Well the thing about today's generation is, even with the internet, they have to go looking for this stuff to see it, and that's if they even know what they're looking for.
Now let's talk about TV.
I'm pretty much the same age as MovieBob, I was born in 81' and like him for the longest time I had no internet and television was my main source of entertainment.
Now television in the 80s was a lot different than television in the 90s. In the 80s they showed a lot more reruns, and you'd find it a lot more on prime time television. I didn't even have cable for a while there but I still grew up watching shows that had come out in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. I'd watch a episode of Transformers right after watching Popeye, but by the 90s you'd see less and less of that.
By the 90s the only place you could find that stuff was on cable channels at late ours of the night. I even grew up watching shows like I Love Lucy, The Honymooners or The Dick Van Dyke Show (what a name...0o), but around the 90s they were all on Nick at Night so if I'd never seen those shows before there's a good chance even then I would have totally missed out.
Today if I want to catch a show of I Love Lucy or the Twilight Zone I'm not even sure where to look on television since I barely watch it anymore, I have to go searching on the internet.
80s TV was truly something awesome, you were exposed to so much even without cable, TV today is nothing but reality shows, no music on MTV, and back to back showings of 90s reruns and nothing that came out prior (seeing Friends run back to back can be enough to drive a man insane, fuck Friends, give me Taxi or Welcome back Carter which were a thousand times better).
Hell I can't even watch Looney Toons properly because today's parents find those cartoons either too violent or racist....0o
As for the Internet, it's just so vast most people don't know where to start.