The game that took your frustration virginity


New member
Feb 27, 2011
i really really cant remember >.< i'll try to think of the FIRST.

but the one afew days ago was demon's souls (got use to it now) and lost odyssey has been making me rage VERY hard lol


New member
May 9, 2010
Some Nintendo adventure game with a Gandalf wannabe. Combat was a form of rock paper sissors except the enemy telegraphed which it was choosing and the puzzles were all weird like from text games. I had to call the Nintendo hotline more than a few times for that bastard of a game.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
trying to get 100% on the original stuntman on PS2, my god did I rage quit hard!


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on NES.

The old platform game.

Oooooh sweet Jesus, that game was Nintendo-hard.

You think the dam level with the electrified seaweed is tough? You get through it.

Those damned jumps in the sewers of the city level .. think it was tough? You get through it.

The spiked, closing walls at JFK Int'l Airport? Think it was tough? You get through it.

Finding the damned randomly appearing technodrome at the Farm? Think it was tough? You get through it.

The Technodrome ?! SHELL SHOCK!!!

I remember, there was a corridor right near the end, *right* before you fight Shredder. The corridor was not big enough to jump in - and the flying space men with lasers would spawn en masse at the edge of the screen, constantly running from you. RRRRARAAAAAAHHHH !!!!

I only got through that corridor once in my life. Went up a ladder, met Shredder ... but I only had half a box of life. Shredder sneezed and I died.



New member
Mar 10, 2009
Street Fighter II for SNES. I was trying to beat it on the hardest difficulty and could not get past Vega. I literally fought him over 100 times in a row trying to beat him. Eventually I found a pattern and just kept using it over and over until I beat the little jerk. Sagat and Bison were nowhere near as hard, but still took forever to beat. I remember growling profanity at the tv, and squeezing the controller so hard you could hear it cracking. I was SO irriated.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Fucking Mario Kart 64. I have this curse with all the Mario Kart games. I'm actually pretty good, almost always coming in first on Wii and easily winning the Mirror Grand Prix in all of them, but when I'm playing against people on the same console, I always get assraped by lightning and lose by a lot. Every single time. One time I went six races in a row staying in first until the end of the final lap, where I would get hit with lightning and get set back too close to the finish line to recover.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
It was either Earthworm Jim or some Aladdin game for the Sega Genesis. Keep in mind I was four at the time so I could probably do better now.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
It's gotta be either Bart's Nightmare or Lester the Unlikely for the SNES. I could do alright on BN, though never close to beating it. Only ever got to like the third stage or so on Lester.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
This is a bit embarrassing...

Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase. It wasn't my first game.

The first that made me cry though. >>.

That part with the fucking stupid bridge... GAWWWW.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Star Wars Battlefront 2.

That one level where you have to destroy some glowing table on this base that is in space. It requires you run through unlimited enemies and destroy it, but your spawn point is way far back. If you die, most progress you make up to their is immediately set back. So you really had to rely on a lot of cheap skill or luck to make it to that fucking table.

It was my first swear. And I still hate that level today.
Polis Massa. F**K that level in the 501st campaign.

The most frustrated I've ever been with a game would have to be either the Fellowship of the Ring or the Frederic Barbarossa campaign in Age of Empires 2. Probably have to say Fellowship of the Ring because I quit playing the game before I even reached Moria. The fact that the characters didn't look or sound like the actors rubbed me the wrong way, but it was the combat and the early levels where you have to attempt to sneak past Ringwraiths as Frodo. I say attempt because it was nearly impossible. The very first level you do this you have 5 sec to hide before you lose. And it takes basically 5 sec to get to the hiding place I eventually did find. I have yet to finish that game and probably never will.

As for AoE2, that campaign, even on easy, owned me something fierce. The level where you have to steal the relics from all the princes (it's either 1st or 2nd) to sway them to your cause as they are all turning on you. There was hardly ever a moment that I wasn't being attacked, so I could never mount an offensive to get the stupid things. Never did finish that campaign. Played the hell outta the rest of the game though.


New member
May 14, 2009
Sonic The Hedgehog: Triple Trouble on Game Gear.

What's the point of getting a sick day in the second grade if you can't play video games because your fingers are shaking with rage? Stupid Sonic. Stupid bronchitis.

I'd bet I could do better 15 years later, but I sure wouldn't pull out my game gear now to find out.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
I kept my cool and didn't get to annoyed or frustrated until I started playing mw2.
People hiding in corners with Cold Blooded and a Scar-H, I raged so hard.