Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | The Canteen
World Wide What?
Ruby Babbage-Lovelace | Farber the Ish | Violet
The young girl could only stare at her freshly delivered drink as Farber responded to her all too embarrassing outburst. The singular thought of "
(I'm never going to live this down)" kept replaying itself in her mind over and over and over. It was because of this that Ruby's normal pale skin, thanks to the propensity for fog in her home city, was still tinged a bright pink.
The Magically inclined young child had always been hyper conscious of the opinions of those around her. While it was infrequent, and getting more and more infrequent, there was an ever present teasing by other children about the fact that Ruby had two mothers or the fact that Ruby wore the same dress day in and day out or the fact that Ruby thought she was some sort of Magical Girl. This near constant teasing had been one of the reasons the nine-year-old had started being home schooled.
Your ears are all wrong for an Ish, and you don't even have a tail! So I guess I'm not on my own world anymore, huh?"
Farber's statement dragged Ruby back from the past before depositing her into the present. Looking at her companion, the young girl realized that he must have been scared. To suddenly come to the realization that you were no longer home... or even the same planet as your home, it must have been a rather scary conclusion to come to. If Farber was scared, it didn't seem to phase her friend.
A low frequency vibration traveled through the floor. up the legs of the chairs and caused Ruby to look around. Spotting Mister Eddie in the doorway, Ruby waved quickly and smiled in anticipation of whatever treat he was going to bring Ruby. Seeing well behaved charges, Mister Eddie seemed to have remembered something and continued down the corridor, the floor vibrating with every step he took.
By the way, what's a 'website'?" Farber asked curiously.
A website? Well its ... ummm... I... hmmmmm..." The child stuttered as she wondered how she would explain something that she didn't fully understand the mechanics of. It was one of those things that Girl in the Pink Dress needed to understand in order to know it was useful and fun. Perhaps Mister Violet could explain it to the two of them in a way they understood.
Mister Vio... oh..." The words trailed off when the black and white haired girl realized that Mister Violet had decided that it was time to take a nap. There was Mister Luke, however.
Mister Luke... could you explain websites to us?" The girl said in her cutest voice ever, "
Also... do you know if I can watch Madoka anywhere?"
Avatar Adventures | The Airship: Rising Dawn | Women's Restroom
Nostalgia and Shopping...
Rory Mercury | Eddie the Dead | Anjali Khatri | Naamah
The Deathless Demi-Goddess of Death could only stand there amused at Naamah's tirade. Once upon a time, before Rory had started existing outside time itself, she had been a child that lived upon a farm with her family. While the faces of her mother and father, brother and sister had faded into obscurity, memories of a hound pressed up against her as she slept surfaced, bringing with it the smell of a wood burning stove, the sound of family tucked away in their beds... these memories had been returned to her thanks to the movements of Naamah's body against Rory's. The Apostle with the face of a young woman smiled at the offended nature of her companion.
Reaching out, Rory brushed her hand gently across the surface of the sentient garment, attempting to sooth the Historian's bruised ego.
I'm sorry Naamah. I didn't mean to offend you" She said with a smile, hoping that her apology would be all that was needed to smooth things over. Turning to the others, Eddie and Anjali, the Demi-Goddess addressed them, specifically Anjali.
If you can tolerate people staring at you for a time, we can gather some garments from the locker room nearby. " The Death's Darkly Dressed Disciple suggested. She'd noticed the location on the ship's map when she'd been wandering about the Airship. If this world worked anything like Itami's, there would be plenty of clothing available for the Undead Amazon. Of course, if they couldn't find anything, they would have to visit a nearby town and locate some suitable clothing. Thinking of this, Rory absently brushed her stockings, remembering the last time she'd been in this world. It had been an exciting time as it had been her first time experiencing the wonders of Youji's world. She and very nearly shared her first kiss with him that day.
Again, a wave of nostalgia had hit her as the wrapped Naamah around Rory's body felt like a pair of strong arms that embraced her. Turning around, Rory gestured for both Eddie and Anjali to follow her. Before long, it was Naamah, Anjali and Naamah within the confines of the Women's Locker Room. Opening a storage closet, Rory located a varied set of uniforms. They didn't look like the most comfortable of items to wear but it was all that was available unless Anjali started breaking into the lockers of the female crew members and trying on their clothing.
Anjali, was it? Do you know what brought you here?" The Demi-Goddess asked curiously, remembering that she'd only recently arrived upon the ship with no discernible purpose. Perhaps if Anjali knew why she was here, it would bring Rory closer to understanding why she was on this ship and not in her world.
