The Final Boss


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Now I may be an unskilled weakling (couldn't even beat Metroid Prime though I did get to him, neither could I beat the escape level from Ninja Cop) but I still prefer overcoming the final boss with my ability rather than my character's. Something that looks all epic while being easy to me makes me feel like the game is boasting "look how great I am!" while being pushed to the limit of my ability and slowly growing to the point where I can finally beat that boss it feels like the game says "look how great you are, beating that guy!". Well, it really goes for any part of the game, not just the final battle. And it goes a bit into my standard rant territory but I dislike how games are ducktaping so much story and visible greatness to their singleplayer mode that replaying parts often feels lame because often the story and the great looks (means stuff like stunts or cool fights or whatnot) usually take precedence over gameplay flow (watching the character pull a stunt once is awesome, watching it ten times is.... "hit the skip button") and sometimes the gameplay is pretty much measured to be fun for this many hours so the game is exactly that long, FSM help you if you progress slower. Of course the solution game designers often find is making the game easier so you never have to replay anything (and if you do manage to fail you just get to restart exactly where you died) but it feels like a shallow victory then. If my character is so awesome he can pull off the greatest moves and slay hordes of enemies while I just mash the X button, what exactly am I contributing here?

Yeah, a too hard final boss tends to be offputting to me because there's not much to gain from beating him anyway, all I get is the ending and that's it. What I think is more important is the rest of the game. The main game should feel challenging and require ability to get through, I think the final boss shouldn't be a big step up from what's before him, that's what's really frustrating, when you get through a game and the final boss is a big difficulty spike. It should feel different but not much harder than the main game (but with a harder main game the boss would still be harder than most bosses now). In short, the final boss should require about as many attempts as other parts of the game, if it's normal that you need to practice to progress then doing the same on the final boss won't be out of place but if you've been walking all over enemies before and only now do you need to train to win then it's out of place.

Khizan said:
You could easily have something similiar. Maybe the boss has several lieutenants/magic artifacts/etc elsewhere in the final area. You can hunt them down alone for an easier fight, or you can leave them up and they'll assist him in the final battle and make it harder. Scale the difficulty yourself by deciding how many of the lieutenants/devices/shields/etc you leave up on him. Too hard? Kill another! Too easy? Leave one of them up.
I think a skilled player would want to try 100% completion and would therefore eliminate all the optional targets while a weaker player would not be able or willing to and face a boss that is too hard for him... Same applies to hidden powerups throughout the game, a skilled player will find them and have a strong character PLUS his skills while a weak player will miss more of them and have neither.

Shamus O Lively

New member
Sep 5, 2008
i find myself to be one of the skilled players out there, dont get me wrong i love a gripping story but i also feel a large amount of dissatisfaction when you can do the last boss with yours eyes closed.

the most recent example of this for me was gears of war 2, on insane there was a couple of challenging parts during the game, but when it comes to the last boss, all you have to do is hold the right triger, i dont even think you can fail it


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Very interesting article! One thing that jumps out at me is that this tension between heroism and skills doesn't arise only with the final boss. 'Cause really, any time the "hero" dies over and over is a potential break in your feeling of being a world-saving badass, whether it happens at the final stage or during the opening tutorial.

One counter-question your article made me think about: How much dying is too much? I'm pretty sure you're not saying that the player should *never* die, but when you really think about it, *every* death is a break in immersion: if you're really such a hero, how come you're getting killed at all, ever? Some games (like your beloved Prince of Persia) explicitly avoid that by using a time-rewinding or "No, that's not what happened" mechanic -- is that one reason they appeal to you so much?


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Skilled player, to some extent at least. I don't imagine myself to be the hero and I seldom have any difficulty to "pause" my immersion when I fail a boss fight and then resume once I beat the boss. I also do like it when the fights test my skill.

There is however a limit to how many retries I can do before I get tired, so the desire for the game to test my skill only goes so far. Generally, once I've lost thrice I start looking in FAQs for ways to cheese the boss. How many losses I tolerate depends on how much time the boss takes and how much time I have to spend just getting to the boss between failures.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
To me dying (or failing in general) establishes the basic difficulty of the task the hero has to overcome. That's why in movies there are redshirts and such that show us what the average guy would be like in that situation so the hero stands out as an ace who handles dangerous situations easily (of course that doesn't always work out either, resulting in the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy feeling where the mooks just seem so weak that a peasant with a badly sharpened stick can defeat them). In videogames we can see the "what if the hero was just a bumbling fool" scenario ourselves when we aren't playing very well. Dying isn't a break in immersion for me. If I can just easily walk through the game without much difficulty I get the feeling that that world doesn't need a hero because every random peasant can do the job. For a hero to be heroic he has to be better than the average man and it feels cheap if his only ability is to inexplicably take 10x as much damage as the other guys wearing the same armor.

So, who should be the hero: You or your character? Should it be up to you to develop skills that go beyond that of regular people and do what those people cannot or should it be up to your character to be better than NPCs?

Crystalgate said:
How many losses I tolerate depends on how much time the boss takes and how much time I have to spend just getting to the boss between failures.
Fully agree on that one though I also figure in whether I feel like I'm making progress, if I always die at roughly the same time or fairly randomly without a feeling like I'm closer to victory that's frustrating. On the other hand I've spent dozens of tries on some bosses in Bunny Must Die.

Syntax Error

New member
Sep 7, 2008
Depends on the game, really.

Heroic in games which have particularly sweeping stories or just makes me feel like I'm the hero. Like in Shadow of the Colossus.

