The Escapist Avatar Adventure: An Open RP (Now Re-Opened!)


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
in Pain
Location: En Route: Capitol Building | Denver
Carpe diem.
Dolores Selmy

bit my lip and looked as Sloth. His lax-yet-uncomfortable demeanor unsettled me. There was something in him, more so than concern for his own little mistake. I could not place it. I bowed deeply to Master Sloth, "I - I - I I WOULD BE HONORED TO BE ACCOMPAN - ACCOMPANIED BY YOU!" I said. It came out louder and more rushed than I had anticipated, but my world was already a whirlwind. I secured the buttons on my coat and turned toward the capitol building. My cheeks were so hot, I knew I must have been red as a beet.

On the heels of the Master Pyromancer's comment I added, "Yes, we - I, at least, am not part of the Hero division." I held my tongue against the roof of my tongue as I searched for the words I wanted to say, "I am actually part of the Rising Dawn Combat Unit, a soldier. My job is to... eliminate Bison by any means necessary." I paused. "A soldier..." I said again. The word lingered on my tongue like lemon juice; it was acrid and bitter.

"Let us head on then, Masters," I said softly. My own voice seemed unsure at our direction. Still, I started to walk down the road toward the capitol building.

Teme shaetch' a'sa midei hoara ge [footnote]Idiom; "Let us have fun." lit. "Allow this: so that we should have fun."[/footnote]


Living undeath to the fullest
Sep 21, 2014
Another place | A swamp
A dead person

The place was uninteresting. A bog. It bubbled in some places. Some animals went about their business, croaking and chirping. No humanoid had stepped near this spot in a few hundred years. It looked ominous, but unless someone was interested in drowning in a good atmosphere, there was nothing to do.

Paradigm Shift

Something noticed it. Something had slept, for more than the few hundred years. Something woke. Something found. Something was irritated. Something moved.

In the swamps of Varia, on a world called earth, because not many think of naming their worlds differently, for a short moment a frog observed a giant dark boa rise up, her eyes glowing red. The frog croaked, and jumped away. The boa vanished under the surface.

A few moments later, the surface moved again, and a body rose. The corpse of a young woman, forgotten, her murderers long dead. She stood on the soft soil, and opened her eyes. Red, glowing, like the snakes. She looked around, looked at her own body, then screamed.

She could have gone on forever, needing to take no breath, but finally, she stopped. Teared off her disgusting, wet, dirty and mouldy dress. Looked around again, wondering what this was. Had she not died? She had died. Her body looked dead. Her surroundings were different. There was no footbridge anymore. The swamp seemed endless. Devoid of most life.

She started to walk, having no idea where her feet would take her. Just a few steps, and she saw something spark. A spear, in a form she had never seen before. The markings of a snake on it. She picked it up, it should be of use.

She kept walking, finding nothing for a while. Death and decay surrounded her, but she did not knew if it was herself, or if it was the swamp. She found some natural twines, some leaves. Finally, some snake skin, possibly left by casting of the skin. She used this to knit herself some clothes. Basic cover, nothing more. The snake skin felt natural on her. She somehow liked it. Covering herself, she noticed that she had the markings of a snake as well. Several tattoos, over her shoulder, upper arms and legs. Possibly her back, too.

She noticed that she felt cold, but it did not change, whatever she did. It was not too cold, it just was. She kept walking, finally seeing an end to the swamp. There were plains, but something shimmered before. She noticed a dead body next to the shimmer. It bore strange clothes. It was not undead, like she was. She got there, looking the man over. He wore heavy clothing. He died recently. He had a sheath with a knife in it around his leg. She managed to get it loose, and bound it around her own leg.

She did not figure out more. The shimmer was drawing her. She tried to resist, but she did not have the willpower. She was dead, what did it matter?

Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | Women's bathroom

Even the staff of the Rising Dawn needed their bathroom breaks. A woman, wondering how quickly the situation with Bison would turn to violence (she had bet an hour, against someone who said it would be at least two hours), sighed happily, as she sat on the toilet.

Laying the Donald Duck comic back on the flush, she followed the necessary hygienic requirements, then stepped out of the stall and went over to the sinks, to wash her hands and inspect herself in the mirror, while summing to herself.

What she did not expect, despite the likelihood of weird occurrences on the Rising Dawn, was not seeing herself in the mirror, but a dead person walking towards her. A woman in a snakeskin bikini, skin grey and dirty from mud, with spear in her left and knife in her right hand, her black hair wet and falling over her face, her eyes glowing in an unholy red colour. The mirror was shimmering, seemingly not solid anymore.

While her scream was no match for Eddie's, it still hurt some ears, audible in most rooms of the Rising Dawn. She ran out of the womens bathroom, leaving the water running, back towards the rest of the staff, much to confused looks.

Inside the bathroom, the dead woman walked out of the mirror, looked confused, then stumbled and fell on the ground.
Groaning in some pain, she got up again and looked around. Seeing the water running, she began to wash the mud off her face and her body as her first action on the Rising Dawn.

Name: Anjali Khatri
Species: Human / Undead
Sex: Female
Age: 18 / 476
Eye colour: Red
Hair colour: Black
Height: 1,58 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Origin: OC (Dark Fantasy World)
Morality: Neutral Good

At the time of resurrection, all of Anjali's original clothes were unusable. As a substiture, she created herself some rudimentary clothes out of leaves, vines and snake skin, which she found in the swamp.

Anjali looks like an 18 year, quite skinny woman. She has completely red eyes, black hair and greywhite, but very dirty skin. On her back and around her upper arms are snake tattoos. She herself does not know how she got them, as they appeared alongside her resurrection.

Despite what her appearance might suggest, Anjali is a genuinely good person, caring about others and trying to help innocents. She has some hate in her, mostly for the people who killed her, but after finding out that they had to be long dead, she saw no reason to seek more vengeance.
How people react to her might influence the personality of her resurrected form.

Undead Body:
Being undead brings with it one advantage ... or disadvantage: Anjali is immortal, that means her body does not age and she can't die of natural circumstances, like disease. She can however still get cut to pieces, and only other unholy magic can close her wounds.
Spirit Snakes:
Anjali can summon several ghosts which took the form of snakes. They can change between visible and invisible, but can not be targeted by conventional weapons.
Anjali can order the snakes to enter a living body, causing a lot of pain, like headaches and nauseau. Sometimes they might be able to render someone unconscious. This, however, can cause no lasting damage.
The snakes can enter a dead body, causing it to move. They can animate one human body together, or several smaller animals. The agility of these bodies depends on their physical state. Anjila has full control over these bodies, being able to order them to do anything, followed without question, unless it is physically impossible (in this case, the body just might get stuck somewhere).
Anjila is able to cast minor curses on people, getting them to have an illness at times on a day for example. She can cause this accidentally, by swearing. She has, however, not used it very much, and does not know the extent of this power.
Swamp and Graveyard Empowerment:
Being basically a magical being after resurrection, Anjali is powered by the magic flows of the earth, specifically these of the dark and of death. This means, her powers are enhanced in a swamp or on a graveyard. Her own strength regenerates faster there as well.
In some swamps, are large snake might come to her help.

Due to her resurrected state in a still dead body, Anjali is immune to diseases and some magical attacks. She can still feel pain, however. A lesser telepath might get trouble looking in a dead person's mind.

Anjali's body is still human. She can get hurt by all physical attacks, even if none can really kill her. Magical attacks, and especially magic to control or hurt the undead, can get her into trouble. Holy magic is effective against her, and she can not get healed by it, instead only being able to get healed by dark magic..

Coming out of the swamp with nothing, Anjali found two things: A knife, looted from another dead body, and a spear, seemingly fused with some kind of magic. This one was neatly placed next to her for some reason.


New member
Jan 24, 2012
[HEADING=2]The Rising Dawn Adventures[/HEADING]Avatar Adventures | Colorado | Denver | Denver Public Zoo
Katya Rostikova | ARES | Doctor Insano | Miia | Dolores Selmy | David West | Ryan | Nina and Phillip​

Nina had been looking up at the video for a while, having not noticed Katya approaching until she was nearly on top of her. Her head turned just in time to see the younger woman bump into her, putting a foot out to her side so she didn't fall over from the push and weight of Phillip in the duffle bag. "Woah! Hey, watch it!" She placed her one hand on the bag itself to stop it swinging as much before she settled back on the pillar she'd been standing next to, a unamused look on her face. "Ya, you could say that." She replied to Katya's apology, not entirely accepting it given Katya had bumped into someone stationary in a relatively open area.

"[color=CC8899]H31l V3g@! G10r10u5 d@y w3'r3 h@v1ng 15n't 1t? H31l V3g@![/color]" When Katya gave her pleasant solute to Vega, Nina looked down to her bag for a moment then back to Katya. "Sure why not, Hail HydraVega and stuff." Nina repeated in turn, sounding a bit more chipper. "Not sure what this is all about, but I gotta say, whatever you-. " She started to say as she heard another voice calling out in her direction. "Katya, are you drunk? Sorry about that miss, my friend here is a bit 'too excited' about the rally. Here Katya, take Miia with you and show her the sights. Keep me in touch, alright?"

A surprised look took Nina's face as she hadn't been expecting to see the two people there in cosplay, rather good cosplay at that. She'd always thought she was fairly in the know as to the goings on around the city, but first with this movie showing and now this, she was starting to question just what was going on here. "Excuse us." The man said before abruptly taking the whole lot away. "H-Hey. That's some really nice cosplay you've got there!" She called back, taking a step or two away from the pillar watching them as they went to the backalley. "Sshhh, no that's not very nice Phillip, you've never been drunk before, you don't know. I should go see if they're doing okay." She said with a hint of concern as she too followed their path to the alley, peering around the corner to see Miia's body wrapping round Katya's body in a completely inhuman way.

"Well, Katya knows how to save these people, and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Also, WHEW- holy jesus thank goodness I can finally catch my breath. Was wondering how much longer I was going to last." The man said. Nina's voice broke the silence after Miia's proclamation of Ryan's rudeness soon afterwards, stepping more into the center of the alleyways. "OH! That sounds fun, saving the hippies from that boring movie right? I'm totally in, what are we gonna do, throw water balloons at them? silly string? LARPing fisticuffs with the Statue of Liberty and some... guy in a dress? Personally I like the third option."


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
First Response
Location: Staff Quarters C | Secondary Cabin | Rising Dawn
Always Ready, Always There
Captain Donnell

The hallway was already staged when I arrived. The three corridors leading away from the bathroom were already barricaded. Combat unit staff held their rifles tensely against steel barriers. Their eyes trained, unblinking, at the door-less entrance of the bathroom. Kelly held her breath, beads of sweat had begun to appear on her brow. I don't blame her. It isn't often that a materialization happens in the crew quarters, and much much less so that the reserve is brought out. They had never actually seen action since their inception. Few enemies ever boarded the Rising Dawn.

To the right Sargent Nahir and his squad held their ground and to the left Sargent Seighader had finished fortifying her position.

Combat Unit Captain Do looked at me as I approached.

"Late," he said. Captain Do was a short man of Asian descent with severe eyes and a lanky demeanor. Beneath his loose-fitting uniform was a man as conditioned and hard as any, but from afar he looked nothing like a soldier. "I called for your support team three minutes ago."

"You're lucky we're here at all. Intelligence usually isn't on the ship at all," I replied as I passed. I pulled Maria out of her holster and braced her against my arm.

"You have been around for a long time, considering you're a field agent," he said. He eyed me over as he opened his barricade for me.

"I'm a Captain, Victor."

"So am I, Elizabeth. Yet you do not see me doing as I please," he shook his head. "Deal with the situation, it is what you are here for after all, Captain."

I advanced slowly. Each step was silent. I could hear the stillness of the air, the breathing of the soldiers on each side of me. I could feel the weight of their guns, the tenseness of their fingers. They knew that if this newcomer was a threat that it would be a disaster if she got loose. With the majority of the Heroes deployed on their mission, it was up to the crew to secure this issue. Worst come to worst they would dislodge this cabin and jettison it. Corporal Johnson had his finger on the button in case of such an occasion.

