The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
Garen usually loved the 6 day festival. It was a time when his people were at ease. For him however, it was just another day, another mission fighting off the Republican Glorinstine forces. In the mountains of the northern reaches of Uleth, he was tasked by the king to root out enemies hiding in an area that recon forces had reported to be an ammo cache. If the reports of an ammo cache were true, his force was to destroy then retreat before Glorinst reinforcements came.

A bullet from an enemy sniper pinning them down pinged off his left pauldron as he dashed to cover further up the mountain. A fire-ball arched over his head towards where the enemy sniper might've been, and erupted just behind some rock cover. Three bodies were tossed over the rocks and tumbled down-hill a ways before stopping, still blazing a-fire. That old man deserved a promotion.
His team consisted of a medic, two shield-barers, who held large thick shields to withstand attacks from arrows, bullets, and even moderately sized fireballs. The other two were a female sniper and the aforementioned old man who was an elemental mage. The last two were both father and daughter. And Garen of course.

Garen and the old mage named Devas moved up behind the shield-barers while sniper covered them.
Six men armed with swords and axes leapt over another rocky cover and charged them. A sharp bang, and one of them fell to the sniper, tumbling into the man next to him, both sprawling on the ground. Just before they reached the shields, Garen leapt out from the right and beheaded two of them with one swift, powerful swing. The shield barer on the left reach around with his axe and took one with a sword in his side. Garen then drove his sword through the back of the last one standing.
The final man was the one who was felled by his dead companion. Devas threw a small fire-ball at him and it hit square him in the face. What was left of it was too gruesome to describe. They returned to their formation and proceeded up the mountain. They arrived at the cave on their map and Garen dispatched the two guards.
Garen left the group outside the cave to guard the entrance and ventured inside.

The cave was surprisingly deep, not to mention deserted. With his back against the wall, he slid around corners, sword at the ready in case of attack. After three minutes of slithering around corners, he heard voices,
"Yes mistress, the diversions are working" a nasally voice said.
"Splendid, you have done well my servant" Responded an alluring voice.
Garen peaked around the corner and saw a dark shrine to the empress Kith. In front of it, kneeling one the ground, was a slender figure clothed in a black robe.

The moment Garen poked his head around the corner the black clothed man hissed and spun to face him revealing a hideously disfigured face, pale and pruney. Like the way a person's toes look after bathing for too long. It's gloved hand raised holding a spell tome and before Garen could react, threw a ball of fire at him. Garen pulled his head back around just in time to dodge the fiery projectile. Looking at the wall opposite him where the fire-ball had landed, he noticed sparks crawling along the wall down the passage the opposite direction from where he had came. He looked back towards the shrine and the dark-robed man-thing had disappeared.
He looked back to the wall. It was a fuse, probably leading to the cache.

Garen bolted back the way he had come. When he turned the last corner and the mouth of the cave was in sight, a large explosion erupted from deep within the mountain. He was almost out of the cave, until a rock fell from the ceiling and landed on his skull, knocking him out cold.

He came to hunched over on his horse. One of the shield-barers rode up next to him and said "Don't worry my lord, you just took a hit to the head from the cave-in. We'll be back in Tibarn soon. Just rest, Devas is taking care of things."
And with that he dozed off again.

Basically Garen and a squad were up in the mountains on the northern coast and Garen discovered a Dark Mage conversing with someone through a shrine, probably Kith. He took a hit to the head on the way out of a cave-in and will be in the ward in Tibarn for a day or two.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
Festivals. The perfect time for laughing, reflecting on life, and the occasional terrorist. Some people say that you can feel danger in the atmosphere. Like it's quiet. Too quiet. Of course I knew better. The perfect oppertunity for chaos is when everyone is occupied. It wasn't quiet. Far from it, it was noisy. All I had to do was go to the source of the noise. The market. Truly a sight to behold. The fountains, the mosaics on the ground, and of course the smell of food out of this world. Competition between salesmen in the market raised the quality to something unimaginable, until you had tasted it for yourself.

I wasn't hungry. I kept looking. If I were a terrorist, how would I blow up as many people as possi- The fountain. Classy.

Judas Mortimer walked up to the fountain and looked. Then climbed up to the top and reached in.

