The Ring to Get 3D Sequel


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Most movies that get the 3D treatment I agree are pretty much gimmicks to ring money out of the stupids. And for most of this movie that'd hold true too. But we all know the scene that would make the money for this movie, and I would almost say it's worth it.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Xanadu84 said:
New 3D is pretty cool. I was very skeptical, but now I like it. And it could work extraordinarily well in, "The Ring". Also, the guy who did the original made a damn fine movie: I didn't mind the second Ring, but it wasn't the same. Makes me think that this project is worth consideration. Now, my concerns are that it's being made teen-centric, and that it has "3D" in the title. That just makes it sound silly and gimmicky, and suspect that that will be something that they will have to fight in order to make a good movie. Im willing to watch it and see.

Also, hopefully, they will declare Ring 2 non-cannon, and follow a plot line closer to that of the original novels. Seriously, the original Samara character makes the Umbrella Corporation look like Team Rocket.
You completely lost all credibility with the human race the moment you said "Also, the guy who did the original made a damn fine movie"

Please.. don't ever post again.

Anyone who says ANYTHING positive about "The Ring" movies needs to just die in a fire, while suffering from a severe case of mouth herpes.

"Omg.. VCR Tapes have secret embedded codes that make them ultra cool!"
"dude.. you realize VHS went out like.. 20 years ago right?"
"..... my dad can beat up your dad!"

There was "The Ring" summed up nicely for those who HAVENT wasted that 90 minutes of their lives yet.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Great, now the movie can suck total ass in three dimensions instead of two. And at a mere twice the cost!

What a fantastic idea.
It will make millions.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
3D will be the death of us all.

Every movie from now to eternity will be subjugated to it dictorial fist.

...I hate it.
Feb 13, 2008
Slycne said:
oppp7 said:
And I forgot to finish my previous post with "Why is it getting popular again?"
Because of an the coupling of an approximate $5 dollar increase on the ticket price over a regular 2D and the home retail market is only now breaking into offering 3D products means they can fill more seats at a higher cost, which equates to more profits.

I just hope it's actually filmed in 3D, instead of the crappy post-production kind that might be gathering in popularity.
I like how this explanation doesn't state any benefit to the customer, as AFAICS, there isn't one.

Read "Ringu" instead. It's much better.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
nazgull2k1 said:
Xanadu84 said:
New 3D is pretty cool. I was very skeptical, but now I like it. And it could work extraordinarily well in, "The Ring". Also, the guy who did the original made a damn fine movie: I didn't mind the second Ring, but it wasn't the same. Makes me think that this project is worth consideration. Now, my concerns are that it's being made teen-centric, and that it has "3D" in the title. That just makes it sound silly and gimmicky, and suspect that that will be something that they will have to fight in order to make a good movie. Im willing to watch it and see.

Also, hopefully, they will declare Ring 2 non-cannon, and follow a plot line closer to that of the original novels. Seriously, the original Samara character makes the Umbrella Corporation look like Team Rocket.
You completely lost all credibility with the human race the moment you said "Also, the guy who did the original made a damn fine movie"

Please.. don't ever post again.

Anyone who says ANYTHING positive about "The Ring" movies needs to just die in a fire, while suffering from a severe case of mouth herpes.

"Omg.. VCR Tapes have secret embedded codes that make them ultra cool!"
"dude.. you realize VHS went out like.. 20 years ago right?"
"..... my dad can beat up your dad!"

There was "The Ring" summed up nicely for those who HAVENT wasted that 90 minutes of their lives yet.
Trolls arn't very welcome at the escapist. Grow up.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
I f$cking hate 3D now......

3D games maybe. But it's 3D sound I want !

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
I don't care, to be quite blunt.
Saying some shitty movie is now coming out IN 3D rings the same in my ears as those cheesy films from the 50's claiming to be the best sci-fi you'll ever see.

Which is to say, I ain't buying it.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Ugh... Why do they keep making this teenage character setting? I get the feeling that they prioritize actors that are cheap rather then people that would be suitable for the roles.

I have no idea of how some people can find it interesting when the main characters throw curse-words everywhere every five seconds. Of course just beacuse the actors are young doesn't mean that they'll be bad at it, but I would honestly not keep my hopes up considering all the movies I've seen that have taken such a direction...


New member
May 18, 2009
Hmmm. I'm getting sick of this. I think 3D is getting to be some cool technology, and it works in some movies Like Alice In Wonderland, for example.
But I'm getting sick of every movie using it as a gimmick to draw in a few more people.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
The Ring is just another excuse for people to say, "Yeah, I saw a horror movie. Yeah, it was supposed to be really scary, but I wasn't all that scared. I guess horror movies suck." No movie as unscary as The Ring should be used as the benchmark for horror, but it is.

3D gives me a headache, too.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Normally you just mess with those who can't finish the movie, now they give us a opportunity to mess with those who takes of the glasses half way through.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
teen-centric, ugh.

however she being actually able to crawl out of the screen seems like a moment of needing new pants.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
i feel like i´m going to regret watching that movie, when i first saw it, i had the recurring dream of the little girl crawling out the TV... now it will be more creepy... damn... i wanna see it


New member
Apr 14, 2009
ROFL. Poor Xanadu, did I poop in yer Wheaties?!

Just because the movie blew major anus, everyone KNOWS it blew anus, the plot was god awful, the context was even worse, and the acting was just slightly above cardboard cutouts and an 8-track tape player... doesn't mean you have to get cranky. rofl.

My original post stands unchallenged. The ring was a complete joke that suckered more people then an Uwe Boll flick. Why? People went in expecting a decent horror flick, and spent 3/4th of the movie LAUGHING at the ridiculous crap on the screen... not good dude, and definetely not worth re-making into 3D. OooooooOOoOOo the little girl comes OUT of the screen?!?! OMG. lame.

Next we'll hear about "Child's Play" 3D.. and I swear I will burn down every IMAX in the tri-state area. I literally laughed that ENTIRE movie.. and I was just a kid when I first saw it. Someone PUNT the damn thing and call it a day. End of Movie. lol.