The Most Sexist Thing That's Happened To You


New member
Jul 25, 2010
I guess the automatic assumption that I must masturbate and watch porn daily. I won't deny I haven't done either, but it's not like I'd rather stay home and do that than hang out with friends or play games.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
Well, during my last anime convention I decided to crossplay as my female character EMily (as shown in my profile pic). It turned out really well as noted by the many MANY female con-goers wanting to take a picture of me. However there was one and ONLY one girl that openly admitted to not liking my dressing up as a girl. Not only did she express her displeasure that day, on Sunday I wore a Satoko Hojo costume and twice did she do the same thing.

In the end here's my epilogue.
-My friend standing next to me didn't like her as well because she was messing with the Mandalorian costume that weighed down on my friend's shoulders.
-This is an ANIME convention we're talking about here! There are tons of crossplayers every year, either for hilarity or seriousness (as a disclaimer I do it for both).
-Lastly, I don't care if you don't like people who crossplay. I completely understand if you are uncomfortable with it. But in a place where the delimiters of what you can wear have been removed (with exception to lots of skin showing and stripping, you get the idea.) without much sacrifice, it's best never to express your displeasure. As they say in pre-school: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I was born with a Y chromosome and all that that entails... from that day on I was given a label because of something beyond my control [/facetiousness]


New member
Mar 19, 2010
I never had any personal attacks but however (as a male) I have witness a sexist note to my dad.

In the past, he used to donate money to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). But one day he got a thank you letter from them starts "Dear Madam,..."(No sirs or donator or name), implying that you have to be a women to support. I can't remember what happens next (long time ago).

Even today I feel that I can't support anything that has only "women" or "female" on the name because I'm not a women. I'm a equalist and I do support equal rights for all but not for one.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
[My first day in American History 101 at a community college]

Professor: Everyone, I'll call on each one of you to introduce yourselves before we start the class. Please gives us your name, ethnicity, occupation, and one interesting fact about yourself.

[My turn comes]

Name: Eqan
Ethnicity: Asian
Occupation: Teller at a bank.

Professor interjects: "Hmm, I suppose guys have started to penetrate that field as well."

Yeah, it's not very sexist, but that's about the most sexist thing that has ever happened to me.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I'm aWhite Male Jew In Israel.
The only shit I take is for being the son of Russian immigrants, but in this generation EVERYONE are children of immigrants. So you could all piss off.
Half of my class (female) laughed with my teacher(female) about how men can't do things properly. I said "fuck you, you sexist *****" to the fattest most abnoxious ***** in the bunch, which wasn't my teacher. Needless to say, it felt great.
She really was a mean, evil person. Honest.
Giest4life said:
[My first day in American History 101 at a community college]

Professor: Everyone, I'll call on each one of you to introduce yourselves before we start the class. Please gives us your name, ethnicity, occupation, and one interesting fact about yourself.

[My turn comes]

Name: Eqan
Ethnicity: Asian
Occupation: Teller at a bank.

Professor interjects: "Hmm, I suppose guys have started to penetrate that field as well."

Yeah, it's not very sexist, but that's about the most sexist thing that has ever happened to me.
For some reason the word "penetrated" and "guy" in the same sentence makes me feel a bit uneasy. Just saying. You're an immigrant? Where did you emigrat from?


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I misread this as "The most sexiest thing" so now I feel kind of dirty. Um, I was told I had no idea how to decorate by a shopkeeper. I dont know why I took offence to that but I did


King of Fail
Nov 18, 2009
Witty Name Here said:
So basically... What she was saying was, "Men would enjoy being raped so it isn't a crime, women wouldn't so it's horrible." -_-"
enjoyment of the situation is nothing to do with it, its all a matter of consent. rape is sex without consent full stop. violence or other subversive techniques (like a dosage of drugs in a drink, handcuffs etc), are used by rapists to overcome or inhibit the unconsenting partners ability to give their consent. though in many cases rape is not about the sex instead it is the application of violence at its most evil.

anyway back OT

many women have been shocked by my ability as a man to have deeper emotions than hunger, rage and horny.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
When a "smoking hot chick" (Atractive young lady?) who had 0 experiance for the position and no qualifications for it got the position above me when I was already doing it for 6 monthes better than the person I was standing in for.

Needless to say the department fell apart under her supervision but everyone in the department who had 10 plus years doing it was suddenly at fault. plus all our complaints about mismanagment were responded with crap like "you are just upset to work for a woman".


New member
Mar 11, 2009
I read this as "the most sexiest thing that's happened to you". Damn, I had the lotion out and everything.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
This isn't really sexist, it's just stupid:

I told my friend that I play piano and a guy at our lunch table laughed and said "Pianos are for girls."

...Well, my friend and I just laughed in his face.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Witty Name Here said:
This is more of a Sexist discussion I was having with someone then a sexist thing that personally happened to me, but here it goes... One of my family members claim it's impossible for a man to be raped because he would have to "Enjoy it" in the first place, when I pointed out to them that there were laws in the old days that said a woman couldn't claim rape if she "Enjoyed it", they said that "Well women can't enjoy a Rape, unlike men who have to for it to be a successful rape."

So basically... What she was saying was, "Men would enjoy being raped so it isn't a crime, women wouldn't so it's horrible." -_-"
This may just be me but my interpretation of what she meant was that a man must get a boner in order to have sex, he must be aroused to have a boner, and thus he must want to have sex if he is to have sex.

Of course that is not the case. Perhaps you should point that out if that was what she meant.

I can't think of any personal experiences of witnessing sexism. I'm rather oblivious to my surroundings though.


New member
Jun 10, 2011
Guys used to think it was hilarious to razz me in high school about women's rights, but they were just being teenagers.

People make assumptions about things like my strength, my ability to handle myself in confrontations etc. This is partly because I'm a woman, but also because I'm very small and slender. Kind of a pixie-ish build. I probably wouldn't get this as much as a man, but I know they aren't trying to be sexist.


Oh for...
Aug 4, 2010
Personally, I held a door open for a fellow man, continued to hold it open for a woman that was behind him, and was called a pig.

Fun times all around.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Oh I was with this girl and she could do absolutely amazing things with her tongue and- Oh..."Sexist." Not...not "sexiest." Nevermind. I haven't really had anything particularly sexist happen to me unless getting shit for being a male brony counts.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
As a white, straight male I've never felt truly bullied or discriminated against.
About the closest I've ever gotten to sexist remarks used against me was when other white straight males were teasing me.
Even then, the sexist remarks were more offensive to women then to men. You know what I mean, calling a man a 'pussy' or a 'big girl' or whatever, implying that to be even close to female implies that you are weak, cowardly or just disgusting.
I was pissed off when stuff like this happened, but not because I was being teased or bullied, but because those kinds of remarks were really misogynistic and unpleasant. I mean I don't see how it would be any less offensive then calling a white guy a 'black prick', implying that being black is apparently inherently 'worse' then being white.

So yeah, on the rare occassion that anyone has ever been mean to me, usually it's not me who should ultimatley be offended by the remarks, it's women everywhere.

That said there are occassional sexist remarks that as a male, I shouldn't care about romances in movies or sensitive artistic material or theatrical musicals. Apparently that makes me 'gay', and that just makes me so mad that all I can do is.... dance!

Jordan Beeston

New member
Dec 25, 2010
I'm a bloke, and I went into a Job interview at JB Hifi where they really liked my portfolio and thought that I responded well to pressure, but UNFORTUNATELY they needed another candidate because they needed to fill a diversity requirement to receive a tax break so I didn't get the job.

Thankfully I work at a Surveying company now so I'm better off for it but still. So sexist.