Diablo1099 said:
This dude wrote some stuff
World Marshall Secure Location: Anomalous Materials [http://img00.deviantart.net/f187/i/2012/052/e/0/science_by_mikrob-d4qgzfi.jpg]
[Goodbye my only friend...
...Oh, did you think I meant you?]
ARES | Viscus | Dimitri | M. Lab Tech
Dimitri waited for a time to get a bearing on the security systems that were passing by in this sector of the network. Putting on his SCOUTER, Dimitri took a look around the area before he noticed something odd - one particular "line" on the ground seemed to cause the scanner beams to shake and shudder, if only for a moment, causing the Blue Butler to double-take, and look more acutely at the "ground" at that specific spot.
"Hmn..? That can't be right..."
As his careful eye looked over it again, he noticed that the SCOUTER started picking up a "hidden" pathway on the ground, appearing as an iridescent pipe[footnote]The writer of this post acknowledges that this whole segment has gone very far down the TRON Logic hole. *Insert the MST3K Manta here* We apologize for any heads exploding due to technological incorrect-ness. ^^;[/footnote] Looking over it further, Dimitri carefully followed it's path up - and finding it lead straight to the central hub. As he gazed at the "pipe", the AI couldn't help but mull over it further, [color=397E0]
"Is this a proxy connection? Why would this even be here? The network spans the whole facility..."
But, if security seemed to phase over it, then perhaps Dimitri could make use of it. Phasing the NINE_IRON from it's zipped packet, Dimitri gave the pipe a hard whack. As luck would have it, a "panel" on the pipe popped right off, leaving a crawl space just large enough for the Butler to crawl inside. With a bit of careful arrangement and resetting the panel, Dimitri began
slowly crawling through the space towards the hub. However, the Blue Butler hadn't paid too much attention to what was inside the proxy, because the moment he began his journey towards the hub, he "felt" his hand "squish" on a piece of material in the pipe.
Dimitri's senses were suddenly assaulted by a multitude of text, images, and sounds; jabbering, flashing, glaring. Insults of all variety assailed his sensors, images of unspeakable nature filled his visual sensors, and the sounds... oh the sounds. Removing his hand from the "material" Dimitri blinked in confusion, before he saw the "source", a cached URL by the name of "69chin.org" In fact, it seemed to be the source of most of the material in this proxy...Well, that certainly explained
why it was there. With a shudder, the AI continued on his quest, doing his best to avoid any other "sludge" as he crawled his way inside.
Slipping out from the pipeline into the hub terminal, Dimitri looked up towards the "screen" and saw the sleepy Systems Administrator nodding off in front of the control panel, allowing Dimitri to have a bit of time to think. As far as this terminal was concerned, he was a "program" in the system, another bit of data transferred from the network to be stored away in a temporary cache. But, if he wanted to take control of the terminal, he'd have to wrench control away from the User. And to do that - he'd have to access the active directory and change the user permissions; effectively locking her out of the computer - at least until a technician arrived and modified the system to allow her back in. But first... he needed a distraction. She would see Dimitri open up a window, even if it was something as simple as the Command prompt. If he could somehow put her out of sorts...Ah, of course!
Dimitri wandered over to the audio jack of the terminal, and began to whisper quietly, his message travelling out from it and up to the user's headphones, [color=3897E0]
[sub]"How does that song Her Ladyship likes go again - right.[/sub] Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the- one, two-
Avatar Adventures | Undisclosed Location | Cell
Mio | [color=0E59E4]Teri[/color] | Bruiser | Caim | David| [color=6c1504]Bison[/color] | Shadow/Agent | FULGORE
She turned to Teri.
"So ... do you think you can help a bit? I know that it might hurt, but can you patch up this guy a bit? And then ... there are people in the other cells, but I can't really see them. Can you describe them to me? Maybe they can do something useful, as well."
"[sub]...I know-...I hurt you...but I mean it: you...shouldn't be here....I should....will...but you...[/sub]"
Teri rubbed her temples as she was being buffeted at three different angles, be it an apology from a dying man, a query for information, or being verbally abused by a dictator, the Cleric tried to think of what to do first -
Without even thinking, the Cleric turned to Bison and shouted, [color=0e59e4]"MAYBE IF YOU STOP
[color=6c1504]"AND I'LL STOP FUCKING YELL"[/color]Bison's voice cracked midsentence before he finished, [color=6c1504]"-ING WHEN YOU HELP MY FUCKING FRIEND!"[/color]
A heavy silence filled the air after Teri had shouted her piece to Bison, who in turn remained quiet. Turning away from the young woman, he found himself content to try and find something else to grumble about... Which in turn brought a realization to Teri - she had openly declared she'd do her best to help with Bruiser's condition.
