The REALLY Wild Wasteland. (The Fallout RP!)

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Wild Wastelands | Abandoned Shack

Sylph nodded in response Charlie Cannon's request for her identity and lay still while he treated her back. While he worked on the wounds that had caused the Crimson Menace to bleed all over her uniform, Sylph lay still, not moving, unphased by the pain that the tweezers caused while he extricated the minute chunks of metal from her skin. She'd clearly been through this sort of thing a number of times.

Taking the offered Stimpack from her companion, Sylph nodded slightly, though her face flashed her trademark look of annoyance when her other half was mentioned. Time, it seemed, would never allow Sylph to get used to the antics of her other half, knowing that sooner or later Sylph would have to clean up the messes the Sylphee left in her wake.

"I'll save it for later." Sylph muttered, anticipating how Sylphee would react when she woke to find a Stimpack jutting out of her arm, "Th-thank you."

The "thank you" seemed awkward and forced, it was a word to her, one that she'd been forced to utter many a time and never meant, until now. Looking around the shack, Sylph noted a set of clothing that would have swallowed her and grabbed them before leaving the confines of the shack, changing into the tent in the darkness outside of the lone structure in the middle at the bottom of the steep incline. Upon entering the shack, the girl set to work, cooking some of the BlamCo from the food cache and mending the torn uniform, silently cursing her idiot "sister."

If Charlie was wondering why on earth Sylph continually maintained the article of clothing that she wore day in and day out, Sylph took a moment to explain.

"Father once told me that cleanliness is next to godliness. Clothing needed to be tended to in the same fashion as wounds. Failure to tend to either would make things difficult for me later. I didn't know what he meant until he set me on someone who owed him a debt." The Little Red Murder Hood said as she stirred the pot of BlamCo noodles, "There was some blood on my dress that I hadn't cleaned and she noticed it and started running before I could close in on her. She screamed her head off, calling for help from whomever would help her. The local Sheriff was nearby and when the dust settled, not only did I kill Father's designee but the Sheriff as well. Father was furious. He told me that we'd have to move again. I didn't eat for 3 days after that."

The pot started boiling over causing the fire to hiss as the overflow turned to steam.

"Sorry!" Sylph exclaimed, cringing and wincing as she pulled the pot off the fire with her bare hands. Clearly someone needed professional help or needed to have her Father dealt with.

The noodles were drained and the cheese mixture added. Dinner was ready. As they ate, Sylph thought to herself, not knowing why she had told her story to Charlie Cannon. She'd never felt the need to previously, not since she found herself in the Citadel with most of her recent memory wiped clean. She needed a change of topic.

"Why explosives?" Sylph asked.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
Trixie's hand slammed across her face as the bottle shattered on the heavily clad enclave.
"You're a bit slow aint ya, but at least you're one of the few things in this wasteland that isn't tryin'a kill me..." Her words slightly muffled by her hand.
Slowly she drooped her hand down her face back to it's original position in realisation that she should watch her mouth around this much armament, quickly changing the subject.

"I mean yeah, a drink sounds better than hanging around this crowd. Talking about that.." She drifted her words as she noticed the other traders had already started to pilfer the scrap from the downed robots. "HEY! I KILLED 'EM, THOSE FISSION BATTERIES ARE MINE!" She rushed toward the downed bots that weren't vaporized by the gatling lazer or blown to smithereens by the brahmine.

Realising her sudden change of attitude in the middle of the conversation, she shortly turned back. "Yeah I guess you can call a wasteland loner like me 'Miss'... But don't make it a name, and stop looking at me like that." She turned her attention back to the bots. "I'll join you as soon as I've collected what I need." She stated, waving her hand as gesture that she was acknowledging them.

She continued at it, pushing other scavenging traders out of the way. "You want that part? Or would you rather keep your hand?"


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
The Wild Wastelands | Abandoned Shack​

Glad that Sylph had taken the Stimpack, Charlie packed up the medical supplies and washed his hands with some water from his canteen. He couldn't help but chuckle when the girl came back in wearing clothes ridiculously too big for her. As she sat down and began simultaneously cooking and mending he tended to the fire, making sure it didn't go out before their meal was ready. When Sylph began to talk he didn't say much, just taking it in and listening carefully. Hearing what her childhood had been like, what her father had done to her, made his blood run cold. The son of a Brahmin farmer fully realised for the first time just how lucky he'd been with his childhood.

When the dinner was done he ate slowly, savouring the delicious BlamCo taste. The hour was late but he wasn't feeling sleepy, his mind had a lot to process from the last couple of hours.

"Why explosives?"

The question shook Charlie out of his contemplation. Setting down his plate he pulled out his battered Zippo lighter, flicking it open a couple of times and testing the flame. He hadn't been using it much recently thanks to his newly acquired grenades, but it remained on of his most treasured possessions.

"There's no real earth-shaking story behind that, I've used them for a long, long time. I picked this lighter and some old dynamite up off a raider who tried to make off with our Brahmin one day, and secretly played around with them when I got away from my parents. Of course they eventually found out and were furious, but that didn't stop me. I'd scavenge and buy the materials whenever I could and tinker with them. I'm a terrible shot with a gun as I'm sure you noticed earlier, but I wanted to do what I could to protect my family... and my parents eventually saw their use when I drove off some feral ghouls who'd wandered by."

Sitting back and pocketing the lighter, Charlie grinned across at Sylph. "Plus, they're just fun you know? Exploding the crap out of something never gets old, no matter how many times I do it."

Feeling emboldened by this talk, Charlie decided now was probably the best time to get Sylph to open up a little. He suspected it would be easier than getting answers out of Sylphee.

"So uh... what's with the choker?" he asked. "I can't say that I've seen it's like before."

