The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess-- Dropping the Bombshell

Geekmaster K

New member
Sep 29, 2009
Yeah, I couldn't read the whole thing, but I read enough to tell that it was more of a rant than a review. I understand that it's your opinion, but you state it as if it's some scientifically proven fact. Also, even though you are entitled to your opinion, that doesn't mean that other people's opinions don't matter. You don't need to call people "fanboys" just because they don't agree with you. I don't know if your intention was to offend people, but judging by some of these responses, it looks to me like you did just that.


New member
May 1, 2009
Wait-- you people are still going at this?

JoeBloggs said:

Twilight Princess was the first zelda game I ever played. I played it as someone who never even actually liked ocarina of time, as a kid (I must of been, what, 14? I can't remember what time the game came out). I don't think I can be accused of nostalgia, or being bought out by nintendo. I liked it a lot.
Fair enough. I shall not.

You play one quarter of the game, then go on a rant tearing into all the games tiny flaws (Who the hell cares why link can turn into a wolf?)
Who the Hell cares why Batman fights crime? Who the Hell cares why Luke fights Darth Vader? Who the Hell cares why Mario jumps around like a moron? I mean, that's a totally good point. /sarcasm

before finally- this was what really got me- going "Every other critic who reviewed this game lied to you." Like you're saying

"I am the only one who's opinion is real- everyone else was bought out by nintendo or was full of nostalgia or something. Having played a tiny bit of the game, I am more knowledgable and qualified than EVERYONE ELSE WHO LIKED THE GAME KNEEL TO ME GAMESPOT."
My bad. It was four AM, I was furious, and I flew off the handle. I seriously can't apologize enough for that part.

The flaws you go into are such bloody minor things, too. Not even to defend twilight princess, but you spend a paragraph and a half ranting about how some kid forces you to give you his sword so he can rescue his sister, before saying "I'll leave you with that" as if it is now self-evident that every aspect of twilight princess is an irredeemable pile of shit.
Pardon my literacy, but as far as I'm concerned, that does mean every single aspect of the game script is shit.

And... pedophilic/bestialic overtones? Really? Jesus, dude, get your mind out of the gutter.
I've explained this many, many, many, times now, and as such I won't again (although for the record, many people have reminded me that the whole thing is far closer to a bondage situation than anything else).

Yes, sure, story should never be optional, but you're comparing twilight princess to Watchmen, for gods sakes. NOT EVERY STORY HAS TO BE WATCHMEN.
Can I ask that every story be up to Mario Brothers snuff (that is to say, not up to snuff at all, but lacking the pretense at least)?

Twilight Princess' story is a kids story:
...No, I don't think so. A.A. Miln wrote kid's stories. This doesn't even hold up to the hundred-acre-wood.

it's about a dude who goes on an adventure and gets to transform into an awesome wolf and saves the world and gets the girl and defeats the monster, hooray!

Despite the fact that adults obviously play these games a lot, they're made for kids. The story doesn't have to make every character into a deep tortured soul with a backstory the size of a small continent trailing out behind them.
Nicely phrased, fellow. But-- quick question: do kids put up with bullshit aymore than adults? Does being marketed at kids mean something has to be crap? Go ahead and tell that to, say...Bionicle, or Batman Beyond.

The side-characters in the village do not have to reach into you to touch the heart-strings of your very soul with their incredible well-written plight. Jesus.
I'm not asking for that, or even expecting it: I'm asking for something that doesn't instantly make me want to shiv people.

Early on in the game, the main character is pulled into an alternate dimension...where he turns into a wolf.

...Am I missing something here?
Yes, you are: the point.
The point being?

And the gameplay stuff. LOZ isn't a game about jumping (obviously, or they wouldn't make you jump automatically) or solving puzzles, or fighting dudes. That's just the generic bits within it. It's a game about having an adventure.
By persistantly employing broken jumping controls, shitty excuses-for-puzzles, and a halfway-decent swordfighting mechanic? Yeah, that's like, totally not about any of those things.

