The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)


RIP Escapist RP Board
May 24, 2012
As the man talk it was clear to Tara that this wasn't just a drunk, but he was still stumbling over his words, as Zavier was content to point out. Her scowl deepened as the man spotted her reaching for her weapon and in turn readied his. Tara wondered whether the man would actually fire it, the sound of the bullet would shatter the festival mood and the port authorities would definitely come a-callin' without Zavier's help. Nevertheless this might just be another one of those men who constantly itched for a fight, she had seen plenty in the army, men will simply were out to prove something and nine times out of ten they had ended up being men with simple minds as well.

"Now I'll ask again...why where you hanging around the ship?"

She sighed, "Ask your captain. Threats have a way of closing doors. Go seek another."

He was the one being hasty, rushing into things with a quick click of the gun while she had grasped the sword in calm, almost delicate, manner. Zavier was an experienced 'problem solver' as he put it and she was a veteran of many battles. Thoughts entered her head as she continued to stare at the man, Try your luck then, you'll find there's a reason that many people still carry swords in this age of guns...

Possum TheGreat

New member
Apr 4, 2010
"Sorry, wrong there."... "It's called a job, though I understand if you don't know the concept. Don't expect you got that fancy coat through such an alien thing."
Tostundir smiled. Once again, she had thrown another insult at him: this woman seemed to be very defensive. Maybe she even had a grudge against people of his class. Given her apparent status in the world, it wouldn't be much of a surprise. Most people did.

Tostundir let out a sigh. She was proving to be more difficult to get to than he thought. He was only interested after all. Still, he'd got this far. At least he knew her-... oh, wait, she hadn't even given him her name. Blast, he thought.

For a moment he considered telling her that he invented for a living - which was true - but he suspected she wouldn't understand. She would assume that he used his Royalist wealth to pursue his dream, rather than sustain himself on it and use his ample savings for safety in case of hard times. He was, however, willing to admit, that he had it a lot better than a great many other people.

Instead, he decided to reply to the first part of her statement. "You may say that it's just a job, but I suspect that you took it out of choice rather than necessity. I think you enjoy it. To an extent, at least." He chose not to directly ask her what her job was, because if she was a pirate, she would deny it. This way, he was able to show her that he was aware of her occupation without bringing the situation to a head and allowing her to think that she had the upper hand.

He read her face carefully as he spoke.


New member
Jun 24, 2012
The whole exchange happened a little too fast for Zeke to follow. Fortunately Duke seemed to calm down the, somewhat, excitable Ivan before he (or his book) could cause any kind of scene. Though the smell of alcohol was practically radiating off of him and it was attracting a few curious looks.The man smells like he could strip paint. It took him a moment to fight against Ivan's aroma and the ethanol themed daze it tried to induce.

"Um, nice to meet you Ivan." Zeke said, giving a polite grin to Ivan before turning to Duke. "Hey, Cap. Sorry can't say I've seen Eva anywhere. You know how she gets when we dock. You got something planned?" Wonder if he's seen Kalley.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Taking Rez's hand firmly and shaking it like a proper pirate from Pirate Havens should. Even ending with a fist bump. Thankfully not with the mummified hand. Though, he has been known to use it in the past.

" They be calling me Crazy Ivan. Though my birth name is simple. Ivan Drago, formerly of the Deadstar crew. Now, MASTER of mysterious art of drunk casting... or not."

"Um, nice to meet you Ivan."
Zeke giving a polite grin to Ivan before turning to Duke. "Hey, Cap. Sorry can't say I've seen Eva anywhere. You know how she gets when we dock. You got something planned?"

"I could probably be of 'elp."

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Calia stepped into the tavern. Several people with eyes towards the door stopped what they were doing, many who didn't know who she was simply admired her looks. Most all had silenced themselves by the time she made it to the bar. "A pint of your finest".

The barkeep was quick to reply, he seemed unfazed at her sight, like seeing someone of her status was so common he didn't distinguish the fact. It was interesting. A cool pint was set down for her. She spilled some coin for the drink and service and raised the mug. "To the gods"! She panned around the tavern with the mug, pulling it to withina hairs breadth of her lips...


