The Introduction Thread! 🍺


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2020
1. What's the story behind your username?
2. When did you start following The Escapist?
3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
1. I'm a fan of Peanuts and have doodled a character dubbed Blockhead for a while, (as you can see by my pfp)
Plus I like Minecraft so it fits in that way too I suppose.
2. Honestly I'm unsure, but I like watching Zero Punctuation, and when I was looking for gaming forums I thought that this one would have a fun community.
3. I'm a big fan of platformers, be they 2d or 3d, and I may have an addiction to an mmorpg that has been up and constantly been updating since 2003 called the Kingdom of Loathing, (KoL for short.) I'm also a sucker for cartoons.
4. I haven't done many cool things I'm afraid.
5. Given the fact that I wasn't on the original forums I can't give too much feedback, I'm used to the KoL forums: but every forum has it's own quirks, I'd say the Escapist V2 is decent.
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Regular Member
Jan 31, 2021
1. William is my name and 32 was my roll number in my school :)
2. I started following The Escapist about a couple of years back.
3. My all time favorite video game is Max Payne and all time favorite movie in Psycho
4. I like playing games and I am a big sports fan
5. It rocks :)


Senior Member
Escapist +
Mar 17, 2010
Alberta the land of snow snow and sometimes sun
Greetings everyone.

I finally pulled the trigger and joined up and wanted to introduce myself.

1.What's the story behind your username?

I tend to go by some different user names like Hasao or Ender, but for some reason when I joined YouTube years ago the normal names just didn’t feel right. At that time I was also massively hooked on Kingdom Hearts and Sora was my favorite character so it seemed to fit perfectly. The 383 part was because people already picked Sora and I didn’t want to just do 1 or 2 or 3 etc.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?

started following The escapist when Yahtzee originally became a part of the team, then I became hooked on the other content like Jim sterling. I did leave for a bit and just watched stuff on YouTube for about a year or two but I’m happy to be back.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?-

Favorite game is a tough one but it’s a toss up between trails of cold steel 2 and Persona 3. For movies it depends on what I am craving but you can’t go wrong with Spirited Away. For shows I’m a total anime addict and there are to many favorites to name

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?-

Total manga addict along with anime and I use to fence when I was a kid for about 7 years.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?-

when it comes to feedback nothing pressing, I use a mobile device more often and sometimes it doesn’t load, but honestly with mobile lots of sites tend to have the same issues. I am loving the layout and darker background.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to interacting with you all on the forin


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
Hello, strangers on the internet.
1. What's the story behind your username?
-I think my username is pretty straightforward, but I've come to realize that more and more, I'm becoming more detached from society as a whole and just want to live a quiet and stress-free life.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
-I don't exactly remember when, but it was some time before the pandemic. (Isn't it weird that we can casually mention the word pandemic now?)

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
-I love apocalyptic, fantasy, and dystopian themes for movies, shows, and video games. I loved The Last of Us, Uncharted, The Witcher, Tomb Raider, Little Nightmares, and etc. For movies, I love the Hunger Games, Divergent, Train To Busan, Lord of the Rings, and the like. I have no will to commit to tv shows though.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
-I have an English Literature degree, I don't even know if that's cool lol.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
-I wouldn't have any since I haven't seen the V1.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Hello, strangers on the internet.
1. What's the story behind your username?
-I think my username is pretty straightforward, but I've come to realize that more and more, I'm becoming more detached from society as a whole and just want to live a quiet and stress-free life.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?
-I don't exactly remember when, but it was some time before the pandemic. (Isn't it weird that we can casually mention the word pandemic now?)

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
-I love apocalyptic, fantasy, and dystopian themes for movies, shows, and video games. I loved The Last of Us, Uncharted, The Witcher, Tomb Raider, Little Nightmares, and etc. For movies, I love the Hunger Games, Divergent, Train To Busan, Lord of the Rings, and the like. I have no will to commit to tv shows though.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
-I have an English Literature degree, I don't even know if that's cool lol.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
-I wouldn't have any since I haven't seen the V1.
Wow, an actual new member who isn't a legacy user from half a decade ago! Welcome.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Hi! Yeah, I honestly feel a little envious of your Legacy or Escapist+ badges lol. I hope they roll out a new one soon :whistle:
Escapist plus is the one you get for forking out for the premium subscription. Anybody can get that one.