No bomb. I got restrained for disrupting peace though. As I was dragged away to the closest temporal holding cells, about 4 streets from the market, I pondered about the most important thing I had to do when I got out.

Should I cut the red wire or the blue wire?


New member
Jun 9, 2009
"Ex-military." She replied, "You want specifics? Tell me the details of yours." Like every other response, it was curt, brief, and challenging, Zavier considered how well that description summed up the woman as well. He mulled over her response for a moment. Ex-military. Uleth was desperate, he knew, everyone knew, and they weren't picky about their recruits. A lack or limbs, or eyes, wouldn't, by any means, keep someone out of the military. On top of that, most people who could claim the title 'ex-military' in Uleth were currently feeding the worms. There was quite a bit about this woman, he knew, quite a bit worth investigating. Still, he had somewhere to start from on her, and Zavier decided to indulge her little game.

He turned away from the festival crowds outside back to his companion. Tara kept her eyes fixed on him. Vaguely, Zavier wondered if that sour expression ever left her face. "I prefer the term 'mercenary' in public." He began, "Before you ask, yes, I am Zavier Martres, the rumors you've heard about me probably aren't entirely true, but then, you've probably already figured that out. You want to know about me, and I want to know about you. I have little enough to hide, at least at the moment, so, ask away. A question for a question." This would be a bit risky, revealing too much could cost him, but this woman was interesting, and his curiosity was raised. Sometimes, risks were justifiable.


RIP Escapist RP Board
May 24, 2012
She left the man to stew with that response and here came another one from him. Clear but vague, two could game at that game and Zavier had already agreed to play hers. The dour approach seemed to be working, odd, that was mainly how she stopped the stares, people asking questions and the odd 'cyclops' insult. Well, at least he was facing her now, but Tara didn't let that stony facade leave her face. It didn't help that she had to bear waiting at least six days or more to leave this place and return to Uleth. If this man thought that she was a coward that was simply conscripted into the army because of the country's desperation, he was way off the mark. Neverthless, it had succeed, a question for a question was a fair enough deal.

"I prefer the term 'mercenary' in public." He began, "Before you ask, yes, I am Zavier Martres, the rumors you've heard about me probably aren't entirely true, but then, you've probably already figured that out. You want to know about me, and I want to know about you. I have little enough to hide, at least at the moment, so, ask away. A question for a question."

"Glad to hear it." She curtly replied and tapped the table quietly, but to them it was like the hammering of the judge's gavel, indicting the questioning session had begun, "The contracts with the Uleth goverment?"


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Standing just out of sight, Marc waited until the two figures moved off before heading over to the ship. Wonder what that was all about? He thought, doing a quick check of the vessel to make sure it hadn't been tampered with. Finding nothing he went below to his cabin to refill his purse, that done he was about to leave when a feeling struck him. Better safe than sorry. He mused.

Retrieving a pistol, he tucked it into his waist band and disembarked. "Now...let's see what sort of trouble I can find." Moving down the street, he was passing an inn when he saw the man who'd been standing around the ship. Acting on impulse Marc swung around and entered the inn, quickly making his way to the table where this mystery man and a one-eyed woman were sitting. Stealing an unoccupied chair he sat down across from the pair. "Hi...I know you two don't know me but I've got a question. Why the fuck where you hanging around my ship?" As he spoke he placed one hand on the butt of his pistol, and the other on the hilt of hiss saber.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Zavier considered Tara as she thought over his offer. What was this woman hiding, and why risk letting him know? But then, he was in a similar position. He smiled, curiosity had gotten the better of both of them evidently.

"Glad to hear it." She curtly replied and tapped the table quietly, but to them it was like the hammering of the judge's gavel, indicating the questioning session had begun, "The contracts with the Uleth government?"

It was a question he had been expecting. Every time someone knew who he was and, for whatever reason, felt the need to say something, it always came down to his job. Every time, Zavier gave the same response. "It's a job." He said, "We all have our skills, mine just happen to be of a more morbid sort. I like to think of it as 'problem solving.' Uleth wanted my services, and they were willing to pay quite well for them. I wanted to stay out of jail and keep my head on my shoulders. It was a mutually beneficial relationship." He took a moment to scan the room out of habit, to ensure that no one heard more than was acceptable. Everyone, however, was too busy getting drunk and laughing at each other to notice. Zavier relaxed slightly. Gods, he hated crowds.

