The Outer Worlds Impressions - Oh.....I get it now


New member
Mar 25, 2015
It's widely stated that the best Fallout game in recent memory was not made by Bethesda and some people might even say that Besthesda has NEVER made a good Fallout game. Yet of the FPS versions of Fallout, there is only one that is universally stated as the best, a game made by Obsidian using Bethesda's engine and assets, Fallout: New Vegas.

Personally I never got it. I played Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas, and I never really thought they were very good. Yet i looked back over my Steam Library and looked at my play time on all the Fallout games. Turns out only one Fallout game had the achievement for beating the main story on it. New Vegas. Yet for the life of me I couldn't remember playing New Vegas, I couldn't remember liking it and I think if the playtime was any indication I only beat it because it was fairly short to main story your way through it.

Yet with every new Fallout game to come out, people would keep bringing up New Vegas and I just didn't get it. I remember the Bethesda engine bugs, and the typical problems you expect from Bethesda now. The main thing about New Vegas was the story, the writing, the characters, the stuff that Obsidian had full control over. I ignored it all for a long time.

With The Outer Worlds i finally get what everyone meant. The game is in an entirely different league compared to anything Bethesda has put out with any IP. It's colorful, funny, well animated, and fucking bugless. The first thing that strikes you in the game is how funny and fun the tone of it is, and it's not in the Boardlands pop culture in your face every dialog line has to be a joke way, the humor here is subtle but remarkably well done.

Your character is part of some colony ship of people in hibernation that got lost along the way to a new system. A scientist(?) finds you an unthaws you and set you on a quest to gather the things you need to save everyone else in hibernation. You quickly find yourself in a world that has become so hyper-capitalized that health care is only provide to people that this omni-powerful company deems worth helping. Wounded field workers state company slogans as they bleed out in front of you. Everyone comments about all the paperwork they need to fill for every little thing. And the way it's all done is obviously satire but kinda scary in a "feels too real" fashion, and that's what makes it all so great.

The writing is amazing. Every character I've encountered so far has been fun to interact with, and the enhanced dialog options thanks to my speech skills I picked when I created my character make interactions all the more fun. For example the officer who was going to write me a ticket for an illegally parked spaceship, in which I used my charm to convince her I was just there to clean it and that in order to do so I needed to fix it so that it could be flown back to headquarters and reported on properly, you know...for the company or whatever.

And every NPC has had wild options like that. I told a mortician who couldn't afford his own gravesite fees to simply yank the gold teeth from a recently dead worker to pay his bills because obviously the guy was dead and who would know.

Exploring, questing, chatting with NPC's has all been great and the freedom you have to twist the quest objective to complete the quest in either easier or harder ways is just wonderful. Every quest seems to have options to help and do the quest completely or maybe skip a few steps and do it half-assed.

The only thing that feels weak in the game is that first person combat and gunplay is just weak. Your guns don't have the impact on the enemies that they should, melee combat is as goofy as it always is in first person, and it just doesn't seem to matter if you put points into your combat stats at all. It's still early for me and there are a lot of abilities I still don't have yet, so maybe that will change later. If not, then combat will definitely be the weakest part of the game. It's functional, and it works, it's just not exciting and doesn't have any punch to it. Nothing about it makes you eager to go out and fight things. But it works and that's more than any Bethesda experience can say.

Which brings me to another point. The game is clean. Like bug-free clean. I've yet to see a ugly texture pop, bad animation, a broken interaction point, broken dialog, jerky NPC movement, nothing. This game is polished in a way that makes you wonder why we accept bugs in all our other open world games. I think the gaming community has basically accepted that open world games tend to have a few bugs even in the best possible games. But TOW seems to prove that there doesn't have to be any of that, at least nothing that would be noticed by the average player.

Overall Obsidian proved to me that they knew all along how to do the Fallout formula right. I now see what people saw in New Vegas, even though I couldn't overlook the Bethesda engine and it's problems.

The Outer Worlds is almost perfect.
Sep 24, 2008
CritialGaming said:
Overall Obsidian proved to me that they knew all along how to do the Fallout formula right. I now see what people saw in New Vegas, even though I couldn't overlook the Bethesda engine and it's problems.
Aww, thanks Bud. Glad for ya, although I didn't do much


Honestly, I just wanted to chime in here and say two things. You do great impressions. I'm being genuine here. Even the musings I might not agree with, you give clear reasons and a great picture of your experiences. Keep it up.

Two, I might get this game later if it has some DLCs added to it. The length doesn't seem to be what I want. And also, it's just a thing about me that I need powers to unlock with these types of games now. I gave Mass Effect Amndromeda more time than I probably should have because of it. I'm so desperately looking forward to Bloodlines 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 for this reason.

