The New U.S. Penny design is a terrible idea.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
If you are an American, or have even heard of it, you've got an idea who Abraham Lincoln was.
The image of the Lincoln memorial on the back of the U.S. penny is both iconic and unmistakable. You look at it and if you've ever been to Washington or watched The P.O.S. Planet of the Apes attempted reboot, you know what it is.
And artistically speaking, it has a feeling of depth that make it pleasant to look at.(To me)

The image thats been on the penny for the last 50 years.

Now, I can understand changing the image of currency. Sometimes its just to change things up a bit.
So they came out with a series of pennies in 2008-2009, To represent Lincoln's life history

Now bad right? Hell any of these would be a better to stick with. But then they chose this design as the permanent replacement.

EDIT: A bit of explanation om my part. To me, Its total lack of depth and simplicity make it ugly. Or as others pointed out, painfully unoriginal. And to those that feel the penny should be done away with, its worse than you think. I work at a gas station and ALL the pennies we get from the bank are the new shield design. and id say we go through at least ten rolls a day. So each day the bank is giving us more of the new design and apparently phasing out old pennies.

The reason for this design? Quote: The 2010 cent theme is "emblematic of President Lincoln?s preservation of the United States of America as a single and united country,"

"The reverse features a union shield with a scroll draped across it bearing the inscription E PLURIBUS UNUM. The 13 vertical stripes of the shield represent the states joined in one compact union to support the Federal government, represented by the horizontal bar above," the Mint said in a statement. Source

Thats great and all, but I guarantee you you'll never meet anyone that would even recognize the design, let alone what it means. Hell I never would have guessed it had ANYTHING to do with Abraham Lincoln.

Look, to me its a shitty idea and shitty to look at. This review sums up my thoughts and is both simplistic and highly logical, unlike most of our governments.

So chime in with your 2 cents, and tell me what you think.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Must be a pretty slow day to warrant complaints about pocket change.

Seriously, I don't think I even look at coins other than to determine basic shape and color for payment.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Its a penny, WHO CARES?

Its not like you spend a lot of time looking at them. They will still be crappy one cent coins no matter what the design is.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
We still have the end of a twig with 2 Maple leafs on it on our coin, and the other side has a picture of a monarch which has no official power in Canada.
As for you new coin, it's a shield... kind of bland really, couldn't they have picked something like maybe a star?

Captcha: Grenada, condos... I think the Escapist is trying to sell me a home. -_-

Logic 0

New member
Aug 28, 2009
I thought the penny was devoted to captain america and his old timey shield.


Posting in the wrong thread.
Sep 3, 2009
I don't think I would say "ugly". More "boring".

Perhaps I'm old-fashioned and just want the penny to stay the same way (even though I almost never find myself using them), but I feel like the shield just doesn't say as much as the Lincoln Memorial. It's not something that I can identify and understand as well as an engraved Lincoln Memorial in my currency. Tourists don't go to Washington D.C. to see a shield.

The new design also has less detail, which is basically what I meant by "boring".


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Donnyp said:
OT: Isn't that one of the designs for Captain Americas shields?
I didn't even think of that. And it actually does look like it. That's already a better excuse to use that design then they had. Go Captain America!

AnOriginalConcept said:
I can't get too worked up over it. Money is money, and pennies are obsolete anyway.
DeadlyYellow said:
Must be a pretty slow day to warrant complaints about pocket change.

Seriously, I don't think I even look at coins other than to determine basic shape and color for payment.
Well, I'm an artist, and seeing something I look at frequently take a step back is infuriating. Like watching M. Night Shamalayns movies get progressively worse infuriating.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
Eh. It is not that bad. Certainly seems more in theme for my common use for them. Nothing says tapped creature tokens in magic quite like a shield. What? You think I would spend those? But where else am I going to get 100 saproling tokens?

Actually, it is kind of bland, but I am not really going to care too much.


New member
Nov 29, 2010
They fucked with our penny over in the UK back in 2008. Now we have some kind of shitty shield with the Irish harp on it and a bit of a lion on. Used to have the Westminster portcullis which looked fine and was at least English-related.
Why do they feel the need to spend money they haven't got just to mess with something that works perfectly fine as it is? And why do they feel the need to replace it with crap?

Also, that shield reminds me of a comic book thing. Think it's Captain America and his huge whenever i see your pennies, i'll think of the great Captain and his strive to free the oppressed *salute*.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
You know they've been like this for a while now? You're a bit late to the party, and at this point, no one really cares.

Also, they havent always been the same for the past 50 years.

<spoiler=What people should be educated about is the wheat Penny>

Besides, I rather like the new designs.


New member
May 3, 2010
Funny thing is, I just NOW noticed the new design not 20 minutes before reading this post... I was sorting my change and I picked up the only penny in the pile and noticed the shield design on the back and thought "I've never seen this design before... When did this happen? Oh, 2010." lol


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Aris Khandr said:
Why are we still even making pennies?
Magic players need SOMETHING to use as tokens =P

I agree that the old design is better, but I don't think the new design is bad, just painfully unoriginal.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Donnyp said:
DeadSp8s said:
Waaaat? What's wrong with the old one? Shiiiiit's weak. Probably Obama's fault....

OT: Isn't that one of the designs for Captain Americas shields?
looks like it, now i can feel like a superhero when i throw them at people!


New member
Mar 21, 2008
As a Canadian, I suppose I shouldn't really care what America does with their own legal tender, but what was wrong with the old penny?

Aris Khandr said:
Why are we still even making pennies?
An excellent question, since pennies actually cost more to make than the coin is worth.