The purge of adult games.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I never bothered buying such games from steam whenever an alternative was possible. I don't need to have to jump through hoops to uncensor games. Also those puritanical busybodies need to stop trying to control grown adults' lives due to pretend concern about "children". This is the same argument about violence that was made in the 90s, only now it's about sex. It was wrong then and it still is wrong now.

Tanis said:

You do realize this isn't censorship, right?
Steam picks and chooses what it will allow on it's platform.
-Same goes for Twitch and Youtube and MySpace and etc.

IF this is true, it's pretty shitty, but it's nothing new.

The 'morality police' have always been there and if you have a problem with them and their activities...protest in a way that will get a FOR-PROFIT company's attention...
The only speech that needs protecting is controversial speech. Nobody is going to object with you going on about how pancakes are delicious. That's not a controversial expression. Only when what is expressed is bound to ruffle someone's feathers do we really see if we live in a free society or not.

Also, have you ever browsed Steam's library? They clearly are not very choosy about what they allow on it, and some of these games have been allowed to be on there for upwards of 3 years, indicating they're fine. Nothing changed about the games in those years so if they were fine back then, clearly they're not that much worse now that they need to be removed.
Aug 31, 2012
It took 4 fucking posts. Congrats.

OT: Much as I dislike having to filter out all the anime bullshit on steam, and fuck me is there a lot of it, I'd prefer for steam to allow it on the store.

Though this does sound encouraging that valve have maybe decided to listen to their actual customers rather than some fuckos who don't like what their customers are buying.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Seems pretty dumb, to me.

What is the difference between the nudity in the (uncensored) version of a game like HuniePop, and The Witcher 3? If anything, The Witcher 3 is more graphic.

Also, what is it with the way we see things, where watching someone's head get blown off is a-okay, but anime titties are just waaaaay too far?

I hope it gets fixed. Seems strange that Valve would suddenly 180 and decide that all of these games are suddenly against Steam's rules.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Worgen said:
Zontar said:
OT: it's honestly refreshing to see the one trying to take away our games being someone other then a socialist. First and foremost it means we won't have most of the gaming media and a depressingly large part of the community defending the act, instead they'll be attacking it and defending the community, where as with socialists they defend the attack and attack the community. This also helps to show the hypocrisy in such people, since now that it's someone who isn't ideologically aligned with them doing it, they now take issue with it.
Ugh, dude, just stop. Most of this kind of censorship is pushed by right wing christian groups at least in the states, I always assume your from Britannia. We saw them push against disco in the 70s, metal music in the 80s, rap/grunge in the 90s. Did you already forget trump starting to rail against games after the nra put their foot down after the Parkland Florida school shooting when it sounded like he might actually do something about guns. Sure you could bring up Lieberman who was one of the main people involved in the early push against violent video games but he is actually pretty conservative once you get outside of lgbt issues.
THIS 10000X THIS. Christian Conservatives ban harry potter, porn, music, mini skirts, long hair, rpg gaming, gnomes and anything else they find to be "EVIL!!" Right now they are blaming video games for school shootings as we speak here where I live... again.

Socialists have nothing to do with any of this and it is absurd nonsense to even bring up socialism in relation in any way shape or form as that is a completely non related topic.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Fieldy409 said:
Zontar said:
The past 20 years, for whatever reason, has seen most of the anti-gaming push come from left wing groups, and people who are partisan have defended it on the grounds that "they're not taking away your games", even when the ability to do so was the entire goal of one of these groups.
Jack Thompson wasnt that long ago... Saying 20 years is too long. Maybe you'd have an argument for the staement if you said 5-10 years, but Id still disagree. Im nearly 30 now and when I was in my early twenties it was all religious people leading the charge against us, and 'sjws' were just busy writing critical articles, giving their opinion with no power at all to enforce it. Meanwhile, you ask a politician what religion he is where I live or in America, and id guess in Europe too, what religion they are and you will always get christian. The lawmakers are Christian so they have all the power.
Zontar said:
Worgen said:
Zontar said:
OT: it's honestly refreshing to see the one trying to take away our games being someone other then a socialist. First and foremost it means we won't have most of the gaming media and a depressingly large part of the community defending the act, instead they'll be attacking it and defending the community, where as with socialists they defend the attack and attack the community. This also helps to show the hypocrisy in such people, since now that it's someone who isn't ideologically aligned with them doing it, they now take issue with it.
Ugh, dude, just stop. Most of this kind of censorship is pushed by right wing christian groups at least in the states, I always assume your from Britannia. We saw them push against disco in the 70s, metal music in the 80s, rap/grunge in the 90s. Did you already forget trump starting to rail against games after the nra put their foot down after the Parkland Florida school shooting when it sounded like he might actually do something about guns. Sure you could bring up Lieberman who was one of the main people involved in the early push against violent video games but he is actually pretty conservative once you get outside of lgbt issues.
I'm aware of the history of right wing Christian groups being against gaming and the like, but the attack on games, like movies and television, is by no means a partisan one. In the 90s it was left wing groups that where the largest push against gaming (such as the crusade by a certain woman who tried to become president), and in movies/television, left wing groups have been as opposed to violence as the right has traditionally been against sex. The past 20 years, for whatever reason, has seen most of the anti-gaming push come from left wing groups, and people who are partisan have defended it on the grounds that "they're not taking away your games", even when the ability to do so was the entire goal of one of these groups.

