((Sorry once again for the delay))
Brainwashed Mob No. 6: David, Ryan, Miia, ARES, Dr. Insaneo, Katya, Nina and Phillip
David groaned for a full minute before his
years of weathering bar brawls "Soldier's Fortitude" managed to see him back to his feet, still had the mother of all headaches however but at least it was for a different reason now.
"Let me apologize for that, I thought you might have been, well you know...It... well it set me off to think your headache just so happened to turn up getting close to that."
"Yeah-yeah...just-...I'll catch up. [sub]urrggg, feels like my brain just got stirred by an egg beater[/sub]..." The Sniper grumbled as he urged the others onward, going to join once he finished making sure his skull wasn't actually cracked.
Back onto more pressing matters, once the elevator reached the 3rd floor, things seemed to be going smoothly.
However, it would appear that the room containing the projector in question was under rather tight security, namely it had both a armed guard on the scene as well as a rather advanced computer lock on the door.
Judging by the markings and branding, it was the kind that World Marshall deployed in the field to help provide security solutions for military outposts in civilian areas (Or to put it in terms that Katya can understand, There were like those weird door locks from Half Life 2 [http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/8/82/2012-12-29_00001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121229093838&path-prefix=en])
Odds are the guard had the key to it and was the only one to permit access to those wanting to watch something else.
While Katya's "Plan" could work, it might be a little more complex then it seemed in the TV/Anime/Whatever she ripped the idea from.
Back on ground level, the crowd was just as "Animated" as ever as our heroes could basically have a casual conversation without much worry.
The two overweight staffers meanwhile were just counting their riches as the Movie began to get to one of the more "Emotional" parts:
[color=6c1504]"-And make no mistake, dearest America. We are under siege by foreign ideals brought to us by a violent culture seeking to lay ruin to our very way of life. I am of course talking about the Rising Dawn and their agents. Be forever vigilant as you may never know where they might lurk. They could be right in front of you right now..."[/color]
The Audience shivered slightly at that notion (But the kind of fake shiver you give to a terrible joke rather then anything) as they began to scan the area for anyone that could be seen as an "Agent of the Rising Dawn".
The two staffers looked around as well, knowing that the crowd gets restless if they didn't get blood from a rather nasty incident in Austin.
The crowd began to wander slightly from their seating arrangements, managing to put on a better "Dawn of the Dead" performance then most of the actual Zombies in that movie as they shambled around in search of their targets.
While most of them could barely make their way out of the screening area, a number of them began to march towards Ryan, Nina and ARES, groaning slightly as if they were trying to ask them a question but unable to do so.
Police Cruiser heading to Capitol Building: Kalastryn, officer
Kalastryn's flirt game was working rather well as the Officer clearly seemed to be into it, so much so he nearly crashed into one of the many checkpoints that had been set up around the building before attempting to play it off.
He would begin to ramble one a little bit about how he got onto the force as well as suggesting a good place to get dinner but that seemed like a minor detail as Kalastryn got a good idea of what Bison's idea of a "Public Town Hall" looked like.
By the time she had a view of the building, it was like she was in another city entirely as World Marshall soldiers began to unpack advanced equipment and Roadblocks while Massive armed unmanned gun emplacements [http://cdn.gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/Metal-Gear-Rising-Revengeance-Grad-pillbox.jpg] scooted around to get the best line of sight possible.
Large Cyborgs [http://blogs-images.forbes.com/jasonevangelho/files/2012/12/Cyborg-Heavily-Armed_ready_01_W.png] were positioned everywhere as they came up to another check point, the officer flashing his badge befor-
"You were told this area was off-limits in your briefing. And who the hell is this? We're just letting random street walkers in here now?"
"Hey, ease up. She just wants to see the soon to be President."
"...You're kidding right?!? Half the country wants this man dead and you're bringing a goddamn DATE to the client?! Get back to your post before I have you arrested myself!"
The Officer looked a little embarrassed as he got shot down like that and if Kalastryn remembered her briefing, she would get blood from a stone sooner then sweet talk her way past these guys.
Still, with an embarrassed shrug, the officer then suggested "...Well, guess we can go back to your place now, right?"
The good news was that she was now right within walking distance of the building, problem was even an army couldn't make the remaining distance without getting torn to shreds.
And that was before she figured out how to best get out of the car and away from "Romeo"...
Kalastryn is now at Lincoln St looking at the Capitol Building
Military Force 1: Dream
Not long after Officer Romeo nearly ran someone over, Dream reached that same checkpoint, she was able to walk the walk and talk the talk, the man working the checkpoint seeming to be fooled as he quickly logged the serial number on her forehead (So THAT'S what they were for, explains why all the other guards had them).
