Is that a Sims meme? In 2022? Come on, guys....
That is the most elegant squirrel I've ever seen. And I've seen some pretty fucking elegant squirrels.
Isn’t it a chipmunk? Speaking of elegant squirrels, this dude fits the part right down to his eloquent speaking manner -Is that a Sims meme? In 2022? Come on, guys....
That is the most elegant squirrel I've ever seen. And I've seen some pretty fucking elegant squirrels.
Eh I'd say that's more dashing than elegant.Isn’t it a chipmunk? Speaking of elegant squirrels, this dude fits the part right down to his eloquent speaking manner -
HOW DARE YOU but maybe it is, squirrels tend to have bottle-brush tails.Isn’t it a chipmunk?
oh hey, Ratatoskr.Isn’t it a chipmunk? Speaking of elegant squirrels, this dude fits the part right down to his eloquent speaking manner -
I can totally hear Christopher Judge say "Begone MILF! I will not be tempted!""I believe in a past life, I believe father would have called you a MILF."