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Wild Wastelands | Abandoned Shack in the Middle of No Where
Sylph's Story

Sylph listened to Charlie's story politely, asking no question nor making no comment until he completed it. Only then did she nod, neither admonishing him for his use of weapons that could as easily blast his friends as his enemies nor did she compliment him on his use of a weapon that could literally demolish a small town should the need arise. Since it seemed they were exchanging information about each other, it only made sense that he asked the question that he did.

"So uh... what's with the choker?" he asked. "I can't say that I've seen it's like before."

Looking at the choker that had been adorned with the large red gem she shrugged her shoulders. She'd left the item on the floor, knowing that she'd eventually have to carry it once again. Until that time came, she'd not touch it.

"Father called it my leash." Sylph stated simply, "It's a device that he created to bring out the... other... personality. He said that I did not fit the model image that he saw his daughter as having."

Of course this was not her actual father that she was referring to but someone who had purchased her with the purpose of having a personal bodyguard that could be introduced as his daughter.

"Before that, I... don't remember much." She lied. She did in fact remember quite a bit from her childhood.

"Is Cannon your real family last name?"


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
Black Residence: You Can (Not) Escape

"- ...knife, eye, frame her...keep"

The words the heavily wounded Lucy let out came off like a nuke in Jonathan's head, leaving him swirling with a range of emotions, most prevalent of which were horror, anger and sadness. To think that Lucy would stab her eye out to-


A woman's demented laughter vibrated through Jonathan's brain, its source coming from...

A feminine figure engulfed in shadow was to the left of Jonathan with its back turned, its long braided hair going all the way down its back. Simply staring at the figure filled Jonathan with a sense of dread and made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

I'm sorry, Johnny boy, but this whole rescue attempt has been so darn ENTERTAINING. the figure said while turning, prompting Jonathan to quickly avert his gaze as it did. I come all the way out here and you won't even look at me? Rude, Jon, rude rude RUDE!

Ah well, I suppose it doesn't matter as long as you listen to me. Still rude though... Anyway, what a hilariously disastrous rescue attempt this has been thus far. What have you accomplished this far in? To get her critically wounded as she's trying to cover your identity while you're going all macho and alpha male blowing it all up! Poor Lucy Black, sacrificing an eye to cover you, and you dun fucked up.

Kristin had, at that point, picked up Lucy, sparring Jonathan from having to stare at her wound any longer. Still, the figure's words stung a lot, and Jonathan was doing his best from not letting the anger and sorrow overtaking, gritting his teeth and clasping his hards so hard they were close to bleeding, despite the fact that-

Oh? What's that you're thinking? It wouldn't have mattered anyway?

It was true. A name would have helped, but the moment Jonathan was identified as an Enclave operative his cover had blown up. Sure, it would have taken the Enclave a bit longer to find him, but his face had been seen, and his face was all that was needed. If he killed #411 he could maybe keep his identity a secret, but that would mean...

Ok, so let me get this straight. This girl just took her eye out trying to protect you, and that wouldn't have mattered anyway? Oh, this is RICH! Poor Lucy Black, dispatched so meaninglessly. So, quick recap: You get in here to rescue Lucy, doing a good job dispatching the guards, yet this hero-worshipping whore played you so well that Lucy tore her eye out trying to save your ass, only for you to spectacularly smash that plan into pieces, except it wouldn't have mattered anyway. 10/10 best rescue of our lifetime. Please try to save more people in the future.

The figure's words hit Jonathan in all the right places, driving further into depression. All the events of the day catching up to him didn't help either, and Jonathan was depressed to the point of being borderline numb now.

" Church. Docto - Doc...stay there. R-recover...- Don't trust, eye..."

Lucy's words sent Jonathan crying, though it was the locked-in-silent-desperation kind of crying, not the hey-everybody-look-at-me-I'm-crying kind of crying. One would hardly notice if they weren't staring right at his face.

Allow me to voice what you're thinking right now with that little extra bit of biting sarcasm. Ooooooh Lucy, how can you entrust me with anything? I'm soooooo worthless, I can't do aaaaaanything. Boo fucking hoo. You are right, of course. You're pretty darn incompetent, hell, I doubt you could save anyone from a molerat. You're not a borne hero, Johnny Boy, and despite your daddy's efforts, you'll never be. You'll never save anyone.

"You're right. The Enclave isn't what is should be."

And just as the figure was seemingly starting one of its derogatory speeches, the Enclave agent started talking again.

Sheesh, this one doesn't know when to quit.

"We impose our will upon others when we should be saving them. We kill those who do not believe what we believe when we should be assisting them by propagating our stored knowledge and sending them aid"

Here's what we should be doing. Let's do the opposite! Sounds like a great fucking idea!

" And you look at me.."

Nope, no one's looking at ya. Kinda stupid, if you think she's a trained killer. Shouldn't you be making sure she's not getting ready to murder you with a spoon or something?

"someone who was born in the Wastelands and are probably wondering, if I believe this, how can I be apart of this machine that has killed so many?"

You know, it feels wierd that she's acting like she's opposed to murdering folks considering she has thus far shown an apathy of sociopathic levels when it comes to killing people to advance her goals. Boy, do I love a good hypocrite.

"FalloutJack. He's the one who saved me from the Wastelands and I believe that he's the one that can save the Wasteland itself. He just needs to be pushed in the right direction."

Ah, hero worship. On a scale from one to ten on the "obsessing over the guy that saved me" scale, she's a hard 10. It'd be romantic if it wasn't both sad and puke-inducing at the same time. Wish she'd get to the point already instead of gushing like a schoolgirl with a crush.

"Jonathan. What would you do to the Enclave if you had an army of Self Replicating Clones at your disposal?"

Things are finally getting interesting.

"What would you do to the people that murdered Isaac Black? What would you do to save the Wastelands from the Enclave the way it is now. Would you save the Enclave and see it assume its rightful role as savior, bringers of light and hope? You have your beliefs... what would you do for them?"

Wait, I thought that FalloutJack guy was going to "save the wasteland"? What happened...