I passed the door frame of the bathroom and turned in. The walls were a matte silver that made it hard to discern the reflections within. I continued, Maria drawn in front of me. One step. Two. Three. I stopped. I breathed. I was at the corner. I braced myself, put my finger on the trigger and took a step out.

Turned the corner.

"Identify yourself!" I commanded.

There was a woman standing in front of the sink washing herself, completely oblivious to the goings on outside. I paused. Her get up was absurd. She wore nothing but a snake skin bikini that barely covered her ample bosom and wide hips. She gave me a look with dead-glassy eyes.

She did not seem hostile. I lowered Maria and pinged an all-clear signal. I could hear the collapse of rifles immediately afterward and the whirring gears that signaled the retraction of the mobile barricades. Captain Do popped his head in to see.

"By Bhudda," he whistled, "quite a woman."

"Don't scare her Victor."

"You're just jealous."

"I am most definitely not." I approached the newcomer with my hands up, though I still held onto Maria. "Speak, stranger, and I will answer in kind." Lingua Perpetua should help me here. Any primeval language I could speak... I just needed her to give me a hint of what she spoke.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Avatar Adventures | Colorado | Denver | Brainwashed Mob No. 6
Tit for Tat...
Katya Rostikova | ARES | Doctor Insano | Miia | Dolores Selmy | David West | Ryan​

Joy! Bliss! Heaven! None of these words could accurately describe the state the Katya Rostikova found herself in once she allowed to take on the cushiony job of carrying the snakelike package rather than having Ryan "suffer" under the great burden. The grin that appeared on the Rising Dawn's Resident Hormone Storm was bright enough to fully illuminate the abyss. There was not a single thing that could ruin it for Katya, that was until Miia wrapped her scaly body around Katya's.

"[color=CC8899]0.M.G. S0 F...F...F00K1NG COLD![/color]" The suddenly frigid wannabe fornicator managed to stammer before B3WP managed to compensate for the sudden addition of room temperature monster girl pressed up against her body. As Katya recovered some of her core body temperature, she overheard the chick in front of the apartment building talking to Ryan.

"OH! That sounds fun, saving the hippies from that boring movie right? I'm totally in, what are we gonna do, throw water balloons at them? silly string? LARPing fisticuffs with the Statue of Liberty and some... guy in a dress? Personally I like the third option."

"[color=CC8899]J00 f0rg07 0p710n 4our![/color]" The cheerful cherubic hacker called out from the closing front door to the apartment building, "[color=CC8899] B3wbz! B3wbz'll s@v3 t3h d@y![/color]"

Entering the lobby, Katya could clearly see that there was no one about as the vast majority of the population had opted to make it an outdoor day and watch the Vega Monologues, the off Broadway red headed step child of the Vagina Monologues, outside in the fresh air. Were the post office still in service, the Digital Drama Queen could have imagined piles upon piles upon piles of unclaimed mail piling to the floor out of still opened mail boxes. Unfortunately it appeared the Bison had even hijacked the brains of those most postal of postal workers.

Katya pushed the elevator call button and the two women started the process of waiting for the elevator. Now was as good a time as any to spill the beans about the plan.

"[color=CC8899]So Miia. You're probably not going to like this plan of mine but let me preface it by saying that it's the best way that I can think of to rescue all these people.[/color]" The young woman prefaced before getting into the nitty gritty of the plan itself, "[color=CC8899]What's going to happen is that we're going to go to the third floor where the projector is. There's two guys in there that I would say are on the same pervert level as me. What we're going to do is get them to invite us into their apartment and well... you're probably going to not like this buuuut... I'll try not to enjoy it too much. I'm gonna knock on the door and when they open it, I'm going to to be telling them that we're hitchhikers from out of town and we're looking for a place to crash but none of the hotels are open and they're the only guys that have answered their door. Could we pwease crash in their place for a bit. At this point, they'll probably notice that I've been holding up your boobs towards them the whole time and I'll tell them that your bra broke a couple miles back and you couldn't walk another block since this shirt is rubbing your tender nipples to death.[/color]"

It should have been noted at this point that Katya had also added a bit of hand rubbing to the mischievous grin that was plastered all over her face.

"[color=CC8899]Once they let us inside, you knock one of them out and I'll knock the other one out, kay?[/color]" The Rising Dawn's Tech Support Department said as the elevator door opened, allowing Katya to carry Miia through its threshold. As the elevator doors started closing, a horrible Muzak version of The Black Eyed Peas' "My Humps" was filtered into the small car. Due to the added weight of Miia's coils, the elevator moved slower than normal.

"[color=CC8899]So... do you really have a problem with how I talk?[/color]" Katya asked in a strange attempt to have a heart to heart at inappropriate times, "[color=CC8899]I mean... it's what you want your Dahlink Ryan to do, isn't it?[/color]"


Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | The Canteen
Snakes on a Motherfuckin' Airship!
Ruby Babbage-Lovelace | Rory Mercury | Anjali | Eddie the Dead | Farber the Ish | Naamah | Violet​

The conversation between two apostles that went by the names Eddie the Dead and Rory Mercury did not last long as a chilling scream echoed down the hallway outside of the Canteen where the crew members not on duty or on mission had congregated. While her position with the Rising Dawn appeared tentative at best, the sudden appearance of a danger on the ship caused the Emloy's Priestess to spring into action, grabbing the haft of her halberd as she ran through the door, a trail of sparks followed the Demi-Goddess as she ran through the door.

"Eddie, would you be kind enough to keep your charge within this room, at least until I can find out what is happening." Rory said as she passed through the door and into the corridor beyond.

Familiar with such events, the crew members walking within the corridors hugged the walls and made a path for the admittedly dark haired young looking woman in the Gothic Lolita Dress that served as her uniform. Making a left hand turn at a three way intersection saw a number of crew members hanging outside of the women's restroom, a few of them attempting to calm the female crew member that continued to babble about a crimson eyed demon in a snake skin bikini.

"Demon?" Rory muttered to herself as she raised the corner of her lips into a smile. The Apostle to the God of Death had heard of demons and been called that a number of times but had never faced one in combat. Preparing herself, the childish looking woman addressed the assembled crew members, " Take her to the infirmary. I'll take care of the demon."

Licking her lips in anticipation of dispatching and enemy, the young looking Demi-Goddess took a single step forward before she sensed something wrong. The battle had not yet started and she could feel sensation of death coming from the room where the intruder had hidden itself. Multiple souls sought escape from this plane in order to move on to the next and yet, the souls were not those of a human nor were they being allowed to pass on.

Passing through the entrance of the room carefully, the normally gung-ho Demi-Goddess took a cautious approach. It took strong magics to defy the natural order of things and keep souls tethered to this realm. Peaking around the corner, the young looking Demi-Goddess was met by the sight of a tall looking savage woman, her eyes glowing with an infernal crimson color. Despite her barbaric appearance, the woman was in the process of cleansing an accumulation of muck from her body, much of it pooling around her feet in a large dark puddle.

"Huh?" Rory huh'd loud enough to echo chamber as her head tilted in curiosity at the scene that played out in front of her. Despite the fact that the intruder had the form of a woman, everything about her screamed serpent. Was she a follower of Wareharun, the Goddess of Nature? Stepping out into the open, Rory cleared her throat and addressed the bathing woman, her voice was teasing and playful as she made her presence known, "Didn't anyone ever tell you that it was impolite to scare people and leave messes?"

As Rory fully entered the restroom, she realized that the snake woman wasn't quite alone. Two of the crew members were also on the scene confronting the woman.


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Brainwashed Mob NO. 6: David, Ryan, Miia, ARES, Dr. Insaneo, Katya

ARES seemed to find out the hard way that not everyone had the same... fortitude, as others. As David did however pick himself up a couple minutes later, they were rather quick to justify themselves, especially to Ryan's scrutiny. "... I'm... sorry. I meant to give him a wakeup call, not knock him out. Orders are orders, no?" ARES mentioned rather guiltily as Ryan would probably remember something said at the briefing.
Ghost said:
*TSK!* "What he's saying is if you see someone whom you think is about to fall under Bison's control, punch them in the head a few times. Prevention is usually the best cure." *TSK!*
Of course, in ARES' current state much of their programming in regards to such protocols were in need of repair... not that now was an excellent time to bring that up of course. That said they did turn to David and try to clarify why a his headache might be very legitimate now. "Let me apologize for that, I thought you might have been, well you know..." They said, giving a half nod over to the projector screen. "It... well it set me off to think your headache just so happened to turn up getting close to that."

Could ARES have likely informed David of such a concern instead of making him faceplant into the pavement? Probably... but the last time they had a confrontation with anyone even remotely looking like David West...

Police car: Kalastryn, Officer

Meanwhile, Kala was offered an escort over the perimeter the local police forces had set. Certainly not offering any argument against the officer's generosity, she couldn't help but look in the rear view mirror as his two buddies started to demonstrate just how much strength their modifications afforded them. Having leaped over their armored truck and started beating their escaping charges as Dream used the chaos to leave.

... I wish I could boast not wanting to go down the same route in that scenario.
Yeah, obligation to move forward is a *****. As is pain. Can't quite fault her for deciding against being heroic there... but for a reality check, you may want to re-evaluate who you flirt with.

That was the thought process flying through Kala's consciousness, as the sirens had most fittingly engaged. She had just realized she decided to hitchhike with a person who could probably spin her death to seem perfectly legal if she pissed him off enough. Would she be out of hell by next week? Maybe... did everyone have until next week to take out "Vega?" They wouldn't be here tonight with such urgency if they did.
So... in the interest of not dying a second death, have a better plan?
Nope! Let's be honest here, this little game of charades is getting us a lot of headway. Just... whatever you do, don't tell him the truth.
Ah, right. Because the words I'm actually here to arrest or kill a prominent political figure, and I lied through my teeth to get into this car were definitely on the table.
... Smartass...

"So..." Kala said after just a minute of silence/sirens, trying to make some small talk. "Thanks for this. I'm actually not big into politics, and Vega didn't really impress me before he called those... horrors out on live television. I just... I just had to see it for myself." She says before leaning over and giving the officer a kiss on the cheek.

Did you really have to-?!
Yes I did. Do you want him to kick his little "date" out of the car in the middle of a militarized zone? Thank me later.

Sitting back right in her seat, Kala didn't really show her inner frustration at that exchange on the surface. Instead, she said. "By the way... my return flight isn't until next Sunday if Denver doesn't end up smoking like my old boss' cigars. You got a pen? It'd skip a few steps to write down where I'm staying rather than my number." she says with a wink.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
The Escapist Avatar Adventures | Denver, Colorado | En Route: Capital Building
"Enter the Ultrabitch."
Sloth | Wrath | First Lieutenant Dolores | Nadalia​

The sinking feeling in the Vices gut only managed to worsen when the two ladies looked at him, the Iron Lady looking at him with an expression of confidence, while the younger one, the Soldier, seemed startled and cried out when she noticed him. The Soldiers reaction wasn't surprising in the least: He was nondescript enough despite his unusual clothes that most people had a tendency to overlook him. But the confident gaze? That was dangerous.

"Fear not, my other companions are taking care of that task. As for us, we will advance to Bison's front doors and take the man out of his position, one way or another."

"Yes, we - I, at least, am not part of the Hero division. I am actually part of the Rising Dawn Combat Unit, a soldier. My job is to... eliminate Bison by any means necessary."

Sloths face slowly shifted into an embarrassed grimace, and he heaved a quiet sigh as he stepped away.

"Well, crap. I got on the wrong bus then. I volunteered for evac, not search-and-destroy." he moaned softly.

Facing away from them, he shook his head, then turned back to them and lifted his shoulders in a shrug. The very gesture seemed to speak for him: Well, what can you do?

