the one thing that really bugs me about GTA 5 (definite spoilers of about half way through)


New member
May 20, 2009
So ive been playing quite a bit and must be half way through. Currently at the point where im stealing those cars for the rich FIB dude and it seems that all ive done so far (barring the first jewel heist) has been shit jobs for other people with shit pay. Dont get me wrong theres loads of mission variety and i loved the maryweather heist but i didnt get paid for it. Im lucky i got the cargobob and sub first try (more by luck than judgement) or else i wouldve wasted a shit ton on hospital fees to get no return on the heist

Franklin even makes a comment about going full circle back to car repos.

I want to know (without being to specific) if it starts to pick up a bit in the second half. Hopefully the rest of the missions are all big heists. Im hoping theyve done this deliberately to build up to an amazing second half. Also with there only being 69 missions it seems a bit short. Considering all the heist set up counts as a mission the count goes up fairly quickly.


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May 20, 2009
imahobbit4062 said:
This is probably my biggest issue so far. The game is built around heists, but you're not even payed for most of them. Which is even more annoying since there are some properties that go for like 30 million, and the most I've made in a heist is around 600k. There is a heist I'd say about 3/4s in which is fucking fun and nets you a big pay, but I'm not sure if anything after that does.
Yeah same. Micheal had about 600k and the rest about 150k (relatively unchanged from the first heist). I managed to double it though by investing in debonaire cigarettes just before i assassinated the redwood guys. I really shouldve waited to do that mission once id done everything else

Considering the golf course costs 150mil the only way i can see that happening is if theres some huge missions at the end or if you quicksave then play the stock market (which i dont really want to do). It would be nice if you had some heists outside the main missions other than the occassional security van or liqour stores for some chump change

they built up the game saying it was all about these big heists. So far ive done 4 (the jewel store, maryweather, FBI suspect and the security van) so half of these have been shitty FIB jobs and the other i didnt get paid. Not only that i didnt even get to keep the cargobob which wouldve made it worthwhile. Everytime i go back into the fort i cant find a cargobob spawn either and theres like 5 different jet spawns and 3 hercules

Dont get me wrong the missions have been a blast and the variety is incredible but id like to get paid for what ive done and i would like to see less FIB stuff


New member
Feb 12, 2013
Unfortunately, the only heist that nets you a huge payout is near the end. Even then, well...let's just say you've got to trade stocks like a baus to afford the golf course.


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May 20, 2009
Xarathox said:
Unfortunately, the only heist that nets you a huge payout is near the end. Even then, well...let's just say you've got to trade stocks like a baus to afford the golf course.
Thats slightly disappointing. Are the rest of the missions more heist based rather than FIB bullshit?


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Feb 12, 2013
shootthebandit said:
Xarathox said:
Unfortunately, the only heist that nets you a huge payout is near the end. Even then, well...let's just say you've got to trade stocks like a baus to afford the golf course.
Thats slightly disappointing. Are the rest of the missions more heist based rather than FIB bullshit?
Erh...not really. They're more or less the same as you've encountered up to wherever you are in the story. But, probably gearing closer to the standard GTA formula that R* cling to like lint on jeans.


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May 20, 2009
Xarathox said:
shootthebandit said:
Xarathox said:
Unfortunately, the only heist that nets you a huge payout is near the end. Even then, well...let's just say you've got to trade stocks like a baus to afford the golf course.
Thats slightly disappointing. Are the rest of the missions more heist based rather than FIB bullshit?
Erh...not really. They're more or less the same as you've encountered up to wherever you are in the story. But, probably gearing closer to the standard GTA formula that R* cling to like lint on jeans.
Thats not exactly a bad thing but i think we were all expecting heist after heist. I think they may have introduced the jewel heist too early and peaked too soon


New member
Oct 1, 2009
What really bugs me is that there's this focus on getting accomplices for heists and I get more possible accomplices by doing various side missions, but so far the jewelry heist is the only one that's really required a real crew. There's been one heist after that which required a gunman, but apart from that it feels like a very under-used mechanic. From all the propping it gets in the loading screens, you'd assume you'd put together a crew like every third mission or so, whereas it seems to be more like "once every third of the story".


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May 20, 2009
Gethsemani said:
What really bugs me is that there's this focus on getting accomplices for heists and I get more possible accomplices by doing various side missions, but so far the jewelry heist is the only one that's really required a real crew. There's been one heist after that which required a gunman, but apart from that it feels like a very under-used mechanic. From all the propping it gets in the loading screens, you'd assume you'd put together a crew like every third mission or so, whereas it seems to be more like "once every third of the story".
i agree it seems kinda stupid. The only reason i can see is DLC or somehow tying it in to GTA online

If they brought out a reasonably cheap DLC of just heists (possibly also branching into liberty city if possible) then it would be amazing but i cant see that happening

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Buying property can help get some cash flowing. You can buy the docks somewhere that gives you access to the submarine which you can use to salvage nuclear waste for 23.000 a drum. And I think there's about 50 of 'm.

The whole heist mechanic does seem much ado about nothing though. I thought after that very first jewelry job I was allowed to set up my own heists on banks and whatnot whenever I wanted, or atleast dished out in non-critical sub missions, like with the Freaks and Strangers.

Also, every crewmember I brought along that wasn't already very skilled ended up dying by the game's accord, so there was no need to even include that choice.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Kalezian said:
Seeing as you can immediately go into GTA Online by switching to your character from the character wheel, I hope we have some sort of money transfer from the online game to a character in the single player.
Has GTA Online already launched then, because I'm still not getting anything.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
It hasn't launched, but considering that the fourth part of the wheel is wide open and I think R* has said that the last part is for your online character...