Jonathan did his best to ignore the figure and focus instead on what was being said. The ***** was patronising him so obviously he felt insulted. What the hell was she after? First she came here looking to blackmail and kill Lucy, and now she was making alliance proposals? Wiping the tears off his face, he got up on his feet and, making sure to avoid staring at the figure, threw a sideways glance at the agent.

"So Jonathan," Enclave Intelligence Specialist #411 asked, "Do you want to save the Wastelands?"

Ignoring the rather loud and obnoxious laughter of the figure, Jonathan took a deep breath to calm his mind, and gave the matter the thought it required.

The agent clearly had her own plans that were going against the general will of the Enclave. A sign that it wasn't as unified as the one of old, perhaps? Whatever the case, Jonathan was presented with a deal that sounded way too good to be true; a deal with the devil.

He took a glance at Kristin and Lucy. Kristin stared at him rather intently, though he wasn't sure whether or not her stare was also one of shock at what had just transpired. Lucy was...



Better the devil you know...

With a deep breath, Jonathan turned to face the operative, putting on the most vindicative face he could muster. He had given it all a good thought, and knew exactly what to say.

"First of all, you've made it evidently clear that all you care about is getting FalloutJack into the leading position, so drop the pretence about caring for the good of the wasteland. I know your type. I've seen it enough times."

He let his irritation be shown, a clear sign that he didn't like being patronised and that he wouldn't so easily be manipulated.

"As for your offer, I must admit, it sounds very good. Very good indeed. And, given that you currently hold the trump card that is my identity, I would naturally be inclined to agree right here and now."

"However!", he said as sharply pointed upwards, "Your proposal betrays the situation you're in. The fact that you are even bothering to suggest anything to an Enclave deserter like me in a situation like this, means that you want something from me, and that something is not something you can easily get, and thus can't dispose of me without it costing you. So, given that both parties stand to gain something out of this and neither has the upper hand, let us discuss terms."

He threw a glance at a Kristin before staring back at the agent, and continued, "And when I say "us" I mean both me and Kristin. You see, I am pledged to a lifetime of service to her, and I am a man of my word. As such, no decision may be taken unless my princess agrees to it."

A mischievous "got you" grin formed on his face as he finished, "Well, what do you say? Let us hear the full extent of your plans and my role in them, and we shall give you our terms."

Sorry, Lucy, but if this means that I can get you out of all this, then please wait a little longer before we get you to the doctor.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
"Brain Amigig?"
By the time Trixie had turned around, Robin was scanning the device, claiming it to be an important piece of machinery.
She knew Robin knew a lot about bots and the like, and the capabilities of the pip boy.
"Don't throw that thing around! It must be delicate!"
She was slightly spectacle, but her curiosity overwhelmed her common sense.

"Let me take a look at that."
Trixie held out her hand but to no avail, there was no way she was going to observe this part without making some sort of deal.
She looked back at her pack Brahmine, a large hole through it's head from one of the first bots firing, she had been with her so long, but it didn't phase her past the point of losing coin.
"How about this" she pointed to her Brahmine "If I join your little drink, and beat you, you'll give me that there... Brain Amigagola did you call it? If you win you can have a share of the meat from Jesse.
She thought for a moment again
"I'd rather have that thing on your wrist though"

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Wild Wastelands | 324 West Black Road (The Black Shack)
#411's Plans

Enclave Intelligence Specialist #411 felt the briefest pangs of pity when she looked upon the wounded woman who had foolishly squandered the gift the Enclave had graciously given her. These feelings were soon overwhelmed once again by the anger and disdain she felt towards to the Former Enclave Asset. It was nothing personal towards Lucy, Jonathan or the BlamCo Nitwit but if there was one thing that #411 had learned during her time with Enclave Intelligence, it was that masking all her feelings under a blanket of anger and hatred made it hard for people to discern her intentions.

Another skill set that she had developed during her time with Enclave Intelligence was an uncanny ability to read her subjects. It made her job of interrogating the various prisoners that were subject to her hospitality even easier to question, especially when she knew what their motivations were.

When observing the former Enclave Member, Jonathan Aristotle McKenna, and how he looked at Lucy, his motivations were clear. Enclave Intelligence Specialist #411 quickly decided how to best use Lucy Black's self mutilation towards getting Jonathan to agree to #411's plans.

"Well, what do you say? Let us hear the full extent of your plans and my role in them, and we shall give you our terms." The Former Enclave Tinkerer demanded.

"Let's get her to Megaton first." #411 stated, gesturing for the BlamCo nitwit to pickup the unconscious One Eyed Gauss Girl before depressing a button on her own Enclave Issued Power Armor. There was a slight whirring and humming that was emitted from the armor as the seemingly light absorbent black paint job that made the Enclave so feared was replaced by the silver of the Enclave's chief rivals in the Wastes, the Brotherhood of Steel.

"Before I tell you anything, just know that even a whisper of what I say coming from your mouths is as good as putting a pistol to your head and pulling the trigger. I won't have any problems submitting the report stating that you are a danger to the Enclave and its goals." She stated, threatened, crossed a finger across her throat.

"I have an army that needs weapons and training." Enclave Intelligence Specialist #411 stated simply, "I inferred from the lock on your personnel file that you were either someone that could create the weapons that I need or train the army itself."

Looking at the Former Weaponsmith and the BlamCo Berserker, ideas formed in #411's head, plans were plotted and conclusions made.

"Since it looks like you two are a package deal, I could either eliminate the baggage," She said in reference to the woman carrying Lucy Black, "or I could include her. I will need you to design and create weapons for the soldiers that I've gathered. Your... compatriot... can train them, seeing as she managed to eliminate two Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialists with nothing but a sword. Once they're outfitted and trained, your work is done. Unless you'd like to take part in the changes to come, help remake the Enclave be the beacon of hope that it should be."

That was it. That was what she needed from Jonathan. As for the BlamCo Fanatic, it was the perfect opportunity to gather more converts.


