The Last Character You Played As in a Video Game


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
My game was Cave Story.

Because I'm not immune to fall damage the way Quote is, I'll probably die as soon as I land on top of King.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Last character I played as was a Medic in Bad Company 2. I have no military or medical training, so I'm pretty useless. I'll probably get sniped too.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
last game I played was Lego Star Wars. I'm either Luke or Wedge. Kind of screwed either way aren't I?


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Iron Lightning said:
Ahh, but without a trained mind daemons from the Immaterium will surely posses your bright psyker's soul and transform you into a disgusting portal to the Warp. You will open like a gory flower and spew forth torrents of daemonic ichor.

You should've picked a Devastator marine or something.
Good point. Anyway, I would've preferred the Assault Marine, but that class is not available in the trial version, and I can't upgrade to the full game until tomorrow (too few MS points left, need to go out and get a prepaid card).


New member
May 17, 2011
Persona 3. I get to be Minato?

Hmmm... well, if I lack the Wild Card ability he has, I might have some difficulty... but I'd be interested to see what my Persona is, and I'm sure all of SEES should be able to back me up, even without the Wild Card.

I think I'd like this switch. -w-


New member
Jun 14, 2011
A mage called Jace Beleren (mtg nerd reporting in :B) in King's Bounty: The Legend. Beat the game last night, clocked 59 hours and got 663 points, 3rd rank in the game records. 99% completion rate.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
The immortal overlord of Humanity in Masters of Orion 3. I picked up the game for five bucks recently and found it to be one of the most difficult games to actually pick up and start playing, especially considering the game did not come with a manual in spite of obviously having been designed assuming I had access to a textbook length guide. It was an incredible game but just before posting this I uninstalled the game and pitched the discs into a dumpster.

It turns out, not being able to adequately explain why I'm still awake at 4 am the fourth night in a row to either my girlfriend or myself means that I'm dealing with that most dangerous sort of game that invites the "just one more turn". It is the same reason why I don't play Sim City or Roller Coaster Tycoon or any of a dozen other titles.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Well... The last character I played in any game was my level 5 Favored Soul in DDO...

She'd probably do well in a public services college course (She may even know more about current affairs than I do... Infact she definatly will...)

Whereas me taking her place? For starters I'm an atheist, so the whole getting divine powers thing stops right there... I may need to re-roll into a easier class...

If that doesn't count then I'd be my character from Demon's Souls... Which would end in a similar story except I'd have to get used to dieing. A lot. Though hopefully when I say to roll to the right I'd actually roll to the right and not backwards... Damn those controls getting me killed... I'd also be able to aim my bow better since it is really akward to use a mix of free aim and locking on (Free aim is restricted so you can't aim down...)


New member
Jul 31, 2011
Last game I played was a co-op run through of Resident Evil 5....

So I guess I'm Sheva and all I can say is while I'm now a woman, at least I'm in my home country, lol


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Last person I played as was Archer, an elite splinter cell agent who is routinely tasked with killing at least 50 people in one night. With his bare hands.

I would be absolutely boned in his situation, though it would be interesting to see how he'd manage being a high school student...


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Yes, I get to to travel through time and shoot people, and meet old favorites such as Harry Tipper and Captain Ash. And then I save the world!

Cortez, well?..I cant imagine him having too much fun here.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Random AVP flash game as the predator.

I'd ask if I get to keep my abilities? but it would only buy me a few seconds anyway? so? Or on the other hand if I'm allowed them I might be awesome at it. In that highly unlikely scenario, I would be having the best day ever.

More interesting question (to me anyway) is if predator would keep my abilities. If not, he'd probably be tremendously bored and would hate my body and get me killed by joining the Army. If so? well, he'd probably still be tremendously bored, but he would probably be amused at all the math I know which has no real application to anything, and he might run with that (like I am). And preferably he'd keep playing my online nomic games.

[If we kept our old bodies, I would be screwed but if that would mean I would get to be there in spirit when my slightly skittish roommate walks in on a Predator, that would almost be worth being rape-devoured by the aliens]

[EDIT: Or the most interesting, least likely scenario: We keep our own bodies but keep the abilities of the other. In that case, I die approximately one second later due to a well-placed but ill-advised punch to the face, and he goes on to be the first non-human to make significant contributions to human mathematics. Unless he gets killed by overzealous nutjobs or the military, which I suppose is probably more likely since I don't really have the ability to talk my way out of situations well. Or maybe he gets shot by said people and then goes on a murder-rampage. My college is pretty small/nerdy, though, so he might end up being really popular. I could go on?]


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
On one hand: Sex with Cathrine
On the other hand: Having to fight and puzzle solve through the manifestations of my daily problems.

I can't tell if this is a good trade or not


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Grayson Hunt from Bulletstorm. I own a Leash that can grab dudes from a distance, an arsenal of powerful weapons and strong mighty boots to kick guys into spikes with. I also have a stomach filled with whiskey.
I can handle this.