What you're doing here is the equivilant of going into a kids show- something about kids who have adventures and save the world, perhaps- and writing a long rant about how the characters were two dimensional and there was no motivation and the outcome was unrealistic and the world didn't make sense, and then complaining about the freudian overtones, and then saying that the kid fans of the show were lying to everyone when they said it was good.
...No. No it isn't. What I did was the equivalent of abandoning my Spongebob cartoons in favor of a game that had been painted by all the world as a mature, soul-healing gem of a product, only to find out that it was in fact a bad case of the crabs. What I did was the equivalent of going into a showing of "Macbeth" and getting an amateur elementary school drama club's production of "the little engine that could".

It's not ABOUT that. It's about the child-like sense of wonder with exploring the world and using cool gadgets to get to cool places and fighting giant cool boss dudes and transforming into a super awesome cool wolf.
NO! STOP! DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT 200$, DO NOT SAY ANOTHER WORD! The game is not about any of those things! It was about being a mute keebler elf in a Hellish excuse for a fantasy world; it was about a creepy nude imp who seemed to be just a little too happy at most times; it was about walking in circles for an hour or two at any given moment; it was about the cold deadness that crept over your soul when you realized that THIS was the game that lit then entire world of 2007 on fire; it was about trying with all your might to finish the level you were on, because you knew things were about to get good, only tio find out that--BLAM!-- that was the endgame sequence; it was about trying to not cut yourself! SMG was about child-like wonder; Mass Efefct was about child-like wonder; MY FECKING BOOK was about child-like wonder!

This...this is...Oh. If only there were words for it.

If you go into it acting all cynical about it, then yeah, you won't like it. It's probably pretty stupid, really. It's not mature. It's not well written. It is definetly not watchmen.

But you know, I liked it.
Fair enough, but quit trying to tell me how I misunderstood my own opinion.

Now quit calling Freud a liar.
((Freud was full of shit, dude. Famously so.

Felt like murdering your father and having sex with your mother lately? I don't think you can blame the pedophilic overtones on anyone but yourself.))
Low blow, buddy. Low blow. I'll have you know that my father was an alcoholic, thank you very much, that's pumpkin juice on the machete, and I didn't do ANYTHING with all that cement I ordered a week ago.


Thanks for writing, though. Criticism is a good thing.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
This seems less "my opinion is different from the norm and I thought I'd express them" and more "I want to piss off a large group of people that I'm never going to meet in real life."


New member
Mar 11, 2009
HT_Black said:
before finally- this was what really got me- going "Every other critic who reviewed this game lied to you." Like you're saying

"I am the only one who's opinion is real- everyone else was bought out by nintendo or was full of nostalgia or something. Having played a tiny bit of the game, I am more knowledgable and qualified than EVERYONE ELSE WHO LIKED THE GAME KNEEL TO ME GAMESPOT."
My bad. It was four AM, I was furious, and I flew off the handle. I seriously can't apologize enough for that part.
That doesn't really change the fact that you
A) Wrote it in the first place and
B) Have yet to remove it from the review.

You pretty much alienate anyone who would ever take your review seriously (and as we've discussed before, your failure to experience the whole game makes your review nigh irrelevant). And despite your apologies, it seems you've not taken any action to alleviate the issue if this person can comment about it. This gives off the air of "instead of giving the game a fair chance and worthwhile critical analysis, I'm instead going to tick off as many people as possible by completely thrashing the game!"


New member
May 1, 2009
DrDeath3191 said:
HT_Black said:
before finally- this was what really got me- going "Every other critic who reviewed this game lied to you." Like you're saying

"I am the only one who's opinion is real- everyone else was bought out by nintendo or was full of nostalgia or something. Having played a tiny bit of the game, I am more knowledgable and qualified than EVERYONE ELSE WHO LIKED THE GAME KNEEL TO ME GAMESPOT."
My bad. It was four AM, I was furious, and I flew off the handle. I seriously can't apologize enough for that part.
That doesn't really change the fact that you
A) Wrote it in the first place and
B) Have yet to remove it from the review.

