The King of Fighters Movie Trailer Is Confusing

Feb 13, 2008

For a start, Vice is usually high as a kite and in evening dress.

After that...I'm truly astonished they're trying to do this after DOA.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Ok, as delicious as Ray Park is, this is complete bullshit. Terry with no hat? Mai with no boobs? An alternate dimension? Look, I understand you need to make some compromises when dealing with actual people, but this is just so off point, I don't even know what to say.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
cleverlymadeup said:
this looks like a so bad it's good type movie. it will probly be cheesy and horrible but good in that way
No, just cheesy and horrible. SBIG movies are, in the end, re-watchable. I can't see anyone giving this second look.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Pretty much I have the feeling this is going to suck... badly.

I mean, Terry with no hat, an alternate dimension and the worst sin being Mai with no boobs! I am not pleased by this.

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Yet another popular license gets dragged into an alley, brutally raped and beaten to death by Hollywood. They apparently didn't learn a thing from Dragonball Evolution or Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li. Seriously, this has so little to do with the original game that the only reason they didn't just make it an original story is that they couldn't get away with an original story having a plot this bloody STUPID unless they slapped the name of a "wacky" Japanese fighting game series on it.

wouldyoukindly99 said:
RougeWaveform said:
wouldyoukindly99 said:
"It's like Fight Club in a way."

I call bullshit.
In the way that there are people fighting.
So that means Twilight is somewhat like Fight Club right? That has fighting.
No, the difference between Twilight and Fight Club is that Twilight sucks sparkly vampire balls. Among other things.

Chocomint said:
There are no words for how blindingly shitty this movie looks.

Seriously, what's next? Guilty Gear? What else can you massacre, Hollywood?
As MovieBob pointed out in his review of Transformers 2, Just as you can make a great movie out of anything, you can make a shitty movie out of anything as well. It appears that's what Hollywood is trying to do.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Chocomint said:
There are no words for how blindingly shitty this movie looks.

Seriously, what's next? Guilty Gear? What else can you massacre, Hollywood?
And with that you know they'll make Bridget a girl in in.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Well, I'm looking forward to this movie for one reason:

I have never disliked a Maggie Q movie.

Seriously, I love her. She greatly improved Live Free and Balls of Fury with her scenes, and her small yet crucial role in Mission Impossible 3 helped that movie become my favourite in the series. But this may be the end of her perfect movie streak; although nothing will keep me from seeing this movie, I highly doubt I'll like it unless the 'fun' compensates for a lot of the ridiculousness that will be in this movie. This is a video game movie after all and this sub-genre has a really bad track record at producing quality films.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Chocomint said:
There are no words for how blindingly shitty this movie looks.

Seriously, what's next? Guilty Gear? What else can you massacre, Hollywood?
Please don't say that. You'll give them ideas. I'd prefer if Guilty Gear and Blazblue stayed untouched by Hollywood's stain.

Terry with no hat? Mai's not in a revealing outfit and doesn't have huge boobs? What the hell? I refuse to call this the King of Fighters movie.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
So, it's taking King of Fighters....and taking all the King of Fighters out of it.



Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
I hate how the actors of the movie are like "Its going to be good" and if they were outside looking in they'd say "Its going to be shit"

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
Scrythe said:
wouldyoukindly99 said:
"It's like Fight Club in a way."
That's the point where I stopped the video.
Same here, I couldn't stand to let them compare what will surely be a dreadful movie to Fight Club.

Whoever came up with the idea to make this and whoever wanted to make that Asteroids movie both need to jump off cliffs.

Rogue 9

I, Jedi
Jun 22, 2008
leonhart126 said:
I just don't understand why they always feel the need to go for tacky looking live action, as opposed to an anime style film which would look so much better and allow them to do so much more with it.
There is already an anime KoF ova that I've seen, and probably more that I haven't. It's pretty fun (if you have a rough idea of the characters and story in advance).

This movie though... *shudders* Although, the Fight World they were talking about sounds vaguely like the alternate world from SNK vs Capcom: SVC Chaos... I need to track down those comics.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
"I think the video gamers, when they see KOF will have fond good memories of when they were playing it". Getting back to my original statement.


No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

How dare you think I'm going to have fond memories of the game. How the hell do you expect me to have fond memories of the game when it looks NOTHING LIKE IT?!!! As I recall there wasn't much of a plot to the video game, but it had nothing to do with crossing dimensions. Just a bunch of characters from various SNK games fighting each other around the world. At this point all I can guess is that the writers are so POOR at character development that they added the dimension crossing.

While I'm sure everyone is going to work really hard to make this work, the trailer has convinced me to watch it when it makes its appearance at a convention (Maybe). Just like Dead or Alive.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
I'm fine with the movie being dumb. I grew up in a house where the original Street Fighter movie was in regular rotation in our VCR, along with Mortal Kombat and it's sequel and Super Mario Bros. I just hope, like those movies, it's dumb in a way that's also brain-numbingly entertaining.

And this outfit thing has GOT to get worked out. Here's hoping they take the Street Fighter route and start with everyone in normal clothes, then through a series of increasingly improbable twists, end up with everyone in their videogame clothes for the final battle.

One final note: I swear, there is NO place left I can go that Tvtropes hasn't invaded. Thanks a lot, Funk, now I'm going to be trapped for hours, and I have to take my sister to the SATs in the morning.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Maggie Q, while hot, is not nearly hot enough to be Mai Shiranui (especially in the boob area). In fact, I don't think any girl is hot enough to be her.

Also, Terry was like my idol growing up. I wanted to look and dress just like him. He's like a cool, adult version of Ash Ketchum. But now he's gonna be a CIA agent?

I might see this movie just because Ray Park is in it, but I'm still on the fence about it. Honestly, I'm still in shock that they would make a KOF movie; or that they would botch it up this much.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Did anyone else notice that they didn't even spell Mai Shiranui's last name correctly in the montage? Or were you all distracted by the world-record amounts of suckage that the rest of the video was causing?