The Sims 2 And All 18 of Its Expansions Are Free on Origin


Twilight Vanquisher
Mar 5, 2009
WELP. We can all breathe a sigh of relief/pain; you get the game into your account, install it, attempt to play it and BAM, wrong product registration key.

Its so much like EA to give something away for free, and have it break.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
"People are awfully mad about us screwing them over with the new sims game, sir."

"Give them some decade old freebies to distract them and they'll eat it up like the suckers they are. Even will get them to install our 3rd party software DRM so they'll have yet another taking up their resources!"


New member
Dec 11, 2011
"Hey, Steam is giving us games for £5-£15 ALL HAIL STEAM"

"Origin wants to give us games for free? Those bastards!"


New member
Oct 27, 2011
Dear god... I remember when I used to (poorly) mod for the sims 2...

I feel it was truly the best of the series I mean-hands what are you doing?

No don't open that tab. Stop! No you may love the game but you don't need Origin in your life.
Don't you click that download link! DON'T ACCEPT! Download it to the recycle bin!

What have I done?!?!


New member
Jan 20, 2010
TizzytheTormentor said:
EDIT: Looks like the registration key doesn't work, hopefully EA will give out a correct key soon but I somewhat doubt it, now excuse me while I go to my shame corner and sulk for a few hours.
Vanquishuer said:
WELP. We can all breathe a sigh of relief/pain; you get the game into your account, install it, attempt to play it and BAM, wrong product registration key.

Its so much like EA to give something away for free, and have it break.
Uh-oh. And there I was excited for a moment. Did EA respond to those problems in any way?


Mostly a Lurker
Apr 1, 2009
For those having trouble with the product registration code (apparently it's a widely known issue), try contacting EA Chat support. I've heard a few folks did that and were given a new code that actually worked.

Back on topic, I'm really excited to get this. I've been wanting to play for a while now. I was able to get my game installed and running without issue...Hopefully it keeps that way when I start modding the hell out of it. *crosses fingers*


Dec 3, 2010
Grabbed it yesterday just in case I'd ever want to play it. Bought the game those ten years ago, but one file didn't work on the disc so I couldn't complete the installation. In the store they said it worked perfectly, so I didn't get my money back.
Tried installing the fucker on at least three different computers since and I've always gotten the same error.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I havent played sims since the first one and was seriously considering going of mabye 3

however what with all of EA's BS I was unsure

but for free? why not?


New member
Feb 13, 2010
I won't lie, I'm kind of bummed the Mac version isn't included in the deal.

Y'know, for all the crap EA have been pulling lately, I will give them this; they were better than most at supporting OS9/OSX back in the day.


New member
Mar 27, 2013
That's nice, but a deal like this also needs to be permanent for those who own any amount of the game. I only own the base game - By the time I could get a computer that ran it decently enough, any attention I had towards TS2 was gone.

If I get the "Ultimate Edition" when I enter my CD key even after the deal expires, that's great. Otherwise it's kinda hard to hold out against Origin right now... I don't want to manage three different download distributors...


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Tried it, it worked.

Cool. This actually has gone and returned them back to "neutral" after the cataclysmic treatment of Sims 4 as far as I'm concerned. Sims 2 is a damn fine game. I've commented that I'd only buy The Sims 2 expansion backs if they came in a massive mega-bundle, not expecting it would ever happen, and now they've gone and done it for free.

Well played, EA. Well played.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Steven Bogos said:
A-D. said:
Wait, EA is actually still selling those? And what 18 Expansions? It had 8, unless you count every single "stuff-pack", most of which arent worth their asking price anyway. But its quite hilarious because they actually pulled official support not too long ago. Yes, thats right. Sims 2 is no longer officially supported, but it sure as hell is still being sold.

In short..the fuck, EA?
Lots of games are no longer officially supported but are still sold. In fact, a vast majority of GoG's library is like that. I don't see what the problem is. If you want to buy a game that's no longer supported, you should be able to. No support simply means no more additional patches - you can't honestly expect developers to continue to support every single game they make forever.

I know people love to grab the torches and pitchforks every time EA is mentioned, but this time they are literally giving something away and the very first comment is still quick to condemn them.

EA does have a lot of shitty policies that need to change, but this is not one of them.
Lol alright how about this one for you, its a bad idea. It reminds people that they were asked to buy nearly the exact same game with sims 3 and Sims 4 is probably going to be even worse since they've already said Pools and toddlers are out of the game, when everyone and their mother knows they'll be back in a expansion for 29.99.
Apr 28, 2008
Baron von Blitztank said:
Really tempted actually... I'm not going to regret putting Origin in my laptop am I?
Nah, it's fine. Downloads games far faster than Steam does, actually. And its in-game browser isn't a pile of ass. Origin's actually not all bad. Far better than fucking Uplay.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
Irridium said:
Baron von Blitztank said:
Really tempted actually... I'm not going to regret putting Origin in my laptop am I?
Nah, it's fine. Downloads games far faster than Steam does, actually. And its in-game browser isn't a pile of ass. Origin's actually not all bad. Far better than fucking Uplay.
As if it could be worse! Atleast Origin has the decency to keep itself on the PC, and not force it down console users throats as well...