'The Pit: Hell Frozen Over' - Arc 3, Chapter 3: 'The One Truth' (Closed, Started)


New member
Feb 8, 2010
"Yes this way," Felix sighed, clearly not appreciating the fact that Penn ignored his concern for the addict. Felix would make sure to find some way to help the man later on. Felix lead Penn back through the way he came up until he found the spot where he came across the addict where he lay him down sitting against the wall.

"You cant just leave me here we had a deal!" shouted the addict.

"Yes, a deal you broke by attempting to rob this man," Felix answered as he turned around and signalled to Penn, "this way". The addict yelled empty threats after them until they were far out of sight, making Felix roll his eyes. They were nearly back to the cave now, and Felix could clearly hear the spanish man coughing more.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
"So..." Aggie grunted. "Where are we taking this asshole?"

Mr. Connors began walking backwards as the pair hauled Travis' massive form past a few unoccupied machines, "A friend of mine called in a favor. Ya see, he and this moron go back a ways or so I am told. He wants to... have a little chat with him."

The pair made it to one of the side doors where a pair of inmates had been slacking off, smoking cigarettes. They were laughing about something before one of them noticed the unconscious man in their arms, "Pardon me. What's going on here."

Mr. Connors held up a finger, signaling Aggie to hold on for a moment. He reached in his jacket pocket, and without a word, pulled out a small baggie of powder and tossed it at the man's feet. The two men looked at each other and dropped to the floor to grab the heroine. As Connors and Aggie left the building one of the men turned around, "You're cool man."

Mr. Connors turned his head slightly, "You saw nothing. Pleasure doing business with ya."

The pair avoided Warden patrols that had returned from lunch and made their way to a small storage facility on the far side of the complex. The building looked to have been deserted for some time, "Black Rock Company used to store their goods here before sending it to the surface," Connors began. "After the riot though... The Wardens didn't need their kind anymore. Some old Black Rock guys still hang out here, but my friend made sure they'd give him time alone with this piece of shit."

Travis was heavy and Mr. Connors' arms were getting sore. Thankfully, they had arrived. As they sat him down in a metal chair, a man in all black appeared; a ski mask concealing his identity. His body language implied he wasn't happy, "What the fuck's this about? Why'd you bring the girl here?"

It was... the girl from earlier...

"'The Dragon' wasn't being cooperative," Connors said as he began tying Travis down. "She helped me carry him here."

The Reaper stared at her. He didn't know what to say.


Kusanagi ignored the violent discipline and focused on the task at hand. She had been thankful that Nikolai listened to her. It was a rare thing. Considering the tension in the group as of late...

She banished the thought. Such things would only distract her from her duty. She needed to make sure Nikolai could hold himself up tomorrow. Though, at this rate that was looking unlikely. The wound was bad and if it didn't stop Nikolai completely it would certainly slow him down.

Mending Nikolai's wounds was always an unsettling experience. She had performed several surgeries on wounded soldiers without anesthetics before, but Nikolai was different. Nikolai never screamed. He never cried. Had she not understood it she would be terrified. But she knew. She knew all too well how Nikolai worked. How he buried everything under the surface so well.

She'd been forced to do the same. Everyday she spent trudging through the wilderness she asked herself if she could ever live without Kusanagi. Was it possible for her and Nikolai to return to the innocence their lives once knew?

She pulled hard and with that his leg was splinted and dressed, "There's good news and bad news," She said as she finished putting what remained of her equipment away and looked him in the eye. "The good news is that you'll make a full recovery. The bad..."

He's not going to like this.

She spoke in a hushed tone so that his subordinates didn't hear, "You need to spend a few days laid up if you want that to happen. If you push yourself you'll end up with permanent damage. Plus... even if you pushed yourself to your limit you'd still fall behind." She paused for a moment, considering her words carefully. Her disposition softened. "Look, strength to lead isn't always about overwhelming might. Sometimes true strength comes from making tough calls. If you think these men need their leader to be as strong as he can be you need to explain how resting here and recovering will ensure that happens."