Jul 21, 2021
1. What's the story behind your username?
2. When did you start following The Escapist?
3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
  1. Based off my meatspace name (Andy + Last name) Been using it since my 1st email account in the 1900s and I'm too lazy to think of anything new.
  2. Like many others, because of ZP, back when my gaming news and discussion were only 3 British men (Totalbiscuit, Jim Sterling, Yahtzee) A million years ago, The Escapist (Magazine) made an open call for articles and I wrote one. Never sent it, but the seed was planted.
  3. I detest using the word "favorite" because most times it's meaningless by itself (but that's another discussion). But, things I'm enjoying now: The Binding of Isaac, Bloodstained RotN, Cozy Grove, Civ V and World of Final Fantasy. I'm not well versed in TV or movies, so assume my knowledge is mostly the mainstream and the old.
  4. I recently finished my studies in a Masters on Space Technologies, but had to drop out of the thesis because of corona reasons. I'm not a good mathematician, but I enjoy math. I'm that kind of nerd. Born and living in Mexico.
  5. Place looks cool, it's the 1st forums I've signed for in ages, glad to see I can still use BBCode.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Turns out that I never posted here - so Hi - Im Joey

1. What's the story behind your username?

I used to go by Lordjobeyku on most things, because jobeyku was name that my mum created for me for my first ever email address. When I started playing RuneScape, I wanted something a little more medieval sounding, so I just stuck Lord in front of it.

Then I guess I wanted something a little "cooler"(?), and having played a lot of Halo, and having a *terrible* internet connection, I guess my teenage mind somehow connected the dots and thought up laggyteabag

Thanks, teenage me.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?

2009. This exact video.

I've always liked watching video reviews, especially for games that I already owned - I guess to just validate my opinions?

Through many internet searches, I found this video on the Escapist, thought it was funny, watched the back-catalogue of episodes. Then I lurked on the forums for a while, before finally joining in.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?

Im a huge Halo fanboy. Im also a massive MCU nut. My love for the Mass Effect games has also been rekindled from the recent Mass Effect Legendary Edition release.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?

I suppose my cool videogame fact is that - according to Steam - I own 667 games and counting. No doubt that with the Epic Games Store etc included, that number is probably around 800+

Haven't played most of them, though. Naturally.
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Jul 21, 2021
that number is probably around 800+
You can get accurate stats for steam and get disappointed in your life:

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Value: $14173 ($3500 with sales)
  • Games owned: 991
  • Games played: 325 (32%)
  • Hours on record: 8,087.6h


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
A bit late on this, but....

1. Eh, general statement on my personality, also an obscure joke from the old Bloom County comic strip.
2. Ever since Yahtzee moved here from Fullyramblomatic.
3. Games: Doom 1993, Blood, Jagged Alliance 2, Shadow of Rome, a whole bevy of arcade beat em ups. Movies: Streets of Fire, Aliens, Dawn of the Dead 78, Straw Dogs, Re-Animator Music: The Police, Kraftwerk, Golden Earring, Ministry
4. *Shrug* Just that I'm a geek in one of the worst places to be one in the US, right in hicksville USA and the buckle of the Bible Belt.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
1. What's the story behind your username?

"Old": because I'm 44, and I don't have friends IRL that game, so I feel old sometimes especially when I'm getting game tips from the young'uns' and such. But I don't mind.
"Hunter": reference to Bloodborne, a game that totally revamped my will and interest to try challenging games again. Of course I was into it as a kid with Nintendo and whatever, but I got back into gaming later as an adult because of interactive story telling as much as gameplay with Assassins Creed and God of War and such. I was intrigued by Dark Souls but was so intimidated. Bloodborne totally re-wired and obsessed by brain and fingers and like I still can't believe I beat it and platinumed. It's that special love/hate/obsession with games.

Plus of course Old Hunter is the Bloodborne DLC and I love that whole lore.

'77 is the year I was born, natch. This is also my tag on the game platforms.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?

About a year ago, I guess. I had seen some ZP vids and probably that led me down the youtube algorithm wormhole and such. I just appreciate that the Escapist content creators are adults, some even with kids, and aren't edgelord douchebags like so many video game blahbbers.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?

Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time and is my standard-bearer for narrative games.
Music is my primary entertainment love, though (jazz, R&B, prog rock, blues, metal)
I don't know if it's my favorite show but I love love love Babylon 5, from the '90's and can geek out about it as much as Bloodborne.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?

I'm a pretty good writer! I mean, you won't know from forum posts which I don't edit but I write for work and used to do casual music reviews that people liked, and have dabbled with blogs and such. I heard on the last Breakout that the Escapist will be looking for freelance writers, maybe I'll submit stuff.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?

Looks good so far


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
1. What's the story behind your username?

