fupjack said:
Oh, to squeeze in a last comment before the end of the month: there's something psychological about the end of the game, which I'll describe hopefully without spoilers - the power you have in the final battle is suspiciously representative of a transition to adulthood.
Maybe more like puberty? You can think of the bounce between giant, energy-based, Raz, and back down to pipsqueak raz, as voice squeaks and the inevitable moments when your parents are old, wizened people, (parents), and then suddenly flawed, human, adults just like you (friends, contemporaries).
Personally, I lack the patience to go back and talk to everyone after every mission. Once I get into the groove of the story, I have the urge to go save Lili, and not wait. I know it's a game, and (like Oblivion,
ha) the world pauses in between milestones and I can mess around as much as I want. To ME, there is still an urgency to climbing that tower and saving Lili.
-Excellent writing
-Varied, yet consistent with the universe, levels. Not just as set pieces worth viewing, but as environments I enjoyed exploring
-Undeniably fun
-Level design in some places left me confused as to where I needed to go next, and I dislike that. Less so on my second playthrough, but that's something that you need to get right the first time.
-I did not have as much trouble with most of the platforming as most did, but I will admit that the Meat Circus was annoying. Stupid escort missions. But, the one place that I never knew what I was supposed to do was those metal grates. Because Evil Dad was menacingly floating in the middle with his juggling, I kept trying to stay on the outside, or get on the top of them and run up them quickly so I could dodge. Big mistake... Once I started just jumping to the inside, no more problems. Question to the group: Did anyone ever get caught in the rising water while they were on that last ladder? When it takes the dip back towards the water, my heart just started racing, and I wanted to know if they planned it, or if it was possible to lose even once you were on the ladder.
-(Minor annoyance) Unskippable stock animations, such as when sorting emotional baggage. They don't do new dances, just the same dance, every single time. Woooo, I sorted the handbag with the tag, everybody dance!