The Scariest Games Ever

Ursus Astrorum

New member
Mar 20, 2008
My votes go to the following:

-Silent Hill 2, for aforementioned mindfuckery.
-Fatal Frames 1&2. I'm anxiously waiting for 4 for the Wii.
-Bioshock for atmosphere. One of the freakiest moments in my opinion was in the hospital the moment you grab the shotgun. The lights dim down to just the one above you, and splicers just start coming from everywhere.
-Clock Tower 3, which I watched but never played. It was creepy, though.
-Back when I was really little, Stonekeep. Giant ants and tentacle doohickeys. That was scary stuff.
-The Legend of Zelda CD-i series. Anyone who does not find that or Hotel Mario scary has balls of steel.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Eternal Darkness hands down screwed me up most. Whereas other horror games can be forgotten in a few hours, or maybe a nights worth Eternal Darkness kept me scared for a good week. I think it's because of the great ability to pull you in until you complete it, and things changing all around you most unexpectedly based upon your very sanity.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
Anyone that said RE4 I imagine pees their pants when they see a kid dressed up on Halloween.

Anyways, Eternal Darkness just messed with you. The part where you look in the bathtub pretty early in the game was probably the only time I've actually let out a whelp in a game/movie. I had to get up and walk around to collect my thoughts there.


New member
Jan 25, 2008
Clive Barkers "Undying" For PC. It is the only game I have ever gotten a start from. I do not know if it was a combination of music and environment and things jumping out at you or what but it did the job.


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Aug 16, 2008
Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth. The only game I have had to uninstall out of pure fear.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem was quite creepy.

Umm, Silent Hill 2 was disturbing at times. Mostly because the controls made it where you couldn't fight half of the time.

And I'm quite hopeful that Dead Space will actually be scary, though I am prepared for it to turn into another RE4, i.e. nothing but action and no scares.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Erana post=9.68472.630026 said:
1. Duke Nukem
2. Doom
3. Quake
4. Clock Tower: First Fear

Notice a pattern?
Is it that they're older games?

I have to say games with their graphical limitations have a habit of being more scary than these ones with hi-res, HD molarky.

I recently replayed Silent Hill 1 to the end and it is indeed still quite creepy. It's mainly the music that does it though. Even when there's no monsters around, the music keeps me on high alert.

I've recently started playing Resident Evil Gamecube again and, although not seriously scary, it has plenty of those 'on your toes' moments when you're being chased down a corridor by a superzombie.


New member
Jul 31, 2008
One the Probably won't get mentioned much:

Clive Barker's Undying

I know that Jerico got some richly deserved punishment, but undying was strangley good back in the day - it was well thought out and massivly atmospheric, especially the freaky church on the island chapter

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
Scariest (in my opinion):
Silent Hill
The Suffering
Alien Trilogy

Non-scary games (in my opinion):
Pokemon: Red


New member
May 11, 2008
I stopped playing STALKER for months because I was so scared. The nights are quite literally the most disturbing ever, along with the Bloodsuckers, Agroprom etc. Far far more fear-inducing than FEAR itself.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
The scariest ones I've played, in no particular order.

Silent Hill 1

Resident Evil 4

System Shock 2

The first time I played Silent Hill, I could not play it more than 10 minutes. It was at night, everyone was asleep in the house, the lights were off. I started walking down that back alley, and the static started going, and the little midget demons came out of nowhere and started stabbing me. I turned that fucker off quick. Could only play it in the day time after that.

Resident Evil 4 is flawless in my book. RE1 and 2 are classics, and the first time I played them I was scared out of my mind. But RE4's atmosphere is one that I have not experienced in a long, long time. The music is subtle, but when the shite hits the fan, the Ganados scream for your blood, the music crescendos, and you know it's time to put up or shut up.

System Shock 2 is great, because I do not think it was trying to be scary at first. It seems like it just evolved into a frightening game. The setting is great, not many games can pull off sci fi horror, and this one sure did.

I am thinking of looking into the Fatal Frame series. I have looked for them in GameStop, but to no avail. I guess Ebay is the only place. Anyone want to chime in on what they thought of the Fatal Frame series?

Strafe Mcgee

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Jan 25, 2008
Sonic The Hedgehog terrified me when I was little. Couldn't get past the third boss out of sheer fear of falling into the bottomless pit that Robotnik created. Wierd, huh?

Anyway, everyone that said Project Zero (Fatal Frame) is right. Nothing's scarier than those games, apart from maybe System Shock 2 and the original AvP.

The Iron Ninja

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Aug 13, 2008
passengerx post=9.68472.630173 said:
Return to Castle Wolfenstein definitely. I was so scared through some parts of the game that just finished hiding under the table...
I never played Return to Castle Wolfenstein past the bit where you enter the crypt, first time a game actually scared me, and it scared me so much i didn't play it again. Though I doubt I'd have any problem playing it now


New member
Jul 17, 2008
It pretty much have to be the following

1. Doom 1
2. Alone in the Dark 1

Both of these are the original first parts of the series, none of the new version dribbble.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
I never played Return to Castle Wolfenstein past the bit where you enter the crypt, first time a game actually scared me, and it scared me so much i didn't play it again. Though I doubt I'd have any problem playing it now
Aw man, I used to play that. It never scared me, but my 10 year-old sister who used to play with me was scared senseless on that level. Co-op ruled.

The Iron Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Terramax post=9.68472.639117 said:
I never played Return to Castle Wolfenstein past the bit where you enter the crypt, first time a game actually scared me, and it scared me so much i didn't play it again. Though I doubt I'd have any problem playing it now
Aw man, I used to play that. It never scared me, but my 10 year-old sister who used to play with me was scared senseless on that level. Co-op ruled.
Yes well I was aged something close to ten at the time, I wasn't a sister though, but thats halfway towards an excuse for being scared, so go me (high fives self, then feels very very awkward about having told other fellows on the internet that he did so)

super bunny

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Aug 16, 2008
DeadlyFred post=9.68472.630632 said:
trombone2007 post=9.68472.630347 said:
On a side note, I remember a game for the Sega CD (of all things) that scared me to death. Granted, i was a 8 year old boy at the time, but it was still scary as hell. I don't remember the name, but you played as a guest at a bed and breakfast, and the tenants were vampires who sucked the blood out of the guests, not by biting them, but by hooking them up to machines and sucking every last drop of you and everyone else.
I'm gona go out on a limb and say: 7th Guest?
ooooohh crap, i used to play that game all the time. god, that was a really horrible sexploitation reflex game. the whole thing was press the right butten at the right time, get to see one of the pixilated hotties in the shower. rinse and repeat

super bunny

New member
Aug 16, 2008
social_outcast post=9.68472.637085 said:
One the Probably won't get mentioned much:

Clive Barker's Undying

I know that Jerico got some richly deserved punishment, but undying was strangley good back in the day - it was well thought out and massivly atmospheric, especially the freaky church on the island chapter
that really was a pretty good game, which is surprising given everything that has come out with clive barkers name rubber stamped on it. it's a shame the game dosen't work with vista. I tried, but it wouldn't play right.