The real reason Halo was/is so popular


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Aug 30, 2008
in all FPS that are involved in some kind of war your side can only win if you are the one doing all the killing.


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Jan 19, 2009
Eclectic Dreck said:
If Halo deserves any praise for it's use of this trope (is there a word for something more common than a trope?) it lies precisely in it's presentation. You are the unstoppable machine built and bread for war and there is a certain inevitability about your victory. But in the most desperate hours of the last stand of mankind, I found that the reactions of the barely named extras cast provided the most telling story. Master Chief was but one unstoppable badass, and no matter HOW badass he was, someone had to man the line when the Chief wasn't looking. Walking into the scenes of carnage where a handful of marines had held the line against impossible odds without the aid of fancy magik (like infinite lives or regenerating armor, and the ability to instantly restore lost flesth, bone and blood by simply touching a medical pack) were the only place the story had any impact. As the Master Cheif you are truly a god among mortals, and because of that it is only in the deperation and suffering of your compatriots that you can find any hint of reward. Who the hell cares who Private Jenkins was or where the flood came from? All I know is that everything that wasn't dressed in marine or navy regalia clearly deserved to pay for Jenkins' death.
Maybe you described it better than I did, but that's what I was trying to say. When the marines believed in me (as the Master Chief) I realized that I WAS an unstoppable war machine, but they weren't. When they went into battle I was SURE they were going to die unless I did something about it. I wanted to fight FOR them not out of vengeance but rather out of responsibility and compassion, because since I was so much more powerful I felt the need to use that power to help the weak marines that believed in me so much.

Does that make any sense?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
there is no crazy secret as to why halo got popular. It was probably the first console FPS that even came close to a PC FPS. That got a lot of people playing, and once the first gets popular, the sequel is obviously popular too. Now console RTS games are so much better, and have surpassed halo by far. Hence why halo 3 isnt considered as a really amazing game.


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Sep 14, 2008
ultimatechance said:
there is no crazy secret as to why halo got popular. It was probably the first console FPS that even came close to a PC FPS. That got a lot of people playing, and once the first gets popular, the sequel is obviously popular too. Now console RTS games are so much better, and have surpassed halo by far. Hence why halo 3 isnt considered as a really amazing game.
Console RTS games are so much better than what? Do you mean Halo Wars?


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Jan 8, 2009
It is because it was the only FPS exclusives on the original Xbox and it just gain undeserved popularity from there and everyone that bought an Xbox (I didn't) bought the only exclusive worth buying: Halo and loved it because there was no other game on the god damn Xbox, the sequels got popularity just because popularity got built on from the first Halo.

SLy AsymMetrY

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Feb 23, 2009
Halo is fun and accessible. I've seen so many people, with absolutely no experience of games, able to pick it up and enjoy it. They love its simplicity. Get them to play a more technical shooter or any one where you die in a few hits, and they HATE it, even if I tell them its a much better game. The Spartan gives the gamer a sense of power and can mask a newcomers gaming inadequacies aswell, which makes for a more enjoyable experience. Alot of my friends have got into gaming because of Halo.


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Dec 24, 2008
Vlane said:
ultimatechance said:
there is no crazy secret as to why halo got popular. It was probably the first console FPS that even came close to a PC FPS. That got a lot of people playing, and once the first gets popular, the sequel is obviously popular too. Now console RTS games are so much better, and have surpassed halo by far. Hence why halo 3 isnt considered as a really amazing game.
Console RTS games are so much better than what? Do you mean Halo Wars?
Crap, wasnt thinking properly. Replace RTS with FPS.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
JC Denton said:
Reg5879 said:
It is because it was the only FPS exclusives on the original Xbox and it just gain undeserved popularity from there and everyone that bought an Xbox (I didn't) bought the only exclusive worth buying: Halo and loved it because there was no other game on the god damn Xbox, the sequels got popularity just because popularity got built on from the first Halo.
Have you ever done researching before?

Halo was not the only Xbox launch title. Project Gotham Racing, Dead or Alive 3, and Oddworld Munch's Oddysee were released during the Xbox's launch. Project Gotham Racing and Dead or Alive 3 sold very well. In 2002 a year after the Xbox was released, other exclusive games for the Xbox titles; MechAssault and Splinter Cell sold millions of copies and have gotten really good reviews.
Have u ever read before???

I said only FPS exclusive.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I don't own Halo 3 but i enjoy playing it because after 3 months of not playing it, Within 6 minutes i can be wooping intergalactic ass

It really is fun, addictive and something that you shouldn't get mad at because its all in good fun.
May 7, 2008
Extravaganza said:
I don't own Halo 3 but i enjoy playing it because after 3 months of not playing it, Within 6 minutes i can be wooping intergalactic ass

It really is fun, addictive and something that you shouldn't get mad at because its all in good fun.
indeed i don't see why someone has to make a thread on this subject =/

don't hate people..geez


New member
Feb 25, 2009
I liked it mostly because I've been with Bungie since "Pathways Into Darkness" back in the day, and I liked how there were more than a few winking overlaps into the Marathon universe with the Halo franchise. Oh, and sticking plasma grenades onto grunts when they ran past me. That helped, too.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
The only reason its popular is because it was the first console game to do the FPS game right. Consoles don't really require much intellect, you just buy it, and thats it. No need to get some graphic cards, processors, or any other things. You just buy it, and play it. Its simple. Stupid as hell, but simple. And today's mass media market usually goes for simple. Giving the player an option of having a really good PC and having a much better time when playing your games, is a bit weighed down when the player is uninformed, thinks PCs cost tons of money, also thinks that they can just play the console counter-part and get the same amount of fun, and hates doing research just to find out that their first reason for buying a console is stupid.
Apr 28, 2008
well, whether you like it or not, or if you even care, Halo 3 just passed 1 billion matches played []

apparently, Halo 3 is doing something that everyone likes


New member
Feb 7, 2009
well i've always held the belief the mutli-player was what supported it...i love the multi-player honestly i could care less about the "story line" idk what is cause i hated the cut scenes


New member
Feb 24, 2009
it was one of the first F-P-S on a console. was it not for halo we might not have games like CoD4, GoW, Bioshock, or Killzone