The Shattered Elden Ring Thread: Tarnished Edition - (Shadow of the Erdtree p. 85)


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Interestingly, both Sekiro and ER have bits where groups of mobs fight each other, so it's not like it's impossible for them to pull this off. They'd probably have to implement some special level design or blocking to avoid crashing the game or slowing it to a crawl but hypothetically they could make this work.
That's true-- and that was probably my favourite section in Sekiro, when the Interior Ministry attacks Ashina Castle, so you have Ministry samurai fighting Ashina soldiers & Ministry shinobi fighting Nightjars. Fucking epic.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Interestingly, both Sekiro and ER have bits where groups of mobs fight each other, so it's not like it's impossible for them to pull this off. They'd probably have to implement some special level design or blocking to avoid crashing the game or slowing it to a crawl but hypothetically they could make this work.
Especially since the opening cinematic highlights a large scale battle, which would be a fun detour from the usual gameplay loop. Hell, even making it a gimmick thing would be better than nothing.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
That's true-- and that was probably my favourite section in Sekiro, when the Interior Ministry attacks Ashina Castle, so you have Ministry samurai fighting Ashina soldiers & Ministry shinobi fighting Nightjars. Fucking epic.
And yeah, those bits were isolated set pieces/battles, but it FELT like you were in the middle of a large scale assualt on the castle, even if you couldn't see it all because of the way the levels are designed. And that's totally fine. Elden ring could have some clever use of barricades and terrain to limit how many characters they'd have to render on screen at the same time. Hell, they're pretty good about using low res versions of distant terrian without it being too obvious, so no doubt they could have the impression of a large scale battle without having to do all the calculations and animations of the mooks beating each other up outside of the immediate area you're in.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I hope whatever FROM does next that it uses a new engine. They should really take the next couple years to dedicate most of their team to making it, at least in tandem. I mean, ER looks arguably better than anything before it, but that engine is being nearly pulverized under its size and attention to detail.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I hope whatever FROM does next that it uses a new engine. They should really take the next couple years to dedicate most of their team to making it, at least in tandem. I mean, ER looks arguably better than anything before it, but that engine is being nearly pulverized under its size and attention to detail.
I suspect with Elden Ring can support them with DLC for a couple years with them working on a new Engine.

In other news, Mohg is dead. Long live......what am I saying. May that rapey pedo rot.

Took me about ten tries. Helped that I got the flask crystal mostly nullifies NIHIL!

I do love that his boss arena is basically a creepy Greco Roman temple with fire and BLUD. Also I find it amusing that Bleed works on Mohg but hey I'm not complaining.

Poor miquella. Surely I can go tell Melania that her long lost brother is.... possibly safe and his location so she won't need to kill me, right? Right?
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I suspect with Elden Ring can support them with DLC for a couple years with them working on a new Engine.

In other news, Mohg is dead. Long live......what am I saying. May that rapey pedo rot.

Took me about ten tries. Helped that I got the flask crystal mostly nullifies NIHIL!

I do love that his boss arena is basically a creepy Greco Roman temple with fire and BLUD. Also I find it amusing that Bleed works on Mohg but hey I'm not complaining.

Poor miquella. Surely I can go tell Melania that her long lost brother is.... possibly safe and his location so she won't need to kill me, right? Right?
In my own personal head canon it’s basically like, anyone going after Melania probably already off’d all the other great enemies, and since that includes Radahn she merely sees it as one final challenge taking down his slayer, which would legitimately cement her claim to never knowing defeat.
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Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Poor miquella. Surely I can go tell Melania that her long lost brother is.... possibly safe and his location so she won't need to kill me, right? Right?
I think if one thing is abundantly clear in Elden Ring, it's that the demigods are not well. They were inhuman monsters to begin with, and the shattering has generally made them go a bit off the rails. Even the greater will has abandoned them, which is why it's guiding you (through grace) to kill them.