The Wild Wastelands | The Vault Tec Headquarters Crater
#209's POV

If there was one thing that one thing that Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist #209 hated, it was haggling with a merchant. If there was one thing that he hated even more, it was watching two merchants haggle with each other. Now normally, he would have settled the matter in his typical manner, he would have tossed them in a river before shooting them full of holes. Fortunately for Wrench girl and her friend, he was working on delaying his gratification. Instead...

"Huh... huh... huh..." Enclave Dominator #209 chuckled to himself as he imagined the two fighting each other with pillows.

There was a small alarm triggered when his armor detected a buildup of liquids in #209's armor. Apparently, he'd been drooling.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011

The Wild Wastelands | Ruined Skyscraper Camp

The old Ghoul couldn't think of anything to say when Thomas pointed out that time, particularly after the end of the world, hardly made people less superstitious. If anything, it had made it much, much worse. The fact that he said it with such a forlorn tone threatened to tug on the few heartstrings that Arizona still had.

"Of course, you're right, Arizona. Without knowing her, you're hardly in a position to judge her mental or emotion state. Which brings us to the closure of this topic. Of course, that doesn't mean that one of your status doesn't hold a few stories of her own. For one, we could start with the reason that we're traveling to Dunwich."

Once he mentioned the job she had taken, she grunted softly and her face returned to it's default expression of mild grumpiness as she reached into one of her fatigue's pockets for her pack of cigarettes and her Zippo. She was overdue for a smoke.

"As far as I know it's home to your... less polite kin. I'm not sure if you and they get along but I know that they and I have not had the pleasure of sitting down for a drink and telling stories surrounding ourselves nor have I had the pleasure of asking for their advice on personal matters. I believe that they have a problem with solicitors."

"Fulla Ferals, eh?" she asked, glancing up with a wry smirk as she placed a crooked cigarette between her teeth and struggled to light it.

"Yea, Ferals don't tend to like 'Smoothskins' like you, pardon the term." she said with a chuckle, before she glared at her lighter as she tried to flick it on a few more times to no avail.

After a few moments, she sighed, pulled the cigarette from her mouth and waved it dismissively, "Well, about five minutes before I picked you up, I was given a job. Something's happening in that building, and it's affecting Ghouls, sane and Feral alike. Messing with their minds and making them act all screwy, something to do with a cult. I'm supposed to go in, figure out what's going on and find a way to stop it. Damn you, stupid fucking thing, work!" she told him before going straight back to struggling with her lighter.

When she finally got it lit, she smiled a little to herself and took a long drag before glancing over at him and holding out the cigarette.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You smoke?" she offered.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Wild Wastelands | Ruined Skyscraper Camp
Cigarettes and Booze

Thomas considered confirming his status as a non-smoker but stopped. He'd been doing quite a few things that had life shortening consequences between drinking his liver into submission and taking on the task of guide to a Ghoul enroute to a church meeting so why should he have stopped there. Taking the cigarette, the Former Undertaker took a long drag... and started hacking his lungs out.


Perhaps smoking was one of the few vices that she should have considered not picking up. Still the sensation of the nicotine in burning his lungs wasn't unpleasant nor was the rush that entered his brain soon after.

"Sounds like a rather dangerous job. I'll try not to get in your way, Arizona." Thomas said as he laid back in his sleeping bag and looked up at the cracked ceiling. The thought of cults and religion had got him to thinking about his own beliefs, "Back home, we used to visit this old temple. It preached peace and harmony. It was massive and there were always images of people being happy. They say it was built before the bombs fell so given your ... experience on this world, have you ever been there? Have you been to Disneyland?"


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Chester flipped the lid of his storage box back down with a dull thump, before sitting ontop of it, sighing.

Ah well, one born every minute... he thought, looking around the merchants, mechanics, guards, and the newfound Enclave grunts who now milled around one another, talking, arguing, or scrambling for salvage among the fallen combat machines. In the case of the armed lady who was previously taking cover with the crusty ol' ghoul, she looked to be conversing with that grease monkey from before.

Back now the danger has passed? Hrmm... suppose I can't criticize survival instinct can I?

He looked back into his still open jacket, rummaging through the dozen or so pockets lining the inside. Two empty bottles and a flattened juice carton later he guessed he was out of any drink after all, and seeing that kid necking some of that sweet Sunset Sarsaparilla he found himself developing a thirst too.

Don't be the outcast, Ches'; mingle with the others! That's no sign of gent.

Locking the shop-box back up and refastening his coat he heaved his backpack on more comfortably and made his way over to the others standing nearby the old Vault Tech place, or so it said in those big chunky letters above.

"Howdy, ladies," he croaked, casually rubbing his hairless scalp as he came to a stop beside Trixie and Robin.

"Don't think we've bin' properly introduced, have we? Name's Chester...oh, well I guess you may have guessed that from my sales pitch jus' now. Sorry bout that, force o' habit when you've been on the road for as long as this crusty bag o' bones has. Especially when a fresh opportunity like the armoured fella crops up." He jerked his head to #209 nearby, before noticing he'd interrupted the two women discussing something about...

"Say, ain't that one of them fancy-pants Pipboys I keep hearing about?" He asked, not giving the women time to even answer his introduction. "Never seen one up in the flesh like this, let alone on the arm of a young thing like you." He gave what he thought was a charming smile followed by a wink, but the fact several of his teeth were missing and his eye twitched horribly likely didn't give the impression he hoped.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
"Condolences?" Trixie stood over the Brahmine she had traveled with for years
"Yes, well. It's worth a lot less to me dead."
Scanning over the rest of the robots and the satchel she had filled she was finally happy with what she had salvaged. Turning back to #209.
"Hopefully that alarm doesn't mean you've wet yourself, and you've already had your freebee beer." She pointed to the shattered bottle on the ground beside him.
"But if you want any more..."
Trixie held her arms to her sides with her palms in the air, to gesture that simply stated 'how do you think you're going to get more', she didn't have the funds now to be giving things away.