He was about to ask his question when a man barged into the inn and sat down in a seat next to them. "Hi...I know you two don't know me, but I've got a question. Why the fuck were you hanging around my ship? Zavier glared at the man. His hands rested on his weapons, Zavier was unimpressed. He turned back to Tara. "One of your friends?" He asked, angry that he had to waste a question on this man.

Possum TheGreat

New member
Apr 4, 2010
Tostundir always disliked running. Too undignified, he thought. Useful, though. He kept on through the streets, and just as he was about to reach the skydocks, he saw her again. Just sitting there, on a crate. That's her, the woman from the bar. He was sure it was her. He knew that he wanted a better look at that ship, but... there was something about the look in her dull amber eyes earlier that intrigued him, and now, there she was. Looking at... nothing, apparently. Her eyes were closed, but he didn't think that she'd quite fallen asleep, even though she had a slight smile on her face. That was probably a result of the alcohol. He could feel his footsteps abruptly stop beneath him as he changed course. Against his better judgement, he approached, his cane clacking along the cobbles as he walked towards her. He had no idea why he was doing this, or, for that matter, what he was going to say.

He tapped her on the shoulder, and cleared his throat, removing his hat and bowing slightly as he said, "Ahem... Tostundir Axela, at your service."

He looked up through his eyebrows after a second. Perhaps she was asleep, after all.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Evangeline was just starting to doze when she became aware of the sound of someone approach. It was probably just some reveler taking a shortcut but Evangeline listened to the movement on the street anyways. If it was someone more interested in a sleeping girl, well, Evangeline hadn't brought any blades or guns into the city; but the knuckleduster in her pocket would be a satisfactory odds evener if needed.

What she definitely wasn't expecting though was the walking figure to stop and introduce itself. Evangeline opened her eyes to examine the bowing figure and immediately felt a rush of agitation. This 'Tostundir Axela' fellow was undeniably the well dressed toff from the bar earlier. Evangeline had spent a good long time looking for him all around the city, and now he just showed up again out of the blue. For a moment Evangeline wondered if he was some kind of hallucination conjured by too much drink and stress.

She regarded him for a moment, the knuckleduster in her pocket singing a strangely seductive tune that she ignored. Fortunately the worst of the drink had burnt off so Evangeline was feeling much more in control.

Evangeline let out an annoyed breath before she spoke. "Don't think I need your service for much anything right now thank you very much." She replied allowing a strong thread of agitation to wind through her voice.

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009
Rez looked over to where he heard his name being called.

"Hey Zeke!" He said, walking towards the newbie. "Have you seen Eva? I wanted to show her something."

But just then he noticed a man wearing goggles and a long cloak with what looked like a spell tome in his hands. The pirate subtly moved his hands towards Margret's handle, getting redy for a fight if need be.

Possum TheGreat

New member
Apr 4, 2010
So she did hear him, after all. Tostundir breathed a sigh of relief. He would have hated to repeat himself.
"Don't think I need your service for much anything right now thank you very much," she replied to him. He gave a warm smile, in spite of her irritated manner, and stood up straight, placing his hat on his head again. "I do hope you are alright, ma'am. I must say, you looked rather troubled earlier." He then took a few paces to her side and sat down on a crate beside hers, crossing his legs and leaning towards her, saying in an almost conspiratorial tone, "Perhaps you would tell me what is the matter, Miss...?"

Establishing a name was a first step to getting her to tell him about her problems. That strange ship would still be there later. It could wait. But this, he felt, was more important. He just hoped that his friendly attitude was enough to get her to open up a little. He had to admit, he was a little concerned about what she was holding in her pocket.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
A hole. In a cell. I wondered who designed this place. Then climbed down without a second thought. Exile, escape from prison, didn't matter. At the end of the day I would be a hero, and my rank and reputation restored. As I walked through the conveniently high ceiling possessing sewers, I started to notice mumbling. Some fiddling and climbing later, I escaped the sewer. Right in front of an inn. A few people were talking to eachother, something about ships.