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Well when you think about it, that's what every GTA's story has (relatively) been about: some douche gets you under their thumb and you've gotta work for them for "reasons" before you can get out. The final job is supposed to be the toughest and is "the big one", supposedly meaning that all the characters involved will be rich beyond their wildest dreams if they pull it off.

But that's what brings me to what bugs me the most about the game: an actual bug in the game. After pulling off the first heist, you spawn in as Franklin in a strip club to celebrate his first big job. Well all the doors to the strip club were sealed shut, meaning I couldn't leave the place unless I switched character. So I did, and come to notice that all the strip club icons have been removed from my map. Sure enough, any attempt to return to the strip club became impossible because the doors are still sealed...there's no way to get into it. This is a MAJOR problem seeing as how the strip club becomes the base of operations for the last mission...and since I can't get in there, I have no way of starting the last mission.

Put simply: I can't finish the game because of a fucking bug, and I'm a bit pissed off about that.

Minor gripes include the fact that for "the biggest Rockstar map ever" this map seems obscenely small seeing as how there's only one major city and the rest is wide open countryside. Someone in another topic described it as "95% of the game takes place in 10% of the map" and I'd say that's pretty damn accurate...and pretty damn disappointing. Anyone can make a massive game map and fill it with a whole lot of nothing, so saying "It's the biggest map ever" really isn't a boasting point considering that there's jack shit to do in the majority of said map.

But a bug that makes it so that players can't start the final mission of the game? That's just unforgiveable. They better patch in a fix for that FAST. Every now and then when you switch to Trevor he starts in the strip club, but after trying for 7 hours (cumulative), I still haven't gotten him to spawn in there...I'm guessing because the "start mission" area is right where he spawns when he does spawn in the strip club. So yeah, I'm fucked until they fix it.


New member
May 20, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
Buying property can help get some cash flowing. You can buy the docks somewhere that gives you access to the submarine which you can use to salvage nuclear waste for 23.000 a drum. And I think there's about 50 of 'm.

The whole heist mechanic does seem much ado about nothing though. I thought after that very first jewelry job I was allowed to set up my own heists on banks and whatnot whenever I wanted, or atleast dished out in non-critical sub missions, like with the Freaks and Strangers.

Also, every crewmember I brought along that wasn't already very skilled ended up dying by the game's accord, so there was no need to even include that choice.
Ill take that on board. I guess ill have to speculate to accumulate. Ill try buying the airfield too. You get 7000 for every drop you do

You put it perfectly "much ado about nothing" building up to release they really hyped up the whole heist thing and it turns out its only a few missions (which you cant deny are really good). I was expecting there to be more emphasis on it as gethsemani said you keep acrewing new people to use in your heists yet only have a few opertunities to use them. Dont get me wrong the other missions are good but i think we have been sold down the river with the whole heist thing. Unless R* are planning a load of cool heists for GTA online that you can have your buddies involved instead of automated characters or theres some DLC coming


New member
Dec 5, 2010
I don't really see the problem. Other than the properties, which you only buy to get more money, there aren't really many things that are particularly expensive. It's just basically buying clothes or modding cars.

It's a bit of a problem with the game. I feel having money is completely pointless, which means something has gone wrong somewhere in a game primarily based around stealing it.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
That does bug me a little bit, OP... but my biggest grief with the game isn't that, it's that IMO the actual random rampaging isn't as much fun as GTA IV for me. The missions are mostly great, but it's too easy to die very early in a shootout with cops compared to GTA IV and it kind of sucks the fun out of the rampaging aspect and makes me not really want to do it anymore.

Makes me kind of sad because this is really one of the greatest hallmarks of the GTA series: mindless rampaging on a whim. I miss being able to go on huge, long kill streaks in those. Now if you're not in a car, you're pretty much screwed and taken out within seconds once you get to 3 stars or more. Even at 2 stars if you're not careful.

I like the increased difficulty of the cops and getting shot during missions, but sometimes I just want to have a little light-hearted fun between them and it's just not the same this way.


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Sep 18, 2008
miker00lz said:
That does bug me a little bit, OP... but my biggest grief with the game isn't that, it's that IMO the actual random rampaging isn't as much fun as GTA IV for me. The missions are mostly great, but it's too easy to die very early in a shootout with cops compared to GTA IV and it kind of sucks the fun out of the rampaging aspect and makes me not really want to do it anymore.

Makes me kind of sad because this is really one of the greatest hallmarks of the GTA series: mindless rampaging on a whim. I miss being able to go on huge, long kill streaks in those. Now if you're not in a car, you're pretty much screwed and taken out within seconds once you get to 3 stars or more. Even at 2 stars if you're not careful.

I like the increased difficulty of the cops and getting shot during missions, but sometimes I just want to have a little light-hearted fun between them and it's just not the same this way.
Yes.. ive played the PC version of IV since release of.. so getting back to a console version was a bit of a turn around but fair does... i thought it was because i had to retrain me aiming skills.. but man.. the cops do INSANE amount of dmg.. so now mostly i either get into a tank or the fighter jet to handle the cops... on foot.. i die as soon as SWAT shows up. its all fair does since.. cops was a bit meh in IV :p and they are a challenge now.. but damn xD i thought there was a way to increase overall health. there are sometimes in the missions where you just get overwhelmed by enemies.. had to retry some 5-10 times (im pretty far in)

But overall.. loving the game :) tho the aiming is KILLING me.. god i want this soon as i can on PC :p


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Yeah, I'm also used to the PC ver of GTA IV. Same here, I thought it was my aim at first but no... too much damage.