To pretend that there isn't an issue of partisanship over the past two decades is to pretend the past two decades didn't happen. I mean for god's sake, this is a case of one group seeing what another did and emulating it because it worked. Much as it is disturbing that companies, even Valve, are so divorced from reality they think the people complaining are their customers or that caving to them is ever a good idea, I find it equally as disturbing that people are trying to erase history for political reasons, as if the long, well documented history of both sides attacking our hobbies never happened. This attitude reeks of "my side is all good, the other is all bad".
This isn't " history" it is a continuous past and present that never stopped.
This is happening as we speak:
Texas lieutenant governor suggests violent video games, abortion show 'devalued life,' bear part of blame for gun violence

All I have heard as far back as I remember continuously, non stop from Christian conservatives around here is that "video games are evil" Mother's who would not allow their kids to play RPGs because they see it as devil worshiping. They even blamed the former JP who murdered the DA near here on him being possessed by the devil because he played D&Ds when he was younger. SERIOUSLY. You cannot even compare people criticizing aspects of games they want improved to what our actual conservative officials in local, state and federal government have said and have tried to make into law over the years. They even took over school boards and have Harry Potter books banned from schools.

This is what is happening in the present, not just the past. It never stopped.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Just another example of Valve's ongoing unwillingness to be hands-on when it comes to curating their own distribution network: they let things escalate to where things are too late or they jump the gun. Either way they make fools of themselves. And of course (those claiming to be) the culprits are an anti-sex organization with a LONG history of trying to suppress LGBT representation while disguising their rhetoric in feminist language. Happens like clockwork.

There are a lot of angles to examine, like Valve needing to act like a company, to right wing groups needing to stop with the anti-sex, transphobic, homophobic BS, to gamers needing to get it through their heads that feminists are not going to take their porn away (mostly because feminists are totally into porn). It's a tiresome cycle.


New member
May 7, 2016
Lil devils x said:
This is what is happening in the present, not just the past. It never stopped.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
And because of this BS, companies like MangaGamer and Sekai Project have decided to start putting their titles on

Not surprising. It emphasizes how Valve has way too much influence in the industry and that we need more competition.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Seems the decision was turned back.

It is interesting to note that it seemed that games with homosexual sexual content where more likely to be targeted by this group(i.e kindred spirits on the roof), no surprise if you check the site, they are everything bad about conservative Christians.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
No surprise there. LGBT games always get the short end of the stick with a lot less publicity.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Oh no, not the anime tits!

This is dumb though. The anime tits, cringe inducing though they can be, aren't hurting anyone. Just clearly mark them as adult content and move on.

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
Zhukov said:
Oh no, not the anime tits!

This is dumb though. The anime tits, cringe inducing though they can be, aren't hurting anyone. Just clearly mark them as adult content and move on.
That is what I don't understand is why would anyone have a problem with it as long as it is labeled adult and make sure the ads/content do not show up outside of the " adult section". I see it as no different than the "porn shop". Dump all the questionable content in the porn shop and be done with it and the debate should be over instead of people getting their undies in a wad over what the people are doing in the porn shop. As long as they are not having it shoved in their faces and they can choose not not to go there, and no one is being harmed, what business is it of theirs what people are doing in there?


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
The overt, blatant, explicit hypocrisy at play over this issue is disgusting. Leftist radicals try to get games banned, media outlets lockstep with their authoritarian ideological allies, and the response is that anyone, left right or centre, who opposed such action was "le ebil right winger", yet it happens now, and people suddenly pretend to care about an issue they where either apathetic or actively supporting of months earlier just because it's their political opponents doing it towards media they like instead of their political allies doing it towards media they don't.

Antigamers are still antigamers, and liberals, conservatives and libertarians won't forget that progressives and the far right will turn on a dime if things are convenient for them, and that both are untrustworthy for gamers.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
altnameJag said:
No surprise there. LGBT games always get the short end of the stick with a lot less publicity.
Something aimed at 4% of the population doesn't get as much publicity? How is that possible?


New member
Oct 12, 2011
Zontar said:
altnameJag said:
No surprise there. LGBT games always get the short end of the stick with a lot less publicity.
Something aimed at 4% of the population doesn't get as much publicity? How is that possible?
Hahaha, you have NOOOO idea how popular Yuri is!

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
JCAll said:
Zontar said:
altnameJag said:
No surprise there. LGBT games always get the short end of the stick with a lot less publicity.
Something aimed at 4% of the population doesn't get as much publicity? How is that possible?
Hahaha, you have NOOOO idea how popular Yuri is!
IDC what the Japanese say. THIS will ALWAYS be YURI.

There will be no free will only MY will.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Lil devils x said:
IDC what the Japanese say. THIS will ALWAYS be YURI.

There will be no free will only MY will.
Why not both?

(If I was actually a weeb I'd totally photoshop a combined abomination and post it...)