying to brute force a situation with violence. Also your snake-like body can really do a number on someone's body. Heck your hug nearly cracked me a rib Miia."

[color=BA0025]"I-I'm sorry about that! I get excited and forget about my str-"[/color]

"It's all good. I'm alright, trust me. But yeah, everyone here is useful in their own way so never consider yourself useless for any reason. Even Dr. Violet whom isn't a fighter has done so much for the Rising Dawn through his hacking breakthroughs and supervising."

So... she wants to be useful, but she doesn't want to have to hurt anyone... what a situation. Was it really safer to bring her on board with us?
... Well, I see the problem... a hundred dangers and 0 ways to defend herself each day since she's too well meaning to hurt anyone... how about a compromise?

"Well Ryan is actually right. There is a lot that can be done without resorting to violence, for example our main medic around here uses magic for healing purposes. Oh and Ryan, it wasn't my hand, I didn't exactly cut it off... wizards aren't that mad you know. It was a Necromancy spell, a sort of summoning technique which is usually Conjuration... but since it's unusually connected to something dead- or that looks like it, I essentially created a zombie hand. Magic isn't all fireworks and sunshine... although since you'd brought up Vampires Miia, I find that interesting too. I'm actually so well versed in Necromancy that it's a bit of a specialty of mine... I can actually turn myself into a vampire, and back again at will." She explains, taking a long time to get to her point, but explaining it quite in depth. Taking out her spellbook and opening it to a page somewhere in the middle, she laid it out open on the table... it looked actually rather heavy.

"You know though, back home there were a lot of wizards who specialized in other magic as well. Even though my magic has a lot to do with either killing people or sucking the strength out of them until they can barely move, there are a lot of different ways this book would allow one to approach a situation. Some of the best wizards on Eberron also specialized very heavily, while they could learn everything but be the master of nothing, they gave up most of what they didn't like to become masters of what they loved to do. For example... I've focused rather moderately on Necromancy, but not as heavily as others have. I can become a vampire, but others have gone so far as to become Liches... to put it one way, if you've seen a Lich... you're unlikely to be talking about it." She says, getting a little off topic...

"Oh... I'd best not go off on a tangent. I have nearly every spell I could learn in my time there on Eberron in these pages, and magic comes in different "Schools." Some of the best at one School are so because they've completely ignored studying others. That being said, there are some that do little to no physical harm. My point in all this is, that if you were to study Enchantment, or Illusion magic Miia, and leave out most everything else if you so chose... you could be a very helpful asset, without having to hurt a fly. You wouldn't have to learn how to throw an exploding ball of fire, instead you could learn how to force someone to sleep. You wouldn't learn how to create a disembodied floating hand, instead you'd be able to turn yourself or others invisible to the naked eye and just walk right past someone else without a fight... how does that all sound?" She asks, holding onto one of the pages and looking her in the eyes awaiting her response.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Rising Dawn: Training Room Dolores Selmy, Angelus

Angelus had been enjoying her stroll through the Dawn, and found herself nearing the training rooms once again. Perhaps it was a natural inclination, on account of either her partner, or her tendency to begin training some of the younger members (Devon being the first example to come to mind); but she happened upon a young woman. She bore a slumped posture and, at least from what Angelus could see, looked like she was shaking?

Feeling a pang of alarm, Angelus hit the door button and rushed through, and called out, "Hey, you! Are you alright? Dimitri, status of the active simu- ...lation?"

Walking in the room, she saw that the walls were completely bare, and Dimitri's voice shot through the PA:
"I'm sorry to disappoint you, User: Angelus, but there are no simulation modules active at the moment. The current user: Dolores Selmy, has not requested anything at the moment."

The dragon-in-mortal-form's head tilted in confusion at this discovery. What was going on here?

Rising Dawn: Brig: Teri, Garm, Doom, Cortex, Wesker, Deadshot Vs(?) Kazuya
Teri rolls her will save - 30! She succeeds!
Teri did a double take at the sight that befell her and rubbed her eyes before blinking again. Yup, her eyes were not deceiving her - Kazuya Mishima was drinking wine with some of the grunts and - oh, he was offering Wesker some? Wait, something was wrong with that picture. Why did Wesker look so nervous about getting some wine? Pulling out the Tablet, Teri typed quietly on her screen's display, [color=0E59E4]
Hey Viscus, I need some info from you. Wesker's acting kinda funny about getting some wine. Last I checked, he'd be neutral.
After a moment, a line of grey text appeared on her display,
Wesker has a history of alcohol abuse and addiction. Kazuya is most likely using it as a means to leverage him for information.
[color=0E59E4]"That dirty son of a *****..."[/color]
Teri scowled after reading Viscus' message, and was surprised to see another line appear,
"I have made note of your silence. Is this not what you wanted? I don't see any international laws being broken with this questioning."
[color=0E59E4]"It's psychological torture. That counts in my book."[/color]
As she was getting ready to engage in an argument with Viscus, Kazuya's voice cut through, a soft but unnerving laugh filling the air as he addressed her, " Ms. Bernstein. Come along, the youth spend too much time on their phones and tablets these days..."

