Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | Shipping and Receiving
Katya Rostikova | Farber the Ish | First Lieutenant Dolores Selmy
As the world exploded into smoke and haze around her, Katya Rostikova could only look at the remnants of her Japan Crates, realizing that she would be out of Japanese Snacks for the remainder of the month if she didn't rectify the issue post haste. While she could have made a request for Penny to order a few bulk boxes of the more important items, such as the Seaweed Snacks, the Pocky, the Caplico Sticks and most importantly the Meiji Pucco Choco Pretzels, it would have taken some time for her package to get to her. It wasn't due to any sort of Japanese Bureaucracy, since under G-Corp Japan had gotten rather efficient at shipping products, but rather the fact that she was riding aboard a floating city that drifted from place to place without any apparent destination in mind. Two sets of footsteps ran off out of the hallway, marking the departure of both Dolores Selmy and the little boy that exploded a ball of smoke in Katya's face. Were this some sort of cartoon, the Anime Watching Anarchist was sure that she would have had her hair blown up and had a face covered in soot. Moving a couple of the crate remnants around, Katya was relieved to see roughly a week's worth of sweet provisions left in the box, 10
JapanCrates in all.
Opening up a line of communications to Dolores, the relieved partaker of Japanese Sweets paused for a moment as she was taken aback as to how quickly she'd become chums with the relatively unknown woman. It felt as if Katya had known the woman for a number of years but realistically speaking, it couldn't have been possible as the young Miss Rostikova certainly didn't get out of the house much nor did she really make any friends outside of her sister, Irina.
As nice as it would have been to simply be able to continue this line of thought, two simultaneous events brought the Rising Dawn's Resident Hacker's thoughts to a close. The first one took the form of a simple alarm, one that appeared on the lower right hand corner of her field of vision.
Message said:
Nano-Agent Levels Critical. Please replenish raw materials.
The innocuous little message did not serve as just a simple reminder to eat but also served as a reminder of what would happen if Katya didn't replace the materials required to generate new nano-agents. The simple text message was a reminder of what had happened to Penny the last time Katya had neglected B3WP's imperative: survive, consume, replicate and repeat. Luckily for the Rising Dawn's resident Geek Girl, she had a number of MIT Mercenaries that had survived the assault on Black Mesa. Admittedly she would have preferred consuming one of the prisoners in the brig but knowing that they contained useful information made the blonde-for-the-day Haxxxor consider them off limits.
Of course, if her only problem was the alert, the 18 year old l337-gurl problems would have been relatively simple in nature. The sound of a handgun being discharged was instantly recognizable as Katya had recently found an absolute need to use her pistol. The fact that it had come from the corridor that both the kid and Dolores had used to exit the hanger made things all the more worrisome. Dolores wouldn't have been the one shooting at the kid, would she? This wasn't the Dolores that Katya knew...
(But I don't really know her!)[/color]" The young hacker corrected herself internally as she rushed towards the sound of the shooting, ignoring the alert that continued to blink in the bottom right corner of her vision.
While Katya didn't need to activate any sensors in order to trace the route that the two had taken, their path of destruction was a hint as to the direction in which they traveled, she did need to increase both her speed and her reaction time given the urgency of the situation. The last thing she wanted was for Miss Se... Dolores to catch any heat from shooting a chocolate stealing child. Rounding a corner, the young woman noticed two of the crew members picking up a stack of dropped papers. Rather than run them over or through them, the biologically enhanced 18 year old vaulted over them, barely avoiding kicking one of the crew members in the head as she cleared them. More people cleaning up after the tornado of terror named First Lieutenant Selmy had passed through. This time there were a number of bullet holes in the corridor walls, indicating that it had been Katya's Only Friend that had started shooting. The resulting chaos caused by the First Piebut the scene was different this time. Gathered around the entrance to the MedBay were a group of Rising Dawn crew members that had either transported a bullet riddled kid to the Emergency Ward or they were watching some sort of drama unfold.
Muscling through the crowd, the Hacker was struck by a number of things, the first of which was the fact that Elise was hugging Dolores Selmy in quite the gentle and loving fashion.
(Lucky...*****)[/color]" The hormonal young woman thought to herself as she imagined the sensation of the Spider Queen's larger than average fun bags pressed against her.
