The Introduction Thread! šŸŗ


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Hi all, members from the V1 forums will (hopefully) remember me.

1. I love classical mythology. Silvanus is a minor Roman god of the woods. I usually prefer Greek names (and consider the Romans a bunch of mythical plagiarists), but Silvanus doesn't have an exact analogue in Greek mythology, which is quite rare.

2. When did you start following The Escapist? 2013.

3. Favorite video games: the order changes from month to month, but usually taking spots in the top 10 will be Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask; Okami; Bloodborne; Silent Hill 2; Arkham City; Guild Wars: Prophecies; Final Fantasy IX.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you? I make a pretty good coffee cake.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2? Like the colour scheme. Looks better than V1 so far, visually at least.
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Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Sorry to say, I don't remember you from those days. Though, the forums were extremely active back then and I was still new.
Well, it was 8 - 13 years ago... good god that's a long time to be on a website.

It's funny the forum members you remember from years ago.

Saint of M

Elite Member
Jul 27, 2010
United States
1. Started using it for Star Craft, just the first words that came to mind. Also find it fun to see people find meaning in the M, when I have no meaning attached to it.
2. Not sure, want to say 2008, maybe sooner.
3. Amored Core 3, Final Fantasy X, Blackops 1 and 2, MK Deception, The Legend of Dragoon, Double Dragon 2; Apple See Ex Machine, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Animal House, Saints and SOldiers, Dog Soldiers, Underworld
4. Was a Den leader for Bear scouts for about a year and a half, did bird rescue on and off most of my life (namly parakeets, cockatiels, and one African Grey).
5. Still waiting to see how things are going to make a desigion


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
1. In high school algebra, heard the teacher say ā€œX primeā€ and it sounded cool. Also have had an affinity for experimental electronic music. Lastly, most people whoā€™re around me in enough intimate situations will tell you Iā€™m mental. I mushed the three ideas together decades ago into ā€œX-Prime-Mental,ā€ aka ā€œXprimentyl,ā€ and have been that pretty much everywhere since.

2. Started following The Escapist in 2011 or so. Just moved to Texas by myself, my old Gamespot ā€œunionā€ of years had been dissolved (thanks, Gamespotā€¦) was seeking out some semblance of gaming community, so got involved in the forums here.

3. Lots of favorite video games, but my favorite franchises are Splinter Cell, Halo and GTA. Shows? Itā€™s Always Sunny In Philadelphia and The Office. Movies? Probably Oceanā€™s 11; at the very least itā€™s the one Iā€™ve seen more than any other.

4. Cool facts? Ummm, for 6 months, I unknowingly dated a woman who was married to a fucking cop. (Love makes you blind and stupid to some obvious shitā€¦) He found out who I was before I even knew he existed.

5. Feedback on Escapist V2: none yet, still too fresh to critique, but thanks for giving us new forums and thanks for doing what you could to keep the V1 forums afloat as long as you did. I know people complained a lot, but the fact is they kept showing up to complain, so you were doing something right.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
1. What's the story behind your username?
I become obsessed with Blaxploitation names. I really can't explain why. So, I sent about creating my own. It was already "Adjective" or "Noun" plus "Common black last name". Obsidian Jones rang true.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
Sept 24, 2008. During one of the hardest ten plus years of my life. Talking to people kept me sane. I have a lot to thank for that.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
Favorite Genre of games: Fighting. Of those, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike still gets me the most hyped.
Outside of Fighting games, I like Grinding and Power Fantasy. If Saints Row IV had more abilities, a real leveling grind, and was placed in a Cyberpunk setting, it would have been the best game ever made.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
I am learning to be a pilot. Hopefully for money!

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
The new site is looking slick. I legitimately felt a pang of excitement when I saw the things in store. I'm reading some articles as we speak.

Only real feedback I can see at this early age is that maybe in the forums, there should be an option for podcasts? Like possibly in 'Movies and TV' as I tend to watch my Podcast.