But I am one of those legions who did enjoy New Vegas, so I know what Obsidian can do. I'm going to pick up a definitive edition later when I can get all the bells and whistles in one place once they come out.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
ObsidianJones said:
Honestly, I just wanted to chime in here and say two things. You do great impressions. I'm being genuine here. Even the musings I might not agree with, you give clear reasons and a great picture of your experiences. Keep it up.
Wow you just made my day! Thank you so much!


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I am probably going to be picking this one up once I wrap up my first Code Vein playthrough. Pretty excited about it.

2019 has been one of the best years for games in many years and my backlog is endless >.>


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Played a couple of hours of this tonight so not very far into it, certainly not far enough into it to make any definitive impression. But I will say this, it certainly is Fallout in space, getting just the slightest hint of Borderlands too. But I'm enjoying it, I'm sure that with enough time, I will get into it more. I like that stealth is a viable option in this and I agree that shooting weapons, at least in the beginning lacks impact. I'm sure they're just saving that for big sci-fi weaponry that I'm sure the game has later on.

A couple of nit picks though. As it is Fallout in space, my muscle memory wants to use Fallout controls. Not a huge problem, I will get used to it. Its kind of annoying how when moving into a settlement, you will go up with a weapon holstered and after the loading screen, you will have a weapon drawn. Also the talk button is the draw weapon button, so I keep walking up to people and drawing my gun. Thankfully it doesn't cause a riot like in Fallout. And finally, while there are no bugs I've seen, I have had a couple of moments of freezing on my PS4. Not too frequent, just a couple of times. Hopefully these more annoying thing can be fixed in a patch.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
The only negative I've heard about this game is it's not Skyrim. AKA, not open world enough. I don't view that as an issue! Can't wait till I get my week off during Christmas because I'm gonna binge play the hell out of this game.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Okay I want more thoughts on this one. Im legit seriously thinking of breaking my one rule of never paying full price for a game. And I've heard nothing but good about this one. I want someone to talk me out of it. What doesn't work


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Silentpony said:
Okay I want more thoughts on this one. Im legit seriously thinking of breaking my one rule of never paying full price for a game. And I've heard nothing but good about this one. I want someone to talk me out of it. What doesn't work
From an early going impression

Its definitely a bit sparse. IF someone has a name and isn't generic NPC whatever, you can bet they're either a shop, or somehow quest related. I also haven't noticed any kind of scheduling system or anything. People have houses and stuff, but they seem to always be on duty, as it were.

Equipment system seems overcomplicated. Durability's back. You have to juggle repair parts. There's mods for weapons that are single-use (no swap/remove options). Its a lot of annoying busywork for something that's operating as real-time FPS when it comes to the combat. The consumables are equally kind of a mess and awkward to use well. And its got one of those "use the shock gun on robots, the plasma gun on animals, etc" type setups, where you end up sacrificing your efficiency if you don't want to juggle weapons around.

Speaking of the combat, the enemies are a bullet sponge level straight out of Borderlands so far. Basic enemies in early quests can eat 5-7 bullets to the face pretty readily. No one was probably expecting too much combat gameplay wise out of it, but it seems like there's too much of a foot in the RPG backdrop to have full real time action combat (since even the games pseudo-vATS is just a bullet time). Along with very awkward movement.

While blatantly too early on in the story to really comment on it, the Spacers Choice, super-bureaucracy company owns the workers stuff is all pretty basic dystopian sci fi stuff. Maybe it livens up or takes some twists, but thus far its pretty by the book schlock.

EDIT : The companion AI is also mind-boggingly stupid. Super-limited behavior options, and they're literally morons who will stand out in the open blasting (and the enemies use cover and flanking effectively, so I don't know how the companions are incapable of it). Forget about playing on the difficulty that makes their death permanent if you want them to be usable. They're also annoyingly prone to firing off loud bullets as you stealth kill something.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Definitely looking forward to playing it. it does looks better than any fallout game ever made but i doubt its perfect kinda.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
New Vegas is Obsidians worst game. It's poorly written, doesn't fell different if you try a different track and lacks much consequence to your choices.

Play Alpha Protocol. If you choose to be nice or a jerk, it gives you totally different perks. You are manipulating people and negotiation is key. It's way better than NV. It does bring up my worry about all Obsidian games - they aren't good at combat.

I do like hearing actual reviews here instead of the normal suck off of the CHOSEN game developer (see CD Prokjekt in 6mths). I need more proper reviews to make my choice on this one.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
The Outer Worlds is a lot of fun, but my biggest criticism - as with most games these days - is the open world, or rather, open *worlds*.

Though, not necessarily for the reason that you may think.

Despite my constant criticism of open worlds in games, I have admittedly always enjoyed the Fallout (post 3) and Elder Scrolls style of open worlds, where you can essentially just point yourself in a direction, and walk for ages, finding weird little bits of content along the way.