Suddenly, the warning bells started ringing. 4 times. Code for escaped prisoner. Heralds were going to notify everyone what I looked like. I breathed in and walked up to the innkeeper.

Judas:"Excuse me, but can I buy the ugliest clothing you have to offer, and perhaps a conveniently face covering cap?"


RIP Escapist RP Board
May 24, 2012
In the mists of the drunkard revelry, the sour lass was suddenly accosted by the man then barged into the pub and almost made the establishment be stunned in silence at the random show of violence in the scene of celebration and jubilation. Whoever it was charged straight towards the table where Zavier and Tara were sat in, interrupting the game of questions that was going on. Some people just take in those subtle social cues that sometime private was going on and that these two shady characters should be left alone with their business. Tara scowled even harder as the man approach, almost matching the frown on his face. He sat himself down and preceded to then shout, surely attracting the attention not only of Tara and Zavier but of the whole inn, making cracks in the jovial atmosphere. The man was clearly ready to turn this into a bloodbath as well, by his stance.

"Hi...I know you two don't know me, but I've got a question. Why the fuck were you hanging around my ship?

Those hissed words didn't phase Tara. For all she knew, this man might just be an angry drunk, in contrast with the happy drunks of the inn, then got the idea that he owned the ship from the whispers of the green fairy. Zavier appeared to be angry about wasting time with this lout or it could be even wasting a question, well those were her rough guess. He replied to the man before Tara could ready a response.

"One of your friends?"

"Not one that I know of." She said with a casual air before turning to the unannounced man, addressing him with a sharp tone, "Problem? Go see your captain about it, he owns the ship."

She waited for the man to leave and clutched the hilt of his sword in case he went ballistic.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Evangeline instinctively leaned away from Tostundir as he leaned in. His smile was decent enough, but Evangeline had become somewhat desensitized to common charms, and this fellow didn't hold a candle to Rez once he got going. Evangeline was not amused in the least though and only felt her temper rising up, no doubt buoyed up by the dregs of alcohol still flowing through her.

Evangeline's previous encounter hadn't endeared this guy to her at all, and now she absolutely couldn't stand his apparent patronizing. Here she was in the middle of the slums; skin as tanned as any sailor or dockworker, cloths as common as muck; and he was trying to fish for her name and problem. Did he think he could somehow fix her? It also seemed like he was fishing for a boot to the head.

In a single confident fluid motion Evangeline slipped off the crate she had been sitting on and stood up. She busied herself for a moment brushing off her leggings then her hands before she responded. "Well, at the moment, my trouble is that some darkly dressed, possibly imaginary, toff won't leave me alone. Think you might be able to help me with that?"

Evangeline became aware of the sound of warning bells in the distance. It had been years since she last heard the peals, but the old patterns came back in a flash. Someone in the jug must have made a brake for it. Well, it probably wasn't this guy, and it probably wasn't anyone from the crew, so Evangeline paid it little mind.

Possum TheGreat

New member
Apr 4, 2010
"Well, at the moment, my trouble is that some darkly dressed, possibly imaginary, toff won't leave me alone. Think you might be able to help me with that?"

Tostundir was hurt. He didn't let on, but he was a little. He was only offering help, and she was acting towards him with quite a lot of hostility. Still, she was very quick off the mark, and his warm smile of friendliness turned to a smile of respect. Perhaps, even, a little admiration.

Uncrossing his legs and leaning back against the wall, he paused while the warning bells rudely interrupted their conversation. Quickly changing the topic to hide the fact that he was unable to come up with a witty response, he said, "You're an adventurous sort, aren't you?" She had all the hallmarks. The battered fingernails, heavy duty trousers, calloused hands...

He could also tell that she had killed. There was a weight she carried about her shoulders. He wasn't going to mention that yet, though. For now, this was just a lively to-and-fro between two intelligent strangers. He was enjoying it. Perhaps he let that slip a little in his expression.