Solontair overlooked half the city from atop the palace walls. A small pocket watch read about a half hour after eight. "Let the show begin".

A massive explosion erupted far below. Flaming debris flew across the lower city. It happened right next to a city square. Hundreds, maybe thousand would of been killed. Only those with a powers favor could of survived in there.

The black clad assassin dashed off to enter the palace proper.


Calia opened her eyes, not that there was much to see other than debris. A small fire illuminated the uncollapsed section of the tavern. Righting herself from the floor, no obvious major injuries. Calia withdrew her greatsword and pulled herself up. "Is, is anyone else alive"? Her voice was somewhat week, anyone in her situation would be shaken.


Confusion veiled and slowed down everything. It took a few minutes but finally sirens were going off around the garrisons and the airdock. Soldiers and sailors scrambled to assembly. Still few knew what was really going on. Was it an attack, an accident? No one knew what to do.

In reality though it was the grand opening to a rebellion. Armed men in droves poured to the streets of the eastern lower city, driving away and killing any in their way.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Well this is a fine mess you've gotten yourself into. Marc thought. Once again you acted before you are you gonna save your ass now? While he was thinking of a way to extricate himself from the two annoyed people, he was saved by chance.

Over the general noise of the inn he heard shouting, and before he could react, he was knocked from his seat by a pair of drunks who were intent on beating the crap out of each other. Rolling away, Marc staggered to his feet and realized that the inn was quickly becoming embroiled in a fully fledged brawl. Securing his pistol, he used the growing chaos to escape outside.

"You got bloody lucky mate." He muttered angrily to himself. Ducking into a nearby alleyway to avoid the law that had been attracted by the commotion, Marc moved off into the city. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!" He shouted as a large explosion rocked the city. Gathering his wits he began to run toward the scene, fearing Duke may have been caught in the blast.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Evangeline fumed at Tostundir's sugestion. How dare he pretend like he knew anything about Evangeline's situation? What in the world was there to like about her life? The never fresh food? The horrible beds? The terrible company? The constant danger? The blood? The deaths? How could anyone so clearly educated say something so profoundly stupid? If Rez hadn't dragged her into it; hell, if it wasn't the only thing she knew how to do; she would jump at the chance to do just about anything else.

Evangeline was done being nice. She had held her humor at this guy for quite a bit now, but even she could only take so much. Evangeline stepped closer, ready to really blast him with her full built up anger.

However, just as she was about to an explosion shook the ground and slammed her with a wave of hot air. Evangeline whipped around as the world seemed to slow down around her. She could see the blast not too far off, but distant enough not to be a direct threat. The head sized pieces of masonry and lumber flying through the air though were a different story. But Evangeline was already running fully on reflexes and when a boiler overheated or a munitions room cooked off there was only one reaction that anyone who lived had.

"Get down!" Evangeline yelled as she launched herself at Tostundir trying to knock him to the ground and cover him behind some of the crates.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Zavier kept his eyes on the oaf as he tumbled out of his chair and lurched toward the door. As that annoyance left, another annoyance started. Two of the drunk revelers started arguing, with their fists it appeared, and the fight was starting to spread across the inn. A full brawl was imminent, he knew, and sighed, this was excessively aggravating. He turned to Tara, "We should go." Zavier didn't want to be found when the authorities arrived to sort things out.

He rose to leave, weaving his way around the growing drunk melee, staying just out of reach of the punches. The exit came more fully into view, and Zavier took on a brief smile. He seemed to be sidestepping trouble today quite well. When he made it to the door he was knocked off his feet by a massive explosion. Zavier acted instinctively, getting out his pistol, he jumped up and kicked open the door. Once he dashed out of the inn he took a moment to breathe and think. What the hell is going on? He wondered.


New member
Jun 24, 2012
"I could probably be of 'elp."

