The last thing we watched, cartoon/animu edition


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I wish they would've held off the anime until the manga was further along, like, they diverge around the midpoint of the anime. Ever wonder why those coins stopped showing up?
I will give the anime credit for closing out Vash's character arc better. I like the manga, but I admit that it kind of dragged at the last end and I felt it went too far in trying to make Knives sympathetic. It's been many years since I've read the Manga on a website, and I do not feel like going to bed again. I rather just go through it as a new anime adaptation.

Like, literally could not understand what was going on in any sort of action scene, would've loved to see that get animated.
I don't know what's going to happen with this new 3D series coming out, but I'm excited either way. It can either be a a more accurate adaption of the manga, or a new story entirely. Looking forward to either direction. Hopefully they can get Johnny back to do the dub.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 9: If I Could Take One More Step Towards You

It's Grassley House vs Earth House in a 6v6 cage match to the death to determine the ownership of Gund-Arm Inc and the Aerial gundam. Excellent action, good character work, background information on Miorine and Shaddiq, Cecelia still riding the couch, and concerning/hilarious implications regarding Suletta and Aerial.

In a slower, 26 episode show we'd've definitely got more information on Shaddiq's squad, but they were still fun in the time we had. Hopefully they stick around, they gave the internet a fun new ship.

No idea how the story goes from here with conflicts amongst our heroes and the three main houses getting...I don't want to say resolved, but handled. Will be fun to see where they go from here

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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
DragonAge Absolution, eps 1-3

This is a reasonably solid looking and paced bit of anime, and it’s certainly better looking than Legend of the Seeker, however I feel it’s trying a little too much to eat at the same table, dialogue wise, as Vox Machina with the modernist speech.

The story is an RPG go-to; the main character is recruited for a heist in a place they personally have intimate knowledge of - in this case a castle in Tevinter - and as a way of tying this into the most recent game, the whole thing is run by one of the Agents you can recruit in Inquisition and a flashback reveals Cassandra Pentagast herself sent them on this mission pre-Trespasser. Essentially making this an adaptation of a possible war table mission.

All in all solid stuff but there are some things I find a bit confusing; one member of the party is a Vasoth, but for all the world will be seen as a Qunari - whom the Imperium are at war with - and she waltzes around this town with zero commentary; even buying all the arms and armour for the job in town. Maybe it’s her adorable (and fuck did the dial this girl’s adorable to 11) demeanour or the fact that she’s kind of horny makes people think she’s not a Qunari.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
DragonAge Absolution, eps 1-3

This is a reasonably solid looking and paced bit of anime, and it’s certainly better looking than Legend of the Seeker, however I feel it’s trying a little too much to eat at the same table, dialogue wise, as Vox Machina with the modernist speech.

The story is an RPG go-to; the main character is recruited for a heist in a place they personally have intimate knowledge of - in this case a castle in Tevinter - and as a way of tying this into the most recent game, the whole thing is run by one of the Agents you can recruit in Inquisition and a flashback reveals Cassandra Pentagast herself sent them on this mission pre-Trespasser. Essentially making this an adaptation of a possible war table mission.
Allegedly, the initial premise for DA4 was basically running heists in Tevinter, before it was overhauled to be a multiplayer/Live Service focused game. Which itself has been scrapped after Anthem collapsed in on itself(thank fucking god) and rebooted into....I don't fucking know at this point. So if that's true, then this is essentially the original DA4 turned into a TV series when it failed to be a game.

I don't know how true that is but it's interesting to think about. Allegedly a number of plot point in DAI were holdovers from DA2 that were never able to be implemented(in the base game or DLC) due to dev cycle issues.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Allegedly, the initial premise for DA4 was basically running heists in Tevinter, before it was overhauled to be a multiplayer/Live Service focused game. Which itself has been scrapped after Anthem collapsed in on itself and rebooted into....I don't fucking know at this point. So if that's true, then this is essentially the original DA4 turned into a TV series when it failed to be a game.
I was thinking that. And now I just know I’m going to be disappointed that when DA4 eventually does drop I probably won’t get a genki girl Vasoth mage I can romance.

Mind you, if they do retain some of what happens in later episodes, well, I won’t be looking forward to the potential end boss.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I was thinking that. And now I just know I’m going to be disappointed that when DA4 eventually does drop I probably won’t get a genki girl Vasoth mage I can romance.

Mind you, if they do retain some of what happens in later episodes, well, I won’t be looking forward to the potential end boss.
Technically you can play a Vasoth mage in DAI but I don't think you can play her as a genki girl.

Oh yeah, I heard about that(because r/DragonAge doesn't know how to use fucking spoiler tags correctly). I haven't seen the series yet but man that really does not give me hope for DA4 at all. Bringing back dead villains feels like a writing cop out on such a basic level and knowing it's already been rebooted twice and the brain drain from Bioware....yeah, I'm not expecting miracles at this point.



The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Technically you can play a Vasoth mage in DAI but I don't think you can play her as a genki girl.