Teri's head shot up at the address and she typed a quick "thankyougottatalklaterbye" to Viscus before closing the chat client. Giving a smile (at least to attempt to throw him off), she answered, [color=0E59E4]"I was just double checking a medical record, sir. My apologies."[/color]

Letting the tablet hang to her side, she carefully approached the cell near Kazuya, attempting to regulate her breathing and keep her heart rate in check. If she was gonna get that wine away from Wesker, she'd have to be sneaky and play it cool. What would appeal to the demonic boss best..? As she looked over the prisoners, Teri allowed her aura to wash over them while she thought things through, before her darker aspect brought an idea to mind,
[color=0E59E4]"Just lie. Like, say it'll fuck up what Wesker says or something. Kazuya wants info and he wants it fast, if you can convince him that you got this, he'll back off."[/color]

Welp, that was a better option than nothing. Turning towards Kazuya, Teri plucked the wineglass from his hand and looked it over, giving a whiff (and to maybe try to calm her nerves with the ethanol) before speaking, [color=0E59E4]"You know, sir, it's my professional opinion that giving our prisoners alcohol would probably interfere with the validity of their testimony. After all, ethanol's effects on the human body is liable to modify attitudes and word choice."[/color]

Kazuya's friendly vibe quickly turned sour, the joy in his expression fading for a moment as he heard that. Still, once he considered what Teri was staying, he was able to get back to his act, "Ha...While not of her kin, she has her mother's wisdom."

[color=0E59E4]"That's not all I got from my Mum, fucker."[/color]
Giving a sweet smile, a heavy contrast to the REAL thoughts on her mind, Teri gave a small inclination of her head, [color=0E59E4]"I'm glad you understand sir. I'll get preparations underway. Now, as for this - I'd hate to let it go to waste."[/color]
Giving a quick, if somewhat unseemly, gulp of the wine, Teri placed the glass back on the table before leaving the room to pray.

Rising Dawn: Canteen Bar
Luke, Boss, Icarus, Cadolbolg, Caim

"My Dragon only grants a brief boost in power, as for why I did it, he told me he wished he could strong like you and his mother, I wanted to help him so I thought I may as well give him a taste of his potential. So to answer your question I showed him what he could be."

Caim found himself giving pause at those words, and looked down at his (currently) bigger son. Had he really pushed Cadolbolg that hard? Considering he had initially entered his pact with Ton Ton on grounds of 'becoming like Mother and Father', Caim couldn't help but feel a small pang of guilt in his gut. Allowing his shoulders to relax, Caim sat in the stool next to Cadolbolg and Icarus, and gave Cadolbolg a gentle pat on the head. Another thing that struck Caim was the comment Icarus had made about his father granting him a blade and the magic ring. It brought back memories of a time long since past - back when he was but a prince in the land of Caerleon-

Caim could remember the day like it was only yesterday. A sunny day, bright and glimmering between hints of clouds. Caim had turned 18 that day, and his father, Gaap, had called him aside for a moment. Holding forth a blade colored in ebon and cobalt hues, his father smiled upon him and spoke,
"My son, I promised you that when you came of age, I would bequeath the sword of my fathers' to you. Now that time has come. I give you this, the sword of our family. Use it to protect those you hold dear, and crush those who would do you ill."

Caim could not remember a time that he had been happier, and was about to go run around the castle and show off his inheritance.

Before he could even so much as take a step, a call rang from the guard towers, showing where dark shapes appeared, coming in fast from the sky. Before long, the world began to reverberate with the sounds of a great trumpet, and the shapes descended - fire and smoke coloring the blue day red. Screams echoed around Castle Caerleon as servants and retainers were cut down by the draconic assailants. Caim didn't know what to do in the chaos, and turned when he heard his father cry out. The smoke blocked Caim's view of Gaap, but the command he gave the prince was clear, "Caim, take Furiae and run!"
Before Caim could do anything, great blast of wind blew forth and the smoke cleared, enabling the prince to see a horrid sight - a set of black scaled claws held down his mother, the bearer's red eyes glowing like coals in the dark, and in it's fangs dangled another body-