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
1. What's the story behind your username?
Hey guys, Tiger King here! I got my username from a show on Netflix you probably may have heard from.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
I joined the escapist maybe around 2009/2010. I see the old accounts got deleted which is a little sad but oh well fresh start I suppose. I hope some other veterans are still around, we could reminisce about past times. should probably give that whole gamer gate period a miss though, horrible time. It just felt like the whole forum was locked in an epic bitter war to the death.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
Skyrim, Alpha Centauri, Final Fantasy 7, Arma 2 dayZ mod. I don't currently have a console so I can't really play any games right now. given the current state of affairs I'm very tempted to buy one. I feel the current xbox and ps4 are still kinda expensive though given how long they've been out.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
Not really, I like to write short stories and I have a dream of putting together an anthology and illustrating it. I'd put it out as an e-book on amazon for free or something.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
It's all new and different and scary.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
2. When did you start following The Escapist?
I joined the escapist maybe around 2009/2010. I see the old accounts got deleted which is a little sad but oh well fresh start I suppose. I hope some other veterans are still around, we could reminisce about past times. should probably give that whole gamer gate period a miss though, horrible time. It just felt like the whole forum was locked in an epic bitter war to the death.
They weren't deleted, they just weren't migrated over here. We all had to make new accounts. If you link your old account in this thread, Nick'll give you that Legacy badge a lot of us have.

Just remember that when you're linking to your old profile, you need to include your username in the URL rather than linking to the default "view", like so

Tiger King

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
1. What's the story behind your username?
There is no story - it's just my last name and first 2 initials. Sorry if that's dull!

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
in 2013. You know, I can't remember why originally. I think I was at a point in my life when I was looking for answers on a few different subjects and the escapist forums seemed quite thoughtful as one for discussing entertainment.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
Hmmm, there are so many...

Games - Grim Fandango, the original Resident Evils, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Theme Hospital, Chrono Trigger, Discworld Noir, all the Castlevania games, the original Sonic games, Beneath a Steel Sky, Monkey Island, Batman Arkham Asylum, The Witcher 3, Persona 5, Streets of Rage, Blade Runner.... The list goes on. I don't really like first-person action shooters unless there's a specific gimmick to it.

Movies - I love most psychological thrillers but the films I've rewatched most are actually Groundhog Day and American Beauty. Fight Club had a big impaact on me when I was young. Dunno what that says about me.

Shows - Bojack Horseman at the moment, but I'm into classic Britsh sitcoms like Blackadder, Red Dwarf etc

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
I am in a band called The Wrong Signals. Check us out on Spotify, youtube or twitter or anywhere really:

I'm also a freelance marketing writer and ex-journo.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
I like it a lot. Hopefully, people will be more enthused to join and get some good discussions going.
Last edited:


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
1. My old username started with Ka but I never liked it, so I used to call myself just K & Kae is the same pronunciation.
2. 2009 or so, used to follow Screwattack & moviebob led me here, odd since he's not my favourite but I stayed anyway.
3. Movies Blade Runner, Twelve Monkeys & Drive probably, Video-Games I'd say Max Payne 1 & 2, The Last Blade 2 & Metroid Prime probably? Shows Luther & Psycho Pass.
4. I've never managed to get a volleyball to the other side of the net.
5. Not yet, they certainly have a better interface than the previous iteration and they seem much easier to navigate.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
1. Itā€™s a fucked up version of my last name.
2. Damn, like 2010? I honestly have no clue.
3. Game is Fire Emblem, Movie is The Nice Guys, Show is probably Eureka 7.
4. Two of my comments on the infamous thread are featured as legal evidence by Russ Pitts of the forum descending into Nazidom, both heavily ironic. I am therefore a legally recognized high grade shitposter. The king.
5. Honestly the new shitā€™s pretty slick and I love defaulting to what appears to be a dark mode.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
1. What's the story behind your username?
It's a reference to Golden Sun, one of my favorite RPGs ever.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
According to my old profile, 2009, for the Zero Punctuation probably.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
Golden Sun, Okami and Pokemon stand out the most to me.
I have a lot of nostalgia for Golden Sun, I loved the art style, world, music and puzzles.
Okami is pretty and gives me artistic inspiration.
Pokemon won't let go of my childhood.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
I draw things for a living, design t-shirts, illustrate books and I'm starting my own comic about a dragon the size of a chicken and her wolf friend.
Here's are images of them.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
I'm still getting used to things but it looks great so far!

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
1. Well, my username came about when I needed to make a profile on Steam I believe. I used to use a rather boring "Sgt. *bastardized version my name*", but when I started communicating in mp games (Project Reality mod for BF2 was the first), and found that I tended to mumble when I talked. When it came time to make a profile for Steam, I wanted a more unique name and it just fit.

2. Jesus, started following the Escapist back in 2008/2009 for Zero Punctuation and kinda ended up sticking around and starting ghosting the forums.

3. Favorite (serial with actual plot) tv show would have to be It's Always Sunny, without the qualifier Flying Circus edges it a little bit. As far as books go i've recently fallen in love with the Discworld series of books. Games are harder to pin down to a ranked list so: Mercenaires 1, Burnout 3, Project Reality mod (I played this for the better part of a decade), Spec Ops: The Line, and CoD 4.