Not long after, Chester approached them, but before she had a chance to respond to his introduction, he was already well underway asking questions about the pipboy. Trixie crossed her arms in a pout, everyone around here was the same, a fake smile to try to get straight to the point. Then again, how was she any different?

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Wild Wastelands | The Vault Tec Headquarters Crater
#209 Attempts to Barter

Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist #209 was in the middle of a rather enjoyable fantasy when he was rudely interrupted by one of the subjects of said fantasy, namely the one who was interested in a piece of scrap Bot Memory, most likely the storing what #209 assumed was instructions on how to give a killer Hot Oil Massage (HEY! Bots had oil and lots of arms! So why not?!) Honestly, she didn't look like the type that enjoyed hot oil massages but #209 was a rather poor judge of character. I mean his best friends were a pack of Enclave soldiers that shot first and asked questions later... and that was during their down time.

"Hopefully that alarm doesn't mean you've wet yourself, and you've already had your freebee beer." The Woman whom the others called Trixie said as she held out her hand in the universal motion of "GIMME GIMME GIMME!"

"Shoot. I'm rather fresh outta caps at the moment but I got some Enclave Bucks if you'll accept that." #209 said, though it was a hopeless proposition since the only place that you could spend an Enclave Buck was in the Enclave Vault and the only people that were allowed entrance into the Enclave Vault were Enclave personnel.

This was apparently wide spread knowledge since most of the traders looked rather dubiously at the prospect of learning that the potential clients were fresh outta caps. Of course, he could have made each of the traders so a fine impersonation of Swiss Cheese but there was still the issue of two of the traders being the first ladies that #209 had seen in a rather long time.

"Crap. I guess I've got some weapons I can barter with." #209 muttered as he went over to his jeep and pulled out an assortment of rather heavy looking weapons that would be a pain in the ass to carry without something to transport them with, not to mention the fact that you needed to have an Enclave encoding chip to fire the weapons.

Oh! Bright Idea!

"Hey #309! You got any caps on you?"

"Yeah why?"

"I need them!"

"Still, why?"

"I need them to get laid... I mean... to buy a drink for these fine ladies and their pal Chester over here!" The Smooth Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist said. Smooooooooth.



Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
The Wild Wastelands | Shack of Reminiscence

The more Charlie heard about Sylph's father the more he loathed the man. Beating and whipping his child, forcing her to adopt a more "suitable" personality based on his ideal image of a daughter, Charlie didn't think he knew of anyone more unsuited for fatherhood. Wherever the bastard was he hoped it was far, far away from the pair of them.

"Is Cannon your real family last name?"

It seemed that Sylph wasn't very comfortable with the topic of conversation, changing it rather bluntly. Charlie still had more questions, but he held his tongue for now.

"Yes it is." he stated simply. "My family runs the Cannon Brahmin Ranch out west. Why do you ask?"

It should be noted that Charlie is not especially adept at the concept of irony.

Rip Van Rabbit

Apr 17, 2012
Kristin Blamco - Springvale
"Fly me to the moon"

"Since it looks like you two are a package deal, I could either eliminate the baggage," The Soya agent greeted The BlamCo Heiress in a brief condescending manner, "or I could include her. I will need you to design and create weapons for the soldiers that I've gathered. Your... compatriot... can train them, seeing as she managed to eliminate two Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialists with nothing but a sword. Once they're outfitted and trained, your work is done. Unless you'd like to take part in the changes to come, help remake the Enclave be the beacon of hope that it should be."

For the first time, Jonathan and #411 bore witness to Kristin's daggered glare. An expression of intensity that was only rivalled by Miss Black's one-eyed harrowing focus. The contrast from the upbeat Princess' usual carefree disposition was a foreboding sign of danger to the perceptive eye. Miss Black was carefully placed on kitchen counter.

"I will not be long, Agent of Soya.", Kristin peered down the bridge of her nose at #411. Then her eyes shifted to Jonathan, her expression softened as she nodded respectfully, the slightest of smiles could be seen. "As an agent of BlamCo, I must see to the burial rights of fellow warriors that have fallen in battle. Regardless of their dairy-less origins.", the somber weight of responsibility layered the Heiress' voice. She took no joy in this part.

Unknown to the arguing occupants of the room, Kristin had been attempting to clear the haze of bloodlust that the battle had brought. During that time, the BlamCo Heiress had taken to removing the armor from the Soya agents that had fallen beneath her blade. Most had to be pried or further broken from their bodies, but Kristin had succeeded in pulling the two men from their shameful encasements, unshackling them from an afterlife in Purgatory by allowing the Gods to reach their hearts and tug at their souls.

Now let it be said that Kristin Blamco did yearn for battle in the name of BlamCo, but that did not mean that those who were misguided were left to rot. Such an act would be dishonorable. Kristin was prepared to walk against the rivers of death, two souls in hand and offer them to the Gods as forgiveness and respect. Which roughly translated to Kristin dragging both of the men outside by the ankles, through the dirt and 200 paces from Miss Black's home and into more burnt-out ruins where dirt was scooped over there bodies. One BlamCo cheese cupcake, taken from the kitchen, adorned the foreheads of the corpses that were stripped of their clothing.

Kristin kneeled between the bodies, her Bumper sword in her left hand and two cupcakes in her right.

"The Gods of Cream, Milk, Cheese and Nipples. I firmly clutch the instrument of death in my left hand and an offering of Dairy in my right.", Kristin closed her eyes and bowed her head, "As I ask for forgiveness, allow me to be so bold as to present you with the unshackled souls of the forsaken. I ask of your benevolence! They know not what the Moon holds. They knew not of the Round Cheese-made Heaven that smiles upon us during the evening."

Kristin sheathed the Bumper Sword across her back and placed the cupcakes on the Fallen corpses.

"Let them play amongst the stars."