My issue here, is that this one big open world is split into lots of little ones, which really brings the experience down in my book.

Sure, the little worlds are fairly sizable, but you soon realise that you are just surrounded by walls of impassable terrain really quickly.

So you get the environmental variety, which is certainly nice, but you lose that scale that you can easily just wander off in.

Worth it?

I don't think so.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I remember hearing about this game a while ago then forgot it existed and now it's out and is looking awesome. While I enjoyed fo4 and fo3 both, I do indeed dislike the direction they went towards in 4 with regards to the dialogue options. I liked all the gun customization and settlement management but it just didn't feel like an rpg enough for my taste. This game looks to be the exact thing I'm looking for, a game without all the freaking "streamlining" and proud of it.

Once I beat trails of cold steel 3, I will be definitely checking it out.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Laggyteabag said:
The Outer Worlds is a lot of fun, but my biggest criticism - as with most games these days - is the open world, or rather, open *worlds*.

Though, not necessarily for the reason that you may think.

Despite my constant criticism of open worlds in games, I have admittedly always enjoyed the Fallout (post 3) and Elder Scrolls style of open worlds, where you can essentially just point yourself in a direction, and walk for ages, finding weird little bits of content along the way.

My issue here, is that this one big open world is split into lots of little ones, which really brings the experience down in my book.

Sure, the little worlds are fairly sizable, but you soon realise that you are just surrounded by walls of impassable terrain really quickly.

So you get the environmental variety, which is certainly nice, but you lose that scale that you can easily just wander off in.

Worth it?

I don't think so.
That style of environment... makes it sound like ME: Andromeda


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2009
United States
Silentpony said:
Okay I want more thoughts on this one. Im legit seriously thinking of breaking my one rule of never paying full price for a game. And I've heard nothing but good about this one. I want someone to talk me out of it. What doesn't work
Well I mean, you could just get a month of XBox Game Pass on PC for a buck and play the game for just that dollar for a month.... that's less than full price...


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Elfgore said:
The only negative I've heard about this game is it's not Skyrim. AKA, not open world enough. I don't view that as an issue! Can't wait till I get my week off during Christmas because I'm gonna binge play the hell out of this game.
As one of the five gamers left on earth who hasn't played Skyrim(mostly due to the length/size, not any bias against the game itself), I'm fine with that. I've played enough games with MASSIVE OPEN WORLD maps in the past few years that I'm totally cool with a game that doesn't take 60+ hours to finish. Hell, 30 for this type of game seems perfect.

Honestly, I think I'm still hung over from AC: Odyssey and how massive it's world map is(not to mention the 155 hours it took me to finish the game and the DLC). The Phantom Pain last year didn't help either.

Shorter, smaller game? Thank fucking Christ!


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
So having hopped back on, and gotten the first big choice out of the way as it were.

I actually noted there was something of a non-impact on the world. Curious as to whether I was missing some sort of followup trigger

Essentially routing power to the Deserters shut down 1 shop in Edgewater, and other then a few ambient lines, had no real discernment on the rest of town. Nobody shifted over to the Deserters, all the quests were still completable. I didn't even get a hostile reaction from anyone then Tobson's three generator guards since I'd done a basic amount of sidequests. The Deserter's don't even really acknowledge the event at all.

Digging into whether I'd missed something here, I actually find out the quest continues. But only if you do it the other way around do you get a complete set of options with tangible consequences and also some closure on some background stuff that had never materialized into its own questline.

So I'd take the "choice" elements with a grain of salt, there's clearly options you're meant to take, that get more attention to them, while the other route just trails off.

Mad World

Sep 18, 2009
Anyone can help me out with something? I want to know if the game has full-body awareness. Think Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Far Cry 5, Prey, etc., where you can look down and see your legs and/or torso. It probably doesn't due to the fact that what you wear can be fully customized, but I'd like to know. Thanks!
Oct 22, 2011
Laggyteabag said:
Worth it?

I don't think so.
Depends, are those "worlds" feeling like horizontal slices of a bigger open world, or are fleshed out, like let's say "hubs" in Deus Ex?
Cause if the latter, then hell yeah, it's worth it.

I always wanted a game that does something like Hengsha and Detroit in Human Revolution, but in many more variants. From your description it also sounds like the "open world" in original Fallouts, which kept the sense of space with overworld, while keeping content more focused in separate world locations.
And in a proper rpg, i'll take that aproach over vast sprawling world with content more on less randomly sprinkled over it.
Oct 22, 2011
Mad World said:
Anyone can help me out with something? I want to know if the game has full-body awareness. Think Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Far Cry 5, Prey, etc., where you can look down and see your legs and/or torso. It probably doesn't due to the fact that what you wear can be fully customized, but I'd like to know. Thanks!
From what i've seen in an LP, no.