"I'll bet you could Ivan bu-"

Zeke was cut off as a plume of flame lit up the streets on the horizon with a deafening roar. Zeke was so shocked by it that he barely reacted in time to shield himself from the cloud of dust and smoke overtook them. Rubbing his red and bleary eyes and Zeke tried to survey the scene around him. The blackening smoke still lay thick in the air darkening the street around him. His lungs felt like they were on fire.

"Duke! Duke, you okay?!" He called out. then when no answer readily came,".... Ivan?" It was hard for him to see anything, as his hearing slowly bled back into existence he could here people screaming all around him. The sound of crackling flames and collapsing rubble providing a nice bass line for all the madness unfolding around them. But there was something else... a smell.

Burning. Burning wood, cloth and plenty more. Still there was something else... the smell of burning meat. Oh gods.It took all of Zeke's self control not to wretch there and then. He had to get himself together, had to find the others.

"Duke, speak to me!" And with frantic vigour he started forcing his way through the clogged up street in search of his captain, trying to get a good look at the faces of every person as he went.

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009
The smell was always what did it. He could watch the burning dance and be satisfied, but when the smell of burning hit his lungs, he just had to help the dance grow. He inhaled the smoke through his nose and smiled as he pulled Margret from his back.

"Duke, speak to me!" he heard Zeke call.

Rez's heart was pounding, but his hands were steady. He had walked down the street a few yards and he could smell that this explosion was made by some form of magic, with the aid of gunpowder or other explosive. The story was in the smoke.

"Come on Zeke," he responded. "This is what we're being paid for. If you can hear me from the bottom of that bottle Ivan, feel free to join us."

He let out a triumphant laugh, then charged down the street towards the armed men who were steadily advancing.

The pirate duke made his way into a broken store-front window and flattened himself against the wall as a squad of the invaders came by. After their footfalls had passed the storefront, he leaped out into the street and squeezed his trigger.

The flames poured over the soldiers, lighting them up like matches, they threw down their weapons and began flailing, as men so often do when they are set ablaze. This would be a night of many dances.


RIP Escapist RP Board
May 24, 2012
The lout was knocked off his chair as explosions rocked the city, Tara just instinctively took cover until the table and hoped that the knocks the oaf took wouldn't make his trigger-finger slip. She had never liked guns, just another way for one person to kill another and it wasn't just that. It was so easy just to pull the trigger, just to end lives without a second thought. It made killing so trivial, unlike imitate close quarters combat or the lengthy ritual of casting a spell. As if there wasn't enough explosions, another one eruped, this time the drunks decided the best course of action was to start a brawl. She sighed, seeing how well those people banded together in crisis; hopefully the hullabaloo wouldn't interrupted her plans, hopefully it wasn't the Scorchers' fault. Hopefully, it was a terrorist group and not the war machine of the Republic ready to devour another Empire.

Zavier, now near the exit, turned to Tara, interrupting her thoughts, "We should go."

She nodded and quickly slid out with lithe movements - moving in and out of cover had been drilled into her at training - Tara moved through the crowd to the exit where Zavier was waiting. Magic was in the air, most likely aided by the dreaded black powder. Apart from Uleth, this must be the shortest Six Days of the Gods she had ever attended. Tara wasted no time exiting the inn, waiting for Zavier lest he feel like teaming up. A murder-for-hire would definitely on the wanted list and she was technically a fugitive, probably listed as a co-conspirator of the Republic, if the authorites knew about her, that is. Panic was in the streets, whoever planned this attack knew the perfect time to hit and had the guts to attack in a time reserved for celebration and worship. Smells like the Republic's work. She turned to Zavier.

"Evac is the priority." She said and turned her head in the direction of the airdocks.


New member
Dec 20, 2011
Marcus couldn't hear a thing. It was as if two great mosquitoes were attached to his ears, buzzing their wings and drowning out all other noise. His eyes opened and he blinked a few times in an attempt to banish the disorientation. Slowly but surly, Marcus regained his senses just in time to realize that he was laying on his back. He felt a pressure on his chest, and looked up to see a slab of stone resting on top of him. It's a wonder I wasn't crushed. he though. Marcus took a moment to take in his surroundings. All around him the city was ablaze. Rubble, flame, and bodies were all that remained of the square. To his right, he could hear distant voices. Deciding that he didn't want to meet the owners of the voices, Marcus lifted the stone up and off of him. He tried to stand, but he felt a jolt of pain leap through is body when he put pressure on his left leg. Lifting his trouser leg revealed a grisly gash just below his knee. Marcus heard the voices again, this time louder and closer. There would be no time to treat the wound. He grabbed a stick and used it to heaved himself up. He jammed the stick into his armpit, like a crutch, and moved into the ally ways, out of sight.