Kristin got to her feet and started to make her way back to Miss Black's home.

"Rest in peace." The somber Princess spoke under her breath as she steeled herself for the declaration that was to follow.

[HEADING=2][Presence] [][/HEADING]​

"You do not seem to know when to give up, Agent of Soya!", Kristin declared as she entered house once more, her voice echoed along the hallways and she slowly reached the kitchen once more, brandishing her Bumper Sword. "Regardless of how many times you offer, threaten, bargain or merely talk...just accept defeat. You have lost this day."

Slowly advancing towards #411, Kristin's voice boomed with absolute pride. [HEADING=3]" 'Baggage'...'Train them'. You wish me to roll over for your imaginary army while your own bodyguards were so easily dispatched? Surrender myself to you while your words ring hollow? How utterly foolish!"[/HEADING]

The Dairy Queen circled #411, her silver hair that usually cascaded down her shoulders was wildly swept by the strong winds of the day, eventually she had moved closer to Jonathan. Close enough for the Pugilist to look upon the face of steadfast conviction and defiance. Her kind green eyes had become harsh and every facet of her disposition was positioned in a manner to project her presence upon others.

[HEADING=3]"That seems to be the sort of language that your kind is used to. Desperation brought about by cowards who have forfeited their right to make demands when they encase their bodies in shameful armor. You have given me no reason to fear the 'might' of your imaginary army!"[/HEADING]

Kristin put a hand on Jonathan's shoulder as she stood by his side. From his view, he could see the effortless manner in which Kristin Blamco pointed a modified & reinforced Bumper Sword in one hand at #411, surely a man of his intellect could make an estimate of the weapon's mass.

[HEADING=3]"I can see your army now. Dead men walk as they swarm before me. LEST YOU FORGET...that we, the agents of the Gods. The Paladins of BlamCo are now the ones that stand in thine way!"[/HEADING] Kristin took a few steps toward #411. [HEADING=3]"This war had already begun the moment you stepped foot within the home of Miss Black and by extension, the new Springvale BlamCo Branch. My Advisor graced you with a declaration and I am allowing you to live another day!"[/HEADING]

And on that furious declaration, The BlamCo Heiress swung the-blade-that-had-cracked-the-Earth at the discarded helmet of #411 with tremendous force. Crushing the helmet beyond repair and shattering more floorboards of Miss Black's poor home in the process.

"I care not for your poison-laced proposals! We, Blamco's, carve our own path!", Kristin turned to Jonathan, "What say you, my dear Advisor!?"

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Wild Wastelands | 324 West Black Lane (The Blam Shack!)
Preachy Preachers are Precious

Enclave Intelligence Specialist #411 held her ground against the ground trembling typhoonous tirade that was Kristin Blamco's declaration. As ridiculous as her strung together phrases were, there was something rather impressive about the way the woman commanded the room with her presence. She paid attention to each nuance of every gesture not because #411 was plotting to run for government office one day but rather to be utilized during future interrogation sessions. As rivetous as the speech was there were a few informational inconsistencies that needed to be cleared.

"If you're quite done..." The Enclave Intelligence officer interjected before giving Jonathan a chance to respond, "I should clear up a few things. First and foremost, there are no men in this army. They are in fact all women."

Picking up the viewing tablet that contained the Vulture E-32's feed, the Enclave Agent changed the frequency to pick up that of another EyeBot, this on hovering near the ruins of Vault 108.

"Look for yourself."

The Tablet's image had changed and no longer showed the where about of Thomas Shifty McGee but instead focused upon a swarm of similar dressed and similar looking women. They were so similar, in fact, that they were very difficult if not impossible to tell apart. Each one of the blue haired, sky blue eyed women was dressed simply in a red vault suit that had a skirt rather than the traditional pants. They were all crudely armed with various found weapons such as pipes, chains, knives, crude spears and each was jabbering at one another in what appeared to be a language that wasn't English.

Of note to Kristin was a stockpile of empty BlamCo packages near where the group was gathered. It appeared that they were preparing a simple, warm and nutritious meal consisting of BlamCo Mac N' Cheese. Unfortunately the meal would not taste very good since it appeared that they were burning the meal.

"They need your help," #411 said to Kristin and Jonathan, "They'll either starve or die ill equipped to take on the Enclave."


The Wild Wastelands | Abandoned Blam Shack of Confessions
Night Night

Sylph thought about why she had asked the question. There was no real reason for the query other than the thought of perhaps it was some sort of name that the man had created to fit his chosen persona and weapons. Or perhaps, Charlie Cannon came from a family of human cannon balls.

"No reason." She stated, though it was a poorly hid lie, "It's just that it sounded like you made up the name."

Of course Sylph wasn't Sylph'd real name. She'd forgotten what it was since the last time it was uttered was before she was sold to her Father. Perhaps she was looking for a way to connect to Charlie Cannon that didn't involve being put under his control, not that she hadn't thought about it. He seemed like a kind enough man, one that wouldn't overly abuse her leash were it placed in his hands.

"Maybe we should sleep soon and then we can decide where to go in the morning." Sylph suggested as she pointed towards the lone cot in the room, "I'll take first watch while you rest."


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
The Wild Wastelands | Abandoned Shack of Sleepytimes

'Made up my name? Why would I do that?' Charlie wondered. He'd never really thought about his name too much before, it's what he'd been given so it was what he used. He mused that if he'd been called something ridiculous like "Slagathor" or "North West" he may have gone by something different.

"I'll take first watch while you rest."

The cot Sylph was pointing to looked very uncomfortable but it was probably better than the floor. Charlie didn't intend to sleep there though, at least not initially.

"No no, you should sleep first since you're inj-"

Charlie's protest was broken by a jaw-cracking yawn bursting from him. Slightly embarrased he chuckled a little before standing up.

"Okay I'll sleep first then. Wake me up when it's my turn to keep watch."