You pretty much alienate anyone who would ever take your review seriously (and as we've discussed before, your failure to experience the whole game makes your review nigh irrelevant). And despite your apologies, it seems you've not taken any action to alleviate the issue if this person can comment about it. This gives off the air of "instead of giving the game a fair chance and worthwhile critical analysis, I'm instead going to tick off as many people as possible by completely thrashing the game!"
What the-- Oh, shit. I thought I edited that out last week!

It's fixed now.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Taerdin said:
jthm said:
Also, to have 'gamer cred' I couldn't care less what you've played.

*slams hands on desk and extends pointer finger*

This statement clearly contradicts your earlier testimony!

jthm said:
your comment about having never played a Legend of Zelda game made (me) skeptical of ... your credentials as a gamer.
It's one thing to state a clearly ridiculous and laughable thing, its another to pretend you never actually said such a thing. Only a foolishly foolhardy fool would try to foolishly fool me with such foolishly foolhardy foolery!

... sorry I've been playing a lot of Ace Attorney lately...


1. Usually, credentials. evidence of authority, status, rights, entitlement to privileges, or the like, usually in written form: Only those with the proper credentials are admitted.
2. anything that provides the basis for confidence, belief, credit, etc.
?verb (used with object)
3. to grant credentials to, esp. educational and professional ones: She has been credentialed to teach math.
4. providing the basis for confidence, belief, credit, etc.


1. n.
credibility; believability. (See also street cred.) : They got no cred with me.

credibility among young fashionable urban individuals [syn: street credibility]

First post used the word credentials, evaluating the OP's authority (or lack thereof) as a critic and gamer who gives recommendations based upon nothing but his experience with other games. The other post you quote refers to "gamer cred", which would be more akin to gamerscore or some other arbitrary form of measurement to decide his pecking order or importance in an equally arbitrary e penis comparison.

In the first post, I assert that someone who hasn't played some of the seminal classic games does not have the proper credentials or experience to warrant listening to his deranged opinion of a sequel to said game. It would be akin to claiming a pilot who has never learned to fly should not be your first choice when deciding who you want to be in charge of a plane you're riding.

In the post with the term "gamer cred" I was referring to exactly what the definition says, his level of trendiness based upon what he's played, which I don't care about.

I know they're similar words, but they aren't synonyms. Cred comes from credibility, not credentials. The trouble here is that Credibility would have been a better term for me to use as I'm saying the OP has none and is trying to be hip and trendy by attacking a game that received generally positive reviews.

So in short, I was wrong in my choice of words, but you're wrong in claiming I said something, then denied saying it. I denied commenting on his trendiness, because I never did. Level of trendiness is utterly irrelevant to me. I commented on his lack of credibility and credentials as a critic worthy of being listened to. He isn't worth listening to because he even admits he never played any game in the series, nor did he play much of the game he reviewed.

This whole thing gives me a headache (actually I'm hung over, this whole thing just exacerbates my headache). If I didn't like that you referenced Phoenix Wright, I probably wouldn't have written back at all.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
My two cents;

I liked the game, i liked the interactions with Midna, liked the spider boss, liked the goron boss, liked the darknuts (knights). Most dungeons were fun.
Combat worked well.
The game was a bit too easy.

Disliked the lack of coherency of the world Ex: Hyrule town with no supplies coming in.. so people are just doing their walm-mart shopping. No starvation or anything. Town is "beseiged" by many monsters outside wandering around unnoposed, doors are wide open with no guards actually protecting it (and those who "does" are hopeless cowards)

Disliked the "resistance".. especially the part where they dont do any resisting, and are only used as event triggers when they could have joined us in battle, if only for a brief time. Also the part where they "save" us from losing.. a heart or two, in the end.

Disliked the emptiness of the world and the lack of secret areas (there are so few!)

Disliked Ganondorf, he isnt even trying to win, and the game could have been good even if he wasnt around at all.