Once safely hidden by a ruined fruit stand, Marcus took the time to bind his injury, lest it leave a trail of blood behind. He had no water or alcohol with which to clean it though; he would have to take care of that as soon as possible. Once he had wrapped the cut with a torn off sleeve, he rested his head back to try and make sense of the situation and plan his next move. Judging from the gun shots and clangs of metal in the distance, he was in the heart of some kind of battle. If he was going to survive this, he would need a weapon. Problem was, his guns and dagger were in his hotel room. Getting there would have to be his first priority. With this in mind, Marcus took is makeshift crutch and set out in the direction that he assumed was the way to the hotel.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Zavier took a moment to break down what exactly was going on. The crowds that, moments before, were drunk and cheerful, were suddenly whipped into a state of panic and terror, and for good reason. He couldn't see the full extent of the damage the large explosion had had, but if the smoke in the air was any indication then something at the eastern part of the city had been blown clean away. In the distance, he heard other, lower rumbles, a bit like thunder. He recognized them immediately as secondary explosions. Zavier reasoned that either charges in other parts of the city were being set to take out specific targets, or handheld bombs were being used by whatever was attacking the city. And I thought Hipereon would be a bit further away from the war.

He needed to get out. Damn the contract, damn his arrangements, he wan't prepared to engage a full scale battle in the city, not if he could help it. Tara came up to him, he was instantly glad of her presence, she seemed like good help right now. "Evac is priority." She said and turned her head toward the air docks.

"Right." Zavier replied, "The Firebolt is probably our best bet to get out of here. It's fast and doesn't look like it needs a lot of a crew to pilot."

Possum TheGreat

New member
Apr 4, 2010
Tostundir, it seemed, had struck a nerve. The expression of the woman in front of him clearly was not one of joy. As she approached him, her rage exploded - no, wait, that was an actual explosion. A very large one indeed, he saw in his peripheral vision. Suddenly, time slowed down. He looked over to his side at the magnificent and destructive sight. He gazed at the fiery depths of the explosion, and he stared at the masonry and debris that it had kicked up like pebbles. He also noticed that it was hurtling in his general direction. He began to panic, and was about to throw himself backwards to take cover behind the crates, when a large object took him down heavily from his front. That's strange, he thought as the ground came up to meet him.

As far as he could tell, he had blacked out for a second. The large object that had struck him turned out to be the woman with whom he had been talking (until they were rudely interrupted), evidently to get them both behind the crates. Perhaps he had misjudged her character. "Thank you," he said sincerely, looking her in the eye as he said it. A few years ago when he was in the army, he would have had no problem avoiding the explosion, but the way he'd settled down recently was making him lazy. He was lucky she was there, and he knew it, allowing it to come across in his voice.

He looked around, dazed, and saw that debris littered the ground around him. Hastily extricating himself from underneath the woman while letting out a dusty cough, he took stock of his situation. It wasn't too difficult to find his hat: it had been thrown across the yard a few metres. Dusting it off (and in this case, the pieces of dust were rather large: around the size of a fist) and donning it, he tried to lower the monocular he had attached to the hat some time ago. It failed to materialise. After a bit of searching, he found it among the rubble and used it manually, quickly looking over to where the explosion had appeared from. He allowed the scent of destruction to fill his nostrils - yes, that was certainly a cleverly designed mixture - very precise. He could tell this wasn't an accident, and certainly not an amateur job. Also - something else hung in the air - but he couldn't quite place it. It infuriated him, but, realising that more important things were at stake, he put it out of his mind. "Curses. I can't see anything of the blast site through all this dratted smoke." He put his monoscope in one of his coat pockets, checking another for his wrist-mounted ballista. It was fortunately intact. He suspected that he might need to use it later, if this attack heralded anything more than widespread terror. For now, though, it remained in his coat. Finally, he picked up Opal, his cane, twisting the handle and checking that the 10cm blade shot out the end as usual. Cleaning a little dust off it to smoothen its use, he then retracted it again in case no violence was to ensue.

