The Safe haven thread: Talk about anything


New member
Sep 2, 2010
I have a job interview on the 24th of this month for a job I really so very much want (Hospital Ward Admin) and I'm so very excited because I hadn't heard back from them for weeks and thought that I had been rejected. Then suddenly job interview. I'm so happy!

Also I'm moving out soon into a new flat with my boyfriend. It's going to be OUR home and OUR space. I'm so excited!

Also... I'm in love with Wuthering Heights all over again. The song, the book and the films. I just can't get enough of it at the moment! Seriously, go read the book people, it's great. It's not a sappy love story, don't believe Twilight's lies! It's a story of love, madness, greed, and hatred. What more could you want?! And and and and it was her first book! Think about how amazing just that little fact is. It's her first ever book and look at it!

P.S I love you all. Stay beautiful.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Not The Bees said:
I recently read Yahtzee's book Jam. I'm thinking of getting Mogworld. I haven't decided yet if I want to or not.

Also, I have been going through a really weird unicorn phase. I'm not sure if it's because I'm about to turn 31, or if it's because I recently suffered a concussion. I hope it's not permanent.
i would say get mogworld i liked it much better than jam... course that said..if you like jam..odds are our taste differ

but basically mogword and jam share the same writing style.. i just couldnt get into the whole killer jam thing.. where as the mogworld fantasy setting worked for me

(edit) left everything vague in case of spoilers

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Phasmal said:
Casual Shinji said:
I recently saw the new Godzilla.

That movie would've been pretty awesome if Aaron Taylor-Johnson wasn't the main character.
I think there was not enough Godzilla-ing. And it took too long to get to the Godzilla-ing.
I didn't mind that too much, but you know how in Jaws when the shark wasn't doing something we'd have Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss, and Robert Shaw being interesting a handsome devils? Godzilla could've used some of that.
bartholen said:
I think that would have meant pretty much rewriting the entire script, since the military stuff is so front and center in that film. I agree though, and I thought Godzilla 2014 sucked. I almost fell asleep during the last 30 minutes, which is supposed to be the most exciting part of the film.
You mean, they would've actually had to write a script. After Cranston leaves I can't really remember much of the story apart from Kick-Ass being a walking occasionally talking piece of felt, and Ken Watanabe talking about how hard he's crushing on Godzilla.


New member
Jul 3, 2012
I think I'm having my first-ever caffeine crash after drinking a large monster energy drink on relatively empty stomach hours ago. I didn't see much alternative since I only slept three hours and started studying again just last week. I'm freaking out a bit and think I need a hug :(


New member
Dec 8, 2010
maidenm said:
I think I'm having my first-ever caffeine crash after drinking a large monster energy drink on relatively empty stomach hours ago. I didn't see much alternative since I only slept three hours and started studying again just last week. I'm freaking out a bit and think I need a hug :(
(}) i think that was a msn speak is rusty....

(course youre welcome to a proper hug..but i suspect your not within walking distance...and probably wouldnt want some haggard hippy viking hybrid turning up at your doorstep un anounced)

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Since people were talking a bunch about Silent Hill after that "playable trailer" came out, I decided to finally play one of them, and finished Silent Hill 1 rather quickly. My thoughts: atmospheric, creepy, but also surprisingly easy and somewhat repetitive. Also, I got the bad ending. At first that sort of pissed me off, but in a way it's also very fitting for the kind of game that it is, so I've made my peace with it. Also, even though I could probably get through it in 4 hours on a second go, I was already getting a bit bored by the end, so I don't think I will. Maybe some other time. I did like it enough to make me want to try Silent Hill 2 at some point.

Also, got a test on political sciences tomorrow. Really weird lecture, and I've got no idea if I've got a grip on the material or not. Could be fantastic, could be disastrous. But since a friend who by all rights probably SHOULDN'T have passed did so a few months ago, I would be surprised if I failed it. So yay.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Well, I'm seriously considering investing in a trip to visit Loading Ready Run in Victoria at some point.

Preferably when an Aussie makes his way here.


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
I have an interview at the local GameStop tomorrow.
I'm excited, but you know, knock on wood.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
I was raking through my neighbors' bins (you know, as usual) and I found a dead cat.

I was all like, "What the fuck, I was only looking through a stranger's garbage, why do I deserve this?" It's eyes were glassy and hollow, and the body was positioned in such a way that its decaying face was staring right at me, flies infesting the hollow flesh, amidst the rotting grass cuttings and consumer waste.

Skipped lunch today.

Went home, read some bad erotic fanfiction, day instantly made amazing.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Recently finished Saints Row 2 for a second time. Still one of the best sandbox games around.
On the topic of SR, I odn't gett why IV is hated, I really like it and I think it's way better than The Third, which I stopped caring for halfway through.


New member
Dec 17, 2011
Mario Kart 8.

God damnit Mario Kart 8.