Lucia bit her lip in anticipation of his rebuttal.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
They moved on catwalks, above the heat and the noise, but not apart from it. From there they observed the ordered rows of hundreds and hundreds of Inmates along linear workstations, stretching the entire length of this particular factory. Warden's patrolled on their level, above, and below. As well as this, squads manned the rail stations on which the goods were loaded before being transported away to the Upper Levels, ensuring that the goods were in order. Unlike the State this particular building had been in when Lee first toured The Pit as Warden In Chief, nothing and no-one was ever out of sight for long.

"This wing has been dedicated to the production of materials required for Project Condor." he explained to the team of Executives. "The details of which I'm sure you are aware. From this facility, our biggest contribution to the project is gold, from the significant deposits we have down on the Lower Levels. Due to the significance of the project to Venture Horizon, keeping a stable environment to ensure the highest rate of production is an absolute priority for us."

"How close to maximum capacity are we seeing now?" asked on of the Executives, struggling valiantly to be heard above the noise.

There was a small pause before Lee replied.

"This wing is now at 85%. We should hit the maximum rate of production within this next month. This wing required substantial repairs after the riots three months ago, and after that assigning the Inmates was an even tougher challenge. Rest assured though, we've now turned the corner, and will me more than reaching the demands placed on us for the project."

The Executive nodded, as the rest took notes.

It was then that the beginnings of a fight started to wind up down below. Two Inmates squaring off against each-other, with those around them starting to take notice. The two had been members of rival gangs before Borealis, and it was no surprise that the old hatreds would come to the surface sooner or later when forced to work side by side. It offered the perfect opportunity for a demonstration. Lee spoke into his radio, and the squad leader who had been standing by gave the order. Four Wardens broke off and moved in. In a unified, almost uniform motion, telescopic batons were unsheathed and extended. There was no time wasted on stand down commands. The Inmates were incapacitated as soon as the Wardens reached them, taking multiple blows the the head and abdomen, while the rest of the squad formed a perimeter around them, warding off their neighbors from getting involved. Both then had their hands tied, were searched for weapons, and were dragged off barely conscious.

"Where are they being taken?" Selina inquired. Her expression when she looked at Lee was knowing, yet also impressed.

"The Lower Levels." he told her. "Until the facility has an appropriate system of solitary confinement, Inmates who cannot keep order are reassigned to where their aggression can be put to good use. Considering the level of danger associated with the excavation work below, the threat also works as a deterrent."

The other Inmates at the work station had already withdrawn, taking care to not look directly into the faces of the Wardens. 3 months ago, such a stand off would have certainly ended with casualties.

"We have just one more area to cover before we return to the surface." Lee announced.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
" Why'd you bring the girl here?"

That ticked her off a bit. She was far from a girl. She was 31 years old with two years in this hellhole. Two years is long enough for the Pitt to rip away any semblance of innocence a person had in their body and with none to spare. Aggie had seen and done things. Things that a girl should never have to do. Horrible things.

"Says the one hiding behind the mask." Aggie spouted back. She took offense to the word more than she would get offended if someone smacked her in the face. She didn't want to be associated with that word. That word teases her, makes fun of her existence. To be a girl would imply innocence, happiness, or delicateness of which Aggie had none. She was far from innocent, perpetually unhappy and rough like a piece of granite.

The masked man stared at her and she stared right back, challenging his will to look on. In her green, tainted eyes she challenged this masked man. He is a coward for wearing a mask and she wants him to know so.


"Inmate coming in... uncuff him once he gets there. Watch him, over." The radio crackled.

"Roger that, we'll be there once you drop him off, over." Albergo said. "There's an inmate coming in. Come on Lewis."

