The Graphics Plateau: Where do we go next?


New member
Sep 30, 2009
First, we get absolute photo-realism. When I can play a game, use a peripheral to imprint my face on the protagonist's and it really is like looking into a mirror, THEN the graphics are perfect.

Somewhere along the way, the AI is going to be improved greatly. I've often thought about a game where you don't actually control the protagonist because the protagonist is actually a sophisticated AI. Instead, you put on a headset and talk to the character, guiding them to victory.

Also, storage is going to be revolutionized a few times to allow for the absurdly large amount of space the AI is surely going to need. Blu-ray is nice right now, but there are already some alternatives here/on their way.
Example: Moviebob made a case for a temporary return to cartridges. That is, SD cards and flash drives that are almost as large in capacity as blu-ray. Without needing the space for the optical disc drive, consoles can either be made more compact, or just use that space for the big graphics cards, as well as providing air-flow to cool the components.
Either way, the concept of the Cloud - and tech-savvy as I am, I admit to not knowing very much about the Cloud - is going to eventually be fleshed out to a point where games don't even need physical mediums, instead relying on constant connection to the Internet, or at least being able to download them to a hard drive.

Oh yeah, we still have to perfect physics engines, too. I'd be happy with a script that says "this is solid, nothing clips through it without leaving an imprint" that is applied to people and clothes, ground, walls, and so on. I'd be happy with that much, but if we can get explosions, projectiles, flames, water and such to behave as in the real world, so much the better.

In the end, I think it all comes back to motion controls. We can only find so many different ways to play games with buttons before we have people saying, "Can we control games without using buttons?" Of course, Nintendo has a bit of a head-start on that front. Kinect isn't nearly perfect, but it will be, and I for one am hugely anticipating that day. Supplement Kinect with a Wiimote or similar one-handed controller, and I'm one happy gamer.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Honestly, the graphics of today's games are about as much as I need. Focus more on actually interesting gameplay mechanics than making prettier games please. AI especially needs to be improved, as for most games it's complete shit.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Graphics have peaked? According to who?

Console graphics look like shit. Get some glasses.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Tharwen said:
Graphics get easier to make.

Tools like the UDK and CryEditor become simpler and cheaper, and good graphics become more accessible to indie developers. In the meantime, those of us who still use a first-gen MacBook a lot of the time don't even get to play Portal... /obviouslynotcomplainingabouthowshithismacbookis
Yup. You beat me to it. The graphics are going to become cheaper and easier to make, which SHOULD not only drive down the budget of games (which will mean game devs can devout more and more of the budget to other things), but will make it easier for indies to make games with stunning graphics. Once we reach a graphical plateau, then hopefully games will start becoming more creative, cheaper, and easier to make.

IzisviAziria said:
This is next
No it's not. Notch wrote a piece about it in his blog, where he pretty well outright dismisses it. I don't mean to imply this as an appeal to authority, but rather simply because the points he raises in his blog are legitimate, and he states them in a forward way.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
One would hope the game-play would see the next set of focus, but i doubt it. right now, they are trying to switch from graphic prowess to 3-D. either they will succeed or fail with that and move to AR, motion controls, or just normal controller design, an eternal favorite.

personally i would love to see more focus on storage(especially for handhelds, which average 1-3 save files usually.), battery life, saving/loading times, length of games, story, removal of dlc/expansion costs, smarter AI, faster connection speeds. maybe im too optimistic for even mentioning any of that.

im kinda against them branching into stuff like smell/taste/touch. i don't know who suggested that, but it just seems like a bad idea for many reasons i wont go into.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
I say we get true 3D. Although I'm a little underwhelmed by my 3DS overall, the 3D effect is pretty good. It won't revolutionise games, but it is an improvement. The best part is that it doesn't add much development cost. 3D modelling is done the same way as today, it just looks a bit more convincing.

Yes, I am aware that it has to work without glasses and be fairly cheap before it's worth buying. But I believe this is possible.