Malenia's dialogue in particular suggests that she isn't all there. Maybe she's just been waiting too long, or maybe the scarlet rot got to her brain, but unlike some bosses she doesn't seem to know or care who you are. You're just the latest soon-to-be-corpse in the never ending sequence of people she's killed.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I think if one thing is abundantly clear in Elden Ring, it's that the demigods are not well. They were inhuman monsters to begin with, and the shattering has generally made them go a bit off the rails. Even the greater will has abandoned them, which is why it's guiding you (through grace) to kill them.

Malenia's dialogue in particular suggests that she isn't all there. Maybe she's just been waiting too long, or maybe the scarlet rot got to her brain, but unlike some bosses she doesn't seem to know or care who you are. You're just the latest soon-to-be-corpse in the never ending sequence of people she's killed.
I know but honestly it would be kind of cool if it were possible to somehow convince her not to fight you if you'd already beaten Mohg and unlock a different ending or something. Like you'd get a certain item from killing him or would appear next to Miquella once you beat mohg and wearing it, using it or just having it when you walked in would convince her to stand down. Kind of like how in Dark Souls 2 you could piss off the Fume Knight by wearing Velstadt's helmet to the fight and make him go to phase 2 immediately or in BB you could convince the guy with the gatling gun not to fight you if you came in by a different door and climbed up there without him seeing you.

And I do think the whole miquella thing feels like something that could be a DLC on it's own. His whole connection with dreams, giving refuge to the dispossed and downtrodden, creating his own tree and Unalloyed Order in opposite to the Erdtree, and the fact his attempted metamorphosis was interrupted and possibly corrupted by Mohg all hints at vast storyline potential. Mohg did something to him, because his Cocoon is cracked and the arm you see is no longer the arm of a child.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I was just assuming the Miquella and Marika will be boss fights in the DLC. Similar to how Bloodborne main game lore mentions a couple of the boss fight characters in Old Hunters DLC.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I was just assuming the Miquella and Marika will be boss fights in the DLC. Similar to how Bloodborne main game lore mentions a couple of the boss fight characters in Old Hunters DLC.
I thought you don't fight Marika because you fight Radagon and they're basically the same person because theology/metaphysics


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
You know what would be badass in a game like this. Boss rematches. Like what Nioh does. You fight the fight in the stage but later there is bonus side stages that are basically just rematch fights against the bosses.

This would allow people to extend their playtime and practice against bosses without having the play the whole fucking game over again.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
You know what would be badass in a game like this. Boss rematches. Like what Nioh does. You fight the fight in the stage but later there is bonus side stages that are basically just rematch fights against the bosses.

This would allow people to extend their playtime and practice against bosses without having the play the whole fucking game over again.
Didn't Sekiro basically put a boss rush in later in a patch? I haven't played it since I finished it so I haven't tried it but that's what I heard.

And yes, I agree getting to go at the bosses again after you beat them for fun and experimentation would be a cool idea. I'm not sure how much I'd personally use it but I like the option being available

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
And I do think the whole miquella thing feels like something that could be a DLC on it's own. His whole connection with dreams, giving refuge to the dispossed and downtrodden, creating his own tree and Unalloyed Order in opposite to the Erdtree, and the fact his attempted metamorphosis was interrupted and possibly corrupted by Mohg all hints at vast storyline potential. Mohg did something to him, because his Cocoon is cracked and the arm you see is no longer the arm of a child.
Miquella seems to be a common pick for DLC, yeah.

One advantage of focusing a DLC on him is that it could take place in some kind of dream world, and thus be separate from the main Elden Lord plot.

I thought you don't fight Marika because you fight Radagon and they're basically the same person because theology/metaphysics
Without spoilers (which I haven't been able to avoid because all my friends completed this game ages ago) watch the opening cutscene again..
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Miquella seems to be a common pick for DLC, yeah.

One advantage of focusing a DLC on him is that it could take place in some kind of dream world, and thus be separate from the main Elden Lord plot.

