The Metacritic Users bomb Call of Duty again


New member
Dec 30, 2010
It doesn't surprise me that people still think it's cool to hate on Call of Duty... Watched the recent TotalBiscuit review(s) for Black Ops 2, fully expecting him to follow the attitude. Was genuinely surprised that the general tone was positive, even him calling some parts 'fantastic fun'.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
wooty said:
These could actually be accurate for once though. I've been playing this.shit for 10 hours now and even I think it merits less than 20%.

The most consistently functional part of this game is the fucking title screen. "Ass" indeed.
Sorry you are having troubles. My trouble is, I cannot get near the game as my kids are always playing. My son was all excited about Borderlands 2 and he really loves it, but it now collects dust. He is all over this. My 2nd problem is I cannot get them to play the campaign as they are having so much fun with multi player. Looks like it has a ton of ways to play, including party games.

My 360 died before I got to play MW3 or even BOPs 1 (traded in for PS3 versions of BL2 and BOPs2) so, not certain if those other 2 had all these different modes or not. But BOPS2 seems the real deal. Decent graphics for a 6 year old console with lots of ways to play it. I've no complaints other than, I'd really like my turn on it to finish the campaign.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
And yet this game is breaking all-time sales records. COD is not my kind of game but the more money this monster makes the more ridiculous these guys look. However ,in some cases, ridiculous is not such a bad thing. Take this review as an example:

If you would like to play this game for free I suggest gorging on high fiber food. When you feel the sensation to poop. Go to the toilet. Sit down and push like your aborting a baby. There you go now you have an exact copy of the game without the $60 price tag. GL HF." - bagelybagels (1/10)

It's a godawful cliche expect for that one line. That one line is golden.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Dexter111 said:
Ugh. So, absolutely no offense to you, but that image just reminded me of all those ME3 threads before and during its release. And the fact that this review bombing happened to ME3 as well doesn't help those memories.

OT: Quite frankly I'm not surprised.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
You know, you just need to mention the words "Call of Duty" and people on the Escapist start tearing each other apart. I just...ugh. Hey news flash, if people like the game then they enjoy it, so let them play it and have fun. If you don't enjoy the game, you don't have to play it, so lay off people that do enjoy it. Seriously just live and let live, people get way too worked up over Call of Duty.

Dexter111 said:
Also on a side note to Dexter111, I don't take these user reviews seriously because if you can't explain WHY you don't like the game in an adult manner (like just saying ass), you come across as someone throwing a temper tantrum and not liking a game just because it has a certain brand slapped on it, making it not very reliable. Also people always tend to hit zero because they're not trying to convey their opinion in an adult manner, but trying to get the overall score as low as possible. So yeah, I don't consider them very reliable.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Awexsome said:
I'm sorry but if you think games like CoD or ME3 are ACTUALLY worth scores like the 40's and lower you're part of the problem and why the user reviews are absolutely worthless.
Yeahy, how DARE people have different values than you!

Critic reviews are a thousand times more reliable in all circumstances.

Despite anyone who would throw around conspiracy theories about how ____ game was paid off it's people putting their name and career behind a usually reasonable opinion.
It's not about who's paying who. A game critic's primary job is to let everyone know their shit don't stink. This is part of the reason we have a four point scale in the first place.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Stuff like this is why the only reviews I'm interested in are ones that are meant to be entertaining (i.e. Yahtzee, of course). It's my belief that you shouldn't let anyone else's opinion affect your own. That doesn't mean you should strike yourself deaf, dumb, and blind to all things about a game before it comes out. You're bound to hear other people's opinions on it. But ultimately it's your decision to make. If a game interests you but gets a low score on some website, why not check it out for yourself? Similarly if there's a game you're NOT interested in yet some website gives it a high score, are you REALLY going to be tempted to pick it up anyways even if you're not really interested in it?

In the end, it's impossible to be completely objective. But you're you. You know your tastes better than anyone else. A lot of games that I think are absolute shit are loved by many others, and a lot of games that I love are thought to be absolute shit by many others. The lesson is to take reviews with a grain of salt.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Awexsome said:
"ass. ." - bencam (0/10)
Slap that on the box art!

User reviews are completely useless for AAA games anymore. You can't get a consensus of objective anonymous people on them anymore. An individual user review here and there might be a good one but we've seen this for years now. ME3, every CoD... it's always the same thing with people who care more about tearing the game or franchise down no matter how good the game actually is.
Not to mention that devs and publishers are not likely to lose any sleep over bad user reviews for a game that is selling like tit-shaped cupcakes on fire. With tits.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
And reviewers praise it as the monumental gaming achievement it's absolutely not. The average of 6.3 seems fair to me (on a scale where 5 is an average game and not complete poop).

Also, you should check out the scores on games over a year old. The user score is nearly always on the money there, hindsight being 20/20 and all. Review scores rarely hold up that well.


New member
May 11, 2011
"they disagree with me on metacritic? clearly i must make a thread on the escapist about it."- the op
meh they dont like the game, hardly surprising, hardly any danger in letting them express their opinions, and even if it was its on meta critic which is a awful site anyway.


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
Dexter111 said:
Games that I am still eyeing but haven't played yet also came out pretty good:
Dishonored: (Critic: 91, User: 82)
Borderlands 2: (Critic: 89, User: 81)

Now to the games that deserved to be panned through the board, but weren't by critics:
Diablo III: (Critic: 88, User: 38)
Mass Effect 3: (Critic: 89, User: 45)

It goes the other way too btw., for instance:
Natural Selection 2: (Critic: 79, User: 93)

I see it more as a problem that "professional critics" are either unwilling or unable to rate AAA games below a 80, even if they're a heap of flaming turd.

