CritialGaming said:
The problem is that this is coming right out of a disaster of Bethesda's last releases. We haven't gotten a good Fallout-like game in a long time
You do know that saying we haven't had a "good" FO game is just an opinion right? That's not an objective fact, because enjoyment isn't quantifiable, and varies from person to person. Because I found FO 4 to be a very enjoyable game. And I'm not sure what you consider a long time, but a handful of years isn't really that long.
CritialGaming said:
So to have this come out and deliver, yeah people are gonna be stoked about it.
Being stoked is fine, but the level of discourse and hyperbole coming from the OW camp is rather silly. They almost orgasm just mentioning the game, while equally vilifying anything prior to it as absolute trash. And it's just all very silly. If the discourse was just "This game is super fun and I'm enjoying the hell out of it!" I'd have no issue. But it's not just that, and your very own thread is an example of it. The "Not only is OW the greatest thing since orgasms! But it also totally validates every criticism of Bethesda and shits all over everything they've ever touched!!" tone of a lot of these discussions is just a bit extreme in my opinion. It's just a fucking game. Disclaimer: Not saying yours is stating to that level, I'm generalizing the tone of a lot of them, but there are a lot of articles and threads out there, that ARE that level of extreme with their criticism.
CritialGaming said:
I am like you, I didn't like any of the previous Fallout's really, not even New Vegas. But the fact that I like THIS game, is saying something pretty significant. Because if I like it, then the people who normally like Fallout games must be over the moon for it and they are.
Not sure if this is due to a typo, or if you totally missed my stance in my previous posts, but you are not like me, because I DO like the previous FO games. In fact, New Vegas is my LEAST enjoyed game. I thoroughly enjoyed FO 3&4, and found New Vegas (the other golden child of the Obsidianites) to be incredibly bland and dull. To reiterate, I got so bored with NV, that I quit playing it multiple times, and restarted from scratch because when I picked it back up later, I felt I needed to start again to remember what was going on. And then I'd get bored again...and drop it...etc. It took me roughly 2-3 years, from when I bought it, to when I beat it, and that took multiple tries because I just couldn't give a shit about what was going on.
CritialGaming said:
I am like you, I didn't like any of the previous Fallout's really, not even New Vegas. But the fact that I like THIS game, is saying something pretty significant. Because if I like it, then the people who normally like Fallout games must be over the moon for it and they are.
Well I'm someone who does normally like FO games, seeing as I like FO 3&4 (which oddly enough puts me in the minority if you listen to the discourse), and I'm not over the moon for the game. I find it just fine. Simply put, I don't see what all the praise is about. People talk it up like it's this quantum leap forward that leaves the Bethesda FO games in the dust! And I'm just not seeing it. It's on par with all the others that came before it. It's different only in it includes game elements that haven't been in any FO game, but again, they are clearly pulled from other games instead. Which, I mean if we're going to praise Obsidian for taking ideas from other people, and that's ground breaking? Umm....ok I guess? *shrugs* Doesn't seem very revolutionary to me.
CritialGaming said:
So I get that you aren't hyped and happy about the game, but you are enjoying it fine enough and that's cool for you. But to deny that there is any reason to be hyped for it is just missing the boat.
You don't get it, because I am happy with the game, but it isn't instilling orgasmic levels of glee in me like people seem to think it should. And I didn't say there wasn't a reason to be hyped, hype is it's own thing. It's the reaction to the hype that I find tedious, and not matching the received product. It's a finely made game, and it's fun, but it's not as amazing (to me anyway) as people are making it out to be, ESPECIALLY when they keep comparing it to previous games that it is on par with in my opinion.
Let me break it down.
Obsidianites: Bethesda = Festering Pile of Shit from the Anus of Satan Himself!! Obsidian = The Orgasmic Juices from Jesus and God, raining down upon us in our time of greatest need!
Me: Bethesda = Eh, the FO games they've made are just fine. They've been fun to play and I have no issues with them, especially not when compared to New Vegas. Obsidian = Eh, New Vegas was pretty bleh for me, and Outer Worlds is perfectly fine as a game, but it's not very different from it's predecessors that everyone keeps lauding it over.