You make me feel anger I haven't felt in a long time. But damnit are you fun when you're not building up my hopes with piss easy races then smashing them down by making that last race Hell itself, then placing me for all four races in 4th place; behind the 3rd place asshole by 2 fucking points.

I've never played a Mario Kart game before, so part of the reason for my pain is the fact that I'm pretty terrible, but is common to get hit by 4 shells in a row, then bumped off the track damn near once every prix?

I still play you because when you're fun you're really fun, but the fact that there are a whole lot of unlocks hidden behind a wall of frustration and random BS infuriates me.


Aug 3, 2008
I'm just putting finished touches to my treehouse for lesbians in Minecraft so I can kiss all the girls in it (men are being a bit silly recently) I'm trying to build a nice roaring fire without setting fire to the whole thing because it's made of wood. There's a line up of about 10 beds with cake at the end of each bed and creeper masks just above.

I had a pretty bad day today but my friend rang me and chewed my ear off for an hour so I feel a bit better. I'm going to Newcastle tomorrow to visit her and we're going to a museum to see some dead people expedition and going to Yo! Sushi.
I've eaten sushi for like, the past 6 days in a row and it's getting a pretty bad addiction.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
Well, I recently got around to watching Sword Art Online II.

And wow, it's way better than the first season, and I actually liked the first season (I thought both the SAO arc and the ALO arc has their equal share of pros and cons.) I'd even go as far to say if you didn't like the first season, you might like this one better, or at the very least you might hate it less. Well, if you hate Kirito than it might not change your mind about him, but I'm perfectly fine with him and enjoys seeing him fight and win, and Sinon is probably my favorite female character in the entire series.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
I just got Bound by fire while it was on sale on Steam and i've been enjoying it so far. I can already see some of the flaws that i'd seen people complain about but i've been enjoying it decently so far.
I heard various complaints about the combat but I find myself enjoying it even if it can be a bit frustrating at times. Im just worried about the length as i've heard it's quite short and despite only just finishing the tutorial I am already halfway through one of the skill trees and I worry that it will end too soon.


New member
Sep 11, 2013
I've got my very first day of University coming up in just less than 2 weeks, so I'm both pumped and nervous for that. The time between then and now is going teeth grindingly slowly, however. So to try and fill the void I've been doing a few things:

1 - I just started reading [I/]Ready Player One[/I] by Ernest Cline. I am only about 20 pages in, so not far enough to have any strong opinions on it yet, but it's opened quite nicely.

2 - After browsing around for games that I can really sink time into, I decided to acquire [I/]Civilisation 5[/I] as it seemed like my sort of thing. So far I'm really enjoying it. I very much like the "Marathon" setting, which means that your matches will be about 4x as long as the "Standard" setting, as that's more my speed. No pun intended.

3 - As well as Civ. 5, I also recently downloaded [I/]Smite[/I]. Ever since growing weary of [I/]League of Legends[/I]' rigidly enforced meta that I've never been so fond of and the community around it, I've been interested in trying other games of the same genre. Since playing it, I've found I quite like it. It's a lot more fast paced, which is how I like my action. I have a few quibbles with it in that I'm not sure how fond I am of not being able to walk through other characters, especially my own teammates, but I guess I can adjust to that.

At the end of the day, being able to play as Chaac, the Mayan deity of rain, and stove in the back of Poseidon's beardy head with my lightning axe is hours of entertainment.

Sea Sponge

New member
Aug 28, 2014
Casual Shinji said:
I recently saw the new Godzilla.

That movie would've been pretty awesome if Aaron Taylor-Johnson wasn't the main character.
Ignore the soldiers for a second (that actually served no purpose whatsoever) and that movie is pretty close to the Godzilla movies of old.

Godzilla kicking the ass of whichever monster happens to annoy him.


Currently got into Warframe.

Tried it once a while ago and couldn't get into it at all. For some reason i'm loving it this time round.


New member
Dec 20, 2011
I hop on this site to day and see the announcement about Dragon Quest Heroes and a thread with the new Persona 5 trailer.

One is bittersweet because Square often keeps Dragon Quest stuff Japan only, especially so as of late.

But more about Persona 5 is a good thing, especially the PS4 announcement, so my future purchase is locked in.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
I don't know why, but I cannot stop listening to No Quarter by LZ.

Though probably, just in saying that, I will stop listening to it :p

Oh yeah, I also have a friend who won't shut up about Star Citizen being The Second Coming Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ. Can't blame him, since I do the same thing for The Witcher 3, but he keeps pestering me to buy it, and I don't know this 'Chris Roberts' person or if the enterprise isn't just a massive money laundering scheme(implying that I don't preorder unless I have enjoyed a dev's previous games).


New member
Mar 8, 2010
I recently fell of the Wagon and got back into MMO's via Swtors FTP model. I have been playing like 10 hours a day again and my poor Steam and PS3 game have been collecting dust in the meantime.

The only good thing about this is that I have knocked down my Netflix backlog since i multi task while I play and watch TV at the same time.