[color=0E59E4]"...If only because you asked, Mio."[/color]
She stood quiet for a moment longer, and turned back towards her cellmates, gingerly advancing towards the Machoke and bending on one knee, [color=0E59E4]"...Can you walk?"[/color]
[sub]"...where-...do you...want me?"[/sub]
She pointed at one of the cots and watched as Bruiser
slowly got up from his spot, the stump where one of his arms used to be healing in a way that looked particularly nasty. Teri grimaced, and gestured over to Mio to help Bruiser up, the duo working together to move him towards one of the cots as an impromptu examination table.
The DC for a Heal check [http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/heal.htm] to stabilize a dying character is a 15. Uh.. Even without her magical items, Teri has a +15. She auto succeeds. Her Skill Trick - Healing Hands, activates, allowing her to heal 1d6 of damage..she rolled a 1.
What followed was frankly, a blur. Teri had thrown herself into her work, the task of patching up the Machoke allowing her to overlook the patient himself, her mind switching into that of when she overtook a great quantity of patients on the Dawn. It started simply - she needed bandages, and to clean as much of the wounds as she could. With Mio as an assistant and her patient being, for the most part, compliant, she was able to use the ragged covering that used to be a shirt as well as converting the pants into shorts for bandage use. She used the toilet to wash the rags before either cleaning up the wounded areas; then rinsed and wrung them as tightly as she could before using them as bandages or splints. It was long work, and thankless, but after some time had passed, the Cleric was able to step away, her own clothes now covered with spots and stains from her handy-work. She would have preferred to have her usual tools on hand, but for the equivalent of a back alley job with naught but bandages and some water - it was enough. At least he wouldn't bleed to death.
That left Mio's questions. There was a lot to cover for each of the companions in the cells, so Teri made herself as comfortable as she could, sitting down and leaning against the wall closest to her bars. She gestured Mio over, and in hushed tones, began pointing out members of the Dawn, [color=0e59e4]"Alright, I'll start with the people I'm most familiar with, friends of myself or my Dad."[/color] she pointed at Caim first, [color=0E59e4]"Over there is a man named Caim. He's a bit taller than us, has black hair and blue eyes. He doesn't talk much, because something happened that made him mute. He has a device that fixes that, but like everything else, it was taken away. He's the best with any sort of melee weapon you can think of, and jump
really high."[/color] As she described the mute, a reverent tone crept into her voice, and she finished with, [color=0E59E4]"He's really powerful, strong enough to go toe to toe with my dad and come out even; and he fight side by side with Angelus. They're unstoppable together. If she's not here, she's probably going to come tearing this place apart looking for him."[/color]
She pointed next to David, [color=0E59E4]"And over there is David, he's older than me and Caim, aaaand kind of an alcoholic, but that doesn't stop him - he's the best sharpshooter we got on the team. Aside from that, really good at brewing booze and great at cracking jokes...When's he's not shoving his foot in his mouth."[/color]
Next was Shadow/Agent, which gave the Cleric pause before recognition colored her features, [color=0E59E4]"Oh, I remember him - I don't him too well either, but he was a good friend of Caim and David's. He's a Russian soldier, swears a lot, but he's good at what he does. And let's see... Who's left?"[/color]
The Cleric looked around for her other two comrades, and clammed up when she saw Nadalia and Katya pass by, collarless and with Nadalia regrowing her arm. Teri wasn't quite sure what was going on, but if the duo were able to get out and get their collars off, then perhaps they had a plan... Teri could only hope, anyways. Giving a small indication of her head, the Cleric continued to whisper to Mio, [color=0E59E4]"Those two that just passed by are Nadalia and Katya. Katya's really smart, and I
think she does things involving digital stuff, but I'm not really sure.. We like undwinding by the bar a lot, so if she mentioned it, I don't remember, and the hangovers didn't help either. Nadalia on the other hand, she's.. Oh she's something alright. I don't know her super well, but I know she uses fire magic? That's about all I can really say, she worked more closely with Dad than me."[/color]
After going through the laundry list of her companions, Teri's eyes settled on the cyborg standing by the cell, the somewhat light expression on her face fading as she gazed upon her captor, [color=0E59E4]"And that one. That's the guy who brought me here. He's called Fulgore, but when we fought, I saw his face. His real name's Adelheid, and... Well, given the current state of affairs, something's wrong with him. For one, Adel would never work for the bad guys not after... Anyway, he was more the wandering warrior type, just kinda does stuff cause he feels like it."[/color]
Following that, the Cleric's head turned back towards her companion, leaving the floor open to Mio.