For the rest that is unmentionned, it generally Okay


Banned User
Jan 11, 2009
I never really got much into this game. Didnt affect me much though cause I just borrowed the game from a friend.


New member
Sep 5, 2009
HT_Black said:

...No. No it isn't. What I did was the equivalent of abandoning my Spongebob cartoons in favor of a game that had been painted by all the world as a mature, soul-healing gem of a product, only to find out that it was in fact a bad case of the crabs. What I did was the equivalent of going into a showing of "Macbeth" and getting an amateur elementary school drama club's production of "the little engine that could".

Thanks for writing, though. Criticism is a good thing.
Well, thanks for thanking me for criticising. CIVILITY!

I guess we went into it with different expectations, is the real thing. I went into it as a 14 year old expecting a stupid kids game for stupid kids, and that's what I got. And once I abandoned the "Why the hell is Link turning into a wolf?" thoughts, I liked it. There were definitely good BITS of childlike wonder in there. (I can't remember what the mecha-sand-gear skateboard thing was called, but that whole bit, and the boss you fight on it... man, I was child-like wondering the SHIT out of that thing.)

Looking at it now, I guess it doesn't even do childlike wonder that well. The whole Twilight Realm was trying to go all dark and gritty, and I guess if I went into it looking for a Mature Sophisticated Adult game to ROCK MY SOUL (which looking back, it was trying its hardest to look like), I would've had the same opinion. It was more the BEHOLD MY OPINION, INTERNET! vibe I was getting that spurned me to enraged action.

I tell you what, though: Majora's Mask. Now THERE'S a good zelda game. Try bashing that, then I can hate you.

oh oh and man, unrelated, but CURSE OF MONKEY ISLAND. Man, I had child-like wonder coming out of my EARS for that game.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Furburt said:
Why do you keep addressing 'The fanboys'? I mean, I know it's your review, and your opinion, and that's fine. But it seems to me like you're purposefully trying to piss people off.

Anyway, not a bad review by any standards, just a bit too...angry. Needlessly so in fact, it interferes with the general ideas you're trying to get across.

Just needs a bit of a rethink of writing style, and then all will be well.
agreed we all can't be Yahtzees.(the reason all of us intended to be when we started off here)


New member
Nov 9, 2009
HT_Black said:
I mean that I made the point that a naked princess had both legs over a twelve-year old werewolf.
I should point out that Link is 17-18 in Twilight Princess, not 12.

It's really no surprise you feel this way about this game, HT_Black. The game was was designed for the long-time Zelda fans, not for new players to the series. If I had known you were about ready to dive into your first Zelda game, I would've knocked TP out of your hands and recommended something else.

If you want to play a game that does justice to the Zelda franchise, play A Link to the Past on SNES (or virtual console). I'm sure you'll like that one, and even better it costs much less money, so you have virtually nothing to lose. ;)


New member
May 1, 2009
JoeBloggs said:
I tell you what, though: Majora's Mask. Now THERE'S a good zelda game. Try bashing that, then I can hate you.

oh oh and man, unrelated, but CURSE OF MONKEY ISLAND. Man, I had child-like wonder coming out of my EARS for that game.
Well thank you very much. On the off-chance that I acquire an N64 and an Amiga at some point in the future, I'll certainly give those two a look (I don't have the adresses of any good emulators).

evilartist said:
If you want to play a game that does justice to the Zelda franchise, play A Link to the Past on SNES (or virtual console). I'm sure you'll like that one, and even better it costs much less money, so you have virtually nothing to lose. ;)
Likewise in the event that I happen upon a SNES.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
HT_Black said:
evilartist said:
If you want to play a game that does justice to the Zelda franchise, play A Link to the Past on SNES (or virtual console). I'm sure you'll like that one, and even better it costs much less money, so you have virtually nothing to lose. ;)
Likewise in the event that I happen upon a SNES.
That's why I said "or virtual console." If you played TP, I assume you already have a Wii and therefore you don't need a SNES (unless you played TP on the gamecube).