The Most Overpowered Weapon across all Mediums

Sep 9, 2010
So I was thinking about OP wepons, and I was wondering what was teh most OP you guys have ever heard of? In anything, games, books, movies, stories, etc. Mine would have to be the Void Blade, from teh Warhammer 40k Soul Drinker books, its a housing with two contained black holes on either end, that will cut right through anything.
Oh, and I used the search bar and couldn't find anything similar.

VGC USpartan VS

New member
Feb 14, 2011
Took me a second to remember this... the UMP45 from Modern Warfare 2. I have never gone negative K/D with that gun. NEVER.


Elite Member
May 22, 2009
I'm going to go with 'words.'

Yes the sword can most definitely end the life of the writer, but the mere ability of words and proper oration to influence people to do your bidding is a much more powerful weapon than say a gun.

Having a thousand troops on a hill in general composure can be over run by fifty when a single man jumps up, yells "HURRAH!" and rushes the thousand with the other 49. Many battle throughout all of history have hinged upon a single person giving inspiring speeches and/or leading charges against innumerable odds.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Well, I'm going to look into some comics and see what I can find.

Let's see here.

Marvel Comics, What If featuring Venompool, with the Retcon Expungifier. A weapon so powerful it retroactively removes someone from reality.

DC Comics, I'd have to go with the most powerful weapon in the universe. A Green Lantern Ring.

Looking to Anime, I find the Phase Transition Cannon from Martian Successor Nadesico to be quite powerful.

When we get to games, there are more than a couple that are pretty nasty.

If you want pretty old school, the Saw Blade from Final Fantasy Legend was quite wrong. If you hit with it, your enemy would die. It doesn't matter what the enemy was, they wouldn't be any more. This did include the final boss by the way.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
The Euelers'/USMC's star/nova bomb from the books Star Strike and Galactic Corps. It was a small mass , a one-man sized space pod, fired into a star at near or over light speed which would detonate the star/ cause it to go super nova, and wipe out every living thing in that solar system.

Death on Trapezoids

New member
Nov 19, 2009
also from the warhammer 40k universe, the Emperor class titan.

You want scale? Where a 8 foot tall power armored dude is represented by a sub-inch tall model, this thing can be most accurately represented by someone putting on a costume and climbing on the table.

The least of the weapons these things mout are gatling guns the size of tanks that can demolish entire platoons in the blink of an eye.

The thing is a freaking castle-city on legs.

Anything smaller than a sniper doesn't do you much good when you're so much crunchy red paste on the bottom of a massive foot.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Not really a weapon per se, but the boxes of orden in the sword of truth.

Literally unchecked godlike powers.*

*well, sort of.