Avatar Adventures | Colorado | Denver | Brainwashed Mob No. 6
Eddie and the Edge Lord and the Grand Canyon of Cleavage...
Katya Rostikova | ARES | Doctor Insano | Miia | Dolores Selmy | David West | Ryan
With some Neurotic Assistance from @Neuromancer:
It has been said that the fruits of failure are indeed quite bitter. Anyone who had been observing Katya Rostikova's rather ill formulated plan was more than likely thinking that the Rising Dawn's resident Computer Support Specialist was being force fed a rather large serving of failure spiced heavily with her blood. Of course these nonbelievers would have been neglecting that one of Katya's primary objectives had already been achieved, leaving her second and third objectives requiring completion.
Security Contractor William Thompson was going to rue the day that he chose to accept this contract, he could already foresee that none of this was going to end well the moment a young woman giving a piggyback ride to the Statue of Liberty no only attempted to kill him via suffocation but made the attempt using a rather frigid pair of overly large breasts. Despite the fact that William was happily married to Kevin, this did not mean he was averse to breasts, what he was averse to was these two women attempting to sneak by him using an often used cliche and the fact that the tits that had been shoved into his face were jarringly cold. It wasn't until he noticed that the girl with the udders for breasts had no legs that it dawned on the Security Contractor that these two were members of the terrorist group that the guards had been instructed to be on the look out for, though it was hard to believe that they had ill intentions based on the rather large grin on the face of the girl whose right arm was lodged squarely in the Grand Canyon of Cleavage.
(Hell yes!)[/color]" Katya thought to herself as she tasted the familiar taste of victory at having achieved one of her long time goals, touching Miia's Mountainous Milk Makers. Moving her arm, she attempted to move in for a well earned cupping, an action that was interrupted by the sudden and violent reaction by the Guard.
The punch that sent Miia flying backwards sounded something like a bundle of celery being smashed by a baseball bat [footnote]Foley Artists often use this sound to simulate the sound of punches in movies[/footnote]. The suddenness of the Guard's onslaught was so surprising that Katya had little opportunity to react before she was hauled to a standing position by her hair and sent flying, her body skidding to a stop just before impacting against a cardboard box that sat against a wall.
ON THE GROUND! HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEADs! NOW!" The Security Contractor said in a loud voice filled with as much authority as the rent-a-cop could muster. Looking at her would be victim, she saw the revolver, faithfully identified by B3WP as a 357 magnum, in the guard's hands. Judging by the position of the barrel, William Thompson was aiming the gun at the perceived greater threat, the inhuman creature that had the upper body of a human girl. It took all of Katya's self control to not give the Rent-A-Cop a hard time since he did have a gun pointed at Miia McHugeHonkers.
The sound of Miia being handcuffed was a slight relief to the young woman who had only just realized that she'd put the Peace Loving Lamia into a rather dangerous situation. Now that the Red Headed Goddess of Gazongas had been detained, Officer Thompson turned his attention towards Katya, who glared daggers at the man.
"[color=CC8899]Miia.[/color]" The Rising Dawn's Hedonistic Hacker called out to her barely moving partner in crime, "[color=CC8899]You okay?[/color]"
SHUT UP!" The ***** with a Plastic Badge commanded loudly, expecting someone of Katya's age to comply. Teenagers usually complied with commands given in an authoratative voice.
"[color=CC8899]You know... I was thinking about you and Dahlink-kun. From the way you're talking, I can't help but think that you're not exactly versed in relationships,[/color]" The Hacker said before being kicked in the gut by G.I. Jackass, causing the hacker to cough up a bit of blood.
I said SHUT UP!" Officer Thompson repeated himself as he followed up the kick with the butt of the revolver to the side of Katya's face. Spitting up a bit of broken tooth, the intrepid Online Intelligence Officer continued without any cares or worries as to being killed by Security Contractor Thompson.
"[color=CC8899]I was on this forum and they did a survey. I found out that there aren't a lot of guys that want a woman whose willing to become their personal slave and baby factory. If anything they want a woman that has confidence. You know the best way to get confidence? Date someone and practice being in love! Why not Ryan? You and he seem to get along purdy well.[/color]" The Airship's Digital Drama Queen continued before being interrupted by Officer Thompson's boot kicking the back of the Hacker's head, driving her face into the tile floor. Despite the cuts and bruises Katya's voice continued undeterred by the beating, "[color=CC8899]Besides what would happen if you never got to go home to Daklink-Kun? Don't you think you should at least find someone to hook up with while you're here?[/color]"
That's it *****, it's clobbering time" The fully annoyed Faux-Officer said as he turned Katya over and sat on her chest and began punching her repeatedly in the face, the impact of his ham sized fists making wet noises. Still with the outrageously unjust assault, the Bloody Hacker ***** didn't stop talking, maintaining the attention of the guard.