"Father? You've been kinda quiet..."
Caim gave an involuntary shudder at what had surfaced in his mind and gave another shaky pat on the head to his son,
"It... it was nothing, Cadolbolg. Father is sorry that he raised his voice at you."
He paused again, turning to the bartender and waving him down for a glass of whisky before addressing Icarus again,
"I suppose I owe you an apology as well. While I admit I have something of a temper, I will admit it is easier to set off where my son is concerned."
Taking a sip from his glass, Caim gave a soft sigh and took in his conversation partner. He had seen the boy before, what with Angelus taking a minor shine to him before that Western business, but Caim himself hadn't really gotten a good look at Icarus prior. As he looked over the boy's features, Caim felt a twinge of curiosity in the back of his mind; something about Icarus's face and stature seemed distinctly familiar. But, where? Giving it another thought, Caim took another swig of his alcohol before his PDA spoke,
"I remember you said something when you first came here about your father sending you here. Who exactly was he?"
Inuart gulped and looked at the address again, this had to be right spot - and he recognized Bison's voice coming from the door. His heightened senses told him a few things about the place - for one, the smell. It was a grungy place, far below Bison's usual standards. Not to mention, based on his friend's tone of voice, things had to be doing terribly, in one way or another. However, the longer Inuart stood there, the more nervous his friend was liable to become. Clearing his throat, he quietly spoke,
"It's me, Inuart. We- ... Doctor Birkin sent me here to give you a message."
The bard gave a nervous look around before speaking again, "Can I come in?"


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Center Soul
Location:Training Room 3 | Rising Dawn
Enemy within.
Dolores Selmy

I was frightened. I wasn't thinking. It wasn't my fault. The air chilled me to the bone, the light fabric of the hospital gown kept my modesty, but little else. My boots slid on the floor. Smoke filled the air. I gasped. I cried. I hit the ground hard and they slid out to my sides and clattered to the floor.

"M-m-master Angelus!" I managed to force through my throat. My voice was still raw from earlier. I coughed up a fine pink mist. I covered my mouth with both hands and curled up. The base of my spine hurt and I had cut my forearms when I fell, but there was no severe damage. I was mortified. "I'm so sorry!" I said through my hands. I could taste the blood. I had bitten my lip when I fell.

Bolverk had bitten two holes in the door behind Angelus, one through each side of the frame. Streams of thick purple smoke drifted from the wounds. The metal was twisted as if a beast had torn through them. It looked less the work of a firearm and more the doings of creature of pure malevolence. The same pair of White Guns lay at my sides about an arms' length away. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. "I'm so sorry..." I repeated. Angelus looked unharmed, but my stomach refused to return to normal.

I latta yem omu ga treshtha. Upo also kanwe komme.

I turned to look at Bolverk and my breath caught in my chest. They were gone. It was like they had never been. The cuts on my arms weren't there, but the wounds left by the discharge persisted. I can't ever remember what happens when they're out.

I tried to get to my feet but slipped again. My legs were shaking too much to hold me straight.


Understood Intentions
Location: Canteen | Rising Dawn
To seek truth is to invite deception.
Carefree Daughter

Naamah wasn't looking at Rory when they sat down in the Canteen. Rather the feminine black mass had trained it's eye on Miia. Her skin blushed with green light. Never before had Rory seen such a juxtaposition of light and dark. It seemed as if this little creature held an entire universe within herself. Rory could see stars and galaxies, planets and moons, vast nebulae and infinite expanse, and at the same time Rory could see none of those things. Naamah's skin had simply become emphatic, an embodiment of the very essence of life. Then it died down over the course of half a minute.

Naamah spoke but this time in a language audibly incomprehensible but pleasant to listen to. Words that rang like music, sentences that trembled like song, it was sadness and regret. Emotion in it's purest and most relatable form. Universal language, imprecise, but all-encompassing. Naamah was saddened by a loss. She was saddened by lost potential and by lost innocence. Her speech ended in a longing for tranquility, for eternal wellness, and for happiness.

Then she turned to Rory and said very bluntly, "No." There was a slight pause as Naamah reconstituted herself. "That is not what I had meant. For you to speak of you I wish. Of your history you speak." She shook her head. "To me tell. What makes Rory, Rory?"


New member
Jan 24, 2010

Rising Dawn: Canteen Bar
Luke, Boss, Icarus, Cadolbolg, Caim

"I suppose I owe you an apology as well. While I admit I have something of a temper, I will admit it is easier to set off where my son is concerned."
Taking a sip from his glass, Caim gave a soft sigh and took a long look at him, Icarus noticed how the man seemed to focus on his eyes, Had he recognized him? Caim took another swig of his alcohol before his PDA spoke,
"I remember you said something when you first came here about your father sending you here. Who exactly was he?"
Icarus let out a long sigh before taking a long drink from his water glass. His wings unfurled they really did seem real, But why were they black, there was something odd about them.

"You probably met my father, When I was being raised he was known as the Raven King, But when he was here he had the Moniker of Captain of the Rising Dawn, My fathers was Dillon."
he sighed and took another long drink.
"To be honest it's nice to tell the truth, I had been hiding so much, I feared if I told the truth I would be despised, Not only is my father the reckless troublemaker, due to the mistakes I have made in the past, I am a fallen angel now. It's no coincidence I share a wing color with Lucifer. Fallen angels have caused many of you much trouble, I saw how Kazuya reacted, and he had every reason to despise Fallen angels, they are inclined to be cruel to Humanity. The truth is I'm nothing but a monster."
HE looked down at his hands, his face became wet as a single tear rolled down his cheek. his violet eyes filled with regret.