Rolling out his sleeping roll Charlie collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep almost immediately, his dreams full of exploding mirelurks and stab-happy, blue-haired little murderers.


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
Black Residence: You Can (Not) Go Your Way

"Let's get her to Megaton first."

Oooooh, she's going for the sympathy points. Careful, she's a good one.

What the figure was true. The only reason she would probably show caring, even a hint of it, would be to find a way to get Jonathan to agree with her. Unfortunately for her, Jonathan had been playing this kind of game way before she was probably born; 'twas why he got as far in the Enclave as he did. Even if he was the greatest scientist to grace earth since Isaac Newton, the stigma of being caught hacking would have ment he would be left to rot in a room that was much more akin to a cell. He needed to learn how to manipulate people if he wanted to get anywhere, and over the years he had grown to so good at it he would probably believe his own lies if he pressed himself long enough. A few key words and an unsuspecting mind makes all the difference when trying to get what you want.

Luckily for Jonathan, he still had his wits about him, and remained unmoved by her show of sympathy.

What was curious, though, was how she turned the colouring of her armour from black to silver. Such technology was still in a theoretical stage when he was still around. Just how much had they progressed technologically in as little as ten years?

"Before I tell you anything, just know that even a whisper of what I say coming from your mouths is as good as putting a pistol to your head and pulling the trigger. I won't have any problems submitting the report stating that you are a danger to the Enclave and its goals."

Awww, look at her. She's soooo cute when she's trying to threaten the guy that took her gun away and could blast her head off. Probably. You aren't that incompetent, are you?

"I have an army that needs weapons and training."

An army. She has an army. And it's loyal to her. Riiiiiiight.

Such a claim really was quite outrageous. A single person getting herself an army, all the while not showing her true colours and remaining trusted enough to carry out missions showed either of two things: The new enclave was incompetent at keeping their agents at check, or she was bullshitting them. Unless...

"I inferred from the lock on your personnel file that you were either someone that could create the weapons that I need or train the army itself."



Why was his profile locked? He once was amongst the most high ranking personell of R&D, true, but years passed and he was never confirmed dead. So it would make sence if the file was left unlocked in case a patrol or agent on the field would find him or his remains and update his status. And if there was a lock, that meant she didn't know everything about him.

"Since it looks like you two are a package deal, I could either eliminate the baggage,"

Right. Eliminate the woman that just took down two power-armoured specialists with a goddamn sword. On her own. Without a weapon. Hollow threats! Hollow threats Everywhere!

Still, Jonathan didn't like the way the agent was referring to Kristin. Kristin looked like the person that was too proud to take kindly to being called baggage

Seriously, though, isn't it pissing you off how she acts like she's the most threatening person in the room where all she has going for her is that if she goes down so does this Thomas McGee? Which could, for all intents and purposes, be a faint? I say kill her.

"Or I could include her."

She speaks as if she actually has a choice! It was cute before, but it's getting old.

"I will need you to design and create weapons for the soldiers that I've gathered. Your... compatriot... can train them, seeing as she managed to eliminate two Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialists with nothing but a sword. Once they're outfitted and trained, your work is done."

At the very least, her plan, if that was actually the case, was laid bare. And it was evidently clear that she needed him more than she showed. And Kristin. The agent was clearly attempting to feint her need of Kristin's battle prowess by insulting her. Good. That meant he could be more flexible with his demands.

"Unless you'd like to take part in the changes to come, help remake the Enclave be the beacon of hope that it should be."

Yeah, I'm sure she'd listen to your objections very heartily after you give her everything she could possibly want from you. Then she'd pat you in the back, thank you kindly, and shoot you in the head.

Everything that was needed to be said was said. All that was left was the discussion of the terms. Jonathan turned to face Kristin and-


Shiver me timbers, look at her!

So lost in thought was Jonathan, making sure to make a point of every little detail the Agent said, that he had completely ignore what the BlamCo Princess was doing. And as Jonathan looked at her, all he saw in her stare was barely contained murder. The contrast to her regular appearance was evident to him, and he was filled with fear that she would let loose on the Agent and ruin everything. As she turned to face Jonathan, her features noticibly less violent, Jonathan softly shook his head, as though trying to tell her not to do anything rash, worry evident in his face.

What happened then, Jonathan did not quite expect. Jonathan and Agent both stood silently as Kristin was... giving due to the dead? While he expected Kristin to be kind (in her own, abusive way) to her subjects, he never expected this kind of work for those she deemed godless, that had attacked one of the people she considered her own. She was... kind. Kinder than most people Jonathan had met.

Then, as though the funeral rites were the calm, Kristin turned her attention back to the agent and brought the storm.

"'Baggage'" Kristin started, her booming voice filled with pride.

Shit. I knew she wasn't gonna let that slide.

Oh! Oh! I wonder if she'll cut her to pieces horizontally or vertically. Let's make a bet! I say vertically!

"'Train them'. You wish me to roll over for your imaginary army while your own bodyguards were so easily dispatched? Surrender myself to you while your words ring hollow? How utterly foolish!"

I'll be honest, I didn't expect her to pick up that the whore of Babylon was preaching bullshizzle. I must admit, she's smarter than she looks. Not like that says much, mind you, but I won't classify her as goldfish-head anymore. I hereby announce that she, from this moment henceforth, will be classified as dodo-head.

The princess circled the Agent as a wolf pack does with its prey, and it was evident from the way the princess eyed the agent that even the slightest of provocations would mean the agent's end.

"That seems to be the sort of language that your kind is used to"

'Your kind'. You should probably take offence to that. You are, after all, also one of her kind, aren't you?

"Desperation brought about by cowards who have forfeited their right to make demands when they encase their bodies in shameful armor."

Hey, you don't have to wear armor to be a coward! Just take a look at Johnny boy, here!

You have given me no reason to fear the 'might' of your imaginary army!"