Without spoilers (which I haven't been able to avoid because all my friends completed this game ages ago) watch the opening cutscene again..
I'm unsure what you mean by this. Also I apologize if I spoiled the Radagon/Marika thing. I didn't think about it being something people cared about as far as spoilers are concerned because it's basically mythology and I'm not sure if spoiling mythology is even possible.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
I'm unsure what you mean by this. Also I apologize if I spoiled the Radagon/Marika thing. I didn't think about it being something people cared about as far as spoilers are concerned because it's basically mythology and I'm not sure if spoiling mythology is even possible.
I don't think it's a spoiler because you can find it out quite early on and because, yeah, it's not really kept a secret. But there is a concrete answer in the game as to what that phrase means.

Again, the intro cutscene hints a lot of stuff about different characters, including Marika and Radagon, which is only going to make sense much later.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Haven't gotten too far lately but I did finally manage to take down that ***** Alecto and got Black Knife Tiches ashes. It turns out the key to killing a master assassin with 2 instakill moves is getting a big sword and just smacking her with it in an extended stunlock and punishment cycle until she dies. No it's not fair but nothing about her is fair and I have no regret.

Yeah it's kinda messed up to kill a lady to use her kids ashes for my own murders but then again both of them were were deadly assassin's who killed a fucking demigod and really I'm just giving Tiche a chance to continue doing what she loves even after death so everyone wins.

Except the bosses and Alecto, but fuck those guys. Me and my girl Tiche are going on boss killing spree. And now back to the Haligtree.

Also some fun cut content.

The whole thing about the Mimic Tear going to be it's own questline is the part that I find really interesting.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
You know what would be badass in a game like this. Boss rematches. Like what Nioh does. You fight the fight in the stage but later there is bonus side stages that are basically just rematch fights against the bosses.

This would allow people to extend their playtime and practice against bosses without having the play the whole fucking game over again.
An actual boss rush or select like DS3 had would be neat, instead of just the repeating ones it currently has (looking at you, Erd tree avatars and ulcerated tree for starters). Maybe as a new option from the grace menu or an unlockable room at Roundtable via DLC or the inevitable complete edition.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I was messing around on the Eldenring Subreddit and someone brought up something really interesting. So you know how there are those big pieces of Crumbling Farum Azula all over the map? Well, it turns out they're NOT all over the map. You can apparently only find them in Limgrave, Liunuria and the Weeping Pennisula aka the SW corner of the map. Looking at a web version of the map I honestly can't see anything that looks like a big ruin piece outside of those 3 regions.

So apparently Crumbling Farum Azula was once hanging out over that part of the map, even if only during the time it was actively dropping pieces of itself to the ground before scooting over to the far side of the map. I don't know why but it's interesting to think about.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
I was messing around on the Eldenring Subreddit and someone brought up something really interesting. So you know how there are those big pieces of Crumbling Farum Azula all over the map? Well, it turns out they're NOT all over the map. You can apparently only find them in Limgrave, Liunuria and the Weeping Pennisula aka the SW corner of the map. Looking at a web version of the map I honestly can't see anything that looks like a big ruin piece outside of those 3 regions.

So apparently Crumbling Farum Azula was once hanging out over that part of the map, even if only during the time it was actively dropping pieces of itself to the ground before scooting over to the far side of the map. I don't know why but it's interesting to think about.

There's big chunks all over by the Beast Clergymans place. Some are also in Altus too

The Snowfield/MotG would be kind of hard to tell, cause snow (as would Gelmir due to ash), i
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Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
So apparently Crumbling Farum Azula was once hanging out over that part of the map, even if only during the time it was actively dropping pieces of itself to the ground. I don't know why but it's interesting to think about.
There's a teleporter in the capital which takes you to an isolated divine tower in the sea, and from it you can actually see Faram Azula. It looks like an unfinished animation, so I'm guessing someone ran out of time. But it does show that Faram Azula is a physical place that does correspond to its location on the map.

One of the things I find most interesting about Elden Ring's lore is that, even more explicitly than in Dark Souls, it's not just that the history is ambiguous and lots of events have faded into myth, but there has been a deliberate attempt to conceal and scrub the history of anything that doesn't fit the golden order's sanctioned history and mythology. My guess is that Faram Azula was deliberately hidden at some point.