The words suddenly stopped as Katy's body went limp and the only sound that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the Budget Rent a Cop, clearly unused to administering this sort of beating. Standing up, the man turned to walk towards his desk where his radio sat. The others in his unit would need to hear about this. Neither he nor Miia saw what was coming next.
A slender hand reached up and grabbed Security Contractor William Thompson by the collar and pulled on it, forcing the man to fall backwards and had hit head against the hard floor. As the Security Consultant attempted to clear the stars from his vision, he felt a pair of boots pushing his left arm against the floor and then the other. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by a bloody mess.
The formerly unconscious Katya Rostikova stood above her former assailant now victim, her mouth was gashed open into a wicked looking grin filled with unnaturally white teeth. The wounds that had been created by the man she pinned still dripped blood, blood that flowed down from her face onto his, seeping into his mouth, his nostrils and his eyes no matter how hard he tried to shut them.
OH GOD!" He screamed as he felt his sinuses and throat being filled with the woman's blood.
"[color=CC8899]Officer Thompson... you're really going to love this... you don't know where I've been... you don't know what I can do to you...[/color]" The young woman's voice said before the Officer's consciousness was forcefully shut off by an invading horde of nano-agents. Seconds later it was the Officer that was now lying motionless. Looking at Miia, the suddenly clean faced and fully healed Katya ran over to the restraint wristed Lamia and freed her, "[color=CC8899]You okay, Miia?[/color]"
As his new Mistress freed her comrade, the former body of Officer William Thompson stood up and started walking towards the locking device that restricted Katya's access to not only the projector but the terminal that was streaming Bison's speech. Of course... even the best laid plans needed to fail from time to time but in Katya's defense, Eddie wasn't necessarily someone you could account for in contingency plans.
TIIIIIMBEEEEEEEEER![/color]" A rather loud voice could be heard before the room exploded as something crashed through the roof of the building, shattering the lock on the door, the turning Security Contractor William Thompson into a goopy puddle under Eddie's boots.
"[color=CC8899]Bloody... fucking... hell...[/color]" Katya cursed loudly as a hastily constructed defensive field consisting of nano-agents dispersed after the dust had settled.
Eddie crashed through the roof and down several floors before hitting the ground, sending out a small scale shockwave and causing a small-scale crater to form around the point of impact.
"[color=5B9C64]Now that's what I call a good landing![/color]" he proudly proclaimed as he started dusting himself off, only to notice the grotesque display of misshapen flesh beneath his feet, viscera splattered all around the room. "[color=5B9C64]Oh.[/color]"
Now aware of the existence of other mortals around, Eddie emerged from the crater leaving behind a trail of bloody footprints. The dust around the impact begun settling down, and as Eddie approached the rather vulgar edgelord, the first thing she likely saw would be his glowing eyes, followed by his cheeky grin, and finally his gray-ish, scar-filled muscular torso.
"[color=5B9C64]Friend o' yours? Sorry not sorry. I did yell out, ya know, so it's not like I didn't give off a warning![/color]" He started cleaning his boots of viscera with a hand, "[color=5B9C64]If it makes ya feel any better, he probably died quickly and painlessly. I'm pretty sure I crashed his head as I- ah![/color]" he pointed at part of the gore hanging on his boot, "[color=5B9C64]See that? That, is grey matter.[/color]"
Yeah... Katya was able to see that it was grey matter. She could also see that beyond the shattered door was the bodies of two AV Club Mouthbreathers that had died from a twin pair of heart attacks, likely caused by the fear of GOD that Eddie had put into them. Looking at Eddie, the young Hacker could only smile at the creepy looking ghoulish figure.
"[color=CC8899]Nah... that guy was a dick... thanks for the assist.[/color]" The woman said as she helped Miia up and headed towards the projector room, but not before smacking Eddie on the ass, "[color=CC8899]That rocked, Mister...[/color]" Katya paused for a moment as she scanned the Rising Dawn's recent logs, "[color=CC8899]Eddie.[/color]"
Moments later the Rising Dawn's Hacker Heroine and Lewd Lamia were in the projector room where they could hear the commotion that had been caused by the crew members downstairs. In the distance, the sound of more fighting could be heard.
"[color=CC8899]Shit. No time for a test run.[/color]" The young woman muttered as she patched into the computer that was streaming Bison's video, hoping to replace the source video with her edited one.