The second was the sight of Angelus standing in the midst of the Medbay Mayhem. The sight of the draconian woman brought a bit of color to the pale young hacker's cheeks as she once again relived her outburst in the Canteen. Were it not for the fact that there were much more important things to consider, Katya would have surely retreated from the room with tail between her legs. The third was the young boy that had made a point of smoke bombing Katya and Selmy and the root cause for this kerfuffle. Though there was a bit of a grudge that she held, the Rising Dawn's Geek Girl was relieved to see that the First Lieutenant hadn't put any extra holes in the boy's body.
The fourth and final item that caused Katya Rostikova to stop rather than retreat came in the form of a particularly pink Nine Year Old princess who stood 6 feet away from where Katya stood. Remembering the events of the previous night, Katya backed up, giving her an extra amount of buffer space. This was a good idea considering that it was at that point that Ruby Babbage-Love launched herself and wrapped her arms around First Lieutenant Dolores Selmy's waist.
DOLLY!!!!" The child exclaimed loudly and cheerfully. Was it Katya or did Ruby look younger than she did when ARES and Katya had met her in the Big Texan?
Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | Hall of Records
Rory Mercury | Big Boss | Eddie the Dead | Naamah | Sloth
The Crimson Reaper hadn't been expecting a different answer from Eddie the Dead. When it came to that particular Demi-God, Eddie had always given Rory the air of being self serving, not that Rory could blame the Muscle Man for Lady Luck. Still it would have been nice to have been surprised. Thinking about it, Rory could have ordered Eddie to help her as Lady Luck's fickle nature kept her out of Godly politics and therefore at a rank lower than most other Gods but she didn't need an unwilling companion.
Besides this, he was on vacation. The Young in the Face Crimson Clad Loli-Like Demi-Goddess couldn't help but feel a little envious of Eddie's ability to take a Vacation. As Emloy's work always needed doing, there was never a moment were the Oracle's work was completed.
Sorry Rory, but I'm not interested. I'll do my delivery and go start my vacation. I've no interest playing babysitter for your ragtag group. It's like voluntary work, and I detest voluntary work. You could hire me, but, for one, I'm on vacation, so I take no jobs and, for two, no offense, but there's nothing you can offer that would interest me in particular."[/color] The Detestable Ghoul stated after making Big Boss his hand puppet. It was no surprise that Eddie was capricious as his patron. Still that didn't spare him the annoyance that Rory felt building up over him making indications that he viewed young looking Demi-Goddess as nothing but a child, something that annoyed her to no end.
Naamah's voice joined in on the cacophony of the conversation.
"Humans are a profoundly illogical species. They are unpredictable by nature and they are prone to qualify their actions after the fact." She stated simply before adding something that troubled the young Demi-Goddess,
"You all have entered a realm where there is no God. This is a place ruled by humans and their beliefs."
How was that even possible? The Gods' reach spanned worlds. Was it possible for there to be a place that they could not access? Rory shook her head. Despite her helpfulness in assisting Rory with her studies of the ship's archives, she did have a tendency to obscure her meaning in riddles. Having stayed up the entire night, Rory could have been happy the sensation of resting in a warm and comfortable bed. Unlike Eddie, however, she was not on vacation and she sensed that a battle loomed in the near future. There would be souls to collect and dispatch to Emloy. There would be blood that needed to be spilled.
Well, I suppose there isn't much more to say, now is there? 'Your duty must be done', and I have a pending delivery. Anything else anyone would like to add?"[/color] The Defiler of Descar'ta stated.
I guess not." The Young Demi-Goddess stated in a voice filled with disappointment over her obnoxious brethren, "
I'll show you where this Bartender is likely to be located, Eddie. Then you can start your vacation."
She felt a certain amount of annoyance in regards to Eddie and how he looked at her, reminding her of the many people who had made the fatal mistake of not taking the High Priestess of Emloy seriously. While a vast majority found themselves talked down to, others found their missions sabotaged. With the Disciple of the Goddess of Luck, it would be different. As much as he disrespected her, the Emloy's rules were absolute when it came to interactions with other Demi-Gods: Do not fight with them. Do not hamper them in the completion of their mission if it does not work against Emloy's domain. A war between Demi-Gods would likely cause the premature death of many innocent souls.