"I guess there's nothing for it. I'm not going to be all that useful, but I can call someone in who will be. Just to warn you, though, you aren't going to like her." he told them, resignation in his voice.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and lifted his hands, the sleeves of his robe slipping down to expose them, palms up. Clapping them, he opened his mouth and spoke. But even though his lips moved, whatever he said was silent. Except to those of divine or supernatural origins, like Rory Mercury, Eddie the Dead, Lucifer and a few others. To them, his words echoed through the air as clearly as if he were next to them.


Behind him, a hole in the world opened. A simple, round void with ragged edges, empty save a silhouette. A massive silhouette.

"That was real fuckin' quick. Didn't think you'd need me for awhile, ya lazy bastard." called out a harsh, yet still distinctively female, voice.

Name: Wrath (True Name: Ira)

Age: Unknown (Appears ~30 Years of Age)

Race: Anthropomorphic Personification (Appears Human)

Morality: Chaotic Evil(?)

Origin: Original Character

Title(s): One of the Seven Fundamental Destructive Vices, One of the Three Sinful Personalities, Embodiment of Anger, The First Amazon, The Woman Who Hell Ain't Furious Like, The Ultrabitch, Heavy Metal Queen.

Wrath's clothes, what little there is, evoke the image of a barbarian warrior with little more than simple, dingy white cloth wrappings to tightly bind her breasts, similar wrappings on each hand and forearm,, armored leggings, and an iron armband around her right bicep. Said leggings consist of thick brown leather pants and a very primitive-looking belt, supplemented with crude shin guards and knee guards made out of what looks like partially rusted iron. The armband is crudely made, with a sigil carved into it resembling a seven pointed star with indecipherable red writing tracing the edges. Lastly, she wears a pair of heavy leather boots, carelessly left untied.

Wrath, while taking the form of an adult human woman, is hard to mistake for a normal human due to a well-toned, muscular physique and standing at almost a solid 8 feet. Her skin is heavily tanned, weathered by almost countless scars running across her entire body, from simple slash and puncture scars, to markings that seem to indicate entire limbs being cut or even torn off.

Her face, rawboned and borderline masculine, consists of a strong chin and prominent jaw, a wide, snarling mouth, high cheekbones, a noticeably broken and squashed nose, and narrow yellow eyes beneath thick black eyebrows. Her hair is long and a pitch black, fashioned into long tendrils that reach the middle of her back, usually tied back into a tail with a simple leather tie, save a few free locks.

Godlike Strength and Endurance: As befitting of her stature, Wrath is incredibly strong, able to lift and otherwise handle several metric tonnes with ease. Likewise, she has almost unending stamina, meaning that it is very, very difficult to tire her out.

Tranquil Fury: As is her namesake, Wrath has a tendency to get angry at a moments notice, and much like Sloth's state of wakefulness, her anger has several levels. The most dangerous has simply been termed Tranquil Fury. When normally angered, Wrath is rash, prone to extreme amounts of collateral damage and trash talking. But when pushed past the point of normal rage, Wrath's normal thought processes shut down and make her abnormally focused on the object of her ire. At that point, she will not speak, and she will not stop until either she or her victim is dead.

Above-Average Durability: While Wrath does not have skin like steel, her body is more durable than the average human, and is naturally able to withstand the rigors that he strength put on it. However, while she is more resistant to blunt force, she is just as susceptible to cuts, punctures and gunshots as any mortal, and her bones are only more difficult to break, not unbreakable.

Weapon Summoning: Regardless of wherever she may be, Wrath is able to summon her personal weapon, The Violence Hammer, as many times as she may want, to the point of summoning duplicates at a moments notice should she lose the one she had not long before. This also extends to her electric bass, the Boom of Creation.

The Violence Hammer: Wrath's weapon, an extension of her own ire and sadism. The Violence Hammer takes the appearance of a massive makeshift hammer as long as she is tall, made up of what looks like a long, thick piece of mangled rebar for the handle, and a section of steel girder wrapped with barbed wire welded to the end serving as the hammerhead. From from looking like normal steel however, the weapon itself looks like it's simply a void where the weapon ought to be, crackling with angry red energy. The Violence Hammer itself is borderline indestructible, and weighs several tonnes, meaning that few can break, or wield it, barring Wrath herself.

Hair-Trigger Temper: As the embodiment of sinful rage, Wrath is naturally easy to anger, to the point of lashing out at friend or foe at a moments notice should they push the wrong button while interacting with her. This makes her incredibly brash, making her a threat to everyone around her, including herself.

No Impulse Control: One of Wrath's other defining traits is the complete and utter lack of self-control when it comes to impulses, being entirely driven by her passions and her moment-to-moment desires, ranging from turning someone she doesn't like into paste, joining a mosh-pit at a metal concert, or generally acting like a loudmouthed, opinionated *****.

All Offense, No Defense: While Wrath is well-acquainted with the concept of relentless offense, the idea of being on the defensive is completely alien to her. While she notices the blows she takes, she is more than willing to simply take a hit and ignore it to respond in kind instead of dodging or blocking. Some have compared fighting Wrath to trying to fight a collapsing concrete wall. Despite the fact that it's cracked and broken, it will still try it's damnedest to crush you underneath itself.

Magically Vulnerable: Due to her single-minded focus on pure, physical attacking power, Wrath is completely ignorant when it comes to magical attacks. While she is somewhat resistant to physical blows, she is particularly vulnerable to magic in any form, something that she is at a complete loss of how to fight against.

- Wrath is rarely ever seen without a six-string electric bass, dubbed the Boom of Creation. It functions without any need for an amp or speakers, and is painted black with orange and red hot-rod flames on the body and guitar head. She is a extremely proficient bassist.

- Wrath is a well-known metalhead among Gods and other deities, and by extension is well-acquainted with Eddie the Dead. She has even offered to form a band with him whenever they both have spare time.

Wrath bent down as she stepped out of the portal, dragging a large, black weapon, coursing with angry red sparks behind her. As the portal closed, she stood, towering over all three of them in all her glory, flipping her Violence Hammer up so that it rested against her shoulder. Her lips spread into a savage grin as he looked at Sloth. Her eyes burned with sadistic glee.

"This had better mean there's shit for me to destroy, or else you're going to owe me. Big time." she said, before her gaze turned to the two ladies, and her lips twisted into a scowl.

"Who're these two? You call me in to fight them, or what?" she asked.

The Escapist Avatar Adventures | The Rising Dawn | The Canteen
"We're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die--"
Farber | Ruby | Naamah | Rory | Eddie The Dead | Others​

Farber shivered in terror as he curled up on the floor of The Rising Dawn's Canteen, with the same three words running through his head over and over again, drowning out the conversation around him. We're gonna die!

To him, it was a certainty. He didn't know any kind of flight magic, and he certainly couldn't make the entire building they were in fly even if he did. All of that pointed to the fact that he was going to die there, along with the cute girl that could possibly have been a friend. Or at the very least, someone to mess with whenever he got bored.

He paused for a moment and looked up at them. Everyone else in the canteen was acting like everything was fine. Why weren't they scared out of their heads about falling to their doom? What did they know that he didn't? Ruby even walked over and poked him in the side.

"Farber, stop acting silly. We're not going to fall from the sky. The Rising Dawn's only ever done that a few times and that was because someone shot her from the sky! We're totally safe! So get up! I still haven't eaten anything."

He frowned. That didn't make sense. Did that make The Rising Dawn some kind of flying boat? Those were pretty rare, and he was pretty sure it took a whole lot of magic to get it up there. Maybe hundreds of magicians worth, and he couldn't even count that high.

"Are you sure?" he asked shakily as he got onto his unsteady feet.

It wasn't long after he started to calm down from his earlier terror that a scream rang out in the hallway outside of the Canteen, and his head whipped around to look at the doorway.

"Eddie, would you be kind enough to keep your charge within this room, at least until I can find out what is happening."

He spared a glance at the girl, barely older than they were, as she hefted a massive axe on a long pole, and he couldn't stop his gape. That thing had to weigh as much as a house! As little as she was, she had to be really strong. But after what she said, he wanted to investigate that scream too, even though he wanted nothing to do with it just a moment ago. Now it was interesting.

"Hey, Ruby. Wanna check out what that noise came from?" he asked her with a hushed whisper.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010

in Pain
Location: Denver | Colorado
Linguas multas dico.
Dolores Selmy

ra intra!"
I said meekly, "It's intra... not intrare... Intrare means 'to enter or to be within' while intra would mean 'I invoke that you enter.'" I blushed. "It's a little nitpicky, but if you wanted to be summoning someone, you have to be calling out to them. Ira intrare, would be more just stating that 'ira, to enter' which, while it could theoretically work as an invocation, doesn't have the same impact."

I swayed my hips side to side nervously, my skirt followed my motions gently. I really didn't want to nitpick like that, but... It's just something I couldn't overlook.

Ka - Hu i'ye shedu yom 'a ka'seddasa tya...[footnote]No - it was something which I couldn't overlook either.[/footnote]

I looked up at Wrath and tried my best to smile. She was less than subtle, more suited to an obliteration mission than an assassination. Though, it looked like if I should mention that, I would be destroyed. I did not speak on that subject and instead I spoke to say, "We are enemies in the least way possible, Master... Battlemaster..." That's what she was right? That's what she looked like.

Sa i meka i 'a seygnia seygnara, saljeet. [footnote]You know as much as I do, sister.[/footnote]

It's... really... really... really... not often that someone is three feet taller than me... not even considering that she's a woman.

"Master Sloth, I really, honestly don't think that the Master Battlemaster is... suited for our current mission. At the very least, not at this exact moment! We're trying to be low key!"


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
The Rising Yawn - Canteen
[color=5B9C64]Eddie the Dead[/color] | Annoying Loli | Annoying Kid | Annoying Charge | Annoying Drunkard | Two randoms | Necrobait​

"The wishes you help grant often come with a heavy price. I'll say that I'm not unhappy with your Goddess' decree but I pity the mortals on this ship. Soon they won't be able to hide behind the rule of three."

[color=5B9C64]"Hopefully!"[/color] Eddie exclaimed enthusiastically, [color=5B9C64]"Then things may finally get interesting![/color]

Truly, there was nothing in the world that would make Eddie quite so happy as someone breaking the Rule of Three right about now, save of course for if he was absolved of his duty. By the look of it, the Rising Dawn was very much a rising yawn waiting to happen; until the Rule was broken he'd have little in the way of amusement, and Eddie was not the kind of person you'd want bored for long. And, of course, there was the job. How would he go about turning that little shit into a bartender? Brainwashing? Doesn't always work, is considered repugnant, and is too much work. Appeasement? No, if you give the brats even the tinest bit of space sooner or later they'll turn into unique special snoflake keyboard crusaders. Disciple? No, kids had a tendency of lashing out against what they were being molded into. So how the hell would he do it?

That's why he hated kids; you could never win against the little fucks.

A scream revebrated across the ship, which, naturally piqued his interest. If something happened it meaned he got to investigate, and if he got to investigate he got to hopefully be amused by something! All he needed was-

"Eddie, would you be kind enough to keep your charge within this room, at least until I can find out what is happening."

Oh, for fuck's sake, of course she had to go and ruin his fun. Rory rushed out of the room, hatchet in hand, leaving Eddie with a most unsavoury crowd: a brainless automaton, a sissy man, once-ruler of hell and a couple of children. He wouldn't be able to so much as breathe before Puscifer got on his case. That's why he always had a distaste for angels, fallen or not. Like their creator, they were hypocrites.

So if it wasn't obvious, Eddie wasn't sticking in there. And besides, it wasn't like he had to stay in there, just to make sure-

"Hey, Ruby. Wanna check out what that noise came from?"

Godsdamnit it they just wouldn't let him catch a break! Foiled at every turn today! First the job got complicated, then Rory rushes off, and now this little imp was tempting his charge? He couldn't have that at all.