After a brief respite and a failed attempt to sit on a now decimated crate, he heard the sound of crunching as merciless - or perhaps the merciful - people moved into the city. Eventually deciding that it would be worth mounting his ballista, he pulled it out and strapped it to his leather bracer. As he did this, he voiced his thoughts. "I propose that our first move is to go deeper into the city. It sounds like there are terrorists" - or rebels, he thought to himself - "moving into the city. If we can get to my house, we might be able to see the situation better from the balcony, and, importantly, see if we need to get out of the city. I have some... trinkets... there that might help, too." He thought of the reassuring warmth of his leather vest. He had the horrible feeling that he would need it before the day came to an end - and time was getting on. Already he could see the sun sinking very low in the sky.

He earnestly inquired, "Are you hurt at all?"


New member
Feb 10, 2011
"If you can hear me from the bottom of that bottle Ivan, feel free to join us."

"Aye, Aye. Captain! "

In the mists of chaos a pair of boots came to rest on either side of Ivan's ears. As Ivan looked to see the owner of said boots gun a woman grieving over a bloody stump where a foot use to be. Ivan placed a pistol up against the endowed invader's crotch and pulled the trigger. Blood poured onto Ivan as he spun on the ground like a turtle trying to get up. When upright he drew his sword and ran to the duke in the chaotic mists.

" Whats cooking, Duke?" He cackled.


New member
Jun 24, 2012
Zeke looked on in sick awe as he watched the line of men scramble and screech as the flames overtook them. I'm never going to get used to that.He turned to see the end product of Ivan's antics as the mad drunk ran off to join the captain.

"What's cooking, Duke?" He cackled.

Well there's a match made in heaven. He thought to himself. Zeke lowered his flight goggles in order to get a better view through the smoke and dust. He could see the carnage far more clearly... and wished he couldn't. Running against the flow of the manic crowd he followed the sound of manic laughter until he found Duke and Ivan.

You two got this covered?!" he cried over the din as he drew one of his flintlocks. "We need a game plan, Duke. We need to find the others and get back to the ship, regroup." He stopped talking to level his pistol at a rifleman as they stepped out a nearby door. They were looking for another victim by the looks of it. Zeke didn't give him the chance and shot him in the ribs. One shot down.

"Do you know where any of the others are? Kaelly? Marc? Where did they say they were going?"


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Marc had become numb to the sights and sound of war long ago. Racing through the streets sabre and pistol in hand, he made his way towards the source of the blast. God be good I hope Duke wasn't caught in that. He thought, looking at the large column of smoke that rose over the buildings.

Rounding a corner he saw a group of four soldiers in unfamiliar kit moving down the street away from him. Marc was about to pull back when he heard the distinctive roar of Duke's flamethrower, followed by the screams of some poor bastards who got in her way. The four ahead of him, not realizing they were being followed, broke into a run towards the noise, and Marc followed. Well they don't look happy...and they're not going to like this.

The four rounded another corner, with Marc still unnoticed, close behind. As the group stopped and formed a firing line he could see Duke, Zeke, and some other fellow just past a group of burning soldiers. Even at a run the sound of Marc's feet were lost in the noise of the chaos; the four didn't realize he was there until he was about ten feet away when he let out an old Ulethi war cry.

[HEADING=2]"Ride to ruin, and the world's ending!"[/HEADING]

As he ran he fired his pistol, the shot hitting one man squarely in the base of his neck. The others, caught so off guard, were still trying to figure out what was happening when Marc got among them. The second man died moments later as Marc ran him through with his sabre. Flipping the pistol around to use the grip as a bludgeon he incapacitated the third man, who was trying to bring his musket around, by smashing him in the face. As that man went down, Marc turned his attention to the final man standing. While he had managed to get his gun around, in his haste he fired without really aiming and only managed to hole Marc's coat.