Lewis nodded and together they picked up the pace as another prisoner was hauled in from above. Apparently, there aren't any sufficient places for the worst of the prison to put in yet so they put all down here in the harsh underground where they could die from a number of things. Lewis heard the stories of entire tunnels collapsing, an entrance collapse where toxic fumes would kill anyone trapped behind the pile of rubble, and even someone sparking a match in the wrong kind of tunnel.

They arrived at the entrance but another pair of Wardens was already there.

"We'll take this one, Albergo." One of them said. Albergo smiled and nodded. "I owe you a favor anyway."

"Alright, my friend." Albergo smiled. Just a few moments ago he was beating someone's stomach out. Lewis wondered if he smiled then too. "Consider yourself a free man."

The pair chuckled as the inmate was delivered to them. He already looked beaten up. Sweat and blood rolled down his body. He obviously was on the wrong side of an argument or baton. A squad of Wardens hauled him in. To Lewis, they looked extra mean and moved like a bunch of clones. They had more gear on than usual which Lewis guessed they were up above with the Executives. They pushed the prisoner at them. The pair of Wardens caught the bloodied prisoner and put him on the ground. And like that the Wardens from up above left. The pair in front of them dealt with the "new" prisoner. As Lewis looked more closely, the inmate had gang tattoos all over his body.

"A gang member..." Lewis scoffed. "Poor sod."

"The gangs here are just like the rock under out boots." Albergo said.

"What about back then? What about before the riots?"

"They were boulders." Lewis shook his head.


"Perhaps it is for the best, that it doesn't happen."

"Perhaps..." Marino said, crossing his arms.

"It's okay Marino maybe when Lee isn't a hardass we'll be able to throw a party." Walker said.

"Maybe once cats and dogs start living together." Oliva said.

"I wonder when the executives are going to come." Walker said. "I'm hearing chatter all over about the executives."

"They'll come here soon enough. Once they hear this place has booze then Ms.Nyte's gonna be expecting her tips in checks." Oliva said.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
She didn't understand. Perhaps she never would, but Nikolai had to try and make her see, otherwise there would be no hope for her or her friend should they ever have to go on without him. When Nikolai spoke, there was no anger in his voice. He may even have summoned the ghost of a smile, thought it was hard to be certain.

"Look with your eyes, Kusanagi. See these Men as they are, not as what you think we should be. Over half of them were born in The Pit, or reborn in it, so young that they remember nothing else. If these Men wanted the strength of which you speak, they would never have come to me. They would have stayed with the other Masters, with their orders and their treats for the giving to others who do their violence for them. They followed me when I found them, because I was a Dog. I fight. That is what they understand. It is all they want from me."

Nikolai shook his head, as if to shake off the bittersweet, like water clinging to fur.

"Before any could be accepted, they had to fight me and survive. Many did not. Those that did, proved that they could keep pace with their leader, and match his strength, as he fought beside them. We do not wait for the weak. I made that point to them as I struck down those that might have been their brothers. You think they don't remember? You think they will unlearn that lesson if I ask them to wait for me? We have left that place Kusanagi, but it will never leave us.

Tomorrow we go down to the village. Take whatever we can carry, and move on. We stay, and the Wolves and Bears will fight us for this shelter, or Surface Men will catch up to us and send us back. We keep moving until we fall. That is what we do. That is all we can ever do."


In the last hundred feet or so of descent, the sides of the elevator shaft ended, leaving only the corner pillars and the central pulley for the open car to travel down. The cavern was enormous, with walkways running along its walls, and crossing from one to another, over 20 stories high. At ordered intervals, powerful spotlights were mounted on these catwalks, throwing glistening smears of light onto the bare rock, supported by the distant twinkles of all the head-lights worn by the Inmates assigned to mine here, and the Wardens assigned to watch them. As they passed, the party could see Inmates with pickaxes, sledgehammers, and even some with satchels of explosives (those few being under Warden escort) emerging from and disappearing into the hundreds of tunnels that shot off from the central chamber. When RACDI-Alpha was first established. This massive cavern (though back them it would have been smaller) had been teeming with seams of precious minerals. Now, it was a spent husk, completely mined out. It still had its uses as a convenient terminus though, providing a point of access between the Mid-Levels, and new, still rich caverns.