[color=5B9C64]"Alright kiddos,"[/color] he said as he squatted down next to them, [color=5B9C64]"Here's how it's gonna go. I'll go check that scream, and you will stay here. Be good and I'll...[/color] he thought on it for a moment; what do kids like? [color=5B9C64]"Buy you sweets. Lots of sweets. Enough to last you until you're ten. Be bad and leave the room, however..."[/color] he turned to the imp and grinned, [color=5B9C64]"I'll personally throw you off the ship. I assure you, I'll be very amused watching you flail hopelessly as you fall."[/color] he patted the imp in the back, [color=5B9C64]"So be good, eh? Big boys are responsible! You a big boy or a little girl? Besides, if you're ever bored in here...[/color] he pointed at Dr. Drowing-my-sorrows [color=5B9C64]"you can always make tha guy's life miserable. I'll be back shortly."[/color] he got up, shooting a glare at the imp before getting out of there.

Finding where he had to go was an easy task; all he had to do was follow the way crewmembers run in the opposite direction of. Some ignored him, others looked at him funny, before a grin sent them well back on their way again. It never got old, scaring mortals away.

"Speak stranger, and I will answer in kind." came an unfamiliar voice, "Didn't anyone ever tell you that it was impolite to scare people and leave messes?" came a more familiar one. It appeared he had reached his destination, and no battle was happening. Disappointing, but he would have been expecting too much out of today otherwise.

[color=5B9C64]"Really? No one complains when I do it!"[/color] he entered the room, [color=5B9C64]"So whadda we got-"[/color] he saw what was there. And boy did he like what he was seeing. [color=5B9C64]"Now that's what I'm..."[/color] he fixed his pants, [color=5B9C64]"...talking about!"[/color]


Living undeath to the fullest
Sep 21, 2014
Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | Women's bathroom
Anjali | Captain Donnell | Rory Mercury | Eddie the Dead | Rising Dawn Combat Unit Staff

Anjali had trouble having a clear thought. Her mind wandered in circles, asking itself if she was dead, but how could she move then, but she felt herself dying, but how could she move then, but she looked dead in the mirror, ... etc.. She did not feel great, but there was a certain apathy in her body, even though it still felt cold.

She had noticed the scream, but had paid no attention to it. Whatever it was, it either had nothing to do with her, or it had, in which case it would be even worse to go investigate it. Anjali kept on washing herself with the water of the strange well, noting the lack of blood in her body as the mud fell off.

Only then was she surprised by the sound of a voice coming from the entrance of this room: "Identify yourself!" Anjali looked at her, confused about her attire, about her manner of speech. It was a language she did not know, but understood. She did not understand why.

Another stranger looked into the room, scanning her with his eyes, and whistling. "By Buddha. Quite a woman." Anjali felt uncomfortable. It was not deemed polite to watch a woman wash herself. Even if she wore ... something. She did not know how to react. She did know nothing about this place, and even about herself, in this state.

The two exchanged glances, spoke about her being scared. She ... was she scared? She did not know. She felt confused. Finally, the two stepped inside the room, slowly. "Speak, stranger, and I will answer in kind." Anjali stopped, stood there, watching them, then answered:

"Ssssspeak?" She jumped a little, surprised by her own voice. The tone certainly resembled what she remembered her own voice sounding like, but it sounded hollow and ghastly. She had moved her mouth, but she felt nothing in the back of her throat, the sounds seemingly not formed by her vocal chords. And the hiss ... like a snakes. It was not what she had wanted to do. It just came out this way. At least it seemed to resemble this language.

Anjali wanted to say more, instead was talked to by another person, who had seemingly entered the room without her noticing. A young girl, in a red dress, which at least resembled what she knew a little bit more - even though it looked aristocratic and was still quite the strange attire. She spoke to her: "Didn't anyone ever tell you that it was impolite to scare people and leave messes?"

"I ... I was taught thisss ... I am ssorry ..." Anjali answered, still the snake in her voice, whose effect she only slowly was able to reduce. She bowed before the strange woman, not knowing if it was customary or not, before realizing she did not do so before the other two people in the room. She made a quick bow to both of these as well.

"I do not know this place ... Iss thiss the afterlife?" she asked all three of them, not sure what to expect. It felt too real and too unreal at the same time.

This was before another person entered the room. He looked impressive. Broad, muscular, wearing some kind of robe ... he certainly made an impression. [color=5B9C64]"Really? No one complains when I do it!"[/color] he stated to the young girl, before looking at Anjali. [color=5B9C64]"So whadda we got-"[/color] he started, before his curious expression was replaced by a big grin. [color=5B9C64]"Now that's what I'm.talking about!"[/color] he said, adjusting his pants.

Anjali suddenly felt like her attire really wasn't enough. It made her even more uncomfortable than the other man scanning her with his eyes. This one ... what was he? His skin was grey, like her own, and his eyes were glowing, not red, but green, still similar to her own, what she saw in the mirror.

She took a step back, wondering if she should cover herself with her hands, or if this would just look worse. So many people looking at her, and she did not even know herself what she was ... and there was not much room to run. Apart from the stall of the toilet. Anjali opened a door, and placed herself behind it, although not closing it, instead looking at the crowd by peeking her head around the edge.

"What isss thisss?" she hissed, the sound of the snake worse from agitation. "What are you?" she adressed Eddie. "What am I? Can you anssswer me?"


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
The Rising Yawn - Ladies' Bathroom
[color=5B9C64]Eddie the Dead[/color] | Ssssnakegirl | Ggggggoth | Dumb and Dumber​

It had been a long time since Eddie had witnessed something like this: A fledging, fresh-from-the-grave undead. One that didn't even know she was one. Inexplicably brought into the Rising Dawn without knowing how or why. A most delicate situation. Telling someone they are dead but not quite was like telling a wife that her husband cracked and went on a shooting spree in the KFC. You could be blunt about it, or you could be delicate and not worsen the situation. Normally, one would expect someone like the Edster to not care and just be completely blunt, and for all intents and purposes being blunt and apathetic was his general modus operati. Except this was an exception.

Eddie always had a certain fondness for the undead. Undead reminded him, in many ways, of Ghouls. And ghouls reminded him of the only person Eddie the Dread had ever gotten anywhere close to remotely caring about. Well, there was another one, but that one was a different thing. But yes, ghouls, undead and buzzards were amongst his few soft spots.

So he shifted his gaze to be a bit less visually menacing, and observed. The fresh meat was clearly distraught and uncomfortable, which meant she was the kind of undead that retained feelings after death. Lovely, he was fond of those.

"What isss thisss?" she hissed, the sound of the snake worse from agitation. "What are you?" she adressed Eddie. "What am I? Can you anssswer me?"

And there it was. The momentary comfusion gave way to existentialist horror, and the intense craving for answers. Many undead, oblivious of their fate, had gone mad with no one to answer the simplest of questions to them. Others went mad from the relevation. Hopefully this one would fall in neither categories.

[color=5B9C64]"Hey, Rory."[/color] he whispered in the young-looking demigoddess' ear, [color=5B9C64]"Do me a favour and tell the goons to scatter, eh? The fewer the people the easier this'll be."[/color] and took a few steps forward.

[color=5B9C64]"This is the Rising Dawn."[/color] he addressed the newly departed, in a rare occasion that his voice wasn't mocking or playful, but soft and comforting, and his smile hid nothing malicious, but warmth and approachability,
[color=5B9C64]"It is an... airship. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it's basically a ship that can fly. Don't worry, we won't be falling from the sky anytime soon."[/color] he pointed at himself, [color=5B9C64]"I'm Eddie. Herald of Lady Luck, Big Cheese of the Gods herself. So, kind of a big deal. As for you...[/color] he shrugged, [color=5B9C64]"It is evident to me that you have become... undead."[/color] he paused, let the word sink for a few moments, [color=5B9C64]"And that's ok! There is nothing inherently wrong with undeath. I too, am undead, and I'm doing exceptionally well. You would do well not to ask yourself how, or why you have been brought to such a state; there are literally thousands of ways this can happen, both natural and not, and searching every single one is fruitless... at least, for now."[/color] he took a few steps closer, [color=5B9C64]"Your inevitable search for answers can wait. For now, it's better for you to accept the conditions of your current state and grow accustomed to them. After all, one of the pros of undeath is that you have all the time in the world to search for anything you could possibly want. And if you have further questions, I am more that qualified to answer them.[/color]

[color=5B9C64]"But before we get to that, a question for you: Do you remember your name?"[/color]


Doom needs Yoghurt, Badly
Dec 12, 2009
((Sorry once again for the delay))

Brainwashed Mob No. 6: David, Ryan, Miia, ARES, Dr. Insaneo, Katya, Nina and Phillip

David groaned for a full minute before his years of weathering bar brawls "Soldier's Fortitude" managed to see him back to his feet, still had the mother of all headaches however but at least it was for a different reason now.
"Let me apologize for that, I thought you might have been, well you know...It... well it set me off to think your headache just so happened to turn up getting close to that."
"Yeah-yeah...just-...I'll catch up. [sub]urrggg, feels like my brain just got stirred by an egg beater[/sub]..." The Sniper grumbled as he urged the others onward, going to join once he finished making sure his skull wasn't actually cracked.

Back onto more pressing matters, once the elevator reached the 3rd floor, things seemed to be going smoothly.
However, it would appear that the room containing the projector in question was under rather tight security, namely it had both a armed guard on the scene as well as a rather advanced computer lock on the door.
Judging by the markings and branding, it was the kind that World Marshall deployed in the field to help provide security solutions for military outposts in civilian areas (Or to put it in terms that Katya can understand, There were like those weird door locks from Half Life 2 [])
Odds are the guard had the key to it and was the only one to permit access to those wanting to watch something else.
While Katya's "Plan" could work, it might be a little more complex then it seemed in the TV/Anime/Whatever she ripped the idea from.

Back on ground level, the crowd was just as "Animated" as ever as our heroes could basically have a casual conversation without much worry.
The two overweight staffers meanwhile were just counting their riches as the Movie began to get to one of the more "Emotional" parts:
[color=6c1504]"-And make no mistake, dearest America. We are under siege by foreign ideals brought to us by a violent culture seeking to lay ruin to our very way of life. I am of course talking about the Rising Dawn and their agents. Be forever vigilant as you may never know where they might lurk. They could be right in front of you right now..."[/color]
The Audience shivered slightly at that notion (But the kind of fake shiver you give to a terrible joke rather then anything) as they began to scan the area for anyone that could be seen as an "Agent of the Rising Dawn".
The two staffers looked around as well, knowing that the crowd gets restless if they didn't get blood from a rather nasty incident in Austin.

The crowd began to wander slightly from their seating arrangements, managing to put on a better "Dawn of the Dead" performance then most of the actual Zombies in that movie as they shambled around in search of their targets.
While most of them could barely make their way out of the screening area, a number of them began to march towards Ryan, Nina and ARES, groaning slightly as if they were trying to ask them a question but unable to do so.

Police Cruiser heading to Capitol Building: Kalastryn, officer

Kalastryn's flirt game was working rather well as the Officer clearly seemed to be into it, so much so he nearly crashed into one of the many checkpoints that had been set up around the building before attempting to play it off.
He would begin to ramble one a little bit about how he got onto the force as well as suggesting a good place to get dinner but that seemed like a minor detail as Kalastryn got a good idea of what Bison's idea of a "Public Town Hall" looked like.
By the time she had a view of the building, it was like she was in another city entirely as World Marshall soldiers began to unpack advanced equipment and Roadblocks while Massive armed unmanned gun emplacements [] scooted around to get the best line of sight possible.
Large Cyborgs [] were positioned everywhere as they came up to another check point, the officer flashing his badge befor-

"You were told this area was off-limits in your briefing. And who the hell is this? We're just letting random street walkers in here now?"
"Hey, ease up. She just wants to see the soon to be President."
"...You're kidding right?!? Half the country wants this man dead and you're bringing a goddamn DATE to the client?! Get back to your post before I have you arrested myself!"
The Officer looked a little embarrassed as he got shot down like that and if Kalastryn remembered her briefing, she would get blood from a stone sooner then sweet talk her way past these guys.
Still, with an embarrassed shrug, the officer then suggested "...Well, guess we can go back to your place now, right?"
The good news was that she was now right within walking distance of the building, problem was even an army couldn't make the remaining distance without getting torn to shreds.
And that was before she figured out how to best get out of the car and away from "Romeo"...