5. New site is nice, but you guys really need to get the entire backlog of videos from the old site over here. Kinda sucks having to go to the old site for a lot of these videos.


Jul 19, 2020
1. What's the story behind your username?
- I have always been a really big fan of Godzilla, love him from his big stompy toes to his big atomic nose! However I really like the visual appeal of this sort of Moth logo and something about Mothra just has a ring to it :)
2. When did you start following The Escapist?
- I got really into ZP in Secondary School and would always check in on them, when I saw this new Editor-In-Chief guy called Nick posting regular on the YouTube social media I thought that was a lovley thing to do and that's what drew me here, since then I've been a big fan of the escapist show and use this site as my goto source of gaming news!
3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
-Im gonna start with music and say Mr Bungle are the greatest band in the world, I'm also really into funky stuff like Louis Cole and Thundercat, as well as basically everything else
- In terms of games, I'm a big fan of Dark Souls 1 and 2, not so much 3 for some reason (I really don't know why), outside of that I'm not really a current gen gamer, I'm currently working through my ps1 and 2 games (Resident Evil 2 og atm) but I always follow the news of new releases just incase something grabs me
-For TV I am absolutley addicted to 8 out of 10 cats does countdown atm, love all those sorts of panel shows, I don't really watch any normal tv shows as they require a level of focus that I usually do not have time for
4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
Im a bass player... oh wait you said cool facts lol... I'm working on a game, a survival horror point and click thingymebob, so that's something!
5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
- I have small memories of checking out this site way back, I really like how it looks now :) good stuff!
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blue heartless

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2005
1. I was a Kingdom Hearts geek 15 years ago. Now I'm just a fan. I go by something that better reflects my personality these days, but I'll treasure this username.

2. I actually didn't. I was a part of the Warcry Forums, when that was a thing, and was absorbed by The Escapist. Due to that, on the older site I may have been the only active returning user with a reg. date in the year 2005.

3. Megaman Legends. Killing Floor. Halo. Been obsessed with Mahjong recently. I don't watch broadcast television or go out of my way to watch movies, but I'll watch those are recommended to me. I'll be starting Lucifer once I'm finished re-watching Avatar: The Legend of Korra.

4. I had less than 1000 posts in the old site.

5. Sharks with laser beams attached to their frickin' heads.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
1) My username is due to cicadas being one of my favorite insects.

2) I started following the escapist in 2015

3) Favorite shows are Black Lightning, Castlevania and Modern Family. Favorite movies are Wonder Woman, Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island, Bug's Life and Space Jam.

4) I'm Nigerian and I like to write poetry. I released a collection of poems in 2018.

5) So far, I like the new Escapist.
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Crystal Violet

2020: I have not gotten over the scarf thing
Sep 22, 2020
Human Female (she/her)
Hi everyone! I don't think anyone will read this but why not post anyway?

1. What's the story behind your username?
At the start of my old position in forensics they used crystal violet powder in their laboratories but they all got replaced by more efficient stuff so they just had buckets of these jars. I would prank my friends by sprinkling little crystals on them and when it rained they would be covered in this purple dye šŸ˜ˆ It looked cool so I started dying my own clothes with it šŸ¤˜

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
Years ago on the old site but I stopped going online because I was too busy (actually how do you get the legacy flair?) I came back to try and get back in touch with someone else who used it but see now that the website was revamped. I had not realised things got crazy here šŸ˜®

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
Love the Elder Scrolls, Sims, From Software, Halo, Soul Callibur, Final Fantasy, MGS, Resident Evil and indie games. I like the usual high profile TV shows but I have a strange obsession with documentaries on ghosts and the occult as well even if I don't believe them. I'm ashamed to admit I watch a lot of car crash French TV.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
I was fired from the police and have the document proudly framed in my living room.
I have made cosplay outfits but was too shy to go to a convention is case I am seen on someone's Deviant Art.
I am a constant disappointment to my extremely Jewish family.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
Not yet but I might update later


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
2. When did you start following The Escapist?
Years ago on the old site but I stopped going online because I was too busy (actually how do you get the legacy flair?) I came back to try and get back in touch with someone else who used it but see now that the website was revamped. I had not realised things got crazy here
To get the Legacy thing you need to make a post in this thread with a link to your old account, here is the old website for you to find it.

Also welcome back and good on you on getting fired by the police, Fuck 'Em!
Also everyone left here is crazy so be careful.
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