The most 'No fair!' moment in a video game?


New member
Feb 16, 2008
What's a moment in a video game where something happens and you're left staring at the screen, not in disappointment, but in surprise.

For me, it would be in Half Life 2 when you're in Ravenholm. You've experienced your first fast zombies, got your shotgun and you're in a room where you need to summon an elevator up to your level. Zombies are climbing across the rooftops and ready to follow you into the room, so me, thinking i'm a genius, I close the door in their face. I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, then all of a sudden, several of them burst in through the skylight! I ended up surviving, but I couldn't stop thinking just how unfair that was.

Iori Branford

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Much as I love Shadow Dancer and Revenge of Shinobi on Sega Genesis, I can't recommend them today. They make Ravenholm look a cakewalk.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
SeiferHyperion said:
Zombies are climbing across the rooftops and ready to follow you into the room, so me, thinking i'm a genius, I close the door in their face. I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, then all of a sudden, several of them burst in through the skylight! I ended up surviving, but I couldn't stop thinking just how unfair that was.
I did that exact thing. Probably in Half Life Opposing Forces when you're trying to get to the helecopter and suddenly the G-Man shuts the door on your face. I knew something was gonna happen like that, but come on!

Fallout, trying to get to the Gunrunners meant you had to fight through Deathclaws and getting there by the skin of your teeth to ask for their help mean you had to go back and kill the mother, and by this time they had all respawned.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
The inexplicable ability of the rare moment when people shot by a missle launcher/stepped on a mine/ on an exploded grenade survive without damage and somehow manage to kill me with an inferior weapon in Star Wars Battlefront. This is even more emberrasing when the target is an NPC. Of course this only happens in online multiplayer, thank goodness.
Jan 22, 2008
The part in HL2's Ravenholm when you come into that big open square with a deactivated chopper (the wire-cart-thing is overhead), and various varieties of zombies come at you from friggin everywhere. You, naturally, run to turn it on, thus saving yourself from the onrushing horde of regular, fast, and poison zombies. the blade spins for a second or two, before breaking and flying off in a random direction.

Funny as all hell, but still frustrating. gregori needs to keep his traps in working order.


New member
Jan 29, 2008
This isn't for any one game in particular, but any time I spend twenty minutes looking for a solution to a puzzle or key item, only to find it was sitting under my nose the hole time.


New member
Feb 16, 2008
Mine was getting Zombie Genosider Achievement in Dead Rising,,,, play the game for 6 hours running over legions of the undead and get an ending,,,,,,, needless to say I got it with time to spare but i spent like 5 solid hours,,, just,,,,,


To get a slightly better gun to kill zombies with,,, not that there's any thing wrong with it but it sure does rack up the time


Optimist Laureate
Jan 31, 2008
MagnetoHydroDynamics said:
The most unfair thing is trying to get the acheivement "get some grub" in HL2: Ep2, its freggin impossible.
I missed 5 on my latest run through D:


New member
Nov 23, 2007
Far Cry: When you get captured and promptly dumped from a helicopter at the top of a waterfall without any weapons. You just get an M16 with 10 bullets to get past dozens of trigens to the next checkpoint...

MagnetoHydroDynamics said:
The most unfair thing is trying to get the acheivement "get some grub" in HL2: Ep2, its freggin impossible.
Little Rocket Man is worse....

Hey Joe

New member
Dec 23, 2007
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
In a game of Civilization realizing you're on a continent with Isabella, Shaka, and Montezuma.
*winces* bad memories...bad memories


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2007
Went for FoxHound rateing on Metal Gear Solid 3 in my terms "Not Possible" got 6.5 hours and thats what left me to say no fair.

mr superfluous

New member
Feb 16, 2008
mario kart on the snes. When you were toad or koopa, and bloody donkey kong would come out of his line and knock you into a river on donut plains 3, after which he would carry on like nothing happened.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
The last level of Stuntman for the PS2 (the James Bond themed movie for those who know what I'm talking about). The whole exercise, to put it nicely, was f'ing impossible because it demands a type of perfection that can only be found in some future evolution of uber-gamer. I got $3 trade-in credit at EB and considered that a good deal for the misery that thing put me through.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
In the last UEF mission of Supreme Commander, when the little Monkey Lord brigade shows up on your island.

For those unfamilar with the game, the MonkeyLord is one of the faction's super-weapons, and probably the signature unit of Supreme Commander. It's very large, fairly fast, amphibious, has a lot of armor and sports a variety of weaponry, including the Microwave Laser which would do somewhere on the order of 12,000 damage a second (enough to kill any unit aside from other super units, SCU's, or upgraded Commanders in under a second). It was a very cost effective and threatening Experimental.

But anyway, the whole mission is defending an island (technically half of it, since the other half is out of view) and things aren't that bad. The mission is mostly fending off large air and sea attacks and launching a sea based attack on an enemy islands, so I ended up with essentially a U shaped defense network of SAMs and Torpedo launchers, with the very north fairly open. Then comes a very large attack lead by a number of MonkeyLords from the north part of my island.

There was no reason to defend that area with anything, let alone ground defenses that could hold off multiple Experimentals. I was just dumbfounded, it was outside of my box of thinking, it wasn't something I was expecting or at all prepared for. Just left me stunned.

They ran though half my island as I proceeded to nuke-spam my own island, since I had virtually no ground assets to actually combat them with. I stopped them before they destroyed my defense objective, but lost most of my economy, most of my defense structures and most of my SCU's that were doubling as builders and resource generators. Disastrous.


Optimist Laureate
Jan 31, 2008
Murian said:
Far Cry: When you get captured and promptly dumped from a helicopter at the top of a waterfall without any weapons. You just get an M16 with 10 bullets to get past dozens of trigens to the next checkpoint...

MagnetoHydroDynamics said:
The most unfair thing is trying to get the acheivement "get some grub" in HL2: Ep2, its freggin impossible.
Little Rocket Man is worse....
You'd think so wouldn't you, but you'd be wrong.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
How about just the entire Ninja Gaiden for XBOX. That game in and of itself was unfair, due to its high difficulty and learning curve.