Right at the very bottom, Montoya, his men, and the Executives exited. A squad that was passing by snapped off a crisp salute, which Montoya promptly returned, giving them leave to move on.

"We're almost at the end of the line Doctor." He announced, his voice echoing in the space. "Follow me please."


Jan 4, 2010
United States
"Says the one hiding behind the mask."

The Reaper stared blankly at her for a moment. He had insulted her pride. Such was the fate of one without tact. Taken aback for a moment; he nervously batted an old ratchet he was holding up and down in the palm of his other hand.

He sighed, "I'm sorry if I insulted you. I---" Mr. Connors' eyebrows were raised as if waiting for something. "Yes, you're free to go. Thanks again."

Mr. Connors nodded and looked at Aggie as he disappeared into the shadows of the old warehouse, "I was never here."

The ratchet didn't make a sound as he placed it gently on the metal table behind him and leaned up against it, arms crossed, "Can I count on you to keep quite about this? I--I'm not going to threaten you, but it would be best for all parties involved if you never speak of this to anyone."

Travis stirred and groaned unconsciously. He would wake up soon.


"... We keep moving until we fall. That is what we do. That is all we can ever do."

Lucia gritted her teeth as Nikolai spoke. They were hard words to swallow. Looking back at the man who had been struck down she not only saw anger, rage and desperation, but also respect. Lucia had seen into their world. She'd tasted it. It was a world she couldn't survive in if it had not been for Kusanagi.

Kusanagi was a means to an end. Lucia had no intention of assuming that persona indefinitely. She would not allow it to consume her and change her like it had these men. Two of the most important people in her life died to ensure that wouldn't happen.

Lucia turned her gaze back to Nikolai who'd been lying prostrate against the cave wall. He was likely still experiencing excruciating pain but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him. His expression was solid. Resolute. Ruthless. She placed a hand on his shoulder, her head sinking as she spoke, "You do what you have to do to keep these men safe. They deserve a better hand than what fate had dealt them. But remember this..."

She raised her head to meet his gaze, "These men didn't fight through hell to live the rest of their short lives as dogs... as animals..." Her lower lip quivered. "And you shouldn't have to either. Promise me Nikolai... when this is all over... you'll live the life you've earned as a man. You'll find something that brings meaning to your life beyond survival and you'll let yourself get lost in it."

Her eyes darted down to the bloodied, worn hands she'd left limp between her knees, "I know there's passion behind those cold eyes. Y-you just have to reach out a-a-and grab it..."

A tear rolled down her cheek and splashed in her open palm. And they kept rolling. This was the first time Lucia had cried since Orphan's death.

This was also the first time Nikolai had seen Lucia since that fateful night.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Travis stirred in his stupor, a migraine building up. He could only hold his eyes open a little bit but he could definitely see and hear to figures speaking. He groaned and tried to swear but he needed a moment to stir himself awake.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
As Acolyte stood at the mouth of the cave, he was lost in thought. His hands were in his pocket, and he absent mindedly probed his index finger through the hole in one of them, punched by his screwdriver. The finger ran along the inside of his thigh, where it found a ridge of scar tissue, which it explored thoughtfully. He remembered getting that. It'd been the week before his superiors had sent him on his final international trip. The one that had taken him to China. He couldn't have any track marks, and so he was drug starved, until he'd gotten an idea. They'd lifted a quantity of medical grade morphine a few days ago, and he was high ranking enough to take a cut of the drugs themselves as his share, rather than sell on. Setting up a drip, he put the needle in his leg, and lay down as two women, whores of the operation, writhed on top of him.

