Malygris post=7.72427.771045 said:
I'm not really sure why you're arguing this point. The movie was subtitled in the early 80s to fit in as part of Lucas' "grand vision," but the fact - the undisputed, incontrovertible fact - is that when Star Wars was released, there was no "Episode IV," no subtitle, no nothing. It was Star Wars. I'm not going to continue this conversation further because there's nothing here to debate. (I will, however, see your Wiki and raise you an IMDB where you may notice that the movie written and directed by George Lucas in 1977 is referred to as "Star Wars.")
PS. I'm not a mod.
PPS. Trying to steer things back to the original point a bit, can someone explain to me - because I'm honestly curious - how it is that Darth Vader had an apprentice? My understanding of things has always been that Sith come exclusively in pairs - a master an an apprentice.
PPPS. Han shot first.
Fine, this is the last I'll say about it. I'm harping on it b/c basically you didn't read all my posts or respond with any valid points to my arguement other then "b/c I said so". Also, when you say something lame as "I think the next person who calls Stars Wars "A New Hope" should get an internets cockpunch." it requires debate and justification, even though with a short sighted statement like you made, I shouldn't have expected rational thought.
TO BE CLEAR: I Never disagreed that it was RELEASED that way! Information easily obtained from reading my post. Only that the Episode IV and "A New Hope" was in the opening crawl. I KNOW the subtitle was added later to the proper name.
(Clarification: I said that the "episode title wasn't tacked on" in an earlier post...and thats true, the opening crawl had it, but I didn't saw "subtitle"... My point was its always been "A New Hope"...that name didn't come out of nowhere in the 80s. Lucas then made it the title at that point)
BUT the MAIN point is that GEORGE LUCAS CAN CALL HIS MOVIE WHAT HE WANTS! It's not up to you. You are not the deciding factor on what someone else names their property. There seems to be this belief that anything released into pop culture becomes everyones property, and that it can't be changed or edited... basically that's wrong...get over it.
IMDB, under "Also Known As" Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (USA) (reissue title (new title)) New title... as in, "That's what it is now" If you type in Star Wars it will lead off with The 77 film, but list all of them. IF you type in the full title, it goes straight to it.... hmmm
PS. The other guy called you a mod, so I rollled with it. Sorry.
PSS. Starkiller was a "secret" weapon to help kill Palpatine. If you play the game there are plot twists.
PSSS. I know. I think I can use your arguement but I'm really tired of people harping on that. It was a stupid change for a liberal Politically Correct crowd....