To the man's credit, when Marc attacked, he was able to hold off for a few moments blocking and parrying various strikes with the body of his gun...right up until Marc smashed the fingers on his hand with the butt of his pistol. A savage slash from Marc caught his opponent in the throat, nearly decapitating the man. Breathing heavily, Marc stuck his pistol back in his belt and went to check on the third man he?d hit. Finding him still alive, he remedied that quickly with his sword, before making his way to the others.

"Hey all." He said between breaths. "Does anybody know what in the sweet fucking hell is going on?"


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Evangeline pushed herself to her feet a little shakily; perhaps the blast had unnerved her. She had noted Tostundir stick-sword and wondered if it was some rich-boy toy that he was trying out, but on the other hand he seemed rather comfortable with it.

"I'mmm fine." She said with a touch of a slur. But then the world seemed to spin around her and she spilled all over the hard floor, falling flat on her face. Evangeline pushed herself up to her hands and knees as her vision swam into focus again. Evangeline probed the back of her head at a previously unnoticed stinging, and when her hand came away from her scalp it was sticky with red blood. That was bad.

Evangeline considered for a moment what Tostundir had said about terrorists. Who, except the republic, might want to bomb the city? Hmmm... Bomb the city... sounds like wrong kidney, another thing you wouldn't want. Heh, like ol' times.

This was really bad.

"I'm fine." Evangeline said again despite all evidence to the contrary. This time she pushed herself to her feet and stayed on them though she swayed just a touch. Suddenly she had a very important thought. "Rez. I have to get to Rez." She said calmly and clearly; it was not a sugestion, just a simple fact.


RIP Escapist RP Board
May 24, 2012
"Right." Zavier replied, "The Firebolt is probably our best bet to get out of here. It's fast and doesn't look like it needs a lot of a crew to pilot."

Zavier had the same idea she had. It was a fast ship that was built to house only a small crew and was armed to the teeth as well. Pity the actual crew would probably be on the same brainwave as the pair. They would have to hurry, quickly work out how the airship worked, cut the rope that secured it to the airdock and then take evasive action ASAP. It was a gamble, but it was the best way out of there.

"The Scorchers will be there soon." She said, already running towards the airship, "Hurry."

Then she suddenly stopped. Why not let the Sky Pirates pilot for them? She sighed, they would have to stow away in the vast cargo hold, it seemed easy enough to stay there without being noticed by the crew who would probably be more occupied with thoughts of escape and panic at the moment.

She turned to Zavier, "I hear stowaways get the best seats..."


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Zavier ran close on Tara's heels as they dashed back toward the dock. He was constantly scanning over his shoulders, trying to pick out and avoid anyone who looked like they wouldn't have any problems with firing wildly into a crowd of civilians and avoiding them. The lower rumbles were dying down, being replaced with a sporadic collection of sharp, rapid bursting sounds. Gunfire. He wondered briefly how an entire army could sneak up on the city in the midst of a war. At the far ends of the dock, it seemed that some of the military personnel were attempting to get some of the bombers in the air. It never boded well when the defenders of a city were considering bombing large sections of said city.

While considering the hopelessness of the situation in the city, Zavier almost ran smack into Tara who, for whatever reason, had stopped dead in her tracks. She turned to Zavier, "I hear stowaways get the best seats..." It didn't mean anything to Zavier, until he rewound the conversation a moment beforehand, he almost wasn't listening. The Scorchers would be there soon? Of course, they were pirates, not soldiers. They'd leave at the first sign of trouble, and leave quickly. It was probably safer to let them steer the airship out of the war zone rather than risk hijacking it, and fighting the pirates as they returned to keep it.

The sounds of fighting grew steadily louder, so too did the sounds of panic and terror amongst the civilians. Zavier wasn't in a position to be particularly picky about how he escaped the city. He nodded to Tara, "Won't be the first time I've escaped a city this way." He said, and began running again.