Eventually, the sexual activity had jarred the needle in his leg, twisting it and then tearing it out. He'd been that doped up that he was long past noticing, and it was only when he woke up the next morning he was aware that his leg was stuck to the blanket by blood. The wound large enough for him to jam his thumb in with little difficulty. But not too deep that it had kept bleeding. He ignored it, and it healed into the scar he felt now. He had been doing a lot of stupid shit like that night in the last couple of years before his accident. With the death of his brother, asshole though he may have been, his world had turned upside down, although he was richer and more influential than he'd ever expected to be. Mort was a bastard, and a strung out junkie, but he'd been the one remaining constant in Samuel's life. Now everything was changing again for the first time in years, he'd found himself thinking of Mort, and the old days in general, an awful lot. Most of it was regretful, some of it was angry, and even a small part of it was wistful.

"Y-you just have to reach out a-a-and grab it..."

He was snapped out of his train of thought by Lucia's sobs echoing faintly through the cave and he turned and gazed at her thoughtfully. He wanted to help her; he really did.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
"Right..." Said Olivander, only half listening. His notebook had gained a few pages of hasty writing as the elevator past the mining inmates. He had read the reports, and seen the numbers, but only now did he truly realise what an enormous operation this was. He followed Montoya off the platform, looking for some flaw he could work with.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
"Let's go asshat..." The Warden across from Lewis said as he dragged him to his feet but he was still defiant. He refused to straighten his back against his oppressors. "I said let's go!"

The Warden hit the gang member in the stomach. The wind from his stomach was expelled through his mouth bringing out blood and saliva as well. The Wardens began to get angry but before they could let loose another volley of punches Lewis stepped forth.

"He wants you to beat him!" Lewis said aloud. He was taken a back by how loud he spoke out and so was the Wardens at first. "He wants you... to waste your time."

"Then let's oblige him." The Warden hissed back. The gang member remained silent but he gave Lewis a quick glance.

"Moore!" Albergo grabbed Lewis' shoulder. His grip tore Lewis back. "Let them do what they need to do..."

"Goddamn it Frank!" Lewis looked back at Albergo and their eyes met. Albergo's steely eyes met Lewis' but Lewis looked away. He shook his head and began walking the other way, towards the mines. Albergo sighed and lowered his head.

"Hey Albergo!" One of the Wardens yelled. "Do we need to beat him too?"

With that they punched the gang member a few times before they dragged him into one of the sub tunnels. Albergo chased after Lewis which wasn't that hard considering that he didn't walk very fast to begin with. Lewis pulled off to an unoccupied tunnel and punched a wall. His gloves took the impact but his fists still hurt.

"Every goddamn time..." Lewis talked to himself. "Why can't I do it? Why?!" He punched the wall again. This time Albergo heard it and found Lewis, with his face red.

"Perhaps you shouldn't be down here anymore." Albergo said, his voice snapping Lewis out of his anger.

"Frank, I'm sorry. Its just that... I don't know. If I don't egg them on, I'll get shit on and if I do then I feel like a horrible piece of shit. I'm sorry." Lewis said. He composed himself, taking to deep breaths of air.

"Listen, you've been here for two months already. None of this should make you feel sick anymore." Albergo said. "I know what you feel. Most of the Wardens here know what you feel but that shouldn't stop you from just enduring."

"Its just that not all of the prisoners here deserve to be here." Lewis said plainly, in his mind he thought of Aggie. "I know that life isn't fair but we have the ability to make it fair, don't we?"

"Every human being has that ability but sometimes we don't have the liberty to choose when so right here... right now we have to keep on waiting. We must wait, you and I, for the right moment." Albergo approached Lewis with a hand. "Come on... I heard that the Executives are on this level now."

Lewis took his hand but he was still heavy with apprehension. "I sure hope you're right."

"Can I count on you to keep quite about this? I--I'm not going to threaten you, but it would be best for all parties involved if you never speak of this to anyone."

