The Scariest Games Ever


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Aug 11, 2008
My nerves are titanium. I found Silent Hill 2 unsettling but never really got scared so much as fascinated. Ravenholm? No problem.

So it's no light matter when I give my vote to Bioshock. That one little running bit with the immigrant parents who would leave recordings out so their girl could return to the apartment and you get there to find the corpses on the bed and then the lights flicker out...

Also the one bit where you get to the strip club and you're making your way to the backroom. So you're inching down the hallway as that damn music plays ominously and the red light coming out of the room dances around like someone is pacing on the other side. It scared me even more to find out that nobody was in there.

Not to mention Fort Frolic with all of its mannequins and the shadows they would cast. And yes I did nearly pee my pants with the little fog surprise near the beginning but that one was kinda cheap.


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Feb 28, 2008
1. Duke Nukem
2. Doom
3. Quake
4. Clock Tower: First Fear

Notice a pattern?


New member
Aug 11, 2008
ratix2 post=9.68472.629987 said:
MalevolentJjim post=9.68472.629839 said:
im betting about 300 people are gonna say Bioshock

However,i think System shock 2 and F.E.A.R were the scariest games ever
anyone who says bioshock either hasnt played a truly scary game or they dont know what it is to actually be scared more than "mommy leave the lights on". and while the exact same cant be said of doom 3 fact is the only "scares" were of imps jumping out at you when you try to enter another room.

anyway, penumbra: overture. the audio combined with the fact you cant see 2 feet in front of your face without some sort of illumination and the fact that the enemies are listening for you around every corner makes it one of the scariest games ever played.

fear wasant that scary, but i will say that monolith knows how to get under your skin with audio thats barely existent (alough in a good way) and the games strange pacing.
Ahhh! The backlash! There are way more valid criticisms you could be making such as how it all fell apart at the end and was kinda dumbed down. But not being scary? Am I just some kind of horror philanthropist for getting a little creeped out with the instances I just listed?


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Aug 15, 2008
i thought the original Quake was scary, not nightmare scary but occasionally when your going up an elevator and all of a sudden you see a boss monster right in front of your eyes and you back up but it pushes you into a corner and bites your nipples off, scared the hell out of me.

And ive never actually played but ive seen vids and System Shock 2 seems creepy, im not sure about scary but definitely creepy

Ares Tyr

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Aug 9, 2008
ButtonedDownParadox post=9.68472.630014 said:
My nerves are titanium. I found Silent Hill 2 unsettling but never really got scared so much as fascinated. Ravenholm? No problem.

So it's no light matter when I give my vote to Bioshock. That one little running bit with the immigrant parents who would leave recordings out so their girl could return to the apartment and you get there to find the corpses on the bed and then the lights flicker out...

Also the one bit where you get to the strip club and you're making your way to the backroom. So you're inching down the hallway as that damn music plays ominously and the red light coming out of the room dances around like someone is pacing on the other side. It scared me even more to find out that nobody was in there.

Not to mention Fort Frolic with all of its mannequins and the shadows they would cast. And yes I did nearly pee my pants with the little fog surprise near the beginning but that one was kinda cheap.
Ah, don't remind me of that strip club... damn. That freaked me out, haha.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Silent Hill 1

And Splinter Cell. Splinter Cell wasn't scary in the way most people would think of scary, but it gave me a sort of creepy feeling, mostly because of the anticipation, anxiety, and surprise it caused.


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Aug 13, 2008
Return to Castle Wolfenstein definitely. I was so scared through some parts of the game that just finished hiding under the table...

Al X and Ur

New member
Aug 15, 2008
silent hill was good, but apparently, no one played call of cithulu, once you see a guy peeing out the side of his head, game over man. lol, okay its an awesome game, but no games are actually scary, they are all designed for entertainment, and if a game is too scary for you, you probably arent the target audience.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
MalevolentJjim post=9.68472.629839 said:
im betting about 300 people are gonna say Bioshock

However,i think System shock 2 and F.E.A.R were the scariest games ever
F.E.A.R. was scary, i agree, though i think that those same 300 people are going to call me a giant pussy and then arm wrestle a gorrila cause they have balls the size of cantaloupes.

On a side note, I remember a game for the Sega CD (of all things) that scared me to death. Granted, i was a 8 year old boy at the time, but it was still scary as hell. I don't remember the name, but you played as a guest at a bed and breakfast, and the tenants were vampires who sucked the blood out of the guests, not by biting them, but by hooking them up to machines and sucking every last drop of you and everyone else.

God damn, if anyone knows the name of this game, please tell me, cause i am killing myself for not knowing.


New member
May 25, 2008
anything that deals with the Bratz girls...*shudder* Those prostit-tots will be the death of society as we know it.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Pokemon Ruby.

What?! This freaking NINJA just LEAPT out at me from behind his camo tree and demanded a Pokemon battle out of the murky depths of nowhere! That's not cool, man!


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May 25, 2008
Larkahncieling post=9.68472.630365 said:
Pokemon Ruby.

What?! This freaking NINJA just LEAPT out at me from behind his camo tree and demanded a Pokemon battle out of the murky depths of nowhere! That's not cool, man!
Lol, heck yeah. And the ninjas all look like children too. Child warriors attacking you with small animals. Freaky.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did a pretty fine job of scary. Mostly because the atmosphere really pulls you in. It's the only game where I feel those little adrenaline surges when something surprises me.
Dec 29, 2007
hmm, Silent Hill 2(I'd probably say 1, but I haven't gotten to play that yet)
Condemned 1&2
Eternal Darkness was creepy
the only Resident Evil game I played was 4 and I was sooo bad with the controls it was just annoying
Bioshock had good atmosphere, but it wasn't scary as all you had to do was run around whacking things with the wrench.

the protaginist

New member
Jul 4, 2008
condemned 2.anyone remember the statue in the apartments level?i wouldn't pick up the game 3 days after that.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Only game that ever actually scared me was Doom 3. That game got my blood pumping but ever since then I don't get close to that feeling with any games. Maybe I really have seen the promised land and nothing compares...Now I went and depressed myself.
Dec 29, 2007
Jodah post=9.68472.630450 said:
Only game that ever actually scared me was Doom 3. That game got my blood pumping but ever since then I don't get close to that feeling with any games. Maybe I really have seen the promised land and nothing compares...Now I went and depressed myself.
Have you played any Silent Hill games? Those things almost made me go buy some adult diapers.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Eternal Darkness was great! Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (fun re-telling of the Innsmouth story, I played PC not sure how the XBOX version rates). A lot of people I know that played it grieve over the fact that it's a 10 hour game, but the first 2 hours you're running and hiding. I thought it was great.

Condemned is a good one, I also got really tense/nervous during Half Life 2 Ep 2 when the damn ant-lion guardian was chasing me into the stupid larvae holes. (shrug) Bioshock was dark, but I thought it was just great atmosphere, never really scary. Still lots of fun for me though. F.E.A.R. wasn't actually all that scary too me, but I loved it anyway.

(EDIT) OH man, Operation Flashpoint. If you played it long enough. Say, an hour into the mission, you're all set up, you've used your save point and before long bullets start flying...whew. My heart was always pounding in that game.