The Rarest Game You Ever Owned...EVAR1

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Launcelot111 said:
Marvel Vs Capcom 2 for the PS2. At least I hope it was rare, because it was expensive as hell
It's getting pretty darn rare on any format, especially Dreamcast been hunting down a boxed DC copy for a while now and don't wanna pay bullshit prices.

OT: Final Fantasy VIII, original run, black back. Rare as hell. Sadly I don't have the case or manual. I had an original run of 7 too but a dude I know borrowed it and sold it to some douchebag. He now has fake teeth.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Misadventures of Tron Bonne: PS1 (May still have it)

I might also have Mega Man Legends 2.

I bought all the "Legends" (and spinoff) games years ago when they were around $5 used. Not sure if I still have them.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Padwolf said:
According to that site I have:

Fatal Frame/Project Zero 1
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Gamecube version
Super Smash Bros Melee
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Titles left in the quote, didn't expect them to be rare, looks like I need to update my list then.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
The Tibballs said:
0takuMetalhead said:
The Tibballs said:
0takuMetalhead said:
The Tibballs said:
Ben Agar said:
I'm pretty sure it's rare but I have an original copy of Metal Gear Solid the twin snakes on gamecube. Many people have seemed surprised that I have it at all. (That maybe only here in New Zealand though)
I have a copy Metal Gear Solid: the twin snakes too. It's pretty rare in the rest of the world, but here in Australia/New Zealand it's damn near impossible to find, in fact I've only ever seen two copies of it ever (as in held in my hands), one was when it first came out and the other was about three years ago when I finally got a copy.

I have a few games that go with my Atari 2600, but they're in storage and I haven't seen them in a long while.

I also have a copy of the Commodore 64 version of Ninja Spirit 5.25 inch floppy with original box etc. :)
About Twin Snakes: it's really hard to find and when you find it it will cost you almost an arm and a leg...
And it did, I ended up paying $80 or $90 for it, but I love the shit out of the game. :p
I (strangely) ended up paying 20 euro's (around 14 dollars)...
Awesome, I wish mine had been that cheap. :(
But that is Australian dollars though and a few years back when our dollar wasn't a strong as it is now. :)
One thing is sure: i want to replay it xD


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Without even using that site I can say with all confidence: Spectral Force 3. Good thing it was rare, it sucked pretty hard.

Ima Lemming

New member
Jan 16, 2009
Either Beggar Prince or Pier Solar. Now, for commercially released games, either Panzer Dragoon Saga or Radiant Silvergun. The latter went way down in price when it was released on the XBLA, but the original physical copy is still pretty scarce.

My best score of a rare game was a complete copy of MUSHA for $3 at a local thrift store, when it goes for $200 to $300 on eBay.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
I think it may be off since FFX is rare. Actually a lot of my PS2 games are rare, just doing the 80% rare or higher I own:
Kingdom Hearts
Ar Tonelico II
Shadow Hearts
Silent Hill 2
Disgaea 1
and even more if you don't count the limited edition.

The only one that was hard to find was Ar Tonelico II. As for my other consoles I don't have any ones that are that rare. I only have 3 for my PS1 (Persona, FFVII, and Digimon World).

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Intellivision: Tower of Doom

-Suikoden 2
-Legend of Mana
(All US locals)
(I don't get why FF7 or FFT is considered 'rare'. I regularly find that game for sale in thrift and local game shops)

Probably a bunch of other things still at my house, but I'm at University and can't check.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
According to that website, apparently the Playstation Final Fantasy games are the rarest I own? I guess it's because I have the black box versions? Weird, I never thought those games were rare at all.
I own the whole .hack series for PS2, and I know those are rare. Especially .hack//Quarantine. They weren't on that website though for some reason.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
For Gamecube mine's Legen of Zelda: The Wind Waker. I've got 4 swords. Super Mario Sunshine. Twilight Princess. And those are just the ones I found on the second rarest page. : / I got them new from stores. Except for Sunshine. That was from a used game store and I got that for free.
Oct 27, 2010
Tomba, Final Fantasy 7, 8, Einhander, Ehrgeiz, Chrono Trigger(snes). I'm not much of a collector, but that's what I've got. That site has a problem, where are all of the Japanese games? I've got a handful of super famicom games that I'm pretty sure are rare.


New member
May 17, 2010

-Legend of Legaia CIB - $60

-Thousand Arms CIB - $85 (the game itself actually kind've sucks)

-Tales of Destiny (CD and booklet only) $60 (NIB would've been $400!)

-Lunar Silver Star Story Complete CIB - $110 (paid $60 when it was first out)

-Crash Bandicoot (black label) CIB - $65 (NIB: $800!!!)

-Ergeiz CIB - $50

-Brave Fencer Musashi CIB - $68

-Grandia CIB - $45

-Marvel V. Capcom CIB - $70 (NIB - $500!)

-Megaman Legends 2 CIB - $130

-Vanguard Bandits CIB - $80

Wow, I got pretty much all of these when they first came out - I should've never played them.

Still, nice chunk of change come to think of it.

Mugen Weston

New member
Jan 4, 2011
I have a few others have said but my personal gem is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night with the bonus music disc on PS1.

Checked and there's a guy selling one for £108 on ebay so i'd like to think I got mine for a steal of £5 at a car boot sale when I was a kid.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
There were two rental places within 8 miles of my home as a kid, so I didn't own very many games, but I played damn near everything (both of them had the Tengen unauthorized version of Tetris). I went to the one that would rent 4 NES (later add SNES, Genesis, Jaguar, and PS1 to that list) every weekend. Sad that place burned down. That it was in a college town and also the local liquor store didn't help the games odds of surviving that fire.

The net result is that I've played 90 out of the hundred most rare NES games according to that site. Also, *really* shocked that Dragon Warrior II-IV are all more rare than Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom (which was a comparatively lighthearted game in the lines of Shadowgate or Deja Vu playstyle-wise).

Played about half of the top hundred for SNES. About a quarter of it for PS1.

I'm actually surprised that most of my favorite games rate over 70%.

Didn't really start collecting until PS2, aside from a handful of GB games. I'll look at my collection of PS2 and later stuff this evening, I'm sure something like .Hack//Sign has to be pretty high up, given how impossible the later games are to find, and I have a complete set. Or Rule of Rose.


New member
Sep 19, 2012
Final Fantasy 7, black label. It's actually the only PS1 game I own.

Final Fantasy 10, although it's at a friend's right now.

Limited editions of Resident Evil 5 and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Megaten Persona 3 Portable and Fes, Persona 4, Nocturne, Strange Journey and Devil Survivor Overclocked. I also owned Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 for about a week before taking them back.

War of the Monsters. That sight doesn't say it's very rare but I've only seen another copy once and it was going for $30 used at my local used game store.

My brother has Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, non-greatest hits. I bought them for him for Christmas though, so I owned them for about a month.

And not really rare at all, but Shadow of Rome for PS2. I only bring it up because I looked for it for two years before finding it. That was a happy day.