Aggie glared at the masked man before nodding her head in agreement. The large man began to stir in his little sleep. She wondered who both these men were and why they had to be in the same room together. She's heard stories of the larger man, the man called Dragon who sat there tied up like a pig. He's killed men before, lots of them but Aggie was sure of herself that whatever happened, she would make it out. She always would before whether by luck or her own will. Aggie was sure of that but not of the man across from her. The one who keeps looking at her. He sounds familiar but Aggie isn't exactly sure where she's heard his voice before.

"If you're going to kill him then kill him." Aggie whispered, wondering what his intentions were.


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
"It's okay Marino maybe when Lee isn't a hardass we'll be able to throw a party." Walker said.

"When is Lee never a hardass?" Abigail asked rhetorically.

"They'll come here soon enough. Once they hear this place has booze then Ms.Nyte's gonna be expecting her tips in checks." Olivia said, which caused Abigail to chuckle.

"Maybe I will Olivia, though I doubt as though many of the other Wardens here have access to chequebooks. Then again, it might encourage some Wardens who have outstanding bar tabs to finally pay up; lest I get someone in to convince them. Word has certainly spread about the arrival of these Executives; probably here to make sure RACDI-Alpha is running in the interests of Venture Horizon's shareholders and the like." Abigail said in stern voice, showing some maturity, given the situation.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Nikolai was unmoved by tears. The Boy had cried, day and night and day again. Soft moans and sobs in a constant stream as he hung there by those chains, punctuated by anguished wails whenever the Men with blank faces sliced his skin with their red hot knives, hoping that the answers to their questions would be written in the smoke that rose from his charred skin. The Boy had cried enough for both of them. By the time Nikolai had been born, there were no tears left to spare.

Luckily, most of the Free Men were too busy readying the fire and carving up the Wolf carcasses to notice. Still, their spirits would not be improved by seeing others break down. Nikolai put his hand on her shoulder, firmly, but not unkindly.

"Not here." he told her, quietly. "Not yet. The Wolves are the meat today Kusanagi, not us. Tomorrow we may fall, but tonight we feast. There are no tears at a feast."

Gingerly, but without fuss, Nikolai rose to his feet. Hus leg felt somewhat sturdier now, but only now did he realise how exhausted, and hungry, he really was. He skewered to large cuts of meat on sticks, and then roasted them over the fire (those few minutes spent near the open flames was more a test for Nikolai than having the Alpha rip his flesh to ribbons, and he couldn't bring himself to look directly into their depths, for whenever his eyes flitted across them for the briefest moment he heard screams). When they were cooked through, he gave one to Kusanagi, and kept the other for himself. They would both need to keep their strength up.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Tomorrow we may fall, but tonight we feast. There are no tears at a feast."
Lucia forced a smile and nodded through her tears. By the time he'd arrived with the skewer she'd wiped away her tears and was ready to eat. After all the excitement died down she'd finally realized how hungry she had been, "Thank you."

As she began gnawing at the meat she looked to Acolyte and patted the ground next to her. She required distraction. Her mind had ventured into dangerous territory. A good conversation would ensure she stayed away from it.


"If you're going to kill him then kill him."

"I haven't determined if that's necessary yet. I need to speak to the man first... see if his life has any remaining worth."

The Reaper walked over the Travis and decided to expedite his awakening, "Rise and shine!" A firm palm slapped Travis clean across the face and echoed throughout the warehouse.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Felix walked with Penn through the cold mine and he saw the man lying on his side coughing up blood. Felix ran forward and dropped next to the man, holding his head and positioning him upright against the wall. The other miners had kept working, ignoring the man. Felix wasn't about to ask why they weren't helping him, he knew that many people here were criminals, and almost all were only here for their own interests. "Doctor help him," said Felix.
Travis was finally starting to wake up, he blinked his eyes and he could definately see two figures as he felt a harsh slap across his face. One of them was wearing a ski mask and the other looked like the woman who warned him about getting high during work hours. "What the fuck! Where's Connors! What the fuck!"