His mind wandered to who she might be. Perhaps she was a spy from the Republic. It would be an ideal time to move in: there wouldn't be very much security at the city, given that they coldn't very well stop the revellers at the gates and check each one. That was probably just his imagination running riot, though. She was much more likely to be a Sky Pirate. He never really tolerated them, but she was an interesting character indeed. And she had to be from around Lightwatch: people who weren't from the city wouldn't want to be in an area like this, and she was very relaxed when he ran into her. Outsiders would be terrified of running into the wrong sort of crowd here. He definitely wanted to know more about her. The question was, when exactly was she going to hit him. He could see he was getting her riled up.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Evangeline crossed her arms over her chest as she eyed Tostudir. She had experienced men sizing her up before, but not usually for her story. This guy on the other hand was really starting to confuse her; who in the world would be so interested in finding out about some random stranger? It would almost have been better if he just tried to scold her or hit on her, either of those she knew how to deal with.

On the other hand, Evangeline could feel herself start to get a bit of a feel on the guy. At least he was predictable in his ability to say something that would tick her off. It was just like someone with education to pick up clues and then promptly come to exactly the wrong answer. "Sorry, wrong there." She replied before letting a layer of sarcasm out. "It's called a job, though I understand if you don't know the concept. Don't expect you got that fancy coat through such an alien thing." She finished dismissively.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
No luck. War, war, war, war and more war. Maybe a few pieces of news about the festival but very little and it did nothing to improve Olivia's overall mood.

Discarding the newspaper in a nearby bin, she set off to walk around town, a slightly unusual sight in military uniform beside that of the revellers. She also noticed as she walked that there seemed to be more and more of what were either mercenaries, pirates or both in the city with each passing day. While not necessarily a bad thing, it made her wary and she was already on edge enough as it is.

Something was going to hit the fan soon, she was sure and it was unlikely to be pleasant. But the waiting, the uncertainty. That was getting on her nerves.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
" Zeke! Is that your name? Thank you Zeke, for not calling over the ape-man."

Ivan smiled a crooked toothy smile. Putting away his tome, but it was clear he was packing 2 pistols and sword. Looking over the one called Duke and looking at Zeke. Like a cheap magic trick another bottle of aged spice rum appeared into Ivan's hands.

"Its rude not to introduce people ... Zeke. I'm Ivan and this is to our health" While taking a swig and offering some to those around.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
"Problem? Go see your captain about it, he owns the ship."

"Aye, that he does." Marc replied, the 'drunk buffoon' facade fading rapidly away. "But seeing as I'm crew, I feel a certain 'ownership' of her as well." With a quick jerk that none of the other patrons noticed he drew his pistol, keeping it out of sight below the table. ?Now when a fellow such as myself sees two people of...a certain type, shall we say...hanging about a vessel such as the one I crew on, he has to ask himself 'Who might these people be, and do they mean me or the ship harm?' Now I know you two aren't with the Watch, you don't seem nearly dumb enough, and you're not looking to do business, if you where you'd know how to reach Duke without all the standing around."

Marc caught movement out of the corner of his eye as Tara shifted her hand. "Now, now lass no need to get hasty...unless you figure you can draw faster than a bullet." The last word was punctuated by a muted *click* below the table, as Marc cocked his gun. "Now I'll ask again...why where you hanging around the ship?"


New member
Jun 9, 2009
"Now, now lass no need to get hasty...unless you figure you can draw faster than a bullet." The last word was punctuated by a muted *click* below the table, as Marc cocked his gun. "Now I'll ask again...why where you hanging around the ship?"

Zavier couldn't help but roll his eyes. It wasn't just the fact that the threat was stupid, but rather it was that it was so painfully sloppy. In his line of work there was nothing worse than someone thinking they can do your job, and do it so ineptly. He pulled himself up slightly, calculating how long it would take to grab his nearest weapon versus how long this person could take to fire. It was about even odds he could kill this man, Zavier reasoned.

"You're an idiot." Zavier began dismissively, "I doubt even you are stupid enough attempt to kill someone in a crowded public area. Even if you were, you're outnumbered, unless you figure you can kill both of us in the half second window before we kill you." He gave the man amoment to think that over. "Now, if you're done wasting our time I advise you to leave, unless you want the port authority to confiscate your ship."

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009
Rez let his hand go back to his side and approached the robbed man.

"Hello, I'm Rez Tereth, Duke of the sky pirates called the Scorchers. What's your name?" HE said, holding out his hand for a handshake.