Gesturing to the door, Rory indicated that she would lead Eddie to the bartender, provided that he bring his package with him. Someone would need to take a look at Big Boss to ensure there would be no lasting physical or psychological damage.
Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | The Medical Bay
Ruby Babbage-Lovelave | Katya Rostikova | Angelus | ARES-35 | Farber the Ish| Dolores Selmy | Elise the Spider Queen | Teri
The young nine-year old girl standing in the middle of the medical bay was having a hell of a morning. Between being rudely woken up by a smoke grenade and then coming face to face with a Giant Spider Lady that went by the name of Elise, it was a surprise that Ruby Babbage-Lovelace hadn't died from fright. It was through the ARES' and Elise's gentle coaxing that the young princess-like girl dropped the whole scared of Spiders routine for which many young girls were so famous for.
The peaceful scene would not last long, however as a young boy burst through the doors of the medical bay towing a woman with a gun drawn behind him. The loud report of her pistol echoed in the small chamber and filled it with the acrid stench of freshly burned gunpowder. Clearly this place was not exactly the safest place for a young child especially if there was a woman running about and shooting at children. The previously working lighting fixture buzzed for a moment before dropping pieces of glass into Ruby's black and white hair. Knowing the danger posed to her soft fingertips, Ruby attempted to remove the bits of Lighting Fixture. As she attempted to remove the debris from her soft locks, she came to the realization that the madwoman was no stranger. Strange in the fact that she had fired a gun indoors but not a stranger.
"Ruby? You... you feeling better?" The voice said, drawing the Black and White haired child's attention.
Standing there with a look of confusion and horror was an acquaintance of Ruby's Parents and Ruby's friend, Miss Selmy. Her gun clattered to the floor as the realization of her actions sunk in. Before Titania's adopted child could answer the question that had been posed, the Spider Queen pounced, firing off a stream of webbing that ensnared the confused woman. Whatever protest Ruby could make was cut off she found her vision obscured by Miss ARES. The scene that unfolded was rather confusing and traumatizing to a nine-year old child. Frozen in place, Ruby found her ability to speak compromised. Her mothers had done a good job of teaching the girl to stay quiet when adults discussed things that their child could not understand. This was especially true when Miss ARES spoke since Ruby had no idea what Malingering or Dissociative Identity Disorder was.
Ultimately, the adult consensus was to release Miss Selmy, much to the relief of Young Miss Babbage-Lovelace. While it was worrying that Miss Selmy ended up breaking out into tears, Miss Elise comforted her with a hug and a silly dancing spider... which was Ruby's cue that the serious adult discussion had ended.
DOLLY!" The child said as she tackled her friend and hugged her tightly. There was a sense of relief in the Ruby's voice as she started to break down and cry, releasing the anxiety that she felt at not being able to find her mothers. If Miss Selmy was here, surely her parents were as well. After Miss Selmy's clothing received a liberal bath consisting of the pink dress holding child's tears, a tear filled pair of eyes looked up at Miss Selmy while the child's lips smiled brightly, "
Where are Mommy Titania and Mommy Deborah? I haven't seen them since my birthday the other day when Mommy Titania gave me this dress. Did you see it? It's pretty isn't it? Mommy Titania had a troop of Fey make it for me. Why were you chasing that boy? Did he do something wrong? "
The questions started blurring together since Selmy might have come to the realization that there was something else that was wrong with Ruby. Besides looking 3 years younger than she should, the dress that Ruby carried had been gifted to her three years ago... not the other day.
Seeing that Miss Selmy was looking rather dazed and confused, the kindly young nine-year-old lead her over to her medical bed, which coincidentally happened to be where a young boy was hiding. Ruby, helped Miss Selmy onto the bed before plopping onto the thin mattress. Scrunching her elfin face, the child couldn't help but notice that the bed felt way more lumpy than before.
Are these beds always to uncomfortable, Miss Selmy?" Sienna asked as she started bouncing on the bed with her butt.
In the hallway, a Katya slipped away. Satisfied that both Selmy and the kid were safe, the young hacker headed towards the industrial cooler in the Hanger. Time to recharge.