Kalastryn is now at Lincoln St looking at the Capitol Building
Military Force 1: Dream

Not long after Officer Romeo nearly ran someone over, Dream reached that same checkpoint, she was able to walk the walk and talk the talk, the man working the checkpoint seeming to be fooled as he quickly logged the serial number on her forehead (So THAT'S what they were for, explains why all the other guards had them).
There was a moment of tension was the transmission went out, only to come back positive, most likely under someone else's name but such is the life of a Shapeshifter.
"Go on through. You're wanted in the deployment team, HQ is deploying a Priority 1 operative into the area to support the FULGORE." The man explained in a robotic tone before motioning Dream to a large semi-truck that a large metal container was being loaded out of.
It was filled with some strange white fluid while a figure that seemed more metal then flesh was kept inside, as if in suspended animation, The hell was all this about?
While she was ordered to go do her job, she could take this chance to try and slip by instead, unless she wanted to see what was in that container...

E 17th Ave/Brainwashed Mob No. 5: Dolores, Nadalia, Sloth, Wrath

While their group getting some re-enforcement was good, Sloth might have wanted to pick a better spot to call in some help instead of going it right smack bang in the middle of a rally of brainwashed people.
As such, when Wrath made her entrance, she got the attention of the staffer who was catching his breath.
He remembered what he was told by this Super-PAC masters and he nearly had a stroke when he saw what was happening.
"T-T-T-THERE! THEY'RE OVER THERE! GET THEM!" He screamed to his supporters as the crowd began to slowly turn to face the group, processing the order to attack.
After taking a moment to "Load" the programming drilled into them, the crowd began to get rather angry as they took up the torches they were saving for the effigy and began to advance on the gang.
Hell, even that funny NPC with the crayon drawings was now grabbing Dolores from behind, trying to get her in a chokehold while the rest of the mob began to surround them to cut off their escape.

The music droned on all the while, coming from the speakers on 2 buildings on either side of the street on the 3rd and 5th floors.
Either they could try to get away or they could break the spell controlling them, whatever they did, they would have to do it right now before the Mob tore them apart or Wrath tore the mob apart!
"KILL THE TALL ONE FIRST! SHE REMINDS ME OF MY EX-WIFE, ONLY EVEN UGLIER! HA!" Screamed the Staffer as he sat down to watch the violence unfold with unsettling glee.

Coors Field: Annie, Deadshot

"So you're alive. If I found you beaten or dead in your cell, I was going to murder everyone on the Rising Dawn. Seems like I don't have to now."

"Awwww, and they say you don't care." Deadshot said before pulling her in for a hug, seeming pretty glad to see her again (or at least in a context where he could actually talk to her).
"Man, it's great to see you again. Sorry I kinda blew you off back at Black Mesa. Part of my contract with Mishima prick was no-one was to know I'm "Ghost". Wasn't the best deal I ever made but considering that I'm not looking at life behind bars in a UNIT prison and I'm getting paid, I think it's a pretty neat one. If a little temporary." He explained as he leaned against the wall of the alleyway before taking another bite of his roll.
"[sub]Man, these are actually pretty good[/sub] *Swallow* Still, that's kinda why I'm here. Got some big plans coming down the pipeline once this Bison business is over. Like, BIG big plans. Going to be getting some of that Corporate money, buy myself a new life, wipe the slate clean and kiss this hired fun crap goodbye. I'm still working though some details but I was want in? Last I checked, I still had the bigger rap sheet but I think when it's over, I'll have enough money to make that little "Showdown" of yours in Laz Venturas piss right the fuck off. Wadda say, Annie?"

Violet [] | Farber | Ruby |
Location: Rising Dawn Hanger/Canteen
Violet didn't know who this "Eddie" guy was or what he meant by "Two Strikes" but if it was anything like the rest of the people he had met around her in recent days, he knew it would end with his insides smeared over the walls, just like with everyone else.
"Look, I'm already looking at a firing squad or-...whatever they use to kill commanding officers they don't like. You want to kill "Me" in another dimension, go for it, but there is already a long enough line for the people who want me dead..." He sighed before resuming his drinking, the anger that led to his outburst starting to fade slightly as the liquor began to enter his bloodstream.
"Urg, Look, sorry. I've not been having a good couple of days. You ever try running an army when everyone in it hates you? Hell, they even changed my VIP Callsign to "Twat McTwinkle-Tits". Even if the operation on the ground goes well, I'm either looking at life in prison or getting assassinated by a upstart looking for a promotion. And that's before we factor in the part where I even got this job by blowing my last employer's arm off..." He explained, unable to see that Eddie was already gone from how deep he was in his glass
Knocking back his current drink, Violet quickly got another refill, a process he repeated several times while other, more interesting stuff happened in the background.

Seeing how the rest of the "Adults" seemed to have left, it was mostly just him and the kids now, thus making him figure he would at least "Try" to un-burn the bridges he just burned on his way in.
" you guys like this place?...Good? Bad? In-between? Regretting every choice you've made in life that lead to this current moment?..."


What is "normal?" Sounds dumb.
Dec 18, 2012
United States of America
Police Cruiser heading to Capitol Building: Kalastryn, officer

Were Kala of half a mind, or in any position to be honest about how she was feeling as she approached such a mechanized checkpoint, she would openly admit to having every reason to sweat bullets. Her disguise was... well, an illusion. A spell that very specifically targets the observer's mind. If they were truly more machine than human from this point onward, and certainly looking the part of just that... such a thing might not have worked should they no longer have a mind to affect. It was much to her relief then, that her momentary panic was quickly struck down as even though attention fell on her vehicle... negative attention was quite importantly not paid to her. Nor the horns he evidently couldn't see... positives all around there.

"You were told this area was off-limits in your briefing. And who the hell is this? We're just letting random street walkers in here now?"
"Hey, ease up. She just wants to see the soon to be President."
"...You're kidding right?!? Half the country wants this man dead and you're bringing a goddamn DATE to the client?! Get back to your post before I have you arrested myself!"

Oh look, we're well on our way to getting Romeo fired... Any bright ideas this time?
Working on it... still reeling from coming inches close to a heart attack. Wait a minute, half of the country wants Bison dead? That... doesn't seem right.
It's called exaggeration. Mind control whoever you want, but if Kazuya is proof of anything, that's... not exactly going to make you friends.
True... gives me something to ask about though.
First you small talk your way into a stranger's car, and now you're going to try and chat with the security guard in a place you don't belong? You've lost you're mind.
Oh forget it, I was only joking. We aren't that stupid.

"Oh, go easy on the guy. I wasn't expecting being able to walk in and ask for his autograph, that would be idiotic... I just wanted front a front row seat to the Rising Dawn getting their just deserts tonight." She said before turning back to her escort "And... I'd like to, but I wouldn't want to cost you your job handsome." she said before whispering, "Since you seem to be living proof that chivalry is still alive though, here... next time your shift's over." She says, handing him a slip of paper with a random address on 20th street. As the officer and her substitute conversed, she then proceeded to make her exit via a teleport spell onto a nearby rooftop.

Except... she did none of this. Illusion magic can have effects unlike anything the mind could reasonably imagine. While she had appeared to be holding a conversation with the officer and cyborg from inside the car, such wasn't truly the case. She had cast a spell which causes her to become invisible, while also simultaneously overlapping a fully visible clone over herself. It would look, feel, sound, and even smell no different, but moments afterward, she had left the relative comfort of a vehicle that lead her into an undeniably uncomfortable situation.

Brainwashed Mob No.6: David, Ryan, Miia, ARES, Dr. Insaneo, Nina and Phillip
As much as ARES was acknowledging the presence of someone apparently volunteering to help matters, holding a conversation with Nina was just going to have to wait a minute. After all, it wasn't often that a scenario out of a zombie movie comes through the screen to shamble towards you. It was at a time like this that ARES did begin to question who they associate with. They could understand that being slightly immature and... a fair bit lecherous was her "thing" but such an approach doesn't seem like it's going to get results. Not that there was any other very discreet methods ARES could lend to the table. As much as they defended their choice to Ryan, it would have been far more truthful to simply apologize and say that some people seem vastly better suited for subtlety. If there was anything they did begin thinking of... perhaps a little too late, and perhaps not, ARES remembered what had been accomplished by Alpha at MIT. ARES had never really tried disconnecting and uploading into virtual space... something to try another time, however. Since first and foremost, the mob was going to be problematic.

"Well, I know where I don't want to be right now. Any ideas?" they asked, completely genuine in expression. It was true that it's a beautiful thing to have free will, especially as a person to whom it had been denied for so long. However... ARES was a bit at a loss for what to do with it in situations like this. At the end of the day, it is rather ironic is it not? To be thrilled with your new found free will, yet suddenly realize that deciding everything under stress when you previously did not have to is... difficult.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | The Canteen
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring... BANANA PHONE!!
Ruby Babbage-Lovelace | Farber the Ish | Violet​

If the Nine Year Old girl in the pink dress was a typical nine year old girl, Eddie the Dead should have strapped her down to the neared object that was bolted to the floor and still promised her all the sweets in the world just to ensure that if she somehow Houdinied her way out of the restraints, she'd be tempted to stay put. Ruby Babbage-Lovelace, however, was not one of those typical children. Despite the fact that she was sorely disappointed on not being included in the investigation as to the cause of the woman's scream, she stayed put, sitting down at a table not far from Mister Violet.

"C'mon Farber. We'd better just stay here in case they run into anything dangerous." The young magic user said unhappily. Despite her excitement at being on the legendary Airship, young Ruby was keenly aware of what that involved. In the real world, a woman screaming would have meant that there was the possibility of danger lurking around the corner. Aboard the Rising Dawn, however, a woman's shrill scream meant that an almost guaranteed chance that a world ending event was lurked around the next corner.

Sitting at the table, the black and white haired girl made a discovery, a wonderful and possibly world changing discovery called a Chocolate, Banana and Cayenne Milkshake. Dipping her finger into the icy concoction, the child was amazed by the fact that the sweetness of the chocolate and banana was only further enhanced by the searing spiciness that the Cayenne Pepper provided, which was, of course, tempered by the milk.

"Mmmm Farber you should try this!" The young girl said as drained the glass of its contents before withdrawing her now frigid digit. It took a moment for Ruby to realize what it was that she'd done before ordering another one, this time opting to drink the beverage in a more normal and socially acceptable manner... through a straw.

" you guys like this place?...Good? Bad? In-between? Regretting every choice you've made in life that lead to this current moment?..." Mister Violet's voice came from where he sat.

The suddenly self conscious girl hoped that he hadn't seen her not only drain the first glass of Chocolate Banana and Cayenne Pepper milkshake using nothing but her index finger but that he hadn't noticed that she was on her second one.

"I like it! Everyone is so nice to me and I've already made a friend!" The Pinkly Clad Girl said excitedly as she pointed at Farber, "Of course... the only thing I can say that I regret is every thinking that Farber could be the type of person that would hide under my bed just to eat my toes and feet."

Not bothering to look at the reaction that Mister Violet would have had to a nine year old girl having an easier time with the staff than their supposed boss, she turned to her new bestestest friend. The innocent young girl could only shrug her shoulders slightly and look at the table under an intense amount of embarrassment.

"Sorry that I thought you would do that, Farber." Ruby said before offering a sage piece of advice, "I wouldn't do that when you're older though. Girls might get the wrong impression of you."


Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | Women's Restroom
Undead Quality Time
Rory Mercury | Eddie the Dead | Captain Victor Do | Captain Elizabeth Donnel | Naamah​

While the situation within the confines of the women's restroom was not as serious as the screams had suggested, this initial encounter with Anjali had presented a few surprises.