At that moment, Kristin placed, rather forcibly, her hand on Jonathan's shoulder, and he barely held back groaning from the pain. As she rather effortlessly raised her humongous weapon and pointed it at the Agent, and upon seeing the flare and hint of murder in her eyes, Jonathan started frantically shaking his head in disagreement of the course the BlamCo Princess was taking as he stared at her in horror.

"I can see your army now. Dead men walk as they swarm before me. LEST YOU FORGET...that we, the agents of the Gods. The Paladins of BlamCo are now the ones that stand in thine way!"

I don't like the way this is going. I REALLY don't like the way this is going.

Jonathan's heart rate skyrocketed as Kristin started taking steps towards #411.It was at that moment that Jonathan heard the sound of... popcorn being eaten? He turned towards the direction, then saw it was the figure eating and so frantically turned back to face the princess.

Whaaaaat? said the figure, her voice muffled from the munching of the popcorn, This shit is getting intense!

"This war had already begun the moment you stepped foot within the home of Miss Black and by extension, the new Springvale BlamCo Branch. She said as she raised her sword at the agent. If this were a cartoon, Jonathan would probably be munching on his hat from the stress of the moment.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! SHIT!

Holy Shit! Here it comes!

Kristin swung at the agent's helmet, utterly destroying it.

"My Advisor graced you with a declaration and I am allowing you to live another day!"

Jonathan let out the deepest sigh of relief he probably had in years. He felt that he was pretty close to having a heart attack.

Well, that was disappointing. My fault for getting my expectations high over a bunch of incompetent idiots.

"I care not for your poison-laced proposals! We, Blamco's, carve our own path!"

She was ruining everything!

"What say you, my dear Advisor!?"

After a moment of staring at her blankly, Jonathan facepalmed with such force that his face visibly reddened where his palm hit. Before he could muster a response, #411, apparently unmoved by the Princesses' display of force, presented a counterargument.

"If you're quite done, I should clear up a few things. First and foremost, there are no men in this army. They are in fact all women."

Take that, Patriarchy!

#411 proceeded to pick up her tablet, and, after tinkering with it for a bit, changed the feed. What Jonathan saw left him in shock, though he suppressed himself from showing it.

Clones. They actually have freaking clones!

Yeah, can you imagine a world with more than one whores or dodo-heads? That would be terrible!

As Jonathan stood there aghaust, thinking back to remember what he knew about the cloning project, he noticed how the agent seemingly highlighted stockpiles of BlamCo Ham & Cheese and the clones' inability to cook it well.

"They need your help, they'll either starve or die ill equipped to take on the Enclave."

She's a devil in disguise, alright.

"MISS KRISTIN!" Jonathan shouted commandingly, to make sure he got her attention. "If you could spare a moment of your time, I would like that we discuss matters... privately."

Kristin approached, and Jonathan moved further away from #411, to make certain that what was said wouldn't be heard. After making it a ways away, but not far enough that monitoring #411 would be difficult, Jonathan put his hat in the way as a makeshift wall, to make sure that the agent wouldn't pick up what he wanted to say through the movements of his lips.

"My dear princess," he started in a whisper, just loud enough for Kristin to hear, "I understand your frustration, believe me. Working for the enclave, even a splinter cell, is the one thing that I realy don't want to do. But now is not the time to act without thinking!

He then said the rest not in words, but by lip motion

(Unless we come to an agreement with her, Thomas' life might be at stake, and he means the world to Lucy. Please, let me handle this.)

But how are you going to handle this? came the million dollar question from the ever present and ever mocking figure. And as much as it pained Jonathan to admit it, it was right. He wasn't sure what to do to not fall into her web and not jeopardize McGee's life. He lowered his head and placed his hand on his chin in contemplation.

Yep, I would say that your situation is pretty hopeless. From where I'm standing, eating this delicious popcorn, you have two options: You can join her, repeating the whole "working for the people you hate due to fear" thing and possibly installing a new dictator to replace the last. Here's the new boss, same as the old boss. Or, you could refuse co-operation with her, she reveals your declaration of war to the rest of the Enclave, probably kills McGee and your days are numbered. Whichever you choose, you lose. So, what kind of loss will you choose?

Jonathan's face lit up as an epiphany came to him.



Jonathan turned back to face #411 with a flare in his eyes and a grin of satisfaction on his face.

"I have heard the full extent of your plan, analyzed it, and found it wanting." he proceeded to point at the tablet, "Unless I am mistaken, those are clones. I recall the Clone project, a friend worked on it. It was created as a way to counter the small numbers the Enclave always had... but not replace the regular soldiers. The reason is apparent from the feed: They are incapable of complex thought. And, again, unless I am mistaken, they are hardwired to follow the orders of one person. Unless you believe that brute force will be enough to deal with the Enclave, both are crippling weaknesses. What if they get outsmarted and outmaneuvered? What if their commander gets killed? You are leaving too much to chance, and I stand unimpressed."

"Fortunately," he said as he assumed a more relaxed stance, "I have a way to counteract this. It's simple. You'll need allies. Regular, human allies. Unfortunately, your ties to the Enclave would probably shut all potential allies off." he pointed at himself with his thumb, "That is where we come in. Kristin and I will wander the Wasteland and strike deals with the major players of the region, so that we have more than just clones to work with when it comes to war. Once alliances are established, I will create weapons for your clones, and we will commence the uprising."

Ah, I see what you're doing there. Impressive.

"Sure, it may take a longer time, but I would rather do things slow and succeed than rush and fail, don't you? Besides, through the uprising our new allies will see our will to change the Enclave into a force of good, and thus trust us more, solving the problem of our reputation. We'll need to eventually work with the rest of the Wasteland if we want to change things for the better. And we are, after all, doing all this to change things for the better, aren't we?" he cast a knowing glare at the Agent.

"So, what say you? I think I have noted why your plan wouldn't work rather well. And even if I am wrong, my plan still gives us a better chance to suceed, better long-term benefits, and we'll work towards the same goal in the end."