Ultratwinkie said:
Even then, high def burly men won't save you from what would amount to a gears of war clone over 6 years after the fact.
So a 3rd person cover system makes it a clone of another game?
Don't get me wrong, I'm disappointed with what I see, but being the first (or one of the first?) to rely on a mechanic doesn't magically make everything that follows a clone. Additionally, wasn't Gears of War insanely popular? I'd far rather see a clone of good games than clones of say, Colonial Space Marines. Are cover based shooters off the table now? Looks to me like GOW3 performed really well and GOW4 is likely to do well for its platform. So why the hate? I didn't like the series because it felt clunky.
I'm hoping that the story will be compelling. I mean, The Last of Us and Uncharted are both 3rd party platformers with a cover system and I liked those. But the shooting element was shit and in the Last of Us that felt intentional. If this game has a legitimate story and if they do a decent job with shooting then it could end up being fantastic. This is Ready at Dawn and Santa Monica working together, they have an ok history of good games. This can go either way. Way too early to tell. I'm just hesitant at the moment.
Who knows, maybe the rest of the game has a serious stealth component?
I want it to be good. Lord knows I'd like a well-done steam punk game set in the Van Helsing universe. But I still need more info. If the only draw is the universe they've created then this will fall flat.