New member
Aug 22, 2010
"I'm not a doctor, mate. Just a crook." Penn knelt down beside the injured man, "Looks ugly, right enough. Might be a broken bone or two. No, probably just a fracture." He reached in to the bag, producing two small bottles, "For the pain, and for the bleeding. Nasty cut on the leg. Get a bandage on that."

Penn stood up and stretched his back before continuing, "I assume you don't want to get the Wardens involved? Find a place to hide him for a weak or so. Rest'll do 'im good. Now, gimme your name and cell number so I can find you when I come to collect."

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Taking one of the skewers passed out, Acolyte briefly put his arm around Lucia in a friendly hug, then took a bite out of the wolf meat. When he'd swallowed, he asked, "so, you said you wanted to travel. Any idea where you want to go?"


Korovitch walked through the visitor's quarters, assigning rooms systematically. After a while, only Richard remained. "And the room on the far left is yours. I'll remind you that the curfew for visitors is Twenty one hundred."


New member
Feb 8, 2010
"Collect?" Felix questioned him, though he realised that most people don't give out help from the kindness of their hearts. "Right of course," Felix stood upright and spoke proudly with clear diction, or at least as clear as he could with his odd accent, "My name is Felix "Theo" Maccalion, cell number #3454. I will gladly pay you for your services but alas I don't know what the currency is down here."


New member
Aug 22, 2010
"Various bits and bobs." Said Penn, "People tend to come to me with payment, or give me long enough to think of something I need. This was urgent, so you have the honour of being the only person I've ever allowed to open a tab."


Jan 4, 2010
United States
"What the fuck! Where's Connors! What the fuck!"

The Reaper looked down at him unsympathetically as he struggled and screamed. After a moment of silence Travis' eyes fell on him and he spoke, "The old man you were talking to? He fled the scene once he saw my hand around your mouth." The Reaper held up a damp cloth as he spoke and set it down on a table nearby.

Travis could nearly feel The Reaper's breathe on the back of his neck as he towered over the helpless man, casting an enormous shadow over him. He tapped his ski-mask, "Do you know who I am, Travis?"


"So, you said you wanted to travel. Any idea where you want to go?"

Lucia smiled, "There are too many to name, but..." She paused for a moment, looking at the skewer in her hand. "There's nothing more I want than to stop running. Stop hiding. I want..."

She noticed the rest of the Freemen scattered throughout the cave. They were more jovial now than they had been in awhile thanks in no small part to the meal. However, under that shallow excitement she could sense the fear and pain they were all feeling. Their hope was beginning to fade.

"I want peace."


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Felix stood there with a hand on the man as he tried to control his coughing. "Very well, I suppose I shall keep a lookout for various items you may find valuable, but it may be better for me to just owe you a favour or do you some kind of task. This may sound foolish but that may be were my talents are most valuable. However I will not be some assassin or mercenary for you. Otherwise I am willing to do most tasks."
Travis thought for a few moments before spitting at the ground. "No idea. But I doubt Connors wasn't helping you get me, I heard him say "Wrong choice", or something like that. And believe me when I get out of here I'm fucking him up. And you, shit you had to get an old man to do your fucking work for you? Man you must be a god damn pussy." He then turned to the woman. "Speaking of pussy, I bet you thought you could make a quick cash in on doing me in. Well listen close *****, they call me "The Dragon" for a reason. I'm the reason this place blew up in a riot, I'm the one who killed the Wolves, Zulu, Crips, Aryan brotherhood, headbangers, yakuza, mafia, Black Rock, even those god damn crazy ass cannibal fucks. So if you think you can fuck me like this, you better let me go before I fuck you in a different way later."

They all probably knew this was all bullshit, but he needed a bargaining chip, even if it was completely ridiculous.