There was a moment of tension was the transmission went out, only to come back positive, most likely under someone else's name but such is the life of a Shapeshifter.
"Go on through. You're wanted in the deployment team, HQ is deploying a Priority 1 operative into the area to support the FULGORE." The man explained in a robotic tone before motioning Dream to a large semi-truck that a large metal container was being loaded out of.
It was filled with some strange white fluid while a figure that seemed more metal then flesh was kept inside, as if in suspended animation, The hell was all this about?
While she was ordered to go do her job, she could take this chance to try and slip by instead, unless she wanted to see what was in that container...
E 17th Ave/Brainwashed Mob No. 5: Dolores, Nadalia, Sloth, Wrath
While their group getting some re-enforcement was good, Sloth
might have wanted to pick a better spot to call in some help instead of going it right smack bang in the middle of a rally of brainwashed people.
As such, when Wrath made her entrance, she got the attention of the staffer who was catching his breath.
He remembered what he was told by this Super-PAC masters and he nearly had a stroke when he saw what was happening.
"T-T-T-THERE! THEY'RE OVER THERE! GET THEM!" He screamed to his supporters as the crowd began to slowly turn to face the group, processing the order to attack.
After taking a moment to "Load" the programming drilled into them, the crowd began to get rather angry as they took up the torches they were saving for the effigy and began to advance on the gang.
Hell, even that funny NPC with the crayon drawings was now grabbing Dolores from behind, trying to get her in a chokehold while the rest of the mob began to surround them to cut off their escape.
The music droned on all the while, coming from the speakers on 2 buildings on either side of the street on the 3rd and 5th floors.
Either they could try to get away or they could break the spell controlling them, whatever they did, they would have to do it right now before the Mob tore them apart or Wrath tore the mob apart!
"KILL THE TALL ONE FIRST! SHE REMINDS ME OF MY EX-WIFE, ONLY EVEN UGLIER! HA!" Screamed the Staffer as he sat down to watch the violence unfold with unsettling glee.
Coors Field: Annie, Deadshot
"So you're alive. If I found you beaten or dead in your cell, I was going to murder everyone on the Rising Dawn. Seems like I don't have to now."
"Awwww, and they say you don't care." Deadshot said before pulling her in for a hug, seeming pretty glad to see her again (or at least in a context where he could actually talk to her).
"Man, it's great to see you again. Sorry I kinda blew you off back at Black Mesa. Part of my contract with Mishima prick was no-one was to know I'm "Ghost". Wasn't the best deal I ever made but considering that I'm not looking at life behind bars in a UNIT prison and I'm getting paid, I think it's a pretty neat one. If a little temporary." He explained as he leaned against the wall of the alleyway before taking another bite of his roll.
"[sub]Man, these are actually pretty good[/sub] *Swallow* Still, that's kinda why I'm here. Got some big plans coming down the pipeline once this Bison business is over. Like, BIG big plans. Going to be getting some of that Corporate money, buy myself a new life, wipe the slate clean and kiss this hired fun crap goodbye. I'm still working though some details but I was thinking...you want in? Last I checked, I still had the bigger rap sheet but I think when it's over, I'll have enough money to make that little "Showdown" of yours in Laz Venturas piss right the fuck off. Wadda say, Annie?"
Violet [http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/tekken/images/d/d6/VioletTTT2FULL.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120923124538&path-prefix=en] | Farber | Ruby |
Location: Rising Dawn Hanger/Canteen
Violet didn't know who this "Eddie" guy was or what he meant by "Two Strikes" but if it was anything like the rest of the people he had met around her in recent days, he knew it would end with his insides smeared over the walls, just like with everyone else.
"Look, I'm already looking at a firing squad or-...whatever they use to kill commanding officers they don't like. You want to kill "Me" in another dimension, go for it, but there is already a long enough line for the people who want me dead..." He sighed before resuming his drinking, the anger that led to his outburst starting to fade slightly as the liquor began to enter his bloodstream.
"Urg, Look, sorry. I've not been having a good couple of days. You ever try running an army when everyone in it hates you? Hell, they even changed my VIP Callsign to "Twat McTwinkle-Tits". Even if the operation on the ground goes well, I'm either looking at life in prison or getting assassinated by a upstart looking for a promotion. And that's before we factor in the part where I even got this job by blowing my last employer's arm off..." He explained, unable to see that Eddie was already gone from how deep he was in his glass
Knocking back his current drink, Violet quickly got another refill, a process he repeated several times while other, more interesting stuff happened in the background.
Seeing how the rest of the "Adults" seemed to have left, it was mostly just him and the kids now, thus making him figure he would at least "Try" to un-burn the bridges he just burned on his way in.
"...So...how you guys like this place?...Good? Bad? In-between? Regretting every choice you've made in life that lead to this current moment?..."