In the world that Rory had come from, the place the Japanese had called the Special Region, the undead were the creations of the Goddess of the Underworld, the troublesome Lady Hardy. This alone might have resulted in Anjali being split in twain by a well place Halberd strike, however there was a major difference between the scantily clad undead amazon and one of Hardy's creations: The presence of the souls within the crimson eyed warrior's body. It was true that the despicable Lady Hardy had control of the a human's souls after they had passed, she did not have the power to bring the damned back into the world. Only one such as Emloy, the God who held power of Death, could do so. In a way, the woman that had been cleaning her body using a sink had more similarities to one of Lord Emloy's creations than Hardy's. Despite the woman's apparent nature, the Berserker Demi-Goddess did not let her guard down. It took another certain undead entity to cause Rory to completely remove consideration of the obliterating the undead interloper from her mind.

Eddie's entrance into the situation had been made in typical Eddie fashion. Loud and crass, the Undead Herald had even lustily commented on body of the newly arrived woman, just prior to making a rather lewd gesture that involved his hands as well as his crotch. If she had been unfamiliar with the Herald of Lady Luck, she might have taken him for a disciple of Lust. The arrival of Eddie the Dead was not the surprising part, rather it was his request to Rory that had taken the Demi-Goddess by surprise.

"[color=5B9C64][small]Hey, Rory. Do me a favour and tell the goons to scatter, eh? The fewer the people the easier this'll be.[/small][/color]" Eddie whispered before stepping towards the confused looking woman.

Emloy's Apostle stood motionless for a moment. Having dealt with the Mercenary Demi-God directly a number of times, she knew that many of the stories that circled the divine realm were exaggerated, however, the unusual calmness and... kindness... of his whispered request took even one who when more about the nature of Eddie the Dead by surprise. Turning to the other two, Captain Donnel and Captain Do, Rory gave them a smile and pushed them towards the exit.

"Come you two, we should let the dead talk." The Young Looking Demi-Goddess said as they passed the restroom's threshold and exited into the hallway, "Besides if things take a turn for the worse, I don't think you two would particularly enjoy being around Eddie the Dead. He's not exactly known for restraint."

Of course, neither was Rory. Perhaps that's why the two Demi-Gods got along, a rarity among those who served different divinities. However, just because the Black and Crimson dressed lolita got along with Eddie, it didn't mean that he was exempt from her listening in on the conversation. Maintaining her position just outside the entrance to the restroom, it looked as though the Halberd wielding berserker was guarding the privacy of the two inside the women's restroom, which of course she was but she was also listening in on the conversation between two undead Romeo and undead Juliet.

"Awwww. He's so kind." The Former Goddess of Love crooned as she licked her lips unconsciously, oblivious to who heard her or whether or not they were located inside or outside the congregation of the dead.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
The Escapist Avatar Adventures | Denver, Colorado | En Route: Capital Building
"Killing is my business."
Sloth | Wrath | First Lieutenant Dolores | Nadalia​

Over the millennia, Sloth had borne witness to a lot of varying reactions to the summoning of another Vice, but he had to admit that grammatical correction was a first.

"Ira intra! It's intra... not intrare... Intrare means 'to enter or to be within' while intra would mean 'I invoke that you enter.'"

He stared at her for a moment with a thoughtful expression until the realization dawned on him that she was right, his mouth forming an O and a single finger extracting itself from his right sleeve to point into the air.

"Oh yea! You're right!" he murmured quietly, tapping his bottom lip with his finger, "Man, it's been awhile since I've had to use that phrase, I'd forgotten..."

Wrath, meanwhile, couldn't help but groan and rub her forehead as she watched the Vices "Leader" have to get corrected. Of course, she had to inwardly grimace herself: She hadn't even realized that he used the wrong word herself, and it would've been a perfect excuse to not come at all. Too late for that now.

It was at the waifish-looking one's comment that she didn't look suited for the mission that she opened her mouth to comment next, only to be cut-off by a ragged shout.


Both Sloth and Wrath turned to look at the voice in unison, while the crowd stared back at them in turn. The gray-clad immortal looked rather concerned, while his taller counterpart's expression was a mixture of irritated confusion and mild interest, until Sloth's response.

"Uh-oh." he said.

Wrath blinked at that, before whirling around to regard him with a glare, growling, "'Uh-oh?' Fuckin' 'Uh-oh?!' What the hell did you just drag me into, you little, goddamn--"

She was interrupted once again by the Bison announcer, with his next shout being enough to make her stop entirely for several moments.


Sloth grimaced and shook his head. "Oh, shit." he sighed in resignation.

"Care to run that by me again, shit-stain?!" Wrath roared.

Bending her legs, she crouched, then launched up and forward into the air like a missile. Right in the direction of the Staffer that made the comment. There wasn't enough time for much more than a look of shock to pass on his face, followed by a ragged shout. Her Violence Hammer cut off everything else as it was brought down on him.

From the perspective of Sloth, Dolores and Nadalia, the man almost seemed to disappear from one second to the next, with Wrath standing in his place when she landed. Then she lifted the head of her hammer, dripping with copious amounts of blood, pulverized bone, strips of viscera, and ruptured skin. All that was left of the Staffer was a bloody stain on the concrete, and a pulpy mass stuck to her hammer.

The amazonian Vice turned, her face partially splashed with blood and her lips spread wide to bare her teeth. The expression would have been called a smile, if not for the fact that it invoked a feeling of primal violence, and reveling in such.

"So! Who's the next contestant? Step right up, let's see what your insides look like when I smear them across this godforsaken city!" she called.

Wrath was quickly getting to a point where no amount of reasoning, pleading, or bargaining would stop her. Whenever she got this way, she wasn't likely to be through until she either destroyed everything in her path, or died in the attempt. However, Sloth thought, that might not entirely be a bad thing. Turning to the two ladies, he motioned away from the gruesome scene.

"Wrath has them occupied. We oughta use this as a good distraction to get to that Buffalo guy." he suggested with uncharacteristic quickness.

The Escapist Avatar Adventures | The Rising Dawn | The Canteen
"Just no fun at all."
Farber | Ruby | Violet | Others​

It seemed that the young Ish's plans to cause some mischief were doomed from the start. The tall man that resembled a corpse was quick to catch his hushed whisper, and turned to them, crouching so they were close to eye-level.

"[color=5B9C64]Alright kiddos, here's how it's gonna go. I'll go check that scream, and you will stay here. Be good and I'll... Buy you sweets. Lots of sweets. Enough to last you until you're ten.[/color]"

The mention of candy was enough to make Farber keenly aware of his still overfull stomach, but even then the offer was sorely tempting. After all, he was pretty sure he was only eight. That meant two whole years worth of chocolate. It was the next thing the man said that touched a nerve.

"[color=5B9C64]Be bad and leave the room, however... I'll personally throw you off the ship. I assure you, I'll be very amused watching you flail hopelessly as you fall. So be good, eh? Big boys are responsible! You a big boy or a little girl? Besides, if you're ever bored in here, you can always make tha guy's life miserable. I'll be back shortly.[/color]"

As the man turned and walked away, Farber didn't doubt what he said. He knew from experience that there were a lot of adults that would happily throw a child to their doom. But that didn't stop a flash of spite in the boy's eyes as he stared at Eddie's retreating back.

"C'mon Farber. We'd better just stay here in case they run into anything dangerous."

Farber sighed and nodded, making his way over to sit next to her, glancing at one of the few others left in the canteen: The man that Eddie had pointed out, in case they were bored. Quite frankly, he already looked miserable to him.

" you guys like this place?...Good? Bad? In-between? Regretting every choice you've made in life that lead to this current moment?..."

Farber had to think about that for a moment. The chase through the halls was exciting, though right after that he had to hide under a bed, and that wasn't exciting at all. But Ruby seemed nice, and the candy earlier was pretty good, even though he was regretting how much he ate.

"It's not bad." he said simply with an easy shrug.

Ruby, on the other hand, wasn't one to give so short an answer.

"I like it! Everyone is so nice to me and I've already made a friend! Of course... the only thing I can say that I regret is every thinking that Farber could be the type of person that would hide under my bed just to eat my toes and feet. Sorry that I thought you would do that, Farber. I wouldn't do that when you're older though. Girls might get the wrong impression of you."

Farber snorted before breaking into a giggle.

"Oh, that! No, I was hiding there because some guard lady was chasing me through the halls with magic." he explained with a sly grin, "See, I ended up eating most of her stash of candy in this huge crate! She wasn't happy about that."

He paused for a moment and frowned.

"In fact, I got here by sneaking into that crate while some guys carried it onto some flying metal carriage." he said, before looking over at Ruby's drink and feeling a stab of greed despite his tummy ache, and added, "Could I get one of those too?"


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Broken Doll
Location: Denver | Colorado
It is the nature of Gods to bring us to humility.

Dolores Selmy

I was so afraid - it was a primal, absolute sort of fear. His arms felt like iron, the grip against my neck and arms - a body against my back. The heat - the suffocating grip - it made me sick to the stomach. Then as fast as it hard started, the man holding me was gone. In his stead was a fine red mist that stained my clothes and skin. I could smell the shit in his gut as it was thrown into the air with the rest of his vaporized body.

It was this sort of violence, this sort of wanton destruction, that I was not prepared for - that I could not stand. Bit my lip and held my stomach in the back of my throat. I felt weak and off-balance, and I stumbled back, nearly tripping over the remnants of another body.

"Wrath has them occupied. We oughta use this as a good distraction to get to that Buffalo guy." Master Sloth said. I could barely make out his voice in the chaos. Master Wrath swung so hard that each strike sounded like an explosion. I could feel the impact down to my core. The very wind had changed.

This is a hero, I took another step back and stumbled. Master Nadalia caught me as a fell and pulled me to my feet. She was completely unfazed, her eyes their signature steel. They're inhuman... they're monsters... For the first time I realized with my own eyes what it meant to be a Hero of the Rising Dawn.

I stand among Gods.

A felt Master Sloth's arm tuck under mine and start to drag me. Wrath kept up her onslaught - each strike of her hammer was like lightning - each of her movements a cacophony of wild music. The mob itself kept pushing onward like waves, soon it was just that. I could see it in my eyes, a sea of blood and a single brilliant inferno amidst the agonizing souls. In simple, ancient words, a Fury.

"She's killing them! She's killing all of them!" I tugged on Nadalia and Sloth's adamant grips, "We have to stop her! They're bystanders! They have families! There are children!"

Nadalia and Sloth made no response that I could hear. Yet their eyes said it all.

They were sympathetic in nature - but these things were unavoidable. There was nothing they could do. It was this batch of lives or the next. There is not way to save everyone.

I ground my heels into the sidewalk until I regained my balance. Nadalia pulled me up onto my feet and swept me away under her arm. She looked back, iron eyes casting a glare at those that followed.

The capitol. We had to reach the capitol.

I started to walk under my own power. Tears blinded me, the ground beneath my shook with my sobs. I started to run - nowhere in particular - just forward. Toward the capitol - toward the source of this grief. Then I felt it in my hands - they were there. The two white guns. Arcus Diabolus Bolverk. When they appeared was irrelevant, why they appeared less so. But with them in my hand I felt calmer, my mind was sharper. I felt... a collected pleasure, a sort of euphoric peace-of-mind that was hard for me to relate. I wanted to lose myself. The more that I forgot, the better I felt. Forget why I was here, what I was doing. Even who I am, and my own name. I wanted to forget it all, to become someone else. To become one of these Gods... these monsters.

The First Lieutenant

And would you believe it - I was her.

First Response
Location: Rising Dawn
To be right, simply be wrong with the rest.
Captain Elizabeth Donnell

I threw my arms over my head as I walked back to my office. Victor had taken most of his staff back to the armory to take inventory after the excitement. I myself found myself lacking in things to do after being dismissed by one Rory Mercury - Envoy to Emloy. I sneezed.

"My," I stopped, "I didn't realize it was already that time of year." I pulled out a handkerchief and wiped my nose. The itch kept pestering the back of my sinuses, but at this point I couldn't do much to alleviate the discomfort. After I finished wiping my nose - and sneezing thrice more for these things traveled in packs - I put the handkerchief away.