Skilled when it comes to "no-story games" such as shmups. There is something that gets the blood pumping when you memorize and enemy pattern then use all the skills and reflexes you earned to pull off those boss kills (Most especially in Gradius and "Bullet Hell" type of shmups).


New member
May 12, 2008
RedRingRico said:
Or they simply throw a very hard boss at you, so hard that eventually you think "what's the point?" and look the ending up on Wikipedia.
Also known as the MGS2 effect.

Bongo Bill

New member
Jul 13, 2006
Bonus bosses all the way, man. My favorite kind of game starts when you clear the final boss; everything up to that point was practice.


New member
May 21, 2008
Looking at the games I play most (mostly WWII FPS/RTS) I could never really feel like the 'hero' without having taken a severe beating, as such I'm inclined to say I'm more in it for the challenge. I sort of have a 'no pain, no gain' mentality.

Example: While I'm not a major fan of the series I recently borrowed CoD:WaW from a friend and decided to beat it on veteran difficulty. Not because I'm some sort of gaming sadist but because after enjoying it on regular difficulty I wanted more of a challenge out of the game and veteran felt do-able. After playing games like Red Orchestra it doesn't really feel like a WWII game until you pre-empt every room, tunnel and doorway with grenades and spending half your time behind cover or crawling on your stomach.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I don't think these two options really cover the spectrum, because I'm a "heroic" player but I also enjoy tough final boss fights. What really gets me is if there is not a superb dramatic *wrap-up* after the "OH GOD I'VE BEEN FIGHTING THIS BASTARD FOR THREE HOURS!!!!" fight. I don't want some static pictures and a few "and they lived happily ever after" voiceovers. I WANT A MOVIE!! I WANT A REALLY GOOD FREAKIN' AWESOME CINEMATIC FULL OF AWESOME WITH A SLICE OF AWESOME ON THE SIDE!!!!"

If I get that, and maybe some amusing bloopers with the credits such as PoP: Two Thrones had, I will not feel that the drama has been sacrificed in the name of satisfying the "skilled" players, in fact, both of us will probably watch the cinematic together and be thoroughly happy.

PauL o_O

New member
Feb 15, 2009
Personally, I'm dissapointed when I get to the end boss fight, where it's just one quick fight, based of the same fighting scheme, that takes no thought or skill. *Cough*Gears of War 2*Cough* I like it when a boss completely whoops me, and I actually have to use what I have to beat him. If the boss fight is one quick, easy blow-out, then what's the point of getting there? Of course you're going to get your pretty little cinematic clip at the end, but you're not playing that..!

-Quick Version: Boss Fights Should Be HARD.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
The worst final boss ever... has to be the MLG pro team "Final Boss"

They doesn't want your TPS report on their desk by tuesday, they want your head on a silver platter

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
I enjoy the type of bosses that you briefly mentioned near the end. I'm 100% a Heroic Gamer, but to truly create an experience worthy of culminating a story, there must be some kind of tension. Take Xenosaga Episode 2, one of the most story driven series out there. The final boss just sits around while you pummel him to death. While this is important to the story, it causes the game to whimper out, rather than "end with a bang," so to speak.

Kingdom Hearts 2 is the perfect example of using atmosphere and visuals over sheer difficulty to create a climactic and dramatic final conflict.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
I like the way fallout and fallout 2 handled the final boss fight.

Giving you the option of going up against "The Master" with guns blazing, or activating the nuke he foolishly has laying around the basement.

Or in case of Frank Horrigan turning defense systems against him.

I my self is largely a "heroic" player


New member
Nov 20, 2007
so i love these new articles. please keep them going. they are high writing, and they are very very interesting.

on topic, im definitely heroic, but as others have stated, a final boss that doesnt provide the climax to a story arc, where the hero didnt really need his journey, he just needed one good kick, it feels cheap and anticlimactic, the exact opposite of what is expected by the "heroic" gamer. i want to destroy the big bad, cuz i hate him. giving the character that ability to go balls to the walls, and just barely win is what makes for a good climax, to both a video game and a story


New member
Jun 9, 2008
In the Afro Samurai game, the battle with Justice at the end is phenomenal as far as balance between difficulty and story goes. The fight was hard enough that I died once or twice before beating him, and the whole time Justice is talking and taunting you... plus the level design is wildly different from anything seen in the game up to that point.

The end of the game was one of the best final bosses I've ever seen.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
First of all, heroics are pretty overrated when they have to satisfy millions of individual gamers. The more personal it is, the more heroic it is. I guess I have to go with KOTOR because I never got tired of beating on Malak. He is always challenging to defeat even if you have a superior character. Any boss fight from any of the Metal Gear Solid series games especially Liquid who just wouldn't stay dead. Virgil from Devil May Cry 3 because he was ultra tough to take down plus he looked cool when he is kicking your arse. Andrew Ryan for obvious reasons if you played Bioshock. And for Final Fantasy, Kuja, Jechts, and of course Sephiroth.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Strafe Mcgee said:
I like both types of games. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it :D
what he said - although I'm not recommending you smoke anything.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
One of the best final bosses for me is Apocalypse in Silver. He forces you to use your collected knowledge and skill to beat him, but as long as you stay focused you will eventually defeat him.

I'm not all that for a final boss that looks really awesome but fights like a handicapped tadpole. That completely drains all the epicness from the moment. As long as the game isn't an asshole and forces you to sit through the same cutscene every time you retry it definately feels like the "real" battle was the one where you finally beat it.

If it's more of a strange cinematic (see FFX) it's easy for me to start questioning the entire premise, because I don't like meta-combat...

The one thing doesn't detract from the other as I see it, so 100% heroics and 100% difficulty ;)