The Final Showdown Has Begun - BioWare versus Mojang

Uber Waddles

New member
May 13, 2010
Cenequus said:
Appleshampoo said:
Bioware beat Blizzard?

Wow, just goes to show you can throw out shit like Dragon age 2 and still be loved the world over.
Well that "shit" I still better that pretty much all the games on the market now. PLus you vote for the company not for DA2. Plus Blizzard just milks the same Wow cow. Just look at Starcraft 2,not only it will cost roughly 180$ for the whole campaign(TZP)eventually but you're actually stuck playing on your own region. If you wanna play on the Korean or US(I'm from Europe)ladder guess what you actually have to buy another copy of the game. Not something you can get away easilly.

Seen the last years winner it's very likelly that Mojang will win since Minecraft it's a very addictive game,still as a company Bioware deserves it , more for what they did in the last 15+ years.
$180 for the whole campaign? $100 is a closer estimate, but nice try. You dont have to buy the full version of the game, which includes multiplayer and all the nice features, if you already have the first one. The second ones will be add-ons, as well as stand-alones for people who dont own the original.

Also, the three campaigns are the size of a relatively long campaign in any other game. Your getting three fully fleshed out campaigns. If your going to complain about that, I demand that you complain about Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, and Dragon Age 2 not being the same game on the same disk. Applying your logic, if Blizzard is milking StarCraft 2 by releasing 3 different fully fleshed out campaigns, BioWare is also.

And milking WoW? Do you have any idea how thick that statement is. If your making money doing something, why stop doing it? Thats capitalism: BLIZZARD is a COMPANY, that is looking for MONEY to post PROFITS. If World of Warcraft is turning a PROFIT, and a consistant large one at that, why would they take it away? So elitist forum goers could then say they have 'integrity for not milking a franchise'? Yeah...

Anyways, back to the topic, I think BioWare should win in this competition, but I would also like to mention that Mojang posted links to the Escapist to have them come here and vote in the competition. Really not giving a fair represntation of how people on The Escapist feel if were getting vote-bombed by another forum...


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Well true we don't know if Blizzard will ask full price(60$)for each of the other campaigns,but on the other hand they always did that.I'm old enough to remember Broodwar but look at Wow and all the expansions were full price. As for the lenght of the campaign,took like what 9 hours? Don't get me wrong great campaign for an RTS,only thing better that I remember was Dragonshard but mostly because that game is pretty unique. Aniway no matter how good you think Sc2 is it's a freaking expensive game and that backfired more than you think. And no you can't compare that with Dragon Age series or any RPG serie. For as long as I remember back in time as much as Dune campaign was a series of scenarios played with each race that game had,while an RPG is a story. You should've made as an example Baldur's gate since that game is cut pretty much in 3 parts and they aren't even sequels but the same game.

The problem I have with people saying DA2 is bad for example(was the same with Origins) it's not the opinion itself which I don't really care,but bad compared to what. What are this freaking awesome games that are so much better that in comparison DA2 is shite. But then I hear stuff like I was more touched by the end in Halo that the Da2 end and it makes sense in a way.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
scott91575 said:
Scyoni said:
I enjoyed Bioware's games (well the ones I've played) but I like the ingenuity that Mojang has brought to gaming and I think it deserves the recognition. Either way, the fact that they reached the final round is enough of a nod to both of their abilities and products.
It's a nod to their ability to advertise this "contest" to their fans. need to change "products" to "product."
Touché. But then the fact that they have enough fans to do that still says something.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Sorry but Minecraft is just one good game, a great one in fact, but just one, Bioware on the other hand have produced great games...Mass Effect2, Dragon age origins, Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect lately...nuff said


New member
May 15, 2008
There are so many people crying about how their favourite developer didn't get in. Boo-fucking-hoo, baby. Shit happens.

Valve didn't deserve to win because they haven't released anything of worth in the last 12 months that hasn't been updates or sequels. If they'd released Portal 2 on time, it would probably have been different.

Bioware AREN'T winning because of how terrible (I hear) Dragon Age 2 is.

Mojang are winning because it's a cheap, fun game that you can waste hours and hours on and still feel like you've accomplished something. I thought that's was gaming was about. Apparently, it's about not encouraging the up and comer and just voting for the big guns.



New member
Apr 3, 2011
I voted for Mojang since I'm leaving in Sweden..hahahaha... I'm disappointed on Dragon Age 2, Bioware should lost against DICE for BBC2 is amazing and BC3 will be release this year ...Bioware beats Blizzard and I can't believe it..well I'm happy that the 3rd installment of Diablo will be coming out soon than I expected...


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Wait, so the finale is Bioware and a studio that hasn't officially released a game yet, just a beta, that is essentially a tub of legos.



New member
Dec 30, 2010
Hmmm. My personal bracket had a Mojang Vs Bethesda final. Although Mojang never had to face Bioware, and considering my Minecraft decided to brick itself (hurr hurr, geddit?) I had to give my vote to BioWare. I'd be happy to see either of them win though.