The possible American ban on selling violent games to minors?


New member
Jul 31, 2009
this isn't going to happen. i know it, because seriously, if the police are that bored that they start cracking down on the sale of video games, then the big game corporations will certainly be there with lawyers. and the general populace will be there complaining that the police aren't being useful.

seriously, the whole game rating system isnt even enforeced in itself (with the exception of eb/gamestop). they're just guidelines.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Fuck. Then I'd have to wait a few years to play good games. My parents are nice, yo. This is bull.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
BrEnNo1023 said:
Amnestic said:
Two Tennesee kids shot rifles at cars and killed a man, citing GTA as their reason.

How, precisely, did these kids acquire GTA? Either someone a retalier screwed up or their parents did.

Fun story: GAME refused to sell me Mirror's Edge (16+ game) because I didn't have ID on me, despite the fact I was 18 at the time. Mildly annoying, but goes to show that retailers aren't all soulless vendors who sell to anyone.

Edit: Soleless? Vendors without the bottom of their shoes? Methinks Amnestic has been awake too long.
Okay, let's see here...THOUSANDS of crimes are committed each year due to alcohol abuse (a perfectly legal taxed substance) BUT...BUT when a couple of children blame a video game because they're too scared to own up to the crime they committed, EVERYBODY is in uproar and all of a sudden the game is a disgusting and horrible and needlessly violent product.

THOUSANDS of crimes and accidents and deaths happen involving cars and motorcycles and trucks, BUT a school shooting that is BLAMED on A VIDEO GAME causes people like Jack Thompson to try to start revolutions.

How come every time somebody drives home drunk and dies in a car-crash, nobody ever tries to BAN ALCOHOL AND CARS???

What's wrong with this picture?
There's no scantily clad model advertising your point of view in an effort to make more people buy your produc...argument.

We'll call them Debate Dames and have them stood by our booths advertising our arguments of choice.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
It won't pass. These kinds of things never do, so I stopped caring about them. Even if they did, there's not much that's going to stop me from buying m-rated games for my non-existent children.

Ninja Tank said:
wow you get carded i have walked into a store and bought A rated games when I'm under 18.
Considering no stores even possess A rated games but stores that specialize in this type of thing (ie, porn stores), I question the truthiness of this post.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
I could be outraged...or I could remember that I'm not a minor. Option 2 seems nicer. However, if someone who is a minor like say, my brother, were to accidentally find my stock of violent video games (at this point it would have to be locked up next to the ammo and gentlemen's magazines) so be it. After all, I never told him where they were and he is a minor. How bad of a charge will they really give him.

p.s. while watching them play grand theft auto I couldn't help but notice that they absolutely suck at driving.

Flying-Emu said:
I'd like to see them try to enforce this.
I know Gamestop carded me when I tried to buy an old copy of Devil May Cry. Oddly enough, they didn't card me when I went to buy infamous...


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Law my ass. This will never come to pass. Even if it is for "the greater good" it will just provoke rebellion, and I wonder how much tax payer money it would cost to enforce this so-called law?


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Yet again (for the millionth time) this is the responsibility of the parents when it comes to under age matters especially games, TV, or films.

If the parent does time for their lack of doing the proper thing then fair enough, even if my cousin was put away because (at the time) her 10 year old son was playing GTA San Andreas.

The sign is chuffing big enough on the packaging, the rating is the law.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
it should happen, for no other reason than it will get the industry more room to be creative without having to deal with people claiming that the shit in GTA is a horrible message for kids. With a law saying that this is specifically NOT for kids, companies wouldn't have to worry about being hounded by the media. It would mean that games would be released with less censorship and more freedom.

Despite what ever we tell ourselves, games do impress values onto those that are more impressionable than others, children being the largest group of this. However, this effect is no more than is found in other mediums, such as movies or TV. Think of any 6 year old having seen any superhero and running around the house, pretending to be that hero. Or the kid who sees a space movie and wants to grow up to be an astronaut, complete with playing astronaut and such. So the group that says games corrupt minds and turn kids into killers does have some ground to stand on, but they are attacking the wrong thing, being the games and not the availability of it to children. /rant


New member
Jun 21, 2009
This is bull, me and a friend just recently went to buy Dark Sector for my bf. I had forgotten my ID at home and I asked her to use her ID. The guy at the GameStop in my mall said it was fake and tried to call the mall cops on us. (If you've ever seen a Illinois ID, you know those damn things are hard to falsify, but whatever.) So I had to spend 20 minutes explaining to some fatass on a Segway what was going on. I then just went over to the GameStop by our Wal-Mart and bought it there, and wasn't carded cause the manager knows I'm over 17. I really hate humanity some times..oh, and I got a week's ban from the mall, which is bad cause I work the movie theater...and Harry Potter was coming out that night and I couldn't call off...


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I thought that was already the law.... You know, ratings and such.
I know that in Australia if you go to buy an MA15+ restricted game they have to ask for ID, if they sell it to a minor they get a fine or something.


Detective Prince
Jul 2, 2009
All I have to say is why should the government pick up parents slack? Its the parents job to keep these kind of games out of their kids hands and if they dont give a crap then that's on them. If this law is true it's going to be like kids getting booze and porn, they have older siblings who can get it for them and most of the time the law will never know.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Wow...Blaming games for peoples actions?Why do they even waste their time with this?Games don't make you do that crap nor do they advise it.
And the two boys that got their idea from GTA i bet that was just a excuse they made up.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
I'd like to see them try to enforce this.
Pretty much this.

In the UK Games have the same censorship laws as DVD's, etc- And so all that happens is that parents go in and buy it for the child, Then rant when they hear the content.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Glefistus said:
I thought you couldn't buy M games anyways as a kid. I hope this ban comes into effect everywhere, no more whiny kids on multiplayer.
Damn straight! *Eighteen and up highfive.*


Detective Prince
Jul 2, 2009
Straitjacketeering said:
Glefistus said:
I thought you couldn't buy M games anyways as a kid. I hope this ban comes into effect everywhere, no more whiny kids on multiplayer.
Damn straight! *Eighteen and up highfive.*
Oh god kids on WoW piss me off, all though there goes most of the Ally players.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Lizmichi said:
Straitjacketeering said:
Glefistus said:
I thought you couldn't buy M games anyways as a kid. I hope this ban comes into effect everywhere, no more whiny kids on multiplayer.
Damn straight! *Eighteen and up highfive.*
Oh god kids on WoW piss me off, all though there goes most of the Ally players.
Your opinion on "LOL ALLY R KIDS" lost all weight over two years ago when the Burning Crusade came out.

IdealistCommi said:
Flying-Emu said:
I'd like to see them try to enforce this.
Easy; they have several armed mailitia soldiers stationed around the retailer at all times, with armored vechiles patrolling outside. Any kid getting within 100 yards of a M-game is shot dead on site. See? Easy!

OT: ...

*PS: my post represents the my speechlessness on the stupidity of the situation.*
Made me think of this []