Oh yeah, I heard about that(because r/DragonAge doesn't know how to use fucking spoiler tags correctly). I haven't seen the series yet but man that really does not give me hope for DA4 at all. Bringing back dead villains feels like a writing cop out on such a basic level and knowing it's already been rebooted twice and the brain drain from Bioware....yeah, I'm not expecting miracles at this point.

You sort of can if you take the nice and/or sarcastic dialogue options but it’s not the same as the template of Fluttershy after a line of cocaine.

Of course the other hilarious trivia with the show is that Hira, Miriam’s Tevinter mage lover (a relationship I feel should raise several red flags) is voiced by Sumalee Montano who was the female American voice for a female Inquisitor.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
You sort of can if you take the nice and/or sarcastic dialogue options but it’s not the same as the template of Fluttershy after a line of cocaine.

Of course the other hilarious trivia with the show is that Hira, Miriam’s Tevinter mage lover (a relationship I feel should raise several red flags) is voiced by Sumalee Montano who was the female American voice for a female Inquisitor.
I did see that and while I was initially meh on Sumalee's VA in DAI it's grown on me a lot as the game went on. Next time I'll probably try the British VA if I play female again.

That does reminded that the first time I heard Cassandra speak I was baffled by her accent. Her VA is British but her accent didn't seem to match any British accent I recall hearing. Then someone pointed out Cassandra is from the DA equivalent of Prussia and apparently she's trying to affect a German accent and I have no idea if it working or not.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I did see that and while I was initially meh on Sumalee's VA in DAI it's grown on me a lot as the game went on. Next time I'll probably try the British VA if I play female again.

That does reminded that the first time I heard Cassandra speak I was baffled by her accent. Her VA is British but her accent didn't seem to match any British accent I recall hearing. Then someone pointed out Cassandra is from the DA equivalent of Prussia and apparently she's trying to affect a German accent and I have no idea if it working or not.
For me Sumalee was hard to take cos all I could hear was Transformers Prime Arcee. The British VA is Alix Wilton-Reagan, she who voices Mass Effect 3’s resident saucy chess nerd, Samantha Traynor
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Posting this here too


(Bought copy initially Google play but then paid for the Amazon Prime version because Google Play has moving subtitles and Jesus who thought that was a good idea ever?)

Rating: 5.999999 recurring out of 6 stars

Weird thing: The Bluray of this offers a dubbed version with language selection while on demand versions only offer the Japanese language version with subtitles

Plot Tagline: Beauty & the Beast meets the Metaverse but so much more than that sounds and more heart than Disney pretends to still have.

Plot: I basically can't talk about it without spoiling major things

Thoughts in brief / in a Tagline: A film that truly understands the internet both good and bad in a way I don't think I've ever see done before and why are you asking if I'm crying, I'm not crying my eyes just happen to have spontaneously become the source points for 2 rivers it happen.........

Thoughts in full (least spoiler version):

To talk about why this film is one of the few near perfect ratings I've ever given is tough because I don't want to spoil it for people, I looked up the plot before buying it having seen it pop up on Google play and watching the trailer a few times and it just hitting something in me. So do not look up the plot, go in blind and hopefully I will now lay out a convincing set of thoughts to make you want to go in blind.

A bit of background on me that may well add context here. I'm not hugely into anime, I'm not some-one who dunks on it but I've never really been sucked in by anime. I've watched all of Gungrave and I think it was Hellsing Psalm of Darkness (the first segment before the years long break); I've seen the first Vampire Hunter D film and I'll say I really enjoyed Metorpolis (the anime remake of the fairly old Sci-fi film) I also got through Giant Robo. Mostly though I look at anime and I respect it but I leave it in it's space, I've bounced off Full Metal Alchemist in the past along with Elden Lied and a number of other anime series. The last movie I gave a high and near perfect score to was Hardcore Henry because it was a film full and action, violence and boobs, Belle is like the complete opposite of Hardcore Henry and yet I love this fim. I shed a whole 3 tears during Toy Story 3. I maybe shed 1 tear during the film A.I. Belle had me in tears and that was before I'd drunk any Gin.

I'd like to highlight some of the more subtle commentary the film does brilliantly that isn't too much of a spoiler that I feel it ruins anything. The film really does touch on the idea of the corporatisation of the internet (not in a Corporate dystopian Ready Player One way) and firmly plants it's feet in the camp of "ultimately the corporate approach will lose". The film also really does show the power of the internet to bring people together and be used for good sometimes along with planting it's fee firmly in the "Anonymity isn't a bad thing" camp.

The reason it doesn't get that perfect star is at one point in the film there's what I'd call a suspension of disbelief check and it so nearly had me willing to go with it's super hopeful and optimistic event and believe it could be true but I just couldn't. It could have done if it had done a few little extra subtle things I think but I just had the feeling on "This isn't how it would play out in reality and it shows how sad and awful the world is that I'm probably right". (More on this in a spoiler post).

Oh forgot to mention to really cool visuals and way the film shows off certain things like the complex socio-politics in the school among the girls being played out at one point in the style of a paradox grand strategy game complete with game board visuals.

Also cool how it goes into the idea of social media witch hunts but also social media and the impact it can have on people along with how people can impact the world for the better.