At least there was one game this year where both can agree that it was crap, although I wonder why the same "professional reviewers" went easy on Call of Duty...
Medal of Honor: Modern Warfighter: (Critic: 56, User: 53)
I've recently finished Dishonored. I really enjoyed the game, but at the same time it left me slightly peckish. It doesn't exactly live up to the hype, though it's still very much worth a playthrough. Buy it on sale!

As for MoH:WF; I think it just didn't get as much attention as MW3 or BLOPS2, that way only really interested players would go and rate the game.

OT: no matter how immature the reviews are, if that many people actually give enough of a shit to post their ramblings on a review site it has to mean something. Besides, it's not like all the reviews were purely negative.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Politeia said:
I think these things are a result of professional critics giving glowing reviews to what is, essentially, the same game every year.
While I understand that scores are relative (You can't know good unless you've seen bad, and playing "Good" makes "bad" recognizable), but...

... Why should a game be panned for being consistant with other games in a series. Not everyone buys every single installment of a game in a franchise. Just because, say, Call of Duty 4 provides the FPS experience you enjoy, and don't feel you need another for what you feel is a "glorified balance/content patch"... well, what about those who are new to the series, or want to see what happens next in the story (No matter how cliche or ridiculous. Some people love that stuff)?

AAA games are given good scores because they are good games. They may not be innovative, but as far as scoring goes:

Graphical fidelity: They have the most detailed and on-model graphics, as well as above-average Art Direction (Though said art direction tends to be subjective), with the "little things" attention to detail. Some people think we shouldn't have moved beyond 8-bit. Others enjoy seeing the tiny bugs crawling across a surface, or the way things like branches, fur, or hair shift from sudden movement (or wind), without having to rely on cheesy symbolism.

Audio Fidelity: You may not even be aware of all the 'little sounds' made in a game, but they subconsciously draw you into a game. The lack of sound can likewise break it. Of course, it's not fun of being accused of cheating in an FPS because you heard the sound of a door opening and change in sound of the footsteps of your enemy letting you know they entered the building you were in and you turned around and shot them.

Stability: They have been extensively bug-tested to ensure the pretty graphics load properly and sounds play at the right time at the right volume, as well as not crash or glitch out in stupid ways, and when the testers DO miss a bug the community finds, it's usually fixed swiftly. At least not easily. There are exceptions to this, but generally not from EA, Activision, or other Big Names (That aren't Bethesda) in the industry.

Solid Gameplay: They have been extensively playtested to ensure their mechanics and controls work intuitively, are responsive, interact well with each other, and properly exploit their potential. (This is probably the big tripping block that dooms most games to the graveyard between the Indie scene and AAA releases). Unfortunately for a lot of games, a slight edge that a true AAA game has in this department dooms the game for not equallying it.

Of course, precedent is also important. That's probably the biggest advantage long-standing IPs have over new IPs. The difference between a "Ripoff" and "Game done right" is a matter of perspective, but I feel far too many people are too eager to slap the "Ripoff" label on games that attempt to offer a slightly different flavor on a more publicized game.

Warfighter got panned because it failed to live up to those last to requirements for a AAA game.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
This just in: people don't like bad game

Awexsome said:
I'm sorry but if you think games like CoD or ME3 are ACTUALLY worth scores like the 40's and lower you're part of the problem and why the user reviews are absolutely worthless. Critic reviews are a thousand times more reliable in all circumstances.
Whaaaat. They should automatically just get a 3/5? Automatically just be labelled a good game just cos they aren't completely broken? If a game is as stale as the CoD series I don't see why it should be given credit just cos it plays well, and the fundamental problem lies with score inflation as people have already pointed out.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
AnarchistFish said:
This just in: people don't like bad game

Awexsome said:
I'm sorry but if you think games like CoD or ME3 are ACTUALLY worth scores like the 40's and lower you're part of the problem and why the user reviews are absolutely worthless. Critic reviews are a thousand times more reliable in all circumstances.
Whaaaat. They should automatically just get a 3/5? Automatically just be labelled a good game just cos they aren't completely broken? If a game is as stale as the CoD series I don't see why it should be given credit just cos it plays well, and the fundamental problem lies with score inflation as people have already pointed out.
CoD might be stale, but they're stale at a very high level. You get high production values with famous voice actors, amazing scripted sequences of shit getting blown up, a new iteration of the still very fun multiplayer...
IMO, the game objectively deserves a good score. Not a great score, and the reviewer can and should point out that the player can get much of the same for a lot less money with last year's MW3, but on its own, each CoD is a pretty damn fun game.


New member
Nov 24, 2007
My policy is that ALL review scores are untrustworthy regardless of the source. I don't expect them to give me any more than a very general idea of a game's quality and I base my purchasing decisions on the content of reviews rather than numbers tacked onto them.

That said, in my experience there is a "sweet spot" for Metacritic reviews between... oh, let's say 60-85. Most games I've played in that range have seemed deserving of their scores. Anything below that and people aren't sure what to do, and anything above it and you're going to be wading through a lot of bullshit.

For something like this, where people bomb it with negative user reviews but it had a high critic score? Well, average the two out and I find it gives a much more accurate score.