New member
Mar 21, 2011
I don't get it, Why people think focusing on graphics makes the game play instantly bad?
Graphic designers do their jobs, level designers theirs, game play designers do game play related stuff... If graphics are focused and game play ends up shitty, don't blame the company for focusing on graphics... blame em for hiring horrible game play designers and publishers for rushing games!

Other than that: the peak isn't close at all... You can't shoot leaves off a tree, just for fun rearrange every little dust particle into a small pile, shoot a guys nose off, dig a hole with grenades without a supercomputer...


New member
Dec 21, 2010
YokuG said:
Other than that: the peak isn't close at all... You can't shoot leaves off a tree, just for fun rearrange every little dust particle into a small pile, shoot a guys nose off, dig a hole with grenades without a supercomputer...
None of that stuff has to do with the quality of the graphics. That's gameplay options. The polygons, or atoms or w/e can already be taken apart as the designer wants (See: Red Faction). But more importantly, who cares about that stuff? Which is probably why most games don't do it.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
AlternatePFG said:
Honestly, the graphics of today's games are about as much as I need. Focus more on actually interesting gameplay mechanics than making prettier games please. AI especially needs to be improved, as for most games it's complete shit.
Quite agree. While I'm not a gigantic COD fan, the graphics are good, easy example of being quite sufficient for visual immersion. BF3 is gorgeous, and a big chunk of it's sales(yes I'm getting it) will be for just that, but I don't really need that high a scale to enjoy the game.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
MinimanZombie said:
What happens next eh? Hmm. Of course! We shall use people, and make them act out the video games!
You mean like the I-Human?
I thought he meant something like in 'Gamer'.

OT: I think graphics will have peaked when the games going for realism look no different from what you see in front of you.

XT inc

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2009
The graphics need to staymore or less the same, but use more power to fill in the blanks in the physics, lighting,effects.

It gets to be too much of a strain on graphics to be pretty and do stuff like fighting in a burning house flowing down a river in a nonscripted event. You've got so much shit going on, you won't be looking at the textures as much as the reactivity of the game.


New member
Apr 6, 2004
YokuG said:
I don't get it, Why people think focusing on graphics makes the game play instantly bad?
You have your 100% of design budget, what do you spend the percentiles for recruiting and hiring on?

Sadly, it seems that supposed "AAA" (God I'm sick of that term) development teams run under the premise of 70+% go to making the game look pretty.

Limited budget and most of it being put to hire hordes of graphics teams and small groups for everything else.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
We go backwards.

Honestly, that's where I think we'll go once we hit the plateau.

Once we've hit the highest peak of what photo-realism can offer, we'll go back to being creative and thinking outside of realism.

I'm still yearning for a cartoony AAA title.

The moment we stop focusing on how 'real' everything looks is the moment we see true style and gameplay innovation make a serious comeback.

It's why I think the indie market is making so much headway right now.

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
We go to things like virtual reality/augmented reality, maybe. For consoles, we open it up now to having huge branching storylines, basically putting in 2x, 3x the game into one game and needing space to run it. Choose your own adventure becomes actual reality.

Or so I like to think.


New member
May 13, 2010
In the long run it's heading for VR/augmented reality, though a home console which fully incorporates either is still a push from here. In the short run my money would be on more outlandish approaches, once photo realism is the norm I'll be looking for those games which offer something more amazing with their engines and their aesthetics. There are many beautiful things we see, the world is so dreary compared to our minds, no?

Iffat Nur

New member
Aug 13, 2010
The main thing I want to see (in terms of graphics) is that we can build the graphics we have right now on a larger scale. For example, Modern Warfare 2's human models look great and all, but their environment is lacking. With new updates in how much a GPU and CPU can handle, perhaps we can see that the trees share the same level of detail as the guns. We would also need a significant increase in Draw Distance, so you can have a game like ARMA 2 be played on a much more contemporary system.

TL;DR: Allow for more objects with better detail, and increase draw distance.