After seeing the confrence I had to go buy a cigar. I also like how it's using the Skyrim Engine so modders wont have to drasticly change things, but I feel they could of updated it a bit more. It looked like my skyrim does when I got my pretty mods running.
While I kind of agree that a voice protagonist will kind of take you out of the immersion, I would like to believe we, as gamers, can finally move past the Heroic Mime trope. I already know I will be spending tons of time on my settlements, probably never finishing the story. This is what I wanted since Fallout 3, a place I could actually call home.
I'm gonna be pissed though if it's like the Skyrim DLC, that was annoying. Sure, I'm the Dragonborn, killed Alduin, became the harbinger of the companions, the speaker for the dark brotherhood, the head of the mages college, a Nightengale for Noctural, and effectively ended the civil war in Skyrim, but for some reason my jackass of a husband keeps getting kidnapped by bandits.