I had stumbled somehow into the support unit's department. It was First Lieutenant Selmy's old unit. Despite doing research on the girl, I had never actually visited her old office. It was a run down, dark and unsettling place. It looked to be an old weapons testing laboratory. The metal was unpainted here and a thin film of dust had settled in. It didn't look like anyone had every used the place, much less within the last year. I pushed open the door, which swung open without resistance. There were papers everywhere, old documents and personnel files. There were empty guns resting neatly on table, each with a tag still attached.

The air smelled of disinfectant.

I walked further inside. Large signs warned of both a class 4 bio hazard and class 4 radioactive equipment further on. Yet the blast door was left ajar. I peeked inside into the darkness.

It looked back at me - thousands - no - millions of unblinking eyes. I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. Those within were an unnatural writhing mass. I couldn't tell where one of the monsters started and another ended. Their greased black bodies entwined pressed against each other. Some looked almost human, and others like pulsating masses of oozing flesh. The way they moved was utterly wrong, there was no consistency in their locomotion. They stretched and grew all directions without need of leverage, as if with invisible hands they held onto the very air itself.

Their eyes stared back still. Green, unblinking. Each a mouthless scream - inaudible and unending.

I drew Maria and opened fire on instinct. Each round sent pains rippling through my arms, and the recoil was almost enough to knock me off my feet. Yet the darkness did not budge. With a wave of its formless arms it plucked each bullet from the air and then let them drop to the ground.

It squirmed from within. It reached out toward me, each tendril moving slowly from one invisible node to another.

I wanted to run, but my legs were frozen.

I wanted to shoot myself, but my arms were lead.

This was the end.

[b]"I would advise that you do not come here, Captain Donnell."[/b]
Two thick arms grabbed me and lifted me off the ground. In a burst, a swarm, a wind of warmth gentle as my mother's breast, a thousand small green fireflies filled the air. The monster within recoiled from the humming light.

The large machination - BlackHarte was his name - held me cradled in his massive arms. He was looking forward at the creature locked within.

[b]"Desiring a new host, it opened it's own cell to lure prey within."[/b]
BlackHarte said.
[b]"Vile, disgusting creature."[/b]
I tried to speak to him, but my body was still petrified. I could only open my mouth and gasp in shallow form. He turned his eye to me as the fireflies around him worked to close the blast door.
[b]"You have not yet gone mad, count yourself fortunate, Captain Donnell. Be even more confident in your fortune that you did not come in contact, and also that I heard your panicked shots."[/b]
There was a tense silence as the blast door was sealed.

"Without doubt you wonder what that was. You will grow more and more obsessed with discovering it's origin and nature. That is simply the human thing to do. It will haunt your thoughts and dreams for years to come. It will weigh your heart until you die - the mere knowledge that such an abomination exists in the world."
BlackHarte started to walk out of the weapons room, sealing each door as he passed through them. There were so many more than I passed when I came in. Indeed, it did not look like the old laboratory I had entered, but a derelict bunker. Layers and layers of security had materialized since I had come within.
"I shall tell you what it is to alleviate some of your mental distress. What you saw was finite causality - in two words and in many words what you saw was the body of a foreign organism. If you have not come across the term before, I will introduce it to you now Captain Donnell. The Rising Dawn has been researching the idea of Causality Weapons, condensed probability or essentially, the cycling of particle superposition until desired circumstances are achieved. That organism is the basis of our research. It is made of a foreign particle form that reacts to the intangible energy of other organisms. In simpler terms, it is a type of matter that can change its form based on the will of the soul it is tethered to."
We came to the hallway I was in. It was derelict, old and sectioned off. I could not even imagine having wandered this far into the bowels of the ship.

"In even simpler terms, it is very similar to the human concept of magic. Except that instead of being only accessible to certain individuals, this particle form actively tethers new hosts. Of course, that nature is what you just witnessed. That organism is a parasite, it infects entire realities with it's taint and using it's power corrupts wholly life. Once it has done so it collapses that universe and consumes it's entropy. We are trying to harvest that power without dealing with the consequence.

Insofar we have reached the point where we can use it to tunnel between realities ourselves. But beyond that, the creation of Causality Weapons is still our focus. The Rising Dawn requires a Causality Weapon, something that can kill even God, even the most powerful entity should he invade our world.

That is what we seek, Captain Donnell.

You must now be wondering how First Lieutenant Dolores Selmy fits into the equation, after all, those bodies did look remarkably like the Lieutenant.

I will simplify as to not stress you any further. Dolores Selmy is the host to our first Causality Weapon prototype."
I finally managed to say something, "Those... white... guns?"

BlackHarte looked at me and gave a brief laugh.
[b]"No. Those are a product of her Causality Weapon. The Causality Weapon is within her. We borrowed the concept from a world the Master visited."[/b]
I stared at him.

[b]"I see you are confused. So I well tell you simply. The Lieutenant's eyes are the Causality Weapon. She has the eyes of a god."[/b]


Living undeath to the fullest
Sep 21, 2014
Avatar Adventures | Denver | Military Force 1
Diana | White goo

Diana felt a short time of tension, though her body was relaxed, while the serial number on her forehead was scanned. She was surprised when she did not even have to adjust the number to get let through. At least these people seemed to have left their intelligence with their fleshy part. She probably was called "Jack" or "John" now. Typical cyborgs. She was just glad she did not have to fight them. Cyborgs tasted abysmal.

"Go on through. You're wanted in the deployment team, HQ is deploying a Priority 1 operative into the area to support the FULGORE." Wow, I even get my own assignment? That is certainly interesting. Dream thought, as she went to the semi-truck the man pointed at. Now, one might question why Dream followed this distraction, despite not helping the civilians, but it was pretty simple: Priority 1 operative and FULGORE both sounded like a weapon. And being able to manipulate a weapon made far more sense than not following this assignment, walking into the capitol building, and getting shot at by this weapon.

Also, it might help the Rising Dawn to know what that thing was. A thing, looking even more metal than flesh, inside a large container filled with a white, gooey, fluid. She inspected it closely, while, just for the sake of it, doing some random motions maybe meant to help unload the thing, and nodding.

"So this is the operative then." she stated. "Still impressive. So this thing is supposed to be strong enough to support the FULGORE and defeat members of the Rising Dawn ... are you really sure it can do that? I mean, we are not even sure what all the members of the Rising Dawn can do. Is it really prepared for all that? Are all weapon systems functional?" she added, adressing one of the higher-ranking looking guys helping with the unloading.

There was obviously a lot of bullshit in what she was talking about, but this was her best guess. Of course she never heard anything about the FULGORE. However, getting more information by stating you already had the info you wanted to have was a classic technique for manipulation, used when being undercover, or when torturing someone. Using her telepathy also would have been an option, but if it was discovered, it would mean an instant undoing of her disguise. Not what she wanted. Also, getting into the head of stupid machines was about as pleasant as eating them. It felt completely unnatural.


Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | Women's bathroom
Anjali | [color=5B9C64]Eddie the Dead[/color] | Rory Mercury

To Anjali's surprise, the one called Eddie changed his demeanor quickly, even telling the others to leave the room to calm her down. She certainly appreciated the gesture, although she still hid behind the door of the stall. She was silent, and would have held her breath if she had any, while Eddie explained to her, in a comforting tone of voice, where she was, what it was, what she was and maybe what she could do.

Anjali was surprised to find some answers this quickly, but also very grateful. Even though her first reaction towards being told she was undead was shock, it also explained a lot, and stopped her circle of thoughts with a satisfactory answer. Maybe she would have gone mad at some explanation like this if she still felt like when she was alive, but her emotions were dulled, nearly unrecognizable, and nothing Eddie said seemed to change that.

As he stepped closer, she stepped out from behind the stall door, not really sure about it, but not wanting to hide anymore. She heard Rory from outside the restroom, and it would have made her blush, if she still had blood flowing in her body. [color=5B9C64]"But before we get to that, a question for you: Do you remember your name?"[/color] Eddie asked at last. "... Yesss, yes I do. My name iss Anjali Khatri. I come from Varia ... but I do not know if that place even existss anymore.

I ... yes, I had questions, but you are probably right that I should first get accustomed to this."
she answered, gesturing along her body. "Just ... do you maybe have some more clothes here?"

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | The Canteen
Ruby Babbage-Lovelace | Farber the Ish | Violet​

"Oh, that! No, I was hiding there because some guard lady was chasing me through the halls with magic." Farber explained with a sly grin plastered all over his face, "See, I ended up eating most of her stash of candy in this huge crate! She wasn't happy about that."

The shabbily clad Ish paused for a moment and frowned a frown that mirrored Ruby's. The gaudily dressed princess had a feeling that the woman that Farber spoke of was none other than the lady known as Miss Katya Rostikova. Ruby Babbage-Lovelace was unaware of why she had this feeling but... she felt this strange familiarity with the woman with the garbled vocabulary. Thinking about it, Ruby could imagine that all of the sweets and sugary treats had originated from the island nation of Japan. But, it wasn't the candy that would have made Katya act in this manner... perhaps it was who had sent it that was more important.

The young girl banished these strange thoughts from her mind. While Miss Katya seemed like a rather nice woman, based on the fact that she and Miss ARES had helped Ruby out in a pinch, there were more than a few insights into the thought process of the woman that disturbed the nine year old girl. The fact that Ruby had these insights was a whole other can of worms yet to be opened.

"In fact, I got here by sneaking into that crate while some guys carried it onto some flying metal carriage." he said, before looking over at Ruby's drink and feeling a stab of greed despite his tummy ache, and added, "Could I get one of those too?"

The older child nodded and flagged down one of the chittering Imps and ordered a Chocolate, Banana and Cayenne Milkshake for her oly friend on the ship. While they waited for the drink Ruby thought about what Farber had said. He clearly said that he'd been shoved into a giant crate, placed into the cargo hold of an airplane and shipped to the Rising Dawn. But where'd he come prior to that? Since he was clearly not human, it meant that he was from somewhere else... another dimension... or another planet?

Ruby's face went serious for a moment as she stared directly at Farber and considered how to breach the question as to how or why he was here. Was he some sort of vanguard for an invading force disguised as a cute little boy with a cute little tail? If he was a being from another planet, as the SCP Wiki had indicated was an actual possibility, was it really Katya that had chased him under the bed or was he there for more insidious reasons.


The sound of the ordered shakes arriving startled the thought filled young girl.

"DON'T ABDUCT ME!" The girl exclaimed rather loudly before turning a shade of pink that almost completely matched that of her dress, "S...sorry, Farber. I... looked up this website that my parents had banned me from looking at and ... well... it sorta scared me a bit. Th... that's why I said what i said when we first met."

God... so embarrassing. There she was, a mature nine year old girl that had been scared by ghost stories. It was probably a good thing that no one that she knew was around or they'd make fun of her for the next decade or so, at least until she went to a college.

"So... before I screamed my head off, I was going to ask you where you'd from. Based on a few things I saw, I don't think you're from around here..." The Curious Young Girl said.


Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | Women's Restroom
Undead Quality Time part II
Rory Mercury | Eddie the Dead | Anjali Khatri | Naamah​

There were times where Rory Mercury wished that the head dress that she wore, which had the appearance of a pair of large animal ears, was a pair of actual ears. It would have made listening in on the conversation between Eddie and the Scantily Clad New Arrival all the more easier to eavesdrop upon. Those who had responded to the woman's screams had dispersed as there were duties that needed to be performed. While its crew might not have thought of it as such, the Rising Dawn was a ship of war after all and all warships needed to be eternally ready for the next crisis, lest it be destroyed. Rory, Apostle to the God of War, knew this better than anyone. Despite these small facts, Rory was still curious as to what was going on within the walls of the women's restroom. Leaning back into past the doorway of the restroom, the Demi-Goddess dressed like in a Gothic Lolita style uniform found that she could hear the ongoing conversation better while maintaining her role as a door barricade.