Right go watch the film, I'll do a spoiler post but don't read it. Go watch this film

My Spoiler post in the Films thread



Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Chainsaw Man is so ridiculously similar to Jujutsu Kaisen, to the point it's kind of turning me off the whole thing. Really takes me out of what is otherwise a beautiful show.

Although Denji's antics are getting on my nerves. I will say that the horniness of this anime is at least not the corny "protagonist falls on some tits" kind of horny.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Transformers Earthspark, Season 1, eps 1-8. 9/10

Very cool new entry in the Transformers mythos that I think does something unique for the animation side of the franchise by having Megatron be a good guy - something that has been covered once or twice in IDW comics - and friends again with Optimus Prime. Also, Optimus himself is a lot less of the 'epic speaking clock' and more in line, ironically, with his original incarnation in G1. Which basically means he makes the odd dad joke and when he sends texts its all in emojis. It is amazing.

The broad plot is two kids, Robby and Mo Malto (older brother and younger sister) stumble upon ancient Cybertronian artefact and accidentally create a pair of Cybertronians - Twitch and Thrash - who are essentially children. They are wholesome and fun, and basically get adopted by Mrs. Malto since the bond they have with Robby and Mo is based on the sibling's own with each other.

There's rogue Decepticons, the usual hiding from people not in the known shenanigans, a shady government agency with which the Autobots (and Megatron) hold an uneasy alliance and an evil scientist who is like, half Dr. Arkeville and half Dr. Gregory Swofford from 'The Return of Optimus Prime'. And more on the horizon, I wager.

Another reason I'm enjoying the shit out of this is because of the character Nightshade, who very specifically requests the use of they/them pronouns. I've heard it argued many times by a subset of fans that as alien robots, the Cybertronians shouldn't have a concept of gender. Usually when other fans are asking for more and interesting fembots. So here's Nightshade, making good on the whole robot with no gender thing, and of course the usual suspects are shitting their pants. Its glorious.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Very cool new entry in the Transformers mythos that I think does something unique for the animation side of the franchise by having Megatron be a good guy - something that has been covered once or twice in IDW comics - and friends again with Optimus Prime.
Watched some of this too, and I feel they made Megatron a little too nice. I'd have him be more of a stern realist to contrast Optimus's idealist. Maybe a bit impatient too, or a little too eager in battle. Let some of the old Decepticon seep through. Or maybe he is, I only watched the first two eps.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Chainsaw Man is so ridiculously similar to Jujutsu Kaisen, to the point it's kind of turning me off the whole thing. Really takes me out of what is otherwise a beautiful show.

Although Denji's antics are getting on my nerves. I will say that the horniness of this anime is at least not the corny "protagonist falls on some tits" kind of horny.
It's really weird considering how much it was hyped up and then it came out and its feel like just a re skin of JJK (which is itself not exactly super original). Like, JJK was pretty popular too, did none of the people who hyped up chainsaw ever see it?


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Watched some of this too, and I feel they made Megatron a little too nice. I'd have him be more of a stern realist to contrast Optimus's idealist. Maybe a bit impatient too, or a little too eager in battle. Let some of the old Decepticon seep through. Or maybe he is, I only watched the first two eps.
I’m oddly fond of it, like I’m seeing the bot he was before it all went to hell. But there are scenes in later episodes that make it clear he’s lost very little of his grit.

Also, man, the Malto kids are safe as houses. Their mother is Megatron’s best friend; ain’t nobody gonna want any of that action xD

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6 (part 3):

Jojo has always had a bit of a problem of solving problems with "ass-pull logic" but this season (or at least the last 3rd of the season) really dials it up to 11. The way it was released also really hurt the overall pace of the show, but it especially goes to highlight the pretty bad problems of the last 3rd of this season in particular.

What started out as one of my favorite Jojo parts ended up in the bottom 3rd. Feels bad.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6 (part 3):

Jojo has always had a bit of a problem of solving problems with "ass-pull logic" but this season (or at least the last 3rd of the season) really dials it up to 11. The way it was released also really hurt the overall pace of the show, but it especially goes to highlight the pretty bad problems of the last 3rd of this season in particular.

What started out as one of my favorite Jojo parts ended up in the bottom 3rd. Feels bad.
Despite its problems, Stone Ocean is still in my top 3 of Jojo shows. What an ending, I tells ya!


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
It's really weird considering how much it was hyped up and then it came out and its feel like just a re skin of JJK (which is itself not exactly super original). Like, JJK was pretty popular too, did none of the people who hyped up chainsaw ever see it?
According to a manga-reading friend, CSM significantly differentiates itself eventually. But yeah, as of right now in the anime, feels like a very well crafted and expensive reskin.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
Rick and Morty Season 6 part two- more misses than hits with this batch of five episodes.
The only one I thought was a solid hit was the dinosaur episode.
The Previous Leon episode had some funny bits and pieces.
The final episode was kind of meh outside of whenever President Curtis was onscreen. Kieth David always delivers his lines amazingly, he never feels “cartoony”.
I don’t know if it’s the writers or me, but I’m loosing interest in the show. I’ll probably skip season seven when it releases in a year or two.
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