"Old": because I'm 44, and I don't have friends IRL that game, so I feel old sometimes especially when I'm getting game tips from the young'uns' and such. But I don't mind.
"Hunter": reference to Bloodborne, a game that totally revamped my will and interest to try challenging games again. Of course I was into it as a kid with Nintendo and whatever, but I got back into gaming later as an adult because of interactive story telling as much as gameplay with Assassins Creed and God of War and such. I was intrigued by Dark Souls but was so intimidated. Bloodborne totally re-wired and obsessed by brain and fingers and like I still can't believe I beat it and platinumed. It's that special love/hate/obsession with games.

Plus of course Old Hunter is the Bloodborne DLC and I love that whole lore.

'77 is the year I was born, natch. This is also my tag on the game platforms.

2. When did you start following The Escapist?

About a year ago, I guess. I had seen some ZP vids and probably that led me down the youtube algorithm wormhole and such. I just appreciate that the Escapist content creators are adults, some even with kids, and aren't edgelord douchebags like so many video game blahbbers.

3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?

Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time and is my standard-bearer for narrative games.
Music is my primary entertainment love, though (jazz, R&B, prog rock, blues, metal)
I don't know if it's my favorite show but I love love love Babylon 5, from the '90's and can geek out about it as much as Bloodborne.

4. Any cool facts we should know about you?

I'm a pretty good writer! I mean, you won't know from forum posts which I don't edit but I write for work and used to do casual music reviews that people liked, and have dabbled with blogs and such. I heard on the last Breakout that the Escapist will be looking for freelance writers, maybe I'll submit stuff.

5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?

Looks good so far
Hello and welcome to the forums. Always nice to see a new face, so I hope you'll enjoy your stay. Just make sure to stay out of the basement.

PS: never mind that basement bit, that's just an in-joke from the old forums. That's right, I'm bringing it back!
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I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
1. What's the story behind your username?
I liked Fallout...still like fallout
2. When did you start following The Escapist?
4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
I was banned years ago for being an ass but now I am less of an ass
5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
what's going on? so many accounts. I thought the forums/site were dead haha I found my old avatars in a folder and on a whim decided to check the place back out again


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
New here? Take a moment to introduce yourself by answering a few questions!

1. What's the story behind your username?
2. When did you start following The Escapist?
3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc?
4. Any cool facts we should know about you?
5. Any feedback or comments about The Escapist V2?
I don't think I ever got around to doing this so.....

1.) I was looking for a username and for whatever reason thought of the melting clocks from the Salvador Dali painting Persistence of Memory. And decided, sure, I'll go with that.
2.) Around the same time Yathzee moved here, so like 15 years ago. So I remember a bunch of the old shows from way back when the site first started like Miracle of Sound, Rebecca(meyers?) muses, Unskippable, that time when Yahtzee and Jim Sterling did freeform poetry together. Now, GET OFF MY LAWN!
3.) Oh god. That would be it's own fucking thread. Just going with games I enjoy the Metal Gear series, Kerbal Space Program, RDR series, Ace Combat series, and a bunch of indie games nobody cares about except for me.
4.) I used to work in a Naval Nuclear plant(in the belly of an aircraft carrier). I've also written 2 novels, neither of which I've submitted for publication(one because it was a NanoWri joke novel which did meet the word count so technically counts, the other because I'm not happy with it and don't have the patience to rewrite the large chunks required to make it acceptable to myself). I've also been an extra in 2 movies nobody has seen or cares about and no, they aren't worth watching.
5.) You're doing a great job. This place has gone from an abandoned squatters village to a thriving community in just a few years.
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Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
I used to be on here a lot around 2012-2014. It was a fairly pivotal period in my life as I hit my early twenties and started to figure myself out, and looking back on my old posts I was surprised that, while a massive amount has changed for me since then, a fair bit has also stayed the same. Every now and then I still find myself missing the community from back then, so I recovered my account and found myself getting unexpectedly misty-eyed looking through old threads. Figured I'd throw a post out there on the off chance any of the old crowd happens to see this (and even vaguely remembers who I am)...

1. It's a Quenya name I made up for my Elf alter-ego - I've always been a huge Tolkien dork, and I kinda still use the name for online/gaming purposes, though I added an extra syllable somewhere along the way.
2. 2010-ish? Haven't been here in a looooong time, but I still religiously follow content creators I discovered here like LRR and Jim Sterling (long gone from the site, but active on other platforms)
3. Still an on-again-off-again (currently on-again) WoW player. I mostly play indie games these days, got a massive penchant for beautiful, hand-drawn metroidvanias.
4. I'm a hardcore reader - I usually get through ~100-150 books per year.
5. Not a clue, I'm kinda amazed this place is still going and my account still exists...