"[small]... Yesss, yes I do. My name iss Anjali Khatri. I come from Varia ... but I do not know if that place even existss anymore. I ... yes, I had questions, but you are probably right that I should first get accustomed to this.[/small]" Anjali Khatri answered"[small]Just ... do you maybe have some more clothes here?[/small]"

It might have been Rory's place to offer the confused woman some clothing, especially since Rory herself carried an extra uniform, but having seen the woman in question, the Demi-Goddess doubted that Anjali would be able to even wrap one of Rory's uniforms around her chest let alone wear one. There was possible solution to this problem however and it was wrapped around Rory's neck. Walking into the restroom, the young looking Demi-Goddess boldly interjected herself into the conversation.

"I was just listening in on the conversation and I might be able to help you with your situation." The Halberd wielding Berserker said as she started unwrapping the scarf from around her neck, "Naamah. Do you think you could help Anjali cover herself for a while until we can get her some proper clothing?"

Given that Naamah had shaped herself into Rory's scarf, it would be possible for the records keeper to cover the ... curvy undead amazon would it not? Based on her familiarity with Love and Lust, having served in the position of Love Goddess for a time, Rory figured that there would be many a crew member on this ship that would have loved to be in Naamah's position.


Power in Procedure
Sep 27, 2010
Legacy of the Wise
Location: Crew Cabin | Rising Dawn
Certa amittimus dum incerta petimus.
Prime Unit Fatima

Naamah gave a low growl as Rory offered her to Anjali.
"Do I a rag to you look?"
Her body shimmered brightly, systems of stars danced upon her black skin. Her eye flickered in and out of focus within the confined cosmos of her corpse. She drew herself back across Rory's arm and ducked into Rory's top.
"I am Naamah, and I have chosen you, Rory Mercury, to serve as my vessel through times both taxing and lax. I shall not be given so flippantly to another."
Naamah wound herself around Rory's chest and squeezed on the girl.
[b]"If garments you wish to give, then perhaps find a weaver someplace. Or even appeal to that abominable giant [i]BlackHarte[/i] to fabricate gear for thine friend. However, do not, as I say now once again, do not appeal to me, Naamah, the herald of histories, to be the fabric that binds the heaving bosom of some deathless strumpet that blundered through the realms of causality into this domain!"[/b]
Naamah popped her head out of Rory's absent cleavage.
[b]"Were I of a more indecent nature, I should have done with you punishments most strange for insulting my honor so callously!"[/b]


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Seriously though if you don't want to read some fluff that turns into two characters making out, you've been warned.
Rising Dawn: Bar: Back Storage "Lucas Cypress", Teri

It had been some time since the two had had a waking moment alone (and not involving a hospital bed in some way); yet, despite all that happened, Lucifer was not pleased to be hearing the news his dear Cleric was telling him,
[color=0E59E4]"I'm going with them, Luci. I need to be there if someone gets hurt."[/color]
The devil found himself sighing, despite attempts not to, [color=eca222]"You sure about that? You were just in the Med Bay."[/color]
[color=0E59E4]"I'm going, and that's that."[/color]
[color=eca222]"Then why are you here? I thought you were going with them?"[/color] He tried not to sound bitter with that last word, but in spite of the fact that he accepted that Teri was going to be in a very dangerous line of work, that didn't mean he wanted her to. Quite the opposite, were it in his power, he'd be on the lines; being backup, being there to protect, defend, aid. He'd be the perfect battle partner to her, he thinks. She had to be close on the field, given how her spells required a touch to enable their magical suturing, and he'd be right there to divert attention. He could also imagine the two of them, back to back, staving off a horde; She through a flurry of well placed staff strikes and angry incantations, he with his blade, diving in and out of danger with precision. Together, their's would be a dance of dominance and victory! But, that could only be fancy, as he was tied to his laws of limited interference.

As this train of thought began to dance in his mind, the Cleric cut through all of it with a shy glance to the floor, her hand hesitantly reaching for his, [color=0E59E4]"I wanted to see you. And.. Maybe I wanted to spend a little time here before I left. Is that so wrong?"[/color]

[color=eca222]"N-no! Hardly! Not at all... I.."[/color] He frowned again, before clasping the offering she was granting, and took the opportunity to pull her into an embrace, his other arm resting on the small of her back, [color=eca222]"I think I've said this before, but it's frustrating that I can't go with you, rather than being on the sidelines. I want to be there, hell-"[/color] he paused, chuckling at his own turn of phrase before continuing, [color=eca222]"I would have been there sooner yesterday if I didn't have to tiptoe around the rules. If I recall, a part of you may have enjoyed my collaboration...?"[/color]

She paused for a moment, basking in the much denied contact before answering softly, [color=0E59E4]"...Maybe.. There... There's the training rooms too, you know. If you'd like to practice that sometime, if your rules would allow you. And, as far as I remember, some of the simulations can be pretty dense. We could.."[/color] she trailed off after that, the rest hanging in the air, implied; but not nessecarily unwanted. More privacy was always desired, of course, but there was something else in there he wanted to root out. Before he could inquire, however, his companion looked up at him, her cheeks a slightly rosier shade than a moment ago as she began to speak, [color=0E59E4]"Y-you know, there was... Another reason, I came here. It's.. Kind of selfish though."[/color]

An eyebrow quirked, inquisitive and predatory at her description, [color=eca222]"'Selfish'..? That's new. Do go on, I'm happy to indulge..."[/color]

He must have done something, because the more he looked at her, the more flustered the young Cleric became; her speech becoming increasingly stuttered as she rambled out, [color=0E59E4]"W-well, back in the Med Bay, you mentioned something about an 'incentive' a-and-"[/color]

[color=eca222]"Oh ho, You want another?"[/color]

[color=0E59E4]"....[small]Y-yes.[/small]. I-I mean, can't stay here for an hour or anything, but-[small]oh, who am I kidding![/small]"[/color]

[color=eca222]"Hmn, what are you on ab-MMh!"[/color]

She interrupted him with a hard tug of his uniform, bringing the much taller man's head down to her level, her lips crushing against his own. This was certainly a pleasant surprise for the bartender, but the height difference was going to be a bit of a pain if he wanted more than a singular kiss. Pulling away, his head pleasantly buzzing from the sensation, Lucifer scanned the back room and grinned, his eyes alighting upon a nearby stepladder. Following a quick indication of his head and some quicker footwork, the sound of clattering glass filled the air as the Cleric was pushed against the wall, the young couple's lips desperately finding each other again. Smaller hands clutched at immaculately groomed hair, their grip tightening when the bearer moved away, and settled on exposed flesh. Teeth bared, the devil gently raked his teeth against the girl's neck, the sounds of bliss mixing with the clinking of a chain. He had given her that one, he noted, a possessive pride filling his gut as made his mark.

[color=eca222]'Mine. All mine.'[/color]

Rising Dawn: Bar: Luke, Ruby, Farbar, Violet

[sub]"Hey, bartender."[/sub]
[HEADING=3]"OI!"[/HEADING]"I need a refill over here!"

Luke snapped out of his reverie with a confused, if somewhat slack expression. What on earth was- that's when he began to notice a change in his surroundings. Rather than being where he very much wanted to be, he was instead at the bar again, with two small children, the already drunk (temporary) leader of G-Corp, Violet. Furthermore, Luke began to remember why he was off reminiscing in the first place - his dear cleric had decided that going off to fight with her comrades was the best use of her abilities; and to top it all off, he had a representative of Lady Luck, a death god from another realm and One (soon to be two) of the Vices in this very realm.

Luke paused for a very long moment, before turning to his repository of alcohols, taking out a chilled glass, some ice, and started grabbing for a number of the bottles in his selection; as well as a little something from Mr. West's personal stash of nose defiling schlock. Pouring a bit of all these things, Luke gave the drink a very hearty stir before knocking back the whole concoction and grimacing - the drinks, while strong in content, was not great on taste. But, it did have the added side effect of easing that edge to his nerves, slightly frayed given the amount of stressors that had suddenly placed themselves upon his shoulders. Blinking slowly, Luke finally turned his attention to his demanding customer, and mutely poured whatever it was that the whiny purple haired exec was demanding, his voice becoming something of a white noise on the edge of his hearing.

However, that didn't stop the two little ones who were staring precociously up at him with big, innocent eyes. Looking down (which was a given since he was 6' in this current form) at the little ones, Luke tried to give the impression of a smile (and how exactly was it that humans did that again? it was a little hard to recall at the moment), and asked gently, [color=eca222]"What brings you two to my bar? I'm afraid a large selection of my drinks are for grownups..."[/color]

Strider Katana (Blade) & Strider Hime (Furiae) Strider Hien & Inuart Iprisson

Location: World Marshall Supply Depot, Outside of Denver []
"There you are you bastard....Hey...isn't that-"

Furiae would have recognized that mop of red anywhere, her eyes widening in surprise when she saw him walking with Hien, "Inuart...? But..."
Her thought didn't finish properly aloud, her voice shriveling up in her throat. Seeing Inuart alive and seemingly without harm brought a tide of emotion she hadn't been expecting from deep within her breast. Not several days ago, she had seen how brutally a volley of bullets had put the bard very quickly down in his tracks, and was currently wearing what he intended to give as a memento.

Now, while she had no intention of seeing him again in the flesh, she had wanted him alive prior to this whole mess. Not to say that he wasn't doing well - his musical talents had translated well in this strange and modern world, and her seeing him, while it was a mission for the Striders, was something Furiae wanted as closure, from both the past that they had shared, as well as cutting ties for any hard feelings. Yet, nothing could stay so clean, now could it? Sure, he had associated with the wrong crowd on several occasions, but she thought he was past that before the incident with the sniper. Yet, here he was again, among liars and sneaks. It was, conflicting, to say the least.

But, before Furiae could contemplate her tangled relationship with the bard, Blade had yanked her downwards, hissing,"Get down!"

As the two Striders ducked downwards to avoid sight, they kept listening as snippets of Hien and Inuart's conversation's continued...


"Now come on, watching the Rising Dawn finally get what's coming to them is going to be a historic moment and I'm not telling my kids that I was stuck out here waiting on you when it happened..."

"Yes...The Dawn..."

Inuart went silent at that sentiment, his mind flickering to three individuals who he was well acquainted, and were rather associated with that ship. First, his former best friend - someone who at a lifetime ago, he would have pledged fealty to aid as brother in arms on a battlefield; second, the red dragon that seemed to ghost his presence, the one who instilled a change that Inuart still had not quite comprehended; and finally his former love, Furiae. He sighed, the stirs of longing still lingering quietly in his chest, now stained with bitter contempt. She said that she wanted him to live, and to be happy - yet he had found himself on the opposite end of a gun. What kind of cheap trick was that? Furaie was better than that, wasn't she...?

He looked up at the raftings above, his mind seeking some new stimulus to quash down the nostalgia that was creeping in, before he heard another protest from Hien to continue onward.

Meanwhile, up in the rafters, Furiae was assessing the situation with utmost scrutiny, her mind racing to come up with a way to handle both parties down on the ground floor in a quick and efficient matter. While she would prefer to coordinate an attack with Blade to take down her targets one by one, it wasn't the most efficient move by a long shot. No, if they wanted to really make sure both targets were secure, they'd have to take a single one each. And, familiarity was going to be the key, wasn't it? She knew Inuart well enough to subdue him, and Blade had far more knowledge about Hien at the present, bringing her to whisper to her reptilian companion,

"Alright, so I have a plan. It's risky, but if we do it right, it can work to our advantage. I'm going to take the redhead, and you'll go for Hien to pump for information. On my signal, we jump."
A solemn nod from the pokemon was given, and after another breathed moment, the two Striders descended from their hiding spot.

In a swift flash, Inuart saw a familiar face, her expression twisted to a cold blank mask. Before he could react, he was pushed down to the ground, her crouched over him with a knife to the throat. He didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, to be honest. Maybe he should curse the gods, maybe even curse her. But, the words wouldn't come. Rather, a melancholic smile ghosted on his face, and quipped, "If this